Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1395 gradually changes

    At the foot of the towering mountain, there is a mansion.

    The size of the mansion is not huge, but it also has the feeling of a civil villa.

    After the training was over, Shana and Wilhelmina returned.

    This is where the two people have been living since this period of time.

    After returning here, Wilhelmina immediately presented to Shana.

    "Well, it's also the beginning of self-learning now."

    With that said, Wilhelmina didn't know where to move out of a pile of books and put it on the table in the hall.

    In the past, as the nurturer of Shana, Wilhelmina was only responsible for taking care of her daily life and did not teach her a combat technique.

    The reason is that Wilhelmina did not want to give Shana an excessively strong fighting impression, affecting his understanding and understanding of his own power.

    After Shana concluded the contract with Alastor, the two separated.

    Once again, it was already half a year ago.

    Wilhelmina vaguely remembers that one day Shana suddenly found herself while performing the Flame Haze mission on her side while traveling around the world and punishing Crimson Denizen for what she wanted.

    "I hope you can retrain me."

    The eyes of a young girl who said such words are unprecedentedly firm and hot.

    The joy of reunion, after seeing the performance of the young girl who grew up as an adult, brings to Wilhelmina only shock and joy.

    "In the past two years, she has also grown, as we expected."


    As a result, Wilhelmina and Tiamat almost did not even think about it, and they immediately agreed to it.

    From this caregiver's point of view, Shana was more dazzling and more powerful than before.

    For the next six months, Wilhelmina had been living with Shana as usual in Tendoukyuu, taking care of her daily life.

    In addition, Wilhelmina also began teaching Shana a variety of techniques.

    In order not to affect the awakening of his power, Wilhelmina did not teach a fixed way of fighting, but began to instill in basic aspects.

    Power of EX istence manipulation.

    Tactics for Crimson Denizen.

    The technique of Flame Haze.

    Measures for temporary fighting.

    Wilhelmina taught Shana this little by little, and practiced it with him from time to time.

    Of course, at the beginning, Shana hardly relied on Wilhelmina's hands.

    In front of "Peerless Combatant Skills", Shana is simply being arbitrarily played, and she can't insist on a few strokes.

    However, as time went on, Shana gradually learned how to use power and began to be able to fight it.

    Until today, Shana finally fully awakened and received power to fight Wilhelmina.

    In this regard, Wilhelmina hides the joy and pride of his heart, while demanding more.

    "It's also not to be proud and arrogant. You also have many things to do."


    So, Wilhelmina did not only exercise Shanna's strength, but also taught Shana some experience during the rest of the time.

    For example, Outlaw's use of law, the method of getting in touch, the analysis of intelligence, etc.

    After all, Shana is completely ignorant about the belief that it is human, also the common sense, etc., only the Flame Haze that was purely cultivated.

    In the fight against Deniken, such Shana was naturally very powerful, capable of assimilation of mission and self-assembling, constructed in the most straight mind/energetic, defeating the enemy.

    At the same time, Shana never worked with others.

    Although the excellent Flame Haze is roughly the same, other Flame Haze words will at least use Outlaw's support to perform their duties better. Shana has basically no such inclination for two years before, and even with Flame Haze and other Flame Haze. The exchange of information and the Outlaw support facilities are all used without communication and are quite Mysterious Beings.

    Therefore, Wilhelmina believes that it is necessary for them to teach all of these methods to Shana to make Shana more perfect.

    From beginning to end, Wilhelmina regarded Shana as a treasure to concentrate on training.

    Among them, absolutely no gain or loss.

    This is to fulfill the wishes of past comrades in arms, and it is also due to its own love for Shana.

    Shana did not disappoint Wilhelmina. He did not think that this knowledge was not necessary. She did not absorb everything she taught.

    This makes Wilhelmina look at Shanna's growth and really feel joy and pride day after day.

    Such Wilhelmina did not know.

    Shana accepted Outlaw's knowledge without any confusion. The reason was that she had used Outlaw once a half year ago.

    After "That Person" was injured, Shana broke the law of the past and used Outlaw's facilities once.

    Since that time, Shana has realized the importance of Outlaw to Flame Haze.

    In this way, nature will not reject such education.

    Such an excellent and obedient child believes that anyone who is a nurturer will feel joy and pride.

    However, in the six months, Shana also had some changes that Wilhelmina could not relieve.

    "First wait a moment, Wilhelmina."

    Shana said like this.

    "I'll take a shower first."

    After that, Shana started to take off clothes and threw the clothes one by one on the couch.

    Looking at this kind of Shana, Wilhelmina's brow hides.

    That's right, this is it.

    And take the shower.

    That was something that Shana would never consider in the past.

    Flame Haze cleans the body by letting Dein King within the body use “Purifying Flame” to remove the body's filthy, not only complete disinfection, but also eliminate negative conditions such as drunkenness, poisoning and even play some Accelerate the effect of injury recovery.

    With such a convenient power, but also to pursue inconvenient and inefficient bath, there is no reason.

    In the past, Shana was also like this and never considered it.

    After meeting again, Shana had these slight changes.

    “Bathing is very comfortable. After a shower, I feel very good, so that I can also promote learning.”

    Oneself had said so for the first time, and it was impossible for Wilhelmina to refute.

    Of course, this is only a minor issue.

    The bigger problem lies behind.

    "If you want to take a bath, at least get into the bathroom after entering the bathroom."

    Alastor pointed at the Shana opening that was about to take off his coat.

    "It's impolite to do this kind of move in the hall, Shana."


    The name finally made Wilhelmina's face expressionless.

    (What's the name?)


    Wilhelmina and Tiamat secretly communicated this in their hearts.

    It can be seen that this matter has a lot of influence on this Dancing Princess.

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