Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1386 Two Servant

    "so that's how it is …"

    In the open-air restaurant he had visited on the date before, Fang Li watched Jeanne sitting across from him and rubbed his forehead.

    "Sure enough?"

    Holy Grail's power is used to fuse souls and keep Jeanne's presence.

    This is really like what Sylvia will do.

    "In that situation, wishing to revive you, that even if it is Holy Grail do not know can be done, even if you can do it, you are still servant, need to acquire the flesh in order to great Holy Grail War after the end of survival, but that way, willful let you revive after , you will not know the next life in what way to spend, so simply with you as one, so that is to achieve their own aspirations, but also to their own selfish responsibility in the end. ”

    Fang Li did not know what to respond to this fact. He could only hold the forehead sigh.

    "That girl, too care for someone too much?"

    In the War-Academy City, he favored his Kouhai.

    When in Academy City, favor index.

    Even in the world of One Punch Man, Sylvia has taken care of Fubuki.

    Now, in this world, this is the point for Jeanne.

    Fang Li really didn't know what to say about Sylvia.

    Angrily, that is not enough.

    Only, Fang Li really think so.

    "In general, does anyone casually choose to merge other souls?"Fang Li blamed Jeanne and said: "If one can't do it, if personality and mind/energetic are affected, then what should we do?"

    "Yes!"I am sorryJeanne suddenly apologized and said: "It's all because of me…"

    "No, I didn't blame you."Fang Li said with some wonder: "I haven't got an opinion on the thing you survived, but it's really too confusing to know how to react."

    What are the dangerous places mentioned earlier, let alone the fact that even if it is a successful event that ultimately has no effect, isn't it also in trouble?

    Fang Li also understood that what happened before Sylvia's anomaly.

    In the case of sharing a body, Fang Li to Sylvia make a move, Jeanne can also feel as if it had happened to oneself experience, it really makes Sylvia hesitate.

    "What should I do now?"

    Fang Li had the same troubles as the two girls who were sharing a body.

    "I will not be able to crush me or me in the future? I don't want it! ”

    The overly explicit words let Jeanne's face turn red again.

    needOtherwise it is so good! ”Jeanne likes to hide his shyness and says quickly: “You make a wish to Holy Grail again and separate me from Sylvie!”

    This should also be something that can be done.

    In any case, Holy Grail is the executor of Third Law and should be more sensitive to the problems of the soul. Even if the two souls of the blend are separated again, it is not impossible.

    Only …

    "Only, did you not return to the initial question?"Fang Li said to Jeanne: "Separating you from Sylvie, then you will either return to Throne of Heroes or continue to live in this world. It will not solve the problem at all."

    For Jeanne, returning to Throne of Heroes may be a good choice, but you don’t want to see this outcome, and Sylvia will choose to make a wish to Holy Grail.

    So it was said that this is Sylvia's waywardness.

    However, Fang Li can also understand Sylvia's ideas.

    "In this period of time, Sylvia certainly feels as if you had happened to oneself. For that girl, you must feel that your life before was unacceptable. Let you get real happiness, so you can't leave you so."

    Fang Li reveals the true feelings of Sylvia's heart.

    “And since you have been given Second Life, then we have to be responsible for the bottom line, so leaving you alone to survive in this world is equally not within the options.”

    As a result, only one option remains.

    It's time to leave with Jeanne and take it with you.

    There is no Service Certificate for Fang Li. How can I take Jeanne away?

    As a result, Sylvia chose to continue his previous relationship with Jeanne and both sides share a body.

    In fact, this practice has also been recognized by Main God's Dimension.

    "If you're right…"

    Fang Li gazed at Jeanne and made a sound.

    "Jeanne, you should have really shared the memory with Sylvia share the memory and learned that Main God's Dimension is there?"

    Fang Li's words let Jeane's eyes begin to dangle slightly and be nodded.

    As expected!

    Fang Li does not have a slightest accidental.

    He has already checked his Servant personal panel.


    Character :Sylvia Lyyneheym /Jeanne d'Arc

    Race :human /Heroic Spirit

    Class :Genestellar (Strega) /Servant (Ruler )

    Title :Diva /Saintess

    Rank :Third Rank

    STR : 128 (+40)

    VIT: 120 (+40)

    AGI : 132 (+40)

    INT : 180 (+40)


    This personal panel information fully demonstrates that the integration of Sylvia and Jeanne has become a reality.

    And, on different occasions as Sylvia and Jeanne, both Class and title are different, and even the race has changed.

    As the shape of the two changes, the title and Class will automatically switch, showing different Ability.


    Servant (Ruler )

    STR :+20

    VIT : +20

    AGI : +20

    INT :+20

    Supplementary Ability :Magic Resistance, greatly enhances Mystery's resistance.



    STR :+20

    VIT : +20

    AGI : +20

    INT :+20

    Collateral effects: Immune to negative states and have negative and expel effects on the negative power of Undead System and Devil System.


    This is the Class and title received in Jeanne's case, and Sylvia's words cannot be worn.

    Conversely, too, Jeanne will not be able to get Sylvia's Class and title power, and it will no longer be the same as before. Prana can be used.

    When Jeanne dominates, Prana in the Jeannein the body will be converted to Magic Power, making it possible to use Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) power.

    Even Jeanne's Personal Skills are turned into Innate Skill.


    Revelation (Innate Skill): Inspiration and Apocalypse, able to obtain a certain degree of intelligence, applicable to all matters related to the achievement of the goal.

    Charisma (Innate Skill): Commanding the Legion's natural talents. Raising the flag on the battlefield to take part in the assault will unconditionally increase the morale and even power of the soldier, allowing the army to become one, and when used by individual people, it will expand the influence of its own words.

    Saint (Innate Skill) : You can make Holy Shroud with various effects to perform a certain degree of miracle.


    According to different dominant personalities, Skill, Race, Class, and even title are completely different.

    In this way, Jeanne and Sylvia together became Fang Li's Servant.

    This is the convergence that Main God's Dimension recognizes.

    Even Holy Grail, that also impossible the two people to separate.

    Henceforth, Sylvia and Jeanne will truly become one, and Fang Li die and die together.

    All three of them will embark on the journey of main God ' s Dimension.

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