Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1417 Weak and Embarrassing Reaction

    “Un…p> In the room, Fang Li, who was preparing for the pruning of Prana, suddenly raised his eyes and wrinkled his brow.

    "hum hum ~~~"

    Sylvia showered a short while ago. The body only wore a bath towel, exposing the daytime shoulders and the creamy thighs to the air, while listening to songs that made people wonder about their ears, and finished the wet hair.

    Looking at such Sylvia, Fang Li touched his chin and made a sound.

    "Hey, Sylvie."

    "what happened?"

    Hearing the sound of Fang Li's, Sylvia did not stop the action at hand, but he turned to face Fang Li's sight.

    The body was radiating with water vapor. The body only surrounded a bath towel, licking his head, arranging his hair, and looking into the side, it was tempting to imagine.

    If it was normal, Fang Li would have been very upset and unpredictable.

    But now, Fang Li has always frowned and asked Sylvia.

    "Have you felt anything strange?"

    Without any reason to speak, Sylvia's actions finally stopped.

    "Strange place?"Sylvia closed his eyes first and focused his attention slightly. Then he shook his head and said, "No, I didn't feel anything."

    No?Fang Li nodded, but the brow is deeper and deeper.

    Looking at such a Fang Li, Sylvia also began serious.

    In Sylvia's understanding of Fang Li's, he would not casually say such things without any basis.

    Since Fang Li said this, it is definitely something that has been discovered.

    After all, Fang Li possesses the Enemy Detection Skill and feels very keen. Perhaps it may not be easy to find out what the vagueness is.

    "What did you notice?"Sylvia asked directly: "Is the Enemy Detection Skill reacting?"

    "No, if the Enemy Detection Skill reacts, I wouldn't ask if you feel anything."Fang Li said so, but he looked to Sylvia and said: "It's not Enemy Detection Skill that responds, but Trap Detection."

    "Trap Detection ?"Sylvia suddenly froze.

    But this is indeed Fang Li's feeling.

    In the world of "A Certain Magical Index", Fang Li has learned Trap Detection and Disarm Trap skills.

    Although after that, these two skills basically did not come in handy, Fang Li did not raise the two Skill Ranks, but the two Skills have indeed become Fang Li's ability.

    Just now, the Fang Li's Trap Detection Skill suddenly produced a slight response.

    This slight reaction is extremely weak.

    Too weak to be treated as illusion cannot be overstated.

    Moreover, this slight reaction only appeared split second.

    After split second, the reaction completely disappeared.

    Therefore, Fang Li asked whether Sylvia felt something.

    Sylvia understands this matter can not help but dazed.

    "In other words, is there a trap in this hotel?"

    Only this statement can explain why Fang Li's Trap Detection Skill suddenly reacts.

    However, Fang Li shook his head.

    "It should not be a trap, but a similar thing to a trap. Otherwise, Skill's response will not be so faint, and it will be awkward."Fang Li scratched the cheek, and said, "But it may be because my skill level is too low. I can't tell if this is because of High Rank's trap."

    "Is it so?"Sylvia also somewhat got up and said: "But who in this hotel will suddenly set a trap?"

    Sylvia's words, let Fang Li first think of Wilhelmina.

    However, after a while, Fang Li denied the idea.

    (She shouldn’t be bothered to ask me for trouble.)

    No matter how you say, Wilhelmina was not stupid enough to find Fang Li's trouble after the previous thing happened.

    However, no one other than Wilhelmina will be arranged/laid out in the hotel.

    Could it be that , this trap can not be suddenly appeared?

    If not, then there is no outsider who can overcome the feelings of several experts in the hotel including Fang Li, and here lies/laid out traps.

    In this way, either, as Fang Li said, Skill does not sense a trap, but something similar to a trap, so the response will be so faint and awkward, or it will be too low for the Fang Li's Trap Detection Skill Level. Only then did they not sense the powerful trap.

    "What is it like?"

    Fang Li sinks.

    Sylvia took the pendant resting on the bed and looked at Jewel on the pendant.

    "Jean, did you find anything?"

    Sylvia's voice has only just fallen, and Jeanne is finally willing to speak.

    "My Revelation didn't respond."Jeanne said seriously: "If Revelation doesn't respond and you don't feel anything, I can't feel it."

    After all, the feelings of Sylvia and Jeanne are also common.

    "This can be troublesome."Sylvia helpless said: "Although I have the Ability of Detection System, but the probe does not include traps, if there is, can detect the Power of EX istence and Unrestricted Spell arrange/laid out traps in this world. Very uncertain."

    "Or is only this Outlaw's member trapped in an enemy/laid out trap in order to resist foreign enemies?"Jeanne tentatively said: "Because it is a trap laid out by human, the effect is relatively poor, and the response of Fang Li's Skill will be so weak."

    There is no such possibility.

    Even if this kind of induction is so weak, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an illusion.

    But both Sylvia and Jeanne believed Fang Li's feelings and they did not say this possibility.

    As for Fang Li, there is also some concern.

    "In short, I'll go outside and go around."Fang Li got up from the bed and said to Sylvia: "You just try something here with the Detection System's Ability and you can't find anything."

    “Un… ylvia nodded, who also got up, kissed Fang Li's face and said, “Be careful. ”

    "Do not worry."Fang Li touched Sylvia's cheek before he walked out of the room.


    "Nothing was found…"

    Fang Li, who had circled the hotel, came to the door of the hotel and looked at the desert outside, whispering.

    As a result, Fang Li found nothing.

    "Could it be that really illusion?"

    Even Fang Li is so skeptical.

    At this time, the lady on the counter in the hotel came out from the small gate and after seeing Fang Li, she stopped him.

    "Fang Li-san, if you are here, it would be great. I am just preparing to send you the latest information."

    Upon hearing this, Fang Li took up his thoughts and walked toward the counter.

    "I'm sorry to have troubled you."

    "No, this is what I should do."

    In the courtesy, the counter lady sent the intelligence information to Fang Li.

    Fang Li is also extending the hand and has picked it up.

    In the process, Fang Li touched a hand gently with the hand of the counter lady.

    At this moment, accidental came.


    An Unrestricted Spell suddenly shines brightly in the hands of Fang Li and the counter lady.

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