Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1392 Utilizes All Resources

    If Sylvia entered Main God's Dimension for the first time with a curious attitude, then Jeanne is exactly the opposite.

    It's not that Jeanne doesn't have curiosity.

    However, Jeanne did not show any curiosity toward Main God's Dimension.

    Accompanied by Fang Li's, Jeanne walked through four areas, one after another in the residential area, the Trading Area, the training area and the entertainment area.

    Along the way, Jeanne's eyes kept squatting, carefully observing every corner of Main God's Dimension, and carefully watching the one by one Main God's Envoy that appeared in Main God's Dimension. .

    In that case, it is better to say that it is reconnaissance than to play.

    In fact, Jeanne really came here with this mentality.

    "Although there will be no fighting in Main God's Dimension, unless it is in the training room or the Tower of Trials, but strictly speaking, this is our future base camp, right?"

    This is correct.

    Even though Main God's Envoy will travel to each Dungeon World, eventually, no matter which Main God's Envoy is, you must come back here if you are alive.

    Here is the base camp of all Main God's Envoy.

    Jeanne seems to think of Main God's Dimension with this understanding. Even if he was surprised by the various magic and Mystery in Main God's Dimension, he still patted the entire Main God's Dimension in a very conscientious manner. .

    Of course, to say that it is a patrol, it is only rough enough that it cannot be roughly sketched.

    Main God's Dimension has more than 100 million Planar World's Main God's Envoy, and even has Servant from Dungeon World.

    The scope of Main God's Dimension, which can accommodate such a huge number, is even more unimaginable.

    If you want to wrap this Main God's Dimension all over again, it is absolutely impossible.

    Jeanne naturally understands this, but still wants to be as familiar as possible.

    In this regard, Fang Li can only cry and laugh.

    "Is it true that I was liberating the Saintess of Orleans?"

    As the leader who once led the game and frequently won, eventually affecting the longest war in history, and even affecting the pattern of later generations, Jeananne should be the most clear about the concept of the battlefield.

    Even if Main God's Dimension presents a world like a myth, Jeanne sees it as a future battlefield.

    The battlefield is in need of investigation.

    Jeanne wanted to familiarize himself with Main God's Dimension as much as possible, rather than relying on the knowledge of Sylvia's memory.

    This is also a general self-cultivation.

    Fang Li can't easily let Jeanne relax.

    No matter how you say it, it is also Main God's Dimension. After ten days of rest, the next Dungeon World journey will start.

    By then, who knows what kind of dangerous situation will be experienced in the end?

    Therefore, it is necessary to tighten the nerves.

    However, in Main God's Dimension, the nerves are not suitable for too tight.

    Ten days was used to rest. Only God's Envoy, who is in danger of peace, will use it to improve his strength.

    Fang Li also entered the Main God's Dimension at the same time, tightened his nerves, spent time in the training field and the Tower of Trials, and finally got his current strength.

    Today, the power of Fang Li's has been upgraded to an astonishing level and can be sideways in most Dungeon World.

    So, to relax a bit and use this rest time seems to be a bad choice.

    The most important were:

    "I have some ideas about where the next Dungeon World is going."

    Fang Li exhorted Jeanne with such words.

    "In that world, it is estimated that there will be a large-scale battle, do not know if there is time to rest, so, this time of rest, we do not spend in the training field or tower of trials, we use it, rest well, otherwise to trading area To buy some useful item is also OK, this is also necessary? ”

    This statement, let Jeanne sink in after a while, finally agreed.

    In such circumstances, except for the first day, Jeanne no longer strained his nerves, mind / energetic slightly relaxed.

    And Fang Li did what he said, and did not go to the training ground or the Tower of Trials during the rest of the rest time.

    On the other hand, the last time in Main God's Dimension, Fang Li and Sylvia reached a consensus to build a training ground in their personal residence. Now it is not necessary to go to the training ground.

    As a result, Fang Li and Jeanne practiced hands from time to time in the training grounds of their personal residences, and were familiar with each other's strengths. The rest of the time was basically used for rest, only occasionally on the Trading Area to treasure hunt.

    With 200,000EX change points, Fang Li did not know what to do.

    First, Fang Li photographed a Dungeon Command in the auction house.

    Dungeon Command (Third Rank) : Special Item, used when applying for Dungeon World, can modify the Dungeon World Quest being proportioned to a certain degree. Target for Third Rank, tamper content for Dungeon World, need to have The Dungeon World featured Item as an indicator valued at 50000EX change Points.

    In the past, Fang Li also used the power of this item to enter the Shakugan no Shana world with Reiji Maigo as an indicator.

    However, the Dungeon Command at that time was only the Fourth Rank. For Fanglv, which has been upgraded to Third Rank, Dungeon Quest would have lost its usefulness only for Fang Li, who might be a Third Rank. Early on it was sold by Fang Li. .

    In this Dungeon Command, the price of Main God's Dimension is 50,000EX change points, but Fang Li only takes 20,000EX change points.

    That's because the Dungeon Command has been used two times, leaving only the last chance to use it, and the price naturally drops significantly.

    Fang Li must be equipped with this item.

    Otherwise, he could not go to his destination.

    What makes Fang Li somewhat surprised is that Jeanne actually bought Main God's Dimension, and he has not lost his mind to buy what he needs.

    "If you can increase the winning percentage of the battle, you will naturally use all resources effectively."

    Jeanne, who had such a sense of self-willingness, was not as fond of Fang Li as he was directly squandering 150000EX change points.

    The items purchased are not so much items as precious materials.

    "If you use these materials to make Holy Shroud, then Holy Shroud's power will be greatly improved, and even the miracles that can be achieved will be enhanced. For me, it is a precious and precious resource."

    This way, Jeanne let Fang Li see what is called a woman's enthusiasm for shopping, so that Fang Li stunned endless, even more dumbfounding.

    "Originally, is Jeanne on the battlefield like this?"

    It is too serious.

    However, it is also quite reliable.

    In this way, Fang Li's property was squandered, leaving only 30000 EX change Points.

    The next trip to Dungeon World quietly opened with Jeanne fully prepared.

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