Below the question, there are several options: A. Top 30. B. Top 20. C. Top 10. D. Top 5.

And the rich list is not just a quiz, it also prepares prizes: they will draw two netizens from the correct answers, and each will give away a mobile phone worth 8888 yuan!

Seeing these options, all netizens who eat melon are stunned: the lowest top 30? There is no top 100 option?

Last year, it was 163. It is normal to be in the top 100 this year, right?

Is this directly the lowest top 30?

This is developing too fast, right?

In that case, then…

I choose the top 5.

With a trace of “rebellious” psychology. The netizens who have been given the “feeding melon” by the still refuse to accept rich list each chose their own guessed option.

And this wave of hot marketing has also made this year’s still refuse to accept rich list the most concerned one over the years.

Because Su Yang, apart from this interview, not at all disclosed the specific data of his company, and has not raised capital, so the capital market does not have a rough valuation of Su Yang’s net worth. The rich list now uses such internal data to calculate his specific net worth.

This has also made many domestic top 30, top 10, and even top 5 top rich people curious about Su Yang’s net worth and cast their sights on…

Su Yang didn’t expect the rich list to be so good at playing, he actually took his own ranking to make a guess. So when he learned about it, he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

At this time, he received a video call from early summer…

Because during the New Year, he chatted with early summer on the phone and even used video to talk to his parents Say hello. So early summer suddenly called today, Su Yang couldn’t help but wonder what it was for.

So he picked up the phone and actively asked, “Early summer. Why do you have time to call me today?”

On the other side of the screen, early summer is like a hamster stealing food. “Hello? The president is big, you tell me quietly, how many can you make? I want to win a prize.”

Su Yang:…

Su Yang almost got a bit of blood. Squirt out!

Early summer actually called yourself about this matter? !

And…you guard such a rich man, and you think about “cheating” to win the prize? !

Can you be a little bit pursued!

If you are pleased to please me, I will give you 10 prizes.

And… I obviously gave you some mobile phones, why do you want to win the prize!

A bunch of “grooves” blocked Su Yang’s throat, causing Su Yang’s heart rhythm to be uneven.

He took a few sighs of relief, and then helplessly said, “Early summer, do you pursue this? I will give you a mobile phone, okay.”

Early summer Tsundere refused. , “I don’t need you to give me my cell phone! What did you give me! Go to the back door! I have to rely on my own strength to dignified and get this cell phone!”

Su Yang:.. .

Your dignified is just coming to my client to cheat?

You are too dignified, and you are now…

Dignified is in early summer. Laugh to death.

Thinking of this, Su Yang said irritably, “I estimated it, if the first 5, there is a high probability of not getting in, so it should be the top 10.”

“wa !” Chu Xia exclaimed, “So you will be one of the top 10 richest people in the country!”

Su Yang was proud of his chest, “What is it! Isn’t it special?”

In the video, Early Summers eyes were wide open, cleverly nodded, “Yeah. Its really awesome!”

After that, Early Summers big eyes “Bringblin” flashed a few times , Mengmeng asked, “Then you will have a chat and laugh with the two Boss Ma?”

Su Yang was even more proud, “Should be. After all, everyone is considered a level person. “

Hearing this, Chu Xias eyes were already full of flashes, she said, “Then can you let Boss Ma send me a permanent super member? Best red diamond, green diamond, Blue diamonds and colored diamonds are all in one set! It will be permanent!”

Su Yang’s face collapsed:…

In early summer, he didn’t pay attention at all, and continued, “Yes. Thats right. Im also playing King now, can you ask Boss Ma to give me Wu Zetian again? Ive never been able to get it! By the way, its better to bring a skin…”

“There’s more! Another Boss Ma can clear the shopping cart for me! I have a lot of things I like! And can you give me flowers? Every time I spend flowers, its good Happy, but when it’s still, I’m so sad…”

“Ah! And there!…”

In early summer, I was excited like a little bunny, constantly Talking about his novel ideas.

Su Yang at first listened to a few more words, and at the back, he felt those words come to his left ear, went straight around his head, and then came to his right ear, and then left. simply didn’t pass through my ears…

So after listening for a while, Su Yang coughed and asked, “Member of Juduo app, do you want it? I have this.”< /p>

In early summer, he hesitated for a moment, “Can I change to Goudong? I still like to buy things in Goudong.”

Su Yang:…


Su Yang crushed the cup in his hand.

Did this girl in early summer deliberately! My own cast of Juduoduo is worse than Goudong!



Uh… it seems to be inferior to Jingdong.


I was despised by my girlfriend…

After some communication, Su Yang felt that his heart was full of wounds.

What about the top rich! What about the top 10 richest people in the country! My girlfriends dont use their own products!


We chatted with Chuxia a few more words, and explained the reason why he judged the top 10 by the way. Su Yang finally hung up Chuxia’s call. ..

This is the most tiring time he chatted with Chuxia.

After chatting with Chuxia, Su Yang received calls from several friends. In addition to congratulations, he also took the opportunity to ask Su Yang to be the top spot!

So, Su Yang was annoyed, and one of them gave a Jiadian mobile phone!

But after the delivery, Su Yang calmed down for a while, and silently took out Weibo, clicked on the poll on the rich list, and then chose the top 10 options.

It seems that lottery is really contagious…

I dont need a mobile phone, but I just want to vote and see if I can get it.

This may be legendary…Luck?

After voting, Su Yang also took a look. There were many netizens who voted. In just half a day, the total number of votes broke through 400,000.

The top 30 players accounted for 10%, the top 20 players accounted for 45%, the top 10 players accounted for 15%, and the top 5 players accounted for 30%.

Su Yang analyzed the psychology of these voters, and it is estimated that the lowest option (top 30) is almost impossible. Otherwise it is the middle number, or it is the highest.

So the second option is the most selected: the top 20, followed by the top 5.

But Su Yang feels that they have chosen the wrong one…

After all… Is there anyone who knows his wealth better than himself?

Su Yang himself just explained a few pieces of his business to Chuxia. ZhongAn Automobile, which is the most transparent in the capital market, has almost no valuation because of loans, because all are loans.

Other projects, because they have not been funded, or are not listed, there is no accurate valuation.

But in this case, for the sake of authority, a conservative valuation will be given as much as possible.

For example, the valuation of Xunwo app and Jiadian app, if listed or raised, is estimated to be around 5,000,000,000. But now the total is estimated to be around 3,000,000,000.

Although Jiadian Films has produced several hot movies and TV series, it is only a few billion at most based on the low valuation of the film and television company. After all, the film and television circle spoilers Huayi Brother is only about 10 billion.

There may be more Jiadian phones.

According to the valuation range of the mobile phone industry: For example, Xiaomi has an annual turnover of 200 billion yuan, with a market value of around 400 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Apple’s annual turnover of 1.5 trillion yuan and a market value of 50,000 billion.

The market value of Jiadian mobile phones should be about four to 50 billion. Coupled with the new technologies involved, etc., it is estimated that it will give a valuation of about 60 to 70 billion.

Of course, this is the current valuation. Once the new technology starts to be authorized, generates value and proves more applicability, then the valuation of Jiadian mobile phones will definitely skyrocket.

Others, such as milk tea shops, health care products companies, etc., are too small to add up to 100 million. You can make an appointment directly.

So Su Yang feels that when all these add up, it will be more than 70 billion when it comes to full play.

The top five billionaires in the previous year and last year were both 80,000,000,000. But you must know that this year is a wealth explosion year, and the wealth of many rich people has increased exponentially. For example, Ding Sanshi, the CEO of NetEase, ranked 10th with 46 billion last year, is worth more than 90 billion this year, which is close to 100 billion.

So Su Yang thinks that his level is the top ten category in China. It is very difficult to get into the top five.

After participating in the voting, Su Yang threw his phone aside, looking towards Sea Snake and Zhao Licheng who were sitting in front of him, a question mark appeared on his head, “Uh? That’s right. Where did we talk just now? ?”

Zhao Licheng and Haishe secretly showed a smile on their faces. Then Zhao Licheng said, “General Su. Lets talk about the plan to enter the world.”

Because the domestic affairs are almost all done, whether its platinum missions, harvesting influence, or national deployment. , It only needs time to advance. So Su Yang has set his sights on the world.

Although there are 1.4 billion people in China and 1.4 billion people affected, there are 7 billion people in the world. Wanting to further improve and evolve the system, and to lead the country to become prosperous and become the number one in the world, Su Yang knew that he had to go out.

I always have a little trouble in the country. It is a game played by children.

A real man, he should play Heaven and Earth abroad! Let people all over the world know that Chinese companies can still become global hegemons!

So, Su Yang also called Zhao Licheng and Haishe in front of him today, ready to talk about the next move. After all, if you want to enter the world, the best way is definitely not to act at the same time: Jiadian Group and Su Yang have not yet reached that level of strength.

Therefore, it is the best way to concentrate a little and capture a market to test the waters.

Thinking of this, Su Yang looked towards Zhao Licheng, “Oh. Yes. You go on. Do you mean the 1st Step is put on Japan?”

Zhao Licheng is nodded.

Su Yang said, “But you have to be clear that the Japanese market is not small. It is the top 5 in the world. My goal is to win the market of a country in a short time and then push the world horizontally. Can you do it?”

Zhao Licheng once again nodded, “Manager Su. Don’t worry. I have a plan…”

Just in Su Yang While discussing with Zhao Licheng and Haishe on how to sweep the Japanese market in a short period of time, at the Fujisun headquarters in Shenzhen City, Brother Ma was also chatting with Su Yang in the reception room with Wang Xing and Liu Dong, two top rich men.

These two tycoons are both giants in the Fujitsu system.

For example, Wang Xing. The founder of each group. Although only ranked in the top 50 of the rich list. But since each group merged with Volkswagen, it has become a well-deserved leader in the food delivery and group buying field. But Fujisun is the largest shareholder of each group, holding more than 20% of the shares.

For example, Liu Dong. The founder of Gou Dong. The founder of the second domestic e-commerce platform. Ranked among the top 15 richest people in 2015. Fujitsu is also Goudong’s largest shareholder.

And the path he took is the path of heavy assets. This road at first is not optimistic by the capital market, which is believed to slow down the development speed. But up to now, because the country is developing faster and faster, the value of these assets is super fast. So the capital market is now more and more optimistic about his model. Even the domestic Peak tycoon Ari has started to replicate this path.

This also proves his success.

Fujixun also invested in Godong, and is also Godongs largest shareholder, holding more than 21%.

At this time, it was the beginning of the year, so these two big brothers also came to Brother Ma to talk about their plans for the next year, to see if there are conflicts, or if they can cooperate The place. Of course, I also come to exchange feelings by the way.

So, after talking about business affairs, several top rich men couldn’t help but talk about Su Yang, who is now in full swing.

Little Brother Ma sat on the leather sofa and started the topic first, “By the way, what do you think of Su Yang?”

Liu Dong thought for a while, then said After four words, “The vision is unique.”

As soon as these words came out, the reception room was quiet for a while. Brother Ma and Wang Xing recalled the development process of Su Yang, and couldn’t help being nodded. Su Yang has stepped on almost every step, and his ability to explode in every project really has to say “unique vision”.

Little Brother Ma asked, “Do you think you can pull him into our war chariot?”

Wang Xing shook his head, “Almost impossible. He has developed now. No. Need money, no connections, no background. We dont have what he needs.”

If Su Yang is here at this time, he will definitely say: Yes…My girlfriend needs one. Permanent QQ super member.

cough cough …

Liu Dong also agrees with Wang Xing’s idea, “Moreover, his current net worth should be able to be in the top 10, and he can be a team. Again. How could it be possible to come closer.”

Little Brother Ma laughed indifferently, “The top 10 is the top 10. But when we are in this position, what we are looking at is not our own wealth, but Resources that can be used. After all, Fujisun is a trillion-dollar aircraft carrier-level enterprise with many industries at home and abroad. These all are unmatched by the Jiadian Group.”

“And close Come here, its not leaning over to start a small business. Everyone is just a cooperative relationship. Even if you have Fujisuns investment, they are all developed independently. Lets communicate on an equal footing.”

Speaking of which, Brother Ma The hand touched the chin for a moment, and said, “Also, I feel that this can happen.”

“Look, he has developed to his current level, otherwise he will continue to be in China. Fighting, otherwise it is external development.”

“I feel that his ambition and ambition are not small, and he is unwilling to fight in his own nest. So he will go abroad for development with a high probability.”

“Now the top domestic companies are looking for opportunities for overseas development, I feel he has also noticed.”

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