Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1372 Silver Fire

    Today, Fang Li has already been different from the past.

    At the time of entering Main God's Dimension, Fang Li was very clear about his positioning. He understood that if you have Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, you only need to increase the speed. There will be absolutely no defeated enemy.

    Now, the original idea of ​​Fang Li has completely become a reality.

    With its extraordinary speed, Fang Li, using Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, can easily bring death to death with a single knife, even if there is a one-on-one matchup with Semiramis, Achilles and Atalanta. Riding the top Servant is also a matter of a few knives.

    This does not mean that Fang Li only has speed.

    In order to bring his own Murder Innate Skill to the limit, Nanyang Assassination Arts, which Fang Li studied, has long reached an inhuman realm.

    With the understanding of the essence of Nanaya Assassination Arts, today's Fang Li's Assassination Technique skill has reached God's Domain.

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada believes that in the context of the Greater Grail, if the physical laws and the magical principle are different from the outside world, then it will be able to win a certain amount of victory.

    This idea is not to say it is wrong.

    But this is only to escape the fate of instant kill.

    Fang Li's absolute superiority has not been subverted at all.

    The idea of ​​treating Fang Li as power-only cowards is an absolute mistake in itself.

    In order to exercise his own technique, Fang Li had already practiced in the training ground of Main God's Dimension for a long time without knowing how many times to practice.

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada thinks that eliminating the physical body advantage only wins Fang Li over technical words.

    The idiot dreams.

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada did not understand this until this time.

    "This is the miracle that the so-called human can do?"

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada hugged her with complex emotions while clamouring for arms.

    "But I'm at least able to resist now compared to being killed in the outside world."

    As I have already said, Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) on the arms of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada can bring fighting support.

    With the aid of the pair of arms, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada can not only strengthen himself, but also can launch Skills similar to "Eye of the Mind (True)" and "Eye of the Mind (False)".

    Eye of the Mind (True) : The insight developed from practice and exercise enables you to calmly grasp your own situation and the enemy's Ability in the disadvantages, and find out the battle theory of the living.

    Eye of the Mind (False): Based on Instinct, Sixth Dangerous Avoidance Ability in many difficult adventures, even if confronted with a skilled Warrior will not be deceived by the semi-tank attack.

    Under such an ability, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada can almost predict the future in battle.

    With this Ability, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada has also been able to fight Fang Li.

    As long as this pair of arms are still there…

    "As long as this pair of arms are still there, then you can find a victory. Do you think so?"

    With sorrowful words, it suddenly passed into Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's ears.

    "You are really naive."

    In the moment of falling voice, the crisis has come.

    "Qiāng — !"

    In the melodious buzzing sound that rang through the interior of the Greater Grail, a chilly blade light was turned into an astonishingly speedy practise, such as breaking through the impediments of space and plundering.

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's fundamental response was not come.

    "pū chī —!"

    With the sound of the physical body being punctuated, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada’s body was mercilessly cut, spilling the red blood, and the whole person was slowly flitting under the impact of slash. Go out.


    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's head instantly has a blank space.

    It was not until his heavily squatted on the ground that both front and behind came with severe pain. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada understood the situation.

    He was cut.

    An amazingly unattractive blow.

    I saw that Fang Li did not know when she had taken Nodachi into the sheath and kept his posture. He looked at the posture of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada and said in a subtle way.

    "Sure enough, Extreme Death – Seven Nights cannot play its full power in this space where the laws of physics are not universal. Even this level of quantification does not even know if it has been achieved."

    But Ah…

    “It is also a blessing to this. At this time without the physical body concept, using EX treme Death – Seven Nights will not put an astounding burden on the arm.”

    In other words

    "I'm able to use the Certain Kill Technique indefinitely here."

    Speech finished, Fang Li's hand caught Nodachi's knife handle.


    At this moment, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's two eyes and skills finally played a role, so that he did not want to directly go sideways.

    "Qiāng — !"

    Almost at the same time, the chilly blade light, which was turned into a practise, relentlessly swept past the location of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada a second before. In the sound of “Pū”, a deep knife was left on the ground. mark.

    Amazing slash presents Amakusa Shirou Tokisada in the most direct way before Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    "Kacha …"

    At this time, such abnormal noise was introduced into the heart of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    That is the voice of the knife puts in the sheath.


    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's whole body is sending this signal to her crazy, and Amakusa Shirou Tokisada understands that Fang Li can no longer continue to shoot.

    Otherwise, it is absolutely dead.

    At the moment, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada slammed into the air.


    In such a brief mantra, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada cast his sword.

    It was not the noble Phantasm (treasure Tool) used by Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, but a hammer-throwing sword.


    A nail-throwing sword cut through the air and flew toward Fang Li violently shoots.

    Fang Li immediately recognized the origin of these weapons.

    "Black Key?"

    Exact Rub is used by the executors of the Holy Church, and Black Key is also used by Ciel from the Burial Agency in another parallel world.

    After the blessing of the incantation, Black Key seemed to be accelerated by Magic Power. The hilt was glorified with electro-optic light. It seemed like a trace of lightning that would track and flew from all sides to Fang Li.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Helix !"

    In the hands of Fang Li, Nodachi suddenly turned into countless slashes, and he rose to his side in all directions, causing the blade light sword shadow to appear in its around the body.

    "clang clang clang clang clang !"

    Among the collision sounds, one of the Black Keys was shot out.

    However, at this time, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada was already deceived by Fang Li's.

    Fang Li showed a surprised expression.

    That not because of not aware of the attack by Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    Fang Li, who owns the Enemy Detection Skill, has long noticed that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada has fallen from above.

    What surprised Fang Li was that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada was not attacking him.

    "I found it…"

    Amakusa Shirou Tokisada smiled on his face.

    "You rely on this to strengthen your presence and make your existence more stable."

    With this in mind, Katana in the hands of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada fell.

    Against Reiji Maigo suspended in Fang Li around the body, heavily cut it down.


    Among the heavily pounding sounds, Katana lingers on the radiant Crimson World treasure.

    It was also at this moment that amazing changes occurred.


    Reiji Maigo was actually burning.

    The silvery flame, which suddenly began to burn violently from above.

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