Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1376 Greater Grail

    "Serial Number 11273 completed Rank A+ Side Quest and received 50000EX change points."

    "Serial Number 11273 completes all Main Quests and can choose to return to Main God's Dimension at any time, or choose to stay at Dungeon World."

    "Choose regression, then conduct Quest evaluation and receive rewards."

    "If you choose to stay, you can stay in Dungeon World for three days."

    This System Notification sound came after Fang Li solved the problem of Greater Grail.

    After all, the content of Fang Li's Side Quest was to recapture the Greater Grail from the Sky Garden and prevent Amakusa Shirou Tokisada from wishing.

    If you do not first perform the transformation and perform functions at all times in an attempt to draw on Magic Power of ley lines around the world, and solve the problem of Third Magic to the universal Greater Grail, even if you recapture Greater Grail, you will The defeat of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada did not stop Amakusa Shirou Tokisada’s wish.

    Only by satisfying Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's wish to resolve can it be regarded as completing Quest.

    This also shows how difficult Side A Quest of Rank A+ is.

    No matter how you say, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada has already made a wish to Greater Grail. This wish cannot be cancelled either.

    Therefore, Fang Li also uses the Magic Item stored in the Fairy Bag to find the appropriate Item to solve this problem.

    After that, it was the ownership of Greater Grail.

    Side Quest asks to recapture the Greater Grail instead of the Greater Grail.

    With the completion of Quest, Greater Grail is now irrelevant to Fang Li's Quest.

    Of course, that's only irrelevant to Quest.

    For the miracle of being able to realize Magic, open the path to Root, you can achieve any wish of the wishing machine, even if it is Fang Li did not think it is easy to get it out.

    In other words, Fang Li intends to use the Greater Grail as his own.

    No way, for the items that can fulfill their wishes, I believe that no one of Main God's Envoy will give up.

    Although the Greater Grail's power is limited, it is impossible to truly reach the point of Omnipotent, but even then, the Greater Grail's power is also amazing.

    After the transformation of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, the Greater Grail already had the ability to visibly distort the distance from the ley lines around the world, and undifferentiated the capture of Magic Power. Even if it had been blocked by Fang Li, the massive Magic Power previously stored was also Still exist.

    With such a massive amount of Magic Power, as long as it is not too outrageous, the Greater Grail can satisfy until the internal Magic Power is exhausted.

    Such an item, if put on the Main God's Dimension auction house, it will sell what kind of astronomical price, even Fang Li is hard to imagine.

    Therefore, even if it is Fang Li can not help but tempted.

    Anyway, as long as there is Fairy Bag's power, even if it is a large-scale Greater Grail can take away, Fang Li naturally can not help but hit the idea.

    Only, this is obviously not an easy thing.

    “The Mage's Association must have detected the reaction of Holy Grail. The Holy Church has already observed the existence of Holy Grail. If these two giants knew Holy Grail in the hands of Fang Li-san, then the consequences would be unimaginable.”

    Fiore reminded Fang Li of this.

    Nothing wrong with Fiore's words.

    With the help of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, the modified Greater Grail draws a lot of Magic Power from ley lines around the world, plus a massive amount of Magic Power that has been stored in Trifas for more than six decades. Turn on the power to the road to Root.

    In this way, Mage's Association and even Holy Church will never let such a huge miracle.

    Wait until the Mage's Association confirms the final result of the Great Holy Grail War. The Fang Li absolutely will be directly targeted by the Mage's Association and even invite the Holy Church.

    With these two giant powers, even Fang Li is not necessarily safe and sound.


    “Not to mention Holy Grail, even if my Mystic Eyes will make the Mage's Association go crazy completely, and the debt will not pressure, I don't care.”

    Fang Li laughed and threw out the words so that Fiore could only give up persuasion with a wry smile.

    The successor of Yggdmillennia Clan is not planning to recover Holy Grail from Fang Li's hand.

    For today's Yggdmillennia Clan, having Holy Grail is not a good thing.

    Even if Holy Grail's power is powerful, with it, Yggdmillennia Clan will qualify for the Mage's Association challenge and even be able to reach Root, which was also planned by Darnic, but after experiencing the horrible sacrifice of the Great Holy Grail War, Yggdmillennia Clan's ambition has been almost polished and he dared not fight Holy Grail's idea.

    "At least, at this stage, it should still be fine, and what will happen later, then it will not be understood."

    This is not what Fiore said, but what Caules said.

    The implication of this is that it is estimated that Fang Li will not be able to recover from the low state while Yggdmillennia Clan has regained his lust before holy Grail.

    Only this cool and keen teenager can notice such a problem. According to Fiore, due to the personality, it is difficult to take this into consideration.

    As a result, Holy Grail was handed to Fang Li and is now lying quietly in the Fairy Bag.

    However, prior to this, Fang Li also made a slight use of Holy Grail's power.

    "Aren't you trying to restore your walking legability?"

    When Fang Li and Fiore said so, Fiore almost didn't react and waited until he reacted.

    Realizing Fiore's desire to use Magic Power stored in the Greater Grail is a breeze.

    None of Sieg, Caules and Astolfo wished to wish to Holy Grail.

    "My wish has been fulfilled and it is the freedom of the Homunculus."

    This is Sieg's answer.

    "I would like to go to Root to see it, but considering the problems afterwards, forget it."

    This is Caules' answer.

    "I think about the world to risk!"

    This is Astolfo's answer.

    Alas, the last one seems to have a desire, but oneself said so.

    “Originally I wanted to make a wish to Holy Grail and get a physical body, but since I already have a Master, the problem of maintaining the realm is given to the Master!”

    This is simply unreasonable.

    At the end of the Great Holy Grail War, the Greater Grail has no responsibility for the maintenance of the Servant. This is why the Servants all returned to the Throne of Heroes.

    However, if you are not responsible for the maintenance of the present community, it does not mean that you cannot continue the realm.

    As long as there are a large number of Magic Powers, even without Holy Grail's power, Servant will still be able to maintain the world in this world.

    Astolfo was prepared to throw this question to Sieg.

    "Not the same way? For example, supplement magic! Supplement magic! Supplement magic! ”

    Oneself smiled so much that Sieg's head was fogging and it made Fiore, Caules and even Sylvia's face red.

    Fang Li didn't even dare to think about it.

    "These two people supplement magic …?

    The picture was so wonderful that Fang Li did not dare to imagine it, so he gave it up decisively.

    All in all, under such circumstances, the Great Holy Grail War ended in full scale.


    Also one thing that must be dealt with.

    Otherwise, the Great Holy Grail War will not end.

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