Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1390 memory will not disappear

    "Is it really ready to leave now?"

    When evening falls, in front of the villa of Yggdmillennia Clan, Fiore could not help but say such a thing.

    "It's okay for two people to stay here for a while."

    The general speech of a hospitable friend not only caused Fang Li to laugh with Jeanne, but also made Sieg and Astolfo present at the same time looking at each other in blank dismay.

    Fang Li and Jeanne stood in front of Fiore and both showed helpless smiles.

    "It's not like what Dante (Magus) would say. It's too close."Fang Li spread out his hands and said: "But, you have already transferred Magic Crest now. It doesn't matter."

    "How about Caules-san?"Jeanne asked with some concern: "Can't act now?"

    "No, there is still no problem with the operation."Fiore shook his head and smiled and replied: "Thanks to Jeanne-san's Holy Shroud, the rejection of Magic Crest has dropped a lot, the physical discomfort has eased a lot, and it is all right for action, only the previous transplant. Calues's mind/energetic has been exhausted and is still resting.”

    During the Magic Crest's transplantation ceremony, Fiore had almost completely reserved the engravings for transfer, and eventually Caules inherited a large part.

    Originally, the plan of the two people was to transplant at least half, and the best is to be able to transplant 70%.

    The result was quite smooth. Cauls inherited more than 80% of Magic Crest in one breath, and Magic Power surged in one breath.

    This is a good thing and it is also a bad thing.

    Naturally, it goes without saying that since it has inherited more than 80% of Magic Crest, people in the family can no longer question the identity of Caules's heirs. Caules will bear the fate of Yggdmillennia Clan, and he will drift down the road of Magecraft. Far away.

    The bad thing is that in the case of transplanting such a large Magic Crest in one breath, the rejection caused by the engraving is also extremely strong, and Caules is on the scene as if he had a serious illness, and he can not do it again.

    However, as Fiore said, with the Divine Protection provided by Jeanne's Holy Shroud, Caules's body has recovered a lot and can maintain a certain degree of action.

    But after all, it was only a certain degree, and it was necessary to adjust the drug and Magecraft before they could remove the Holy Shroud and conduct free activities.

    Therefore, Caules does not appear here.

    In contrast, the transfer of Fiore and Magic Crest to the body is a result of a relief. Even if Magic Power drops sharply, Magecraft's level is completely out of the Rank, but it is easy to know how much.

    The evidence is that Fiore has been completely out of the wheelchair and is now standing in front of Fang Li and Jeanne on his own feet.

    Together, perhaps because it is no longer burdened with the identity of Dante (Magus), Fiore no longer hide their feelings, showing that Dante (Magus) should not have the enthusiasm and tenderness.

    "This time, it is really the two people who took care of."

    At the moment, Fiore salutes Fang Li and Jeanne.

    "Thanks to the help of the two, we can survive in the Great Holy Grail War and come to the end. Even if the roads are not the same, there may be no chance to meet again later, but both have done so. I will remember my heart in my life."

    The sincere words made everyone on the scene feel a little touched.

    After all, the Great Holy Grail War is less than a few days short, but as Fiore put it, everyone has their own path.

    Fiore and Caules have chosen freedom and inheritance respectively, a world that will embark on an ordinary person as an ordinary person, and a researcher who will carry out Magecraft's research as an inheritor of the family.

    Sieg and Astolfeo met each other in the Great Holy Grail War and formed a deep relationship. After the Homunculus's adjustments were over, and they were truly free, they would set off on a journey around the world and venture out. .

    Even Rikudou Reika and Jack had their own end and disappeared into the magic world.

    Not to mention Jeanne, who achieved a different Second Life than before. As a Fang Li's Servant, he will travel to a higher level world and explore the real Mystery.

    In addition to this, the various existences on the Great Holy Grail War also have corresponding endings.

    Darnic is dead.

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada ended up being swallowed by Reiji Maigo.

    Sisigou Kairi will travel to the next battlefield.

    The Master of Red Faction poisoned by Semiramis will be used as a negotiating material on the round table between Mage's Association and Yggdmillennia Clan.

    Some of the others also died in battle, while others met with Throne of Heroes.

    Everyone has had an extraordinary experience in just a few days.

    Even if the road is different and the outcome is different, it can be considered as a perfect curtain call.

    And as Fiore said.

    From here, perhaps, everyone will no longer have opportunities to meet each other.

    The road ahead of everyone here is afraid that there will be no more convergence.

    There is no sadness.

    However, there is a kind of faint jealousy.

    Even Fang Li is the same.

    Because, in this Great Holy Grail War, Fang Li also became acquainted with the Minamoto Family leader named Minamoto no Yorimitsu, both sides did not leave any regret to fight hard, and finally ushered in a calm separation.

    For Minamoto no Yorimitsu, this time the Great Holy Grail War is just a record, and the body in the Throne of Heroes may occasionally come up with it, occasionally experiencing it.

    For Fang Li, this experience is also worth remembering. From time to time I think of the life of the leader of the Minamoto Family who was seen in the dream. It was also a great feeling.

    From now on, the two will no longer have opportunities to meet each other.

    However, only memory will not disappear.

    Therefore, there is no need to give up.

    What's needed is just a word of goodbye.

    "I hope all of you can get what you want with your wish."

    Fang Li sincerely gave such a blessing.

    Let everyone smile.

    Say goodbye, it ends here.

    "Two, please take care."

    Take care

    "We must take care!"

    Fiore, Sieg and Astololf stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the villa and waved to Fang and Jeanne.

    Fang Li and Jeanne returned to the same action, then accompanied each other, went forward and gradually left the villa.

    The setting sun was just in front of the hill, and the color of dusk was sprinkling. The shadows of Fang Li and Jeanne gradually lengthened.

    The two people kept walking in the direction of the sunset…Go straight ahead.

    Villa Li and Jeanne did not open until they could no longer see the villa.

    "Then, let's go."

    "Un… /p>

    This is the last word left by the two in this world.

    Immediately, Fang Li and Jeanne disappeared under the setting sun, so that the long shadow disappeared instantly without leaving a trace.

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