Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1094 on other women?

    Next, Sylvia does not plan to participate in the competition.

    Shokuhou Misaki seems to have seen this, so he gave Sylvia his appointment.

    "I also plan to chat with Shokuhou-san."

    Sylvia left this and smiled at Fang Li.

    "You go to Index and look at the child."

    After that, Sylvia left.

    To be honest, Fang Li really cares about what Sylvia and Shokuhou Misaki have gathered together to talk about.

    However, if it is Shokuhou Misaki, it may be really possible to make some bad ideas.

    Of course, Shokuhou Misaki is not bad in nature, but does not mean that she will not do something excessive.

    Just like Misaka Mikoto, watching Shokuhou Misaki is quite unpleasant.

    After all, in order to deal with Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki often manipulates others and uses others as hostages and combat forces. Each time, Misaka Mikoto takes care of him. How can Misaka Mikoto, a straightforward character, be able to see Shokuhou Misaki pleasing to the eye?

    For Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki's approach should be very mean?

    Shokuhou Misaki can do this without hesitation.

    "This is my Ability. There is no reason to abandon the superiority and thanklessness?"

    The oneself statement is like this.

    So that would make Misaka Mikoto so disgusted.

    Only ,Misaka Mikoto Do not know, Shokuhou Misaki, although he will not use his own Ability, he will also stipulate that he must take care of those who are manipulated by himself.

    This is the principle of Shokuhou Misaki's own, and Misaka Mikoto has always limited his strength in order not to injure others with a strong Ability. He never makes a full-scale effort.

    As a result, perhaps Shokuhou Misaki would interfere with Sylvia's mind/energetic with his own Ability.

    "However, before this was not done, it should not be suddenly done afterwards."

    This is Fang Li's idea.

    Moreover …

    "Even if that girl wants to use Ability on Sylvie, it doesn't even know if it will work."

    No matter how you say, Sylvia's body also Equipment EX plorer's Will, can be immune to half the effect of abnormal status.

    If it is interfered with mind/energetic, then Sylvia's ability should be able to break free of Shokuhou Misaki's interference in the case of being immune to half the effects.

    Therefore, Fang Li is more secure.

    "Or go to Index."

    After making up his mind, Fang Li took to the streets.

    "Hey, look at that person…"

    "Sure enough it was that?"

    The people around him still cast their eyes on curiosity and inquiry, making Fang Li more or less eye-catching.

    Fortunately, Fang Li has been thoroughly accustomed to learning to ignore the eyes of these people, walking on the street and looking for signs of Index.

    Until the sound of a sound.

    "Ara? Are you really a student at the same table as Diva? ”

    With the sound of such a sound, Fang Li stopped himself.

    Could it be that , is it another person who intends to use himself as an intermediary to introduce Sylvia out or take some signature or something?

    Thinking of this, Fang Li turned his head and looked behind his back.

    Immediately, Fang Li was stunned.

    "Hello, sorry to suddenly stop you."

    The person who spoke was a woman who was in her prime and was only about 20 years old.

    The other party's body was wearing a pale gray shirt and dark trousers with a thin cloth. It was a very simple dress but there was a very smart and capable office lady.

    Its hair color is a dark brownish color, exactly the same as that of Misaka Mikoto.

    No, not only hair color, even the looks are very similar.

    If Misaka Mikoto grows up smoothly, then in another decade or so, it's estimated that President will be like this now?

    Fang Li immediately recognized the other’s identity.

    "My name is Misaka Misuzu and I am considered to be a student's parents."

    The self-proclaimed Misaka Misuzu revealed a fearless yet polite smile to Fang Li.

    "Excuse me, can I trouble you one thing?"



    On the other side, Misaka Mikoto, who had just finished the game, was stunned.

    "I was obviously Esper of the electrical department, but let me go to the tug of war, so that I can't use Ability at all?"

    Hearing this, Shirai Kuroko of Misaka Mikoto behind looked at Onee-sama like this, and as if he couldn't mention his interest, there was a sentence that did not have a sentence.

    "If Onee-sama, Rank's Esper, discharges on the water, then everyone will float on the water like cooked frogs?"

    "That's right, why did I let this go to the tug-of-war competition?"

    "Because the Onee-sama athletic ability is not bad, even if not using Ability, if the opponent is a girl, there should be advantages in strength."

    "Then let Esper in the body strengthening class go on then won't it be alright?"

    “Unfortunately, there are so many body strengthening classes in our school that Esper is attending a wrestling match? Manpower is a must? ”

    "I don't need to say you know."

    If this is the case, why do we have to spread gas for no reason?

“……Although I don’t think so, Onee-sama, can I ask a little question? ”

    Shirai Kuroko stopped and stared at Misaka Mikoto with narrowing the eyes.

    "Wouldn't you still think about the bad bastard thing?"

    In a word, Misaka Mikoto slumped and turned hard.

    "I …I was not thinking of him! ”Misaka Mikoto shouted: "Why would you suddenly say this unfathomable mystery?!"

    "Because, Onee-sama has become very anxious since he saw that bad bastard mixed with Diva."Shirai Kuroko said with great dissatisfaction: "What kind of man is that good? But if you see the world famous idol, do you know someone who doesn't know you? Isn't it just human-human destruction? ”

    "That man is like this. He only speaks irritating words all day long."Misaka Mikoto said without hesitation: "But that guy is not really indifferent. Although he will cause trouble without hesitation, he will also cause trouble for himself, seemingly free and unrestrained, but will also take care of his side. People, also…"

    Misaka Mikoto, who spoke in a row, did not find that Shirai Kuroko's face was getting worse and worse, and his hatred of Fang Li's was growing.

    No! This continues Onee-sama will really be the kind of bad bastard to capture! Kuroko I must take measures! )

    As Shirai Kuroko called, Misaka Mikoto stopped.

    "Un… /p>

    Shirai Kuroko suddenly turned somewhat uncertain and looked at Misaka Mikoto.

    As a result, Shirai Kuroko saw Misaka Mikoto look like a ghost.

    In front of his eyes, a man and a woman are talking and leaving each other.

    Seeing this scene, Shirai Kuroko's eyes lit up and complained to Misaka Mikoto.

    Look! Onee-sama! The man had just left Diva and had another woman! And this time is still a mature Big Sister! It really isn't a good thing…"

    In a word, Shirai Kuroko had heard the cry of Misaka Mikoto before he could finish it.


    The object to be called, Misaka Misuzu who coincidence with Fang Li.

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