Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1384 has already been realized


    Familiar taste and familiar feeling came in his own arms, making Fang Li relaxed and relaxed took a breath.

    In fact, it didn't take long to come to this world.

    From the beginning of the Great Holy Grail War to the end of the Great Holy Grail War, the whole process is only a few days.

    Therefore, if we count it carefully, it will only be a few days from the moment we arrive in this world.

    Within a few days, Fang Li discovered that he had missed the familiar taste of his lover.

    (After all these days, Sylvie lent her body to Jeanne Ah…

    The two did not act together as before, in the end still miss some.

    In other words, Fang Li is more or less eager to be intimate with the lovers in her arms.

    However, let Fang Li somewhat surprised something happen.

    "You…what are you doing?"

    Sylvia is like some panic, humming Fang Li.

    "Suddenly this kind of thing was done and it scared me!"

    Having said that, Sylvia was still planning to struggle.

    This caused Fang Li to frown, even astonishment.

    "what happened?"Fang Li said skeptically: "Is it strange to do this?"

    It's just a matter of embracing it. Is Sylvia's reaction a bit big?

    You know, what did the two people have done in the past?

    Not to mention cuddling, that is, all sorts of restricted things have been done without knowing how many times. In the world of "One Punch Man", Fang Li has almost succeeded in being unmanned under broad daylight. On the street, Sylvia is given the law of the place, but private life is quite fulfilling.

    Compared with those things, it is already nothing different from the habit.

    Why is this Diva now so flustered?

    "Isn't it going to be an anger?"Fang Li rolled her eyes and said, “I don’t like you when I eat the vinegar of a girl I haven’t met before.”

    "…even so, this should not be said by you."Sylvia said something indifferent: "In short, let me go first."

    "Stay."Fang Li made such an uncompromising discourse and even forced a tight arm to make the whole body of the girl's body stick to her body, to look into Sylvia's eyes and say, “You see it so, I don't think I would care?”

    Although Fang Li's is very good at adopting an indifferent attitude towards most things, if Sylvia really feels a sense of distance with himself, even Fang Li will feel depressed.

    Sylvia naturally will not do this kind of thing.

    It would be better to say that if the two really have a sense of distance, Sylvia will be more emotional than Fang Li.

    Sylvia is still somewhat tangled.

    "How do you say it?"Sylvia suddenly smiled and said: "This is also the reason for this side, ah, anyway, you first let me go and say."

    Sylvia's words have not been understood by Fang Li's.

    Fang Li only stared at Sylvia.

    Let Sylvia's eyes start to bring a little panic.

    With Sylvia's understanding of Fang Li's, which is not yet known, under such circumstances, what kind of action would this man who has never expressed any compromise to others?

    And moreWait

    Seeing that Fang Li had a burning emotion in one pair of eyes, Sylvia was really panicked.

    “No! It's really not…"

    In a word, Sylvia did not have time to finish.


    In the next second, the girl’s lips were captured by the monks.

    Hmmm… Wū…

    Sylvia spat out from the lips to take a breather.

    Jaw, has long been unquestionable breakthrough.

    "Oh…Wū… /p>

    In the bitter voice, Sylvia's tongue was also captured and plundered by Fang Li overbearing.

    Suddenly, the sensation of intertwining lips and tongue made Sylvia thoroughly blurred.


    It wasn’t long before Sylvia made a resounding scream.

    That's the reaction of the body's clothes flying away.

    Fang Li picked up Sylvia and walked toward the bed.

    "Wait Wait a moment ! ”

    Sylvia has turned from panic to panic and pleading.

    CurrentNot really right now! Really not! ”

    Sylvia's pleading, in exchange for only ruthless answer.

    "The more you say, the more I want to do."Fang Li did not return to the girl in her arms and said, "Did you know me on the first day?"

    After that, Sylvia was thrown into the bed.

    "You listen to me first!"

    Sylvia raised his voice.

    "Regardless of!"

    Fang Li directly refused.

    Just when things are about to come…


    The dazzling light suddenly burst into Sylvia's body.


    Fang Li surprised and subconsciously stopped the action.

    The figure of Sylvia, which was shrouded by light, began to change.

    Gorgeous purple color long hair turned into braided golden hair.

    The body becomes more graceful and tall.

    In a moment, World Famous Diva is a complete transformation.

    Changed to World Famous Saintess.


    Fang Li completely choked.

    "wú~ ~~"

    Saintess named Jeanne is with tears in her eyes and flushed.

    FruitSure enough, it still doesn't work! ”

    With this call, Jeanne jumped out of bed and ran out of the room.

    Only Fang Li was left alone, cluttering in the wind.

    "This…"What on earth is going on here?

    At this moment, even if it is Fang Li, it will inevitably lead to a chaos.


    Why did Jeanne suddenly appear?

    Isn't she the Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) that has used taboos, is it at the expense of her own life?

    Did not the Great Holy Grail War end?

    No matter what aspect, Jeanne has no reason to rely on Sylvia's body.

    What's going on.

    "This will not…"

    Fang Li suddenly remembered the previous thing.

    After getting the Greater Grail and treating Fiore's foot, Fang Li also raised a question with Sylvia.

    "What do you wish to achieve?"

    At that time, when asked by Fang Li's, what Sylvia showed was a smile like a prank.

    "My wish has already been realized."

    Oneself is like that.

    At that time, Fang Li thought Sylvia referred to her Teacher had already found it, or it was like he had traveled with the world to do things like this.

    Now, if you think about it, Sylvia's performance will not be like that.

    Then, combined with the status quo, combined with the previous things, Fang Li felt that he seemed to guess something.

    "This will not…"

    Fang Li's complexion suddenly became weird.

    However, now is not the time to think about it.

    "In short, people will be first chased back."

    So, Fang Li quickly put on his upper garment and chased him out.

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