Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1274 insignificant wishes


    In a luxurious room, a glass of wine was smashed on the ground, and bright red wine was splashed around, instantly becoming dyed red.

    "damn! Damn! Damn! ”

    Gordes yelled furiously, and a fat face fluttered, causing his expression to be distorted by anger.

    That shitcake. It is the kind of kneeling that is not even Dante (Magus)…! Actually dare to…! Actually dare to…! ? ”

    Grides quivered as he remembered the encounter in Royal Hall and the contempt of the people around him.

    "Those guys also dare to look down on me!? Obviously some inferior Dante (Magus)! ”

    The family in which Gordes was a family was once the famous name for alchemy, which is equal to Einzbern.

    However, their bloodlines as Dante (Magus) have gradually become exhausted and eventually swallowed by Yggdmillennia Clan.

    In this once famous name, it was a great shame to be absorbed by Yggdmillennia.

    Thus, when Gordes was young, his parents continued to instill in him the superiority of the family, and ultimately the family's heirs could not distinguish between reality and ideals, leaving only meaningless pride to become arrogant.

    Because of this, in Yggdmillennia Clan, Gordes was always regarded as clown by the rest of Dante (Magus).

    If not because of opening the line of conduct, Gordes's accomplishments in alchemy are indeed extraordinary, and even if he finds a solution that allows Magic Power to divert and create Homunculus to provide the consumption of servants, then no one will ever be a master of the past. The arrogance of the prominent people is gone.

    This time in the Great Holy Grail War, Gordes summoned the strongest Class in the previous Holy Grail War, and still has Dragon-slaying Hero with immortality, which made his arrogance grow to the limit.

    This kind of high-spirited, but it was defeated today, suddenly fell to the bottom.

    So, Gordes's heart was only humiliated.

    Gordes looked to the door.

    There, Siegfried with a silvery Greatsword looks like he is standing there, even if Master shows such ugliness in front of his eyes.

    The tall, magnificent, majestic and majestic figure didn't know how long Gordes had been proud of at the beginning.

    Now, Gordes is even angry about this figure.

    "It's all you! all because of you! ”

    Be angry at the dizzy Gordes and yell at Siegfried.

    "What Dragon-slaying Hero!? What a King! ? Even the woman with only a figure and appearance can not beat! What is Hero? ? It is because of your incompetence I will suffer such humiliation! Exactly! all because of you! ”

    Gordes screamed at Hero like that.

    Was it not even Siegfried’s treatment before his lifetime?

    Believe that any Hero can't stand Gordes's blunder.

    After all, Hero is proud and has his own dignity.

    If a Servant is replaced, it is not surprising that Gordes was cut off.

    However, Siegfried has been silent for a long time, silently bearing the Master's scolding.

    Not because of Siegfried did not have Hero's dignity.

    Siegfried only meets Master's wish.

    Before his death, Siegfried lived in the same way as Wish Machine.

    Because, Siegfried knows, no matter how strong Hero, there is no way to save everyone.

    Therefore, Siegfried can only save those who ask for help.

    Regardless of who these people are, Siegfried will choose to save as long as there is a request, even if it is a greedy official or an evil thief.

    If no request is made, it will be regarded as a poor villager and oppressed innocent people. Siegfried will not help.

    Siegfried can only live like this stupid and stupid, and eventually become the so-called Hero in people's minds.

    In fact, Siegfried has always had a wish in his heart.

    "No one approves, no one appreciates also fine, I just want to guard what I believe."

    "It is not for other people, not for oneself, but for the things that one believes in."


    Siegfried does not want to be a wish machine.

    In fact, Siegfried always wanted to save and protect one thing with his own ideas.

    "Even if only once?"

    Instead of being asked by others, they want to do it from the heart.

    Siegfried, for this insignificant wish, became Servant and participated in the Great Holy Grail War.

    However, Siegfried now seems to be back in the past.

    The Master hopes he will not speak and he will not speak.

    The Master hopes to scold himself and he will bear his blame.

    This is the realization of Master's wish.

    Looking at Gordes, who still shouted at him, Siegfried thought quietly in his heart.

    "I, when will I realize my wish?"


    On the other side, Fiore also returned to his room.

    Looking at the Servant behind him, Fiore hesitated and asked for a voice.

    "Isn't the Servant of that gentleman really matching the most proud disciple of your life? Chiron. ”


    Greek Mythology Centaur second to none of Great Sage, God of Creation and Destruction of Time and Space, son of Kronos and Goddess Philyra.

    King of Gods Zeus of Greece is the brother of his half-brother.

    The Celestial Sagittarius is a constellation formed after its death.

    Even Titan Hercules who overcomes Twelve Labors is a disciple.

    Moreover, as the famous Great Sage, Chiron has taught many excellent heroes and even a complete Divine Spirit.

    Unfortunately, Chiron was persecuted by deadly poison before his death. However, because he was undying as Divine Spirit, Chiron had been tortured and painfully caused by deadly poison. He eventually gave up undying sex and abandoned most of Divinity.

    It is for this reason that Chiron can be summoned as servant.

    Otherwise, to the scale of the Holy Grail, that is not to summon the complete divine Spirit.

    The famous Great Sage is now facing Fiore nodded.

    "Although I do not know the origin of the servant, but from her body, I can feel God's power. Being able to compete with the Great Hero is not too high."

    So to speak, Chiron's face also appeared a little memory, smiled and said such a sentence.

    "Perhaps not even my disciple, who is second only to Hercules, could not reach the other?"

    "Hero, Achilles, who almost swept the battlefield in the Trojan War."

    Chiron's words gave Fiore a pensive look.

    SoFiore to Chiron asked: "Tomorrow's Quest, I should not go to invite him again?" ”

    "I think we can try it."Chiron said: "Although it doesn't work very well with Yggdmillennia's position, the Master doesn't seem to be hostile to you. Tomorrow's Quest is also very dangerous. For security reasons, inviting him is a not bad choice."

    Fiore pondered for a while.

    Immediately, nodded.

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