Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1296 began to lose three rides

    Trifas, Millennia Fortress.

    When Fang Li and Fiore came back here and entered Royal Hall, the entire Royal Hall presented an extremely heavy atmosphere.

    Vlad III sits on the throne, and the calm expression of the past is now the only remaining anger.

    Darnic stands beside the throne and faces the same gloomy.

    Roche and Caster stood silently without saying a word.

    Also two Masters, also on the scene.


    Celenike bites her nails and repeatedly looks at the Command Seals on her back. Her face twists slightly.

    It's not my fault.It's not my fault.

    Gordes was completely absent from the previous high-handedness and arrogance, sitting on the ground, decadent head down, as if unwilling to believe the truth in front of him, murmured.

    Minamoto no Yorimitsu and Chiron were both materialized behind Fang Li and Fiore. They looked at the scene and fell silent.

    Fang Li also took a glance at everyone, eventually licking his lips, but did not take pleasure in other people's misfortune.

    "Oji-sama."Fiore stepped forward and said to Darnic with a heavy expression: "We're back."

“……are you back? ”Darnic raised his eyes and his face was still not beautiful, took a deep breath, and he said to Fiore: “Has everything been heard?”

    "Yes."Fiore heavily nodded, whispered: "It is hard to imagine this fact."

    Who would like to believe it?

    Only overnight, the two rider Servant of his own side had a problem.

    And it was still a suicide, a defection.

    For Black Faction, this is not just a loss of face, it is even related to the outcome of the Great Holy Grail War and the survival of Yggdmillennia.

    “We have never known why Saber chose to commit suicide. However, Siegfried has indeed chosen himself to complete the information obtained through the technique of “to look into the distance.” Rather than being killed by Rider.”Darnic blinked and said: "The only thing we can be sure of now is that Rider chose to betray us in order to save a Homunculus."

    This sentence made the two Yggdmillennia Masters who had lost Servant react.

    “Correct.” It's all you! ”Gordes is like being in madness, pointing to Celenike and yelling: "If not because of your useless servant, how could my servant commit suicide!"

    Obviously, Gordes is now a mad dog that bite people. He is totally irrational.

    In this regard, Celenike only coldly glanced at Gordes.

    Body, a pungent smell of blood began to spread out.

    "Give me a bit of self-consciousness, incompetent dead fat man."Celenike is not as sensible as Gordes, but is also suppressing anger in the discourse. He says: “If it weren’t your flawed Homunculus, my Servant wouldn’t get dizzy to do that kind of thing. I haven’t found it yet. After you finish the bill, do you still want to push responsibility to my body?"

    “Who”Who knows why that kind of garbage suddenly comes up with this problem! ”Gordes shouted his head and eyes blood congestion: "That is obviously the item! Magic Power battery provided! District Homunculus …! District Homunculus Aaaaah ! ”

    Gordes's mind/energetic has completely collapsed.

    Not only was Gordes, but all the Masters present were virtually incomprehensible. The only reason why Homunculus, who provided Magic Power, suddenly caused such a storm.

    This is also natural.

    "You only used Homunculus as an item, but of course you didn't think of the item being a sudden Escape, but it was also a passing person."Fang Li indifferently said to everyone with a sarcasm: "Obviously you gave up understanding of these items. Now that you've come up with an idea to understand the item, will it be too late?"

    That relentless speech attracted Gordes and Celenike's glares.

    Only Roche, like Fang Li's irony, asked Celenike, "Isn't also Command Seals?" Why don't you call Rider back? ”

    "Do you think I don't want to?"Celenike said a little irritably: "But that way, Command Seals will completely lose their bond with Rider."

    Use Command Seals to summon Astolfo back.

    This may also be a choice.

    However, this is definitely not a good choice.

    You know, Astolfo has Magic rank with highest rank under the influence of Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool).

    This Rank's Magic Resistance is enough to counter the effect of Command Seals.

    Of course, even the Magic Resistance of Rank A+ is at best resisting the effect of Command Seals.

    If Celenike uses Command Seals again, the power of a total of two Command Seals will certainly be able to call Astolfo back.

    However, there was no way to bind Astolfo after that.

    Even if Celenike uses two strokes of Command Seals to summon Astolfo, only one of the remaining Command Seals can no longer make as much effect on Astolfo.

    In this way, it would be considered that everyone punished Astolfo and it was no use.

    As long as you do not want to kill Astolfo, it will be difficult for Astolfo to find a chance to rebel.

    At that time, it was really taking Astolfo.

    And will everyone want to kill Astolfo?

    Obviously not.

    "Now, we have lost Saber, and even Assassin has lost control, which is equivalent to the loss of two horses."Darnic complexion said heavily: "In such circumstances, we can no longer lose a ride Servant."

    That’s all there is to it.

    "The situation is really bad."Chiron is also sullen and says: "The only thing that was lost was the Saber and Assassin rides. It was a bad luck."

    Saber is regarded as the best Class. No matter what the Holy Grail War, it can survive to the end. It is undoubtedly equivalent to the trump card.

    Assassin is known as the most dangerous Class and is extremely good at covert operations. If used properly, the Master Grail War is won only by assassinating all Masters.

    One is the trump card on the surface.

    One is a ghost card in the dark.

    Losing the two riders' Servant, it was too hurt for Black Faction.

    Therefore, in this situation, no one wants to lose a ride Servant.

    And since you don't want to kill Astolfo, you have to think about how to use him later.

    If you use the Command Seals on the summons to make the later Astolfo uncontrollable, that's really a problem.

    "I will go back to Rider."Celenike looked at Darnic and said, "Give me a little time."

    Hearing this, Darnic closed his eyes, then only helpless nod.

    Celenike only smiled cruelly and turned back to leave Royal Hall.

    Looking at the back of Celenike, the irony in Fang Li’s heart was even worse.

    The perverted woman was afraid that she was thoroughly washed away. It was no surprise that in order to retaliate with Astolfo's betrayal, what was done.

    Bring Astolfo back?

    I'm afraid, Celenike will not do this at all, but will want to torture Astolfo to despair?

    Only, that will not be as it wished?

    Fang Li did not intervene.

    Just wait and see here.

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