These accounts have all been compromised by angry netizens and viewers. Every comment area on Weibo is all about criticizing them for using online public opinion to destroy a classic domestic movie review!

Netizens have asked them to apologize publicly, not only to “Wandering Planet”, to the Jiadian Group, but also to the netizens who have been fooled.

There are only fair and open platforms such as Xiaopozhan, Hupu, etc., because at first handled them well, and avoided spread. Nothing else is spared.

Those big V, marketing accounts are also crying without tears. They really didn’t expect to take the order, and it became like this.

Actually, it’s okay to make such a mess. But… they have already apologized, but Jiadian Group didn’t forgive, what else would they say?

At this moment, when things are getting worse and people are excited. Suddenly… the hot searches on this matter on several big platforms such as Weibo, Zhihu, Baidu, Douyin, etc., began to quietly reduce their popularity or were removed.

Originally, due to the continuous reversal and the popularity of “Wandering Planet” itself, this matter had an average of five or six hot searches on each platform. All users entered Baidu and Weibo. Bo, Zhihu, everyone can see this topic. As a result, it was all gone silently now.

Obviously, someone wants to deal with this matter coldly.

“Cold processing” itself is the most common method in crisis public relations. When the public opinion of the matter is biased towards the enemy, reducing the heat of the matter is a kind of protection for oneself.

And this withdrawal of hot search is also the end of many forces.

There are the producers and producers of those three movies, some wealthy big Vs, and even the support of these big platforms themselves: they were previously sent by Su Yang with the indictment, now Being affected again, I really can’t stand it anymore, so I also want to suppress the heat and let the matter pass as soon as possible.

As for apologizing…

Apologizing is impossible and impossible in this life.

As a platform, it has a disclaimer clause. Although there is an obligation to review user statements, it is not to the point that even a rumor cannot appear. So they feel justified.

The hot search was withdrawn. The three major movies, the major platforms and the big V are all pretending to be dead, pretending not to see it, and dealing with it coldly. Everything seems to be suppressed by these “evil” forces.

The netizens are all a little bit aggrieved, feeling that they have been taken advantage of, and as a result they cant even send out a complaint.

These capitalists unite and manipulate public opinion, which is too terrifying!

Furthermore, as the hot search was removed, many users also found that the content related to this incident would be demoted. The content they posted can only be seen by themselves, and others cannot see it, or You can only see it by clicking into your user interface.

This is obviously a further cooling measure for several large platforms.

At this moment, personal power is so small and weak in front of capital.

It’s like a giant gray net that is sky-high, obscuring the original blue sky…

The grieving netizens have no way to vent on the Internet, they can only be angry Rushed into the cinema and continued to support “Wandering Planet” with actions!

So thanks to the exposure of this incident, after two days of decline, the box office of “Wandering Planet” climbed again against the trend on the last day of the Spring Festival, reaching 430 million in a single day. At the box office!

So, seven days after the Spring Festival, the cumulative box office of “Wandering Planet” reached a staggering 2.78 billion!

In just seven days, it surpassed the records of “Monster Hunt” and “Super 7”, and reached the top spot in the domestic film history box office!

This is the first domestic film that truly won the top box office in domestic film history!

On this day, the entire film and television industry was a sensation!

Everyone is celebrating and happy. After all, this is the shame of several decades!

The world’s top three powers, the most important cultural propaganda field: movies. As a result, the audience most like to watch American movies!

This is not a shame, what is it?

Going bigger, this means that our people are being exported by Western culture.

But now, it’s all over!

“Wandering Planet” successfully reached the top with a box office record of 2.7 billion in seven days!

Guo Fan, the director of “Wandering Planet”, and Wu Feng, the soul of the movie, have almost all been blown up on Weibo by @. There are not only congratulations from many netizens, but also congratulations from big names in the entertainment and film and television circles.

And Su Yang, this “Wandering Planet” investor, producer, producer, and the titular actor, let alone. Countless people wanted to congratulate him, but because of Su Yang’s high status, the stars and directors dare not @Su Yang, so they all wrote private messages or left a message to congratulate him on the first Weibo.

And when he received the news that Little Di said that he broke the record, Su Yang also discovered that his Weibo had exploded.

He opened Weibo and checked it, then laughed. It really feels like a happy thing. So he also posted a Weibo with a promotional image of “Wandering Planet”, [Thank you for your support, without you, there would be no such movie history. But now the journey of “Wandering Planet” is not over yet. We have left the solar system, but the journey is a distant sea of stars. Let us work towards 5 billion box office!

This is the first time Su Yang publicly stated his box office expectations for “Wandering Planet”.

As a result, everyone who showed up had scalp numb: 5 billion box office? real or fake!

Be aware that, apart from you, the highest domestic movie box office is only 2.43 billion yuan! This is still a Hollywood blockbuster, the national phenomenon-level movie “Super 7” of the year!

You must know that when “Super 7” became popular, it even became a popular stalk: after watching Super 7 go to Super 7.

As a result, you tell me that you will be twice as much…!

Dont even say whether the quality of “Wandering Planet” can reach twice the quality of “Speed 7”. Just talk about the domestic film market, can there be such a large user base?

For a while, everyone who saw this Weibo was suspicious of this problem.

A movie ticket is 20-100 yuan, on average, it is about 40-50 yuan. 5 billion, that means more than 100 million people have seen this movie.

This… can it be done?

But doubt belongs to doubt. On this festive day, there is no questioning without opening their eyes. Instead, they pretend not to see this sentence, and then start the blessing.

The first blessings are the artists of Jiadian Films: the first-line super-popular queen Han Yi, the current top star Meiyue, and Lin Jiali, who is still wandering among the third-line artists…


Han Yi, [Congratulations on the movie starring and invested by Mr. Su becoming the No. 1 box office in movie history! Already reserved. Next time there is this kind of movie, remember to bring me (laughs). ]

Mei Yue, [Boss is awesome! Our Boss is really good at everything! ]

Lin Jiali, [Old Su, Gou rich, dont forget each other. Why are my shots cut a few…]

The relationship between the three and Su Yang can also be seen from the replies of the three. Lin Jiali is totally a good friend. Meiyue has such a personality and is more carefree. Only Han Yi is a more formal congratulation. She and Su Yang do have fewer personal contacts.

And after they sent their congratulations, everyone found out: Unconsciously, Han Yi after Heaven’s Line in the entertainment circle, and the top-notch Meiyue are all in the Jiadian Group.

Jiadian Group is also very strong in the entertainment industry!

As for Lin Jiali…

Huh? Did Carrie Lam also act in “Wandering Planet”? Is it a character in the protagonist group that looks very beautiful?

Uh. It felt beautiful at the time, but why did you forget it afterwards? cough cough.

Why is such a beautiful woman so difficult to be remembered…its too strange. Does it come with any strange buff?

After the Jiadian film artists congratulated him, Wu Feng, Guo Fan, and some stars that Su Yang knew, the directors also came to congratulate him on his Weibo. After that, the celebrities, queens, celebrities, and celebrities from all walks of life all came to congratulate them one after another.

For a while, Su Yang’s Weibo is so dazzling with stars, fans are too late to like it. Pull down, hundreds of them are congratulations from people in the film and television industry you know or know.

The entertainment industry is so realistic. If you have no grades, even if you are in the Jianglong, few people really care about you, but when you prove your worth, especially when you prove that you can bring value to others, you are their father. ..

Like Su Yang, he is not only an investor, but also a producer, producer, and even an actor. Whether it is acting, networking, money, or vision, you can support a bunch of people. If Su Yang took it with him, he might have become soaring. So it is understandable that so many celebrities and celebrities come to congratulate themselves.

And at this “universal celebration” moment, of course it is not perfect. The malicious rumors and malicious competition before the three films such as “Olympic City 3”, as well as Weibo, Zhihu and several major platforms are high under the throne, overlooking the sentient beings, a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain Manipulating public opinion still gave this celebration a trace of haze…

The record-breaking 2nd day of the box office and the end of the seven-day holiday of the Spring Festival ended. Everyone was engaged in busy work while the taste of the new year had not yet dissipated.

Su Yang took his parents to the provincial capital where Jiujiang is located, and took them to watch a “Wandering Planet”.

After the parents watched it, tears filled their eyes, and they kept applauding when they left, and their palms were almost red.

Of course, they are not unusual, and there are many spontaneous applause from the audience in the entire theater.

After watching the movie, when Su Yangs mother watched Su Yang again, she looked so pleasing to the eye. It was completely gone because Su Yang had been at home for too long and she was getting irritated…

Su Yang’s father even “gives a high evaluation” to Su Yang’s movie, and asked Su Yang to make persistent efforts to make good movies and promote the spirit of group heroism in our country!

After watching the movie, because it was only the eighth day of the year, most of the shops did not open, so Su Yang did not accompany his parents to continue visiting the provincial capital, but sent his parents back to his hometown.

After that, he got on the plane and flew back to Shanghai, officially starting his new year’s work.

The first thing he did was to deal with the three films including “Olympic City 3”, jointly discrediting “Wandering Planet” and Weibo, Zhihu, and other major platforms, and jointly withdrew hot search.

Su Yang is still more seeking revenge for the slightest grievance. If he didn’t provoke himself, he wouldn’t bother to warm-hearted and compassionate, but now he provokes himself. If he just let it go so lightly, would he be worthy of his reputation as the top richest man in China?

Are the top rich people withdrawn from hot searches like this?

If this matter is not resolved, it will be strange to wait until I enter the circle of the top rich and not be laughed to death!

So Su Yang returned to Shanghai, and directly called Big Scissors and the office staff whom the national network department knew about, and complained about the joint mercenary naval forces in the three films of “Aocheng 3″ and manipulated ” Wandering planet “Word of mouth”, Weibo, Zhihu and other major platforms are suspected of manipulating public opinion.

The clerks of Big Scissors and the National Network Department were a little bit cried after receiving this call. “Aocheng 3” is a trivial matter, but behind Weibo and Zhihu are domestic Internet giants.

Being able to become giants, the forces behind them must also be tangled and complicated. At least not his little clerk can handle it.

So he quickly reported the incident.

So, the matter was reported layer by layer, and it was quickly reported to the bosses of the two departments. Several bosses were nodded when they got this report.

They also know that this is already a Divine Immortal fight. So they pondered for a while and decided to let the people below collect evidence and information to them first, and they were testing the attitude of the boss of the department. See how to deal with this matter.

After all, only people at that level can fight against Su Yang and the major platforms.

But when asking the people below to prepare the materials, the bigwigs of these two departments also raised Su Yang’s position several levels in the heart.

Su Yang plays well with this hand.

No complaints, only complaints about these people who are suspected of manipulating public opinion.

In China, manipulating public opinion is a red line. Whoever steps on it will die. Because this involves the ruling foundation of the country.

Its just that, in recent years, major platforms have been doing more or less.

For example, putting a piece of information directly on a hot search, is this considered manipulation of public opinion? It must be counted. Its okay if its general information, but what if its anti-national information?

Is there no major event?

For example, removing a piece of information from a hot search, is it a manipulation of public opinion? Of course it does. What if the country has something important to promote and the platform is removed?

So, these operations are actually the behavior of stepping on the red line. However, all major platforms have used “advertising” and “business cooperation” to avoid this red line.

In addition, there are people behind them, so the national network department also turned a blind eye.

But now, Su Yang directly lights up the red line. It’s like a snake hitting seven inches.

Almost aimed at the dead spots of major platforms!

The rest depends on whether the leader is willing to do it.

Several bosses set the tone, and the following clerks quickly responded to Su Yang, saying that the bosses had taken this matter seriously, but they asked for evidence to be collected. I hope Su Yang can do it here. Cooperate and provide more evidence.

Su Yang has relevant evidence, so he directly arranged Little Di to gather the evidence and send it to the clerks.

After the clerk one after another reviewed, they said that the screenshots of Weibo, Zhihu and other platforms manipulating public opinion are more obvious, and there should be no problem.

However, the evidence for rumor and discredit in the three films such as “Olympic City 3” is only revealed by a few navy leaders, and this kind of evidence has almost no value.

Because the other party itself is tainted and it is just a chat record, it is too difficult to use as evidence.

So I hope that Su Yang will look for more final evidence here…

Su Yang listened to the clerk’s reply, slightly frowned. It feels a bit difficult.

Evidence for the final word?

Where can I find it?

Wang Jing and the others dont do this kind of thing a day or two. They must be very careful. It is estimated that transfers and chats are all small accounts. Get direct evidence from the navy that is basically impossible.

And what is direct evidence?

Isnt it straightforward evidence that someone Self-destruction in those three movies took out the screenshots discussed by the producers of the three movies?

How is this possible!

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