Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1358 is clear here



    In a silent Royal Hall, the fierce battle ended in a form that nobody could think of.

    Both Achilles and Atalanta fell on the ground.

    The body has a devastating wound.

    Under the body, there is a pool of blood that slowly expands.

    The two well-known heroes of Greek Mythology lay so silently, coughing blood while moving their fingers.

    In the end, both Achilles and Atalanta gave up.

    It is not that you do not want to struggle, but you cannot do it.

    Although the Spiritual Core was not damaged, both riders and servants felt that their deaths were approaching.

    "Aah …"

    Two Heroes who gave up struggling understood.

    "Is this Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's power…?"

    Precisely so.

    Even if the Spiritual Core was not destroyed, Achilles and Atalanta were also fatally wounded.

    The Death Line of the vital point was cut off, causing the injury to both of them to recover again.

    And since the injury at the vital point cannot be restored, the death will come sooner or later.

    Even if Achilles struggles with Atalanta, it is only an ugly move to delay the death.

    Therefore, the two gave up.

    Even if the heart is not willing to resign.

    Even if the belief is firm.

    This matter alone is irreversible.

    So both of them squeezed out the last bit of strength and turned hard to see the direction of the throne.

    There, the lethal weapon in the hands of the bloody Murdering Demon was still dripping with their blood. Only one pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes turned and turned their gaze to the body of the two.

    Inside, there is no compassion, no sympathy, and some only accept calm as a matter of course.

    "Haha…"Achilles couldn't help but laugh, and some self-deprecating: "It's obviously the merit of killing Heroic Spirit with human beings, but that guy doesn't feel at all proud of it."

“……MAYBEAtalanta looked at the ceiling, indifferently said: "For that man, we are just opponents of this level."

    "Did you be despised?"Achilles said so, but immediately overturned his own words and said: "No, it's not right. It should be said that in his record, we should have already had quite a few defeats for Rank like ours."

    “precisely so.”A faint smile appeared on Atalanta's face and said: "It's curious to know what kind of scene of carnage the man had experienced."

    "What?"Achilles smiled free and easy: "Did Big Sister watch him?"

    Unfortunately…Atalanta slowly said: "I have no interest in men."

    "Well, that's it."Achilles said with a wry smile: "After all, Big Sister is a believer of Artemis and has long vowed to stay pure."

“……That kind of thing has long since become irrelevant. ”Atalanta, as if to kill his own feelings, said indifferently: "Only, my wish seems to have ended only here."

    Having said that, Atalanta had always been very calm and calm before he took a bit of regret and unwillingness.

    Achilles is aware.

    Unlike himself, who only hopes to pursue a strong opponent, Atalanta will participate in the Great Holy Grail War, which is a relationship that has the desire to achieve.

    It was a surprise to those who knew her and would take it for granted.

    Basically, Atalanta's values ​​are the same as wild beasts.

    It is a normal thing to grab the food you need to survive.

    Both life and death are doomed, and only experts and weak are the ones who decide on this.

    Alone, Atlanta will have a sense of sympathy for those who are not patronized.

    The huntress, who had been abandoned by their parents since childhood, only hoped to return this kindness to the children.

    Therefore, Atalanta's desire is to create a world in which all children can grow under the guise of love through Holy Grail.

    This is a very distant wish, although not as good as Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

    Of course, Holy Grail cannot fulfill that desire.

    But Atalanta still holds a glimmer of hope and stubbornly walks down.

    Why would Amakusa Shirou Tokisada be helped because of this desire?

    If Amakusa Shirou Tokisada’s wishes are fulfilled and humanity receives relief, then children can also grow up happy and happy.

    But now, in that world, Atalanta is no longer visible.

    "I also had a hunch that the man who killed me might be the man."Atalanta said extremely indifferently: “Now, this hunch has also been realized. It is only in a bad sense that it will be effective and sensitive.”

    "Do I?"Achilles whispered: "Big Sister will feel unwilling?"

    "Of course, if I still have the strength to bow my bow, I will retaliate with the man for an arrow."Atalanta’s voice also weakened and said: “How about you? Is there any regret? ”

“……have it? ”Achilles laughs and says: "Although I had the desire to meet my heart's thirst for battle, if possible, I hope Teacher could finally boast about me."

    The accidental childish speech made Atalanta laugh.

    Then, the light particles begin to appear on the outline of the two ride Hero.

“……It seems like it's time to go. ”

    "No way, I hope the priest can really fulfill that wish."

    Left this words, Achilles and Atalanta with a touch of regret and even their own ignorance of the liberation, turned into a burst of light particles disappeared.

    Rider of Red and Archer of Red will exit here.

    Maybe, like Atalanta said, this is a doomed ending.

    After all, on the first day of the Great Holy Grail War, Fang Li's first encounter with the enemy Servant was the famous Hero of the two Greeks.

    Fang Li only saw the departure of the two heroes.

    "The original hatred was just here."

    Only words that can only be heard by oneself are left here, so that the ice blue of Fang Li in the eyes begins to fade.

    "you…Are you OK?

    It was not until this time that Jeanne responded and looked at Fang Li's bloody appearance and quickly rushed over.

    Only Mordred was left, the eyes under the helmet stared at Fang Li on the throne, and his heart secretly grinned.

    (Master, ah, it seems that this time in the Great Holy Grail War, you and I have never thought of a monster…)

    This sentence seems to have been passed to Sisigou Kairi.

    Necromancer's sigh that understood what was happening here was also passed into Mordred's heart.

    (Hoping to win Holy Grail from such monsters, it is unlikely that Ah…

    Obviously, the outbreak of Fang Li's hesitated for these fearless masters and servants.

    The Great Holy Grail War is still in progress.

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