Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1332 gets all Servant

    It is said to enjoy the fun of date, but Fang Li and Jeanne didn’t do anything special either to go shopping, buy something, even meet the lost lost children on the way, in order to find the other’s mother. It took most of the time.

    If this is date, then the estimate is also an extremely ordinary date, right?

    For Jeanne, such an ordinary date is an ideal one.

    "For me, "ordinary" is something that was abandoned."

    Jeanne smiled at Fang Li with a nostalgic expression.

    It can be seen from Jeanne's smile that she is really satisfied.

    "Of course, I never regretted choosing this route."

    As Saintess in the population of the later generation, Jeanne does not have any emotion that can be called regret.

    From the moment he hears God's sigh, Jeanne has already decided to embark on this path. If he regrets it, he will regret it before it is burned by the fire. He does not need to wait until now.

    So, Jeanne has never regretted going out of hometown and embarking on the battlefield.

    Even if his hands were stained with blood, even if he killed many enemies and committed sins, Jeanne did not regret it.

    Not because of these things are not worthy of regret, but Jeanne has long been aware of these sins.

    But for Jeanne, even if he never regretted, the ordinary life that was abandoned by him is something that is worth remembering.

    Like Fang Li and Sylvia said.

    "In the final analysis, Saintess is also only an ordinary girl."

    That’s all there is to it.

    In view of this, Pingping Fanfan is the biggest ideal for Jeanne.

    Can enjoy an ordinary date, that Jeanne has been satisfied.

    Therefore, the two people had a very ordinary day.

    From the perspective of others, it doesn't even look like date, but ordinary friends go to the streets to stroll around?

    This visit is to stroll to the evening.

    Until Minamoto no Yorimitsu finally found the door.

    "Hehe …Hehehehe…"

    The Minamoto Family leader, who is braving the black aura, holds Katana like this and appears in front of Fang Li and Jeanne with a terrible gentle smile.

    And it didn’t take long for tears.

    "I …I have watched you all day! ”

    It is also true.

    Although not like Fang Li has the speed to break the rules level, Minamoto no Yorimitsu is a Servant again, and it is impossible to find Fang Li and Jeanne until late in the morning.

    In fact, Minamoto no Yorimitsu also found two people long ago, but because of the daytime can not be hands-on relationship, only hiding in the shadows and arrows, ready to shoot dead Jeanane.

    From this point of view, it may be possible to remain rational, which is really not a good thing for Minamoto no Yorimitsu.

    If you change the rest of Berserker, then it will not manage any daytime and hidden principles.

    Of course, if Fang Li and Jeanne are sticky together like a lover, Minamoto no Yorimitsu is afraid that he will lose his sense.

    However, Fang Li and Jeanne did not stick to each other, but spent a very ordinary date, just not touching the nerves of Minamoto no Yorimitsu, and maintaining this incredible impasse with an extremely subtle degree.

    The result was that Minamoto no Yorimitsu really watched Fang Li and Jeanne go shopping together for a whole day. Envy tears all fall.

    It is said that Yao Li finally appealed to Minamoto no Yorimitsu so that Minamoto no Yorimitsu wouldn’t do anything to Jeanne.

    Fortunately, the face of Minamoto no Yorimitsu is Jeanne, not Sylvia.

    Otherwise, Minamoto no Yorimitsu basically impossible to stop it?

    In this case, before the sun went down, Fang Li entire group finally returned to the villa of Yggdmillennia Clan.

    Upon returning to the villa, a Homunculus came to inform.

    "Fiore-sama asked you to discuss things in the past."

    Homunculus is such an opening.

    Let Fang Li and Jeanne look at each other, nod promised.


    Villa lobby.

    In a room like a conference room, someone is already waiting for Fang Li and Jeanne.

    "The two are finally back."

    Fiore smiled radiantly toward Fang Li and Jeanne.

    "Please sit down."

    In the mouth, Fiore's eyes still carry a trace of unnoticeable fatigue.

    Obviously, becoming the principal of Yggdmillennia Clan makes Fiore seem to be working harder than before.

    On the side, not only Chiron and Caules were in the company, even Sieg and Astolfo were present.

    "hello !"

    Astolfo is still full of vitality, greeting Frank Li and Jeanne.

    "You are Ruler?"

    Chiron also paid tribute to Jeanne nod.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know how to say hello to you before."

    In the first match with Achilles, Chiron suffered a lot of injuries, and afterwards he maintained the Spiritual Body status and used Magic Power to heal until now.

    "You are the Great Sage Chiron?"Jeanne salutes Chiron and shows her full respect, saying: "You're famous."

    "This is also a long name."Chiron reveals a natural smile full of prairie aura and says: “It's possible to meet with the world’s most famous Saintess. This is only a miracle that the Holy Grail War can bring.”

    "Are you alright?"Fang Li looked at Chiron and said: "A war with a disciple seems to be awkward."

    "Ahhhh…"Chiron grimaced, and said with some sigh: "He has become much better than I know. Finally, if not because of his sudden appearance, I may have been forced to liberate Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool). ) How hard is it?"

    Chiron's words let everyone cast his sights to his body.

    "What happened?"Caules quickly asked Chiron: "What is the situation?"

    "I'm just guessing."Chiron frowning said: "I'm afraid that the Achilles contract has been replaced."

    "Changed the object of the contract?"One after another everyone was shocked.

    "so that's how it is."Fang Li thought of something in general and grinned, saying: “Amakusa Shirou Tokisada took all the Red Command's Master Command Seals and won all the servant's ensembles?”

    kindThe crowd suddenly surprised.

    Jeanne's expression completely sank and became cloudy and uncertain.

    According to Chiron, in the process of confrontation with it, Achilles suddenly suffered some pain.

    "That priest…! Actually dare to make such a thing…! ”

    As if to understand what was happening, Achilles shouted indignantly, and was then used Command Seals to call back.

    Otherwise, Achilles will not give up the past Master and give up the match that he always hopes to win.

    "As Fang Li-sama said, the Master right of Red Faction may have been fully focused on Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's body."

    Chiron looked around and said that.

    "We want to beat Red Faction. Anyway, we have to beat Amakusa Shirou Tokisada."

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