Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1426 is stronger than that time


    In the sky, in the rouge-colored cube storm, a burst of dark red flame exploded and turned into a raging fire wave, which raised the temperature in the air.

    In the flame of dark red, countless sharp swords sway wildly in suddenly leaps, like missiles lit by wires, and crush and destroy everything in the flames.

    Such amazing destructive power, if someone is in the flame of that dark red, I'm afraid not to be burned clean, or to be riddled with countless swords.

    The well-known assassin of Crimson World, Akaneiro no Dotou of Demon King named Destructive Blade, is still as amazing as it was half a year ago. Even if it wasn't the first strike, it would be equally daunting.

    If it was changed before, Fang Li couldn't really face such an astonishing Unrestricted Spell.

    But now, with Battle Suit's counteracting the impact and the strengthening of Prana's defense, Fang Li body is only a flash of starlight. No matter if it is a fire or a sword, it will be blocked by one after another without causing much harm.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the moment when the blade light is on, the slash looks like light, cutting off the entire Akaneiro no Dotou.


    Immediately, Fang Li broke through the air and even figure was turned into a ray of light, leaps away toward Sabrac, where it was burning with dark red flames.

    At the speed of Fang Li today, when the sound of the atmosphere-tearing sounded, people had already looted a distance in kilometers.

    "Qī …!"

    As a result, Sabrac can only make a buzzing buzz and can't catch up to Fang Li's speed.

    As a result, blade light lights up again.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the first cutting sound, the dark red flames that cover Sabrac's body are killed and dissipated as they burn.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the second cutting sound, the blood-like dark red flame was sputtered out, causing one of the sword's arms to fly up.

    Fang Li slammed into Sabrac's face, holding Moon Blade in his hands, in the eyes flashing ice blue.

    In front of him, Sabrac lost an arm and was covered again by the dark red flame underneath.

    Sabrac chose to sacrifice one of his own arms at the start of the day and use that arm to block Fang Li's, avoiding the Insta-kill ending.


    And the arm that flew up in the air was suddenly turned into a flame of dark red. It burned at the end of the sword that had been gripped before. It was like the flame of the ejector, and the sharp sword was rotated and aligned. Fang Li, direct shot down.


    The sword that burned the dark red flame cut through the air and squatted down.

    "Hey —!"

    In the crisp collision sound, Fang Li waved a knife and fired the bullet that came from sudden leaps.

    At the same time, Fang Li's kicks are already falling on the Sabrac body that is burning with flames.


    This time it was a boring sound.


    Sabrac's entire body was flied out of the air, rubbing the air, and in the sharp sky-splitting sound, heavily crashed against the rouge-colored cube that Fecor had manipulated.

    Sabrac only felt the inconceivable impact from both the front and the back. If not because of him was Crimson Denizen, this would only fear that even the internal organs had been shattered.

    "damn …!"

    Feeling the amazing force, Sabrac grabbed his chest.

    "Is that guy's power even stronger than that time?!?"

    In the past, Fang Li used Trigma's power to deal with Trinity, which in turn suppressed Trinity.

    At that time, Sabrac watched the game and saw the scene with his own eyes.

    However, Sabrac also saw the scene that Fang Li could only lose to Trinity because of the side effects of Stigma.

    Therefore, in Sabrac's mind, although there was warning Fang Li to use the power of that time again, he did not think that Fang Li actually exerted his strength on this.

    It is taken for granted that it is taken for granted.

    At that time, Fang Li only Fourth Rank only, used Lv.After 2Rank's Stigma, the full Attribute jumped twice directly, bringing the Combined Attributes close to 1000 points, which is called terrifying.

    Today, Fang Li has reached Third Rank, even if don't use Stigma, and its combined Attributes have reached more than 550 points. Although there are fewer than that at the time when Stigma was turned on, at that time, Fang Li's various Skill is also Lv.2 only, now is Lv.3, the bonuses obtained are also much more than that.

    In addition, Fang Li has already realized a peak in Nanaya Assassination Arts, and has become the Grand Master Level Character in Assassination Technique. The technique is much higher than that of himself.

    In a nutshell, the current level of Fang Li's strength is not nearly as bad as when using Stigma vs. Trinity.


    When it comes to strength, now Fang Li is no doubt stronger than Stigma himself.

    After all, Fang Li is Speed ​​God's Main God's Envoy, which uses the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception as a center for reinforcement. As long as the speed is increased, strength can change dramatically.

    At that time, Fang Li's AGI had only 100 points. Even if Stigma was used, it was doubled and the value was 300 points.

    300 points of AGI after Lv.After 2Rank's various skill additions and Prana's reinforcement, the speed of Fang Li's at that time was almost ten times the speed of sound.

    Now, Fang Li alone is already 250 points or more, and then Lv.3Rank's various skill additions are stronger than those of the more massive and skilled Prana, and the peak speed is already above 12 times the speed of sound.

    This speed, if combined with Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's power, Fang Li is definitely stronger than he was at the time.

    At the time, Fang Li was able to suppress Trinity. Now Fang Li naturally has no reason not to.

    Not to mention that in the case of using Stigma, not only is there a time limit, as the power of the soul is squeezed little by little, the side effects faced by Fang Li will make it less and less in combat. it is good.

    Now, Fang Li has absolutely no scruples in this regard and can exert greater power than that time no matter where and when.

    How can Sabrac not be frightened by this?

    Said with no trace of politeness …

    "If you three people join together, you may still be able to look a bit."

    Along with this sound, Fang Li's figure, like phantom, flashed in front of Sabrac's body.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes Looking at the sharply changing eyes of Sabrac, Fang Li grinned.

    "It's just too single to you, it's just too insufficient to look."

    Words fall…

    "pū chī —!"

    Waning moon dagger, scratching Sabrac's chest.

    Take it and cut it off.

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