Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1326 The Unknown Chase Battle

    "Hey, let's go to date."

    When this sentence came out of Sylvia's mouth, Fang Li had not yet had time to react and a Servant on the scene broke out.

    "Hey —!"

    In an extremely sharp wind chord, the sharp Katana flashes behind Sylvia and turns into a silver light, slamming toward Sylvia's head.

    "Hey —!"

    Under the crisp collision sound, a sword-type Lux swiftly provoked, and the light edge of Mana condensed into another ray of light, just like the wind, giving Katana to the flicks, provoking a burst Sparks.

    The assailants and the assailants slammed down in this attack, as if they had distanced themselves from each other. They suddenly jumped backwards in the burst of sparks and entered a state of confrontation.

    "Ara Ara …"

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu smiled like this, holding a sharp Katana, and spoke a sting.

    "It doesn't appear to be an ordinary bug. It takes a little effort to cut it."

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu, who speaks such fearful words with a gentle expression, feels astonished that the around the body is covered with a layer of black aura.

    For this scene, Sylvia felt a bit funny.

    "I said, Yorimitsu-san."Sylvia helplessly said: "What are you doing all of a sudden?"

    Obviously, thanks to Jeanne's True Name Discernment, Sylvia learned Minamoto no Yorimitsu's True Name.

    In this regard, Minamoto no Yorimitsu also did not care.

    After all, Minamoto no Yorimitsu has more things to pay attention to than True Name.

    "Is that still useful?"Minamoto no Yorimitsu said with a grinning voice: “For the mother who intends to entangle her son, she should be properly protected and give the pest to expel.”

    It seems that Minamoto no Yorimitsu's spoiled side has also recovered after the restoration of the status quo.

    BugSylvia was rather surprised and hesitantly said: "Does the insects refer to me?"

    "Is that still useful?"Minamoto no Yorimitsu replied with a smile: "It will only stick to the unpleasant creatures of other people. Isn't that a bug?"

    "This…"Sylvia said with a bit of tears and laughs: "I was the first time I was told by others, and I feel really new."

    I know."

    All along, Sylvia is a super-famous idol that is loved by millions or even billions of people. Others only praise for it, and when does Sylvia directly call Sylvia an unsightly insect?

    Even Tatsumaki never said Sylvia this way?

    "Sure enough, the world is big, what kind of people have."

    Sylvia made a chuckle like this.

    "But, Yorimsu-san, I'm not an insect. As a mate, it's not normal to stick to your lover."

    The topic that cannot be mentioned absolutely, appears in Sylvia's mouth like this.

    Romantic loveLovers…? ”

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu's expression is so stiff.

    "Smirk!"Hehe …Do you know what you are talking about? ”Minamoto no Yorimitsu smiled, but the smile could not be considered reluctantly enough. Like losing an angry, he said stiffly: "Lovers? Who do you say is your lover…? ”

    "Is that still useful?"Sylvia seems to think it's funny. Like pranks, somewhat playful is against Minamoto no Yorimitsu: “Your Master is my lover?”

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu lost his speech.

    Only stiff neck, slowly looking to Fang Li.

    "Hey, Master, what does this bug say? Do you know?"

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu questioned Fang Li like this.

    Emoticons are no longer as full of motherhood and tolerance as they used to be, but as if they were caught in turmoil, even their eyes become sick.

    That gesture is undoubtedly a ghost.

    This caused Fang Li's heart to slam.

    How can you forget this Servant with a lover?

    If you admit this matter in front of Minamoto no Yorimitsu, it is estimated that it will lead to an incredible event?

    However, letting Fang Li not recognize this matter, it is also impossible.

    Even if oneself caused this side to look at Fang Li like a smile, watching a lively appearance, it is the same.

    At the moment, Fang Li held his awakening with Command Seals to speak to Minamoto no Yorimitsu.

    "Well, she is indeed my lover."

    In a word, the quality of the air has been completely changed.

    "How…why is it like this…? ”

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu seems to have suffered an unprecedented blow, shivering and tears.

    SonI beloved son was robbed of the insects that did not know where to come…"

    Aah …


    Really cried…

    Like a child, Minamoto no Yorimitsu sobbed and let tears pā tà pā tà go down.

    But shortly afterwards, Minamoto no Yorimitsu turned his head and looked at Sylvia.

    Eyes, become full of murderous aura.

    Looking at such Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Fang Li immediately generates a bad premonition.

    This hunch was immediately fulfilled.

    "Kill you!"

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu said with teething.

    "As long as you kill you, Master will definitely change his mind!"

    With this in mind, Minamoto no Yorimitsu rushed out of the ground and stormed out.

    "Hey —!"

    Sharp wind shrieked again, allowing Katana in the hands of Minamoto no Yorimitsu to cut through the air.

    Unfortunately, Minamoto no Yorimitsu thunder-like violent knife, but it is in an empty place.

    Sylvia standing there has long since disappeared.


    Like Teleportation, Sylvia appeared in the Fang Li's side in a burst of light particles emerging from the air.


    Fang Li was horrified.

    Just now, even Fang Li did not notice that Sylvia had moved.

    In other words …

    "space shift ?"


    In this moment, Sylvia resorted to the space shift of Ability.

    "I'm not always looking at it. When I was working hard at Jeanne, I was developing a new Ability. The result was that the effect of the Command Seals' space shift was reproduced by me."

    Sylvia said with a smile and immediately pressed Fang Li's shoulder.

    Stop right there

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu shouted clearly to understand what happened.

    However, before Minamoto no Yorimitsu took action, Fang Li and Sylvia turned into a burst of light particles and disappeared here.

    "clang …"

    The sharp Katana dropped on the ground and slammed into a crisp sound.

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu stared blankly at this scene.

    After half a second, I laughed.

    "Hehe …Hehehe…"

    As if broken, Minamoto no Yorimitsu twitched with a black aura and twitched with a smile.

    "In this case, I, unfairly Yorimitsu, can only break the taboo and become a ghost…"

    Saying this, Minamoto no Yorimitsu picked up a knife.

    The next second, Minamoto no Yorimitsu also turned into a burst of light particles, disappearing on the spot.

    An unknown chase war started from this as a starting point.

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