Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1400 let me send you to see him


    Muffled sound, flying sand raging in the desert, leaving only the upper body of the clown is heavily smashed in the sand.

    Its lower body, which had been turned into dark brown before it fell on the ground, disappeared.


    Clown spits out a scream that is not like screaming. One hand clings to the lantern and is struggling to get up.

    However, the sharp dagger is turned into cold chilly chilly, falling from the sky, clowning against clown's hand holding the lantern.

    "pū chī —!"

    The Moon Blade runs through the palm of clown, nailing that hand firmly to the sandy ground.

    "Wū… aaah …!"

    Clown finally screamed.

    Dark brown's fire tongue, like blood, can't help but splash from the penetrating palm.

    And one foot, already firmly stepping on the dagger, so that the palm of the hand was slowly stabbed, so that clown could not help but scream.

    "It's a terrible cry."

    Fang Li looked at the clown that was kneeling down in front of him, and the look of laughter on his face had not subsided so far.

    "Since I've heard about my affairs, what exactly does it give you confidence, and I will obediently go to bed?"

    Fang Li said this while constantly applying pressure to the foot on the Moon Blade.

    "Seireiden can't trap me. Trinity can't catch me. You just want to catch me?"

    "It's a sheer overreach. ”

    The mocking words sting the self-esteem of clown.


    Clown uttered an angry cry.

    In this regard, Fang Li still responded with sarcasm.

    "Yes, I am a human Oh, you crimson World denizen as food human, so you will think I am a extremely easy, will be you obediently take the livestock, isn't it?" ”

    Should this also be the view of Crimson Denizen since ancient times?

    For Crimson Denizen, human is a provider of Power of EX istence. To maintain its own food, even if it is known how powerful this animal is, few people will really fear it.

    Even Sydonay didn't take Fang Li seriously at the beginning. The prudent military officers of Bel Peol to a certain extent lightened Fang Li. Hecate's heartless loli was even more unguarded than Fang. Li's assimilation eventually fell to the end of his soul being attacked by Fang Li's soul's sea.

    How can these ordinary Crimson Denizens be exempt?

    No, if it is the ordinary Crimson Denizen, then perhaps it will also treat Fang Li carefully because of its weakness.

    Fortunately, Clown is known as the Crimson Lord for power, and the “Walders” in “Bal Masqué” because of their powerful power, they are even more lenient to Fang Li.

    "However, even a chicken that is used as food will be sullen if angry. This three-year-old knows the truth. You don't know Crimson Lord who doesn't know how many years he lived. You say, you What's the use for living for so long?"

    Fang Li said something unpleasant.

    "Seeing you, I think of the beetle that was in the Seireiden at that time. It really feels bad."

    Fang Li's words made Clown's heart startled.

    Coleoptera Could it be that means Ribesal…! ? ”

    I remembered.

    Clown remembered.

    In the Battle of Seireiden half a year ago, the Ribesal was indeed killed.

    The great triangular beetle that looks like it upright has four arms and uses the pyramid straddle crystal formed by Crystal. It is able to transform the prayer bead into the Ribesal of avatar with the same strength as the main body.

    In the "Walders of Bal Masqué", the Crimson Lord is also a type of power.

    Although his words and deeds were harsh, he did not have the appearance and character of the slam-dunk. In the large-scale operation of "Bal Masqué", he was generally used as a commander to experience various solid battles. He was a battle-hardened player. Will be.

    Among clown's just mentioned Crimson Lord with Ability to destroy Outlaw alone, Ribesal was one of them.

    The Ribesal was killed in the Battle of Seireiden six months ago.

    It is this human before eyes.

    "Look at you, it seems to know the beetle."

    Fang Li smiled a little and looked at Clown's eyes without the slightest smile, and some only shivering calm.

    "Then let me send you to meet him. How is it?"

    The ruthless words finally made clown frightened.

    Until this time, clown had a real sense.

    With this immediate human being, it really has caused Seireiden to make an uproar and even Trinity can't leave it behind.

    However, the self-esteem of Crimson Lord also made clown angry for his fear.

    At the moment, clown growls.

    "You are not allowed to insult me! Human! ”

    After the growl, the lantern held in clown’s hands was detonated.


    Dark brown's flame exploded in the desert, setting off an astonishing amount of heat and sweeping it with heavily waves.

    Only the upper body remained, and even clown with his arms disconnected flew from the inside.

    Asshole! Asshole! Bad Ass

    Clown The funny face was distorted by anger.

    "Let me wait! I will revenge! Human! ”

    The clown that roared like this was rushing toward the hotel.

    "As long as the person's Power of Existence is swallowed and the injury is restored…!"

    At that time, it must be previous defeat to the human.

    Clown in his heart so swear.

    Unfortunately, clown never found it.

    Before the hotel, a person was already standing.

    "Invade human monsters…?

    Looking at the clown that was plundering on this side, Sylvia was glittering with amethyst-like eyes.

    Immediately, he sighed.

    "In that case, there is no need to be merciless…"

    With this discourse, the muzzle of the gun-shaped Lux ​​in Sylvia's hands is gathering amazing energy.


    Perhaps it was the appearance of terrible energy, clown raised the head, and looked in the direction of the hotel.

    Only a beam of light printed into his eyes.

    The huge beam of light pierces the space and lands on clown's body.


    In the screams, clown's figure was gradually annihilated in the beam.

    Nothing left.



    In the midst of a short distance from the hotel, the girl behind the Red Lotus's fire wings opened her eyes and saw a beam of light flash through.

    On the side, the caregiver wearing a maid attire also lifted his eyes and showed a trace of solemnness on his expressionless face.

    "It seems that what happened was also."

    "The battle is going on."

    Tiamat's voice also came from the head headdress.

    Shana a pair of burning-eyed watched the past, slightly changed after a while, speed up.

    Wilhelmina quickly followed.

    Crimson Denizen's Aura, at this time disappeared in the two flame Haze induction.

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