Those who have this idea are not one or two, but many, many people.

After all, the box office increase of “Wandering Planet” is really scary. It’s almost like there is no end.

It feels like it will be the number one in a few more days!

Do the math, how many days was “Wandering Planet” released? Surely it will not exceed half a month, right?

Half a month became the No. 1 box office in history?


Isnt it a dream?

This is too terrifying!

Then they looked at the current box office of “Mermaid”.

After four days of screening, although it was severely squeezed by “Wandering Planet”, “Mermaid” still struggled through the 900 million box office mark.

Even though it has nearly doubled the gap with “Wandering Planet”, the momentum of “Mermaid” is still very stable, and professional organizations have already given a 2.5 billion box office forecast. This box office is actually also a record level.

As for…”Wandering Planet”…

In fact, major professional organizations are not afraid to make predictions. Because there has never been a movie in China that has such a box office trend. This trend is not that the number of samples is too small, but that there are no samples at all!

According to their model, the box office of Wandering Planet is at least 4 billion!

40 billion? !

It’s nearly twice as much as the box office in history!

Are there so many viewers in China?

So professional organizations think that when you reach this level of movies, what you watch is not the quality, but the ceiling of the domestic movie market. That is, how many viewers are there.

Most organizations in the industry suspect that the ceiling of the domestic box office is not that high, perhaps at most about 3 billion. So… I dared not make any predictions.

As for the other movies in the Spring Festival file…

Now it is completely accompanied. Not only was the “Wandering Planet” greatly squeezed the lineup, even “Mermaid” was snatching their lineup.

According to the normal development, this years Spring Festival stalls will be a hot time. The box office of “Mermaid” exceeds 3 billion easily, and 100% tops the historical box office.

It is not a big problem that the box office of “Olympic City 3” and “Western Journey Bones” broke 1 billion.

Everyone is peaceful.

But now “Wandering Planet” is born. Although the cake of the whole market has doubled with bare hands, it is also much higher in quality than other movies, so it has robbed other movies. Lots of living space.

This also makes the box office of these movies continue to shrink.

Lets talk about “Olympic City 3” and “Westward Journey Bones”. The “Mermaid”, which was originally expected to be 3 billion, has a good reputation, but because of some minor plot flaws, it collapsed all the way.

Under normal circumstances, in fact, this kind of plot flaw is not concealed. Just like a film market investigator’s investigation, many viewers have long discovered that the plot logic of “The Mermaid” is flawed. But these audiences don’t care and will still support it. Therefore, It shouldn’t be too much influence on the ticket property.

But…all that is without “Wandering Planet”!

Now I have encountered the prehistoric giant beast “Wandering Planet”, everything is different. This flaw in “The Mermaid” is magnified. The original movie with more than 7 points met the 9+ movie “Wandering Planet”, and it was directly crushed.

As a result of the loss of audiences, the reduction of box office, the reduction of movie theaters, and the continued reduction of box office, everything becomes a negative feedback loop.

But “Mermaid” is not a good crop either. They can’t do “Wandering Planet”, but they can do other movies.

So they also put pressure on the theaters, asking them to make up for the lost series of movies from other movies!

Of course, other movies disagreed, and they tried their best to grab the box office.

So, apart from “Wandering Planet”, several other movies are all fighting to grab the lineup and box office. It seems that this Spring Festival stall is particularly bloody.

The box office is the lifeblood of a movie. Winning the box office is like killing parents. Therefore, the face of the producers of these films the past few days is always gloomy and scary.

Because they have been fighting for a few days and found themselves fighting back and forth, the only cheap thing is “Wandering Planet”.

So, they also know that if “Wandering Planet” is not contained, no matter how much they grab, they are bound to fail.

So, under the leadership of Wang Jing, the three films temporarily stopped the chaos and formed a small group together. Prepare to discuss how to deal with the current box office king: “Wandering Planet”.

After the establishment of the small group, Wang Jing, as the initiator, first put forward his own ideas.

Everyone. As for the purpose of establishing this group, we are not deliberately trying to discredit anyone. It’s just… we have indeed reached the time of life and death.

Now that the box office has been squeezed so severely, the lineup has been continuously reduced. If we don’t help ourselves, we will really end the Spring Festival hastily. ]

[Everyones investment in movies is not small, so dont you want to simply give up?

He raised his head, and the producer of “Journey to the West White Bones” took over, [Yes. Movies are a field of life and death, either they die or we die. Now its momentum simply cannot be stopped. If we dont save ourselves, we will die when the time comes.

The producer of “Mermaid” also answered, [Yes. Now theaters are reducing our schedule. If we don’t solve him, our platoon will be further squeezed! We haven’t arranged any films!

Wang Jing: …

The producer of “Journey to the West”: …

It’s okay if he doesn’t say this, he says The other two cannot help but want to curse: Have you reduced your schedule? ! Obviously the reduction is ours!

Dont think we dont know that if the theaters are reducing you, you will find the theaters to put pressure on them, and take the movies from our movies!

“Wandering Planet” is not a gadget! You are not a good thing!

If we dont want to unite our strengths, maybe we can kill you first!

Although I have already slammed “Mermaid” to death, after all, everyone is now a cooperative relationship, so Wang Jing and “Journey to the West” are not willing to say anything, they can only be blunt Changed the subject.

Wang Jing, [You said, what method can we use to reduce its row of films? Or spoil its reputation?

The producer of “Journey to the West White Bones” thought for a while, and said, [I feel we start with the special effects of “Wandering Planet”. Isn’t “Wandering Planet” now the main feature, it is produced by domestic special effects companies, is it a giant science fiction system?

[It is precisely because of this. So netizens have a very good impression of it, and they are willing to do two or three brushes. ]

[Then we can launch the navy to spread rumors on the Internet. It is a special effect made by a Hollywood company. In order to deceive feelings, it is said that domestic companies did it. So his box office foundation is gone.

Wang Jing questioned, [But this kind of questioning is broken with a single poke. As long as the other party immediately refutes the rumors, it will have no effect. ]

The producer of “Journey to the White Bones” sent a “laughing” expression, [First of all. I have done a survey and there is no special effects company in China that has taken over the special effects work of “Wandering Planet”. I didn’t even receive some assistance in production or leftovers. ]

[That is to say, if “Wandering Planet” is really purely domestic, then only Jiadian Films should do its special effects. But don’t forget, Jiadian Pictures itself is the producer of “Wandering Planet”. Once questioned, its “testimony” is very weak.

[After all, it cannot be both a suspect and a witness.

[So this in itself will make many viewers suspicious. Think there is something tricky in this matter.

[And… our purpose is to muddy this water. Not to really hammer it. ]

[Even if it really has evidence to refute the rumors, we are not positive. It refutes the rumors, we send ours.

repeated rumor becomes a fact. As long as you post more, someone will believe it. These believers feel that they have been deceived and will spontaneously spread science to those around them. People around you certainly don’t believe it, but in the process of arguing, they will hesitate. ]

[After such a few steps, a large number of viewers will always be affected. Don’t watch “Wandering Planet”. When the time comes, will their movie tickets be donated to us?

Wang Jing pondered for a while, and it makes sense!

Although it is a little bit damaged, it seems to be effective!

After that, he had an idea and said, [Actually, we can also do both. Before launching the navy, we went to the cinema to put pressure on the film, asking for the film arrangement to be as fair as possible, or we would withdraw. In the domestic film and television circles, we are all considered to be well-known figures, and it will still be effective if a few people press together. ]

[Of course, we dont ask the theater to respond immediately. But to give them a psychological hint. Let them know that we are being pressed, thinking about comforting us. Immediately after the navy began to spread rumors, they would naturally have a tilt. ]

The producer of “Journey to the White Bones” sent a “like” emoticon and agreed, [Yes. ]

After talking about this, the plan is preliminary. Wang Jing said, [OK. That’s roughly the plan. We don’t have much time to study plans. If we continue to study it, it will have a breakthrough 50%! ]

[So now we are all talking about how much money can be paid to support this plan, right?

At this time, the producer of “Mermaid” who has been silent, suddenly opened the mouth and said in surprise, [? ? Still need money for this?

Wang Jing:…

The producer of “Journey to the West White Bones”:…

Where did this come from?

Master Xing made nonsensical movies by himself, and the staff around him are also nonsensical!

Everyone discusses a way to do “The Wandering Planet”, do you think it is just a mouthful?

Do you think we are all Divine Immortal? “Wandering Planet” can be cursed to death with just one mouth! ?

Of course this requires money!

On the other side of the phone, Wang Jing has nodded aching forehead. He feels that he really has encountered a “Divine Immortal”. How did such a person become a producer?

If you dont have to unite with “Mermaid”, you can get through “Wandering Planet”. And if “Mermaid” is not brought to the end, even if “Wandering Planet” is killed, “Mermaid” will only be cheaper, and he is not willing to look for “Mermaid”!

Then, Wang and Jing gave the people from the “Mermaid” a good “science” and asked how much “Wandering Planet” would help them. In the end, they were coaxed and persuaded. “Mermaid” has one third funding…

In fact, Wang Jing and the others originally expected that “Mermaid” would spend half of the funding. After all, defeating “Wandering Planet”, “Mermaid” is definitely the most profitable.

As a result, I met such a naive person. They have no choice but to consider themselves bad luck.

So, in this way, the anti-“Wandering Planet” alliance was formally established, and the three hot movies in the Spring Festival file also formally formed an alliance and unified the front.

The actors, directors, or producers of these three movies are actually Peak bosses in the film and entertainment circles. When the power was dissipated before, the energy was not particularly large, but when combined, the power was mostly Up.

On the same day, the three hot movies found the cinema chains together and began to put pressure on the cinema chains not to give “Wandering Planet” such a big tilt. At least back to normal levels.

Otherwise, they would collectively boycott the major theaters, and even withdraw from the Spring Festival stalls after the pre-sale shows were broadcast. Burn both jade and stone with various theaters.

Of course, the theater knows that these three movies are bluffing.

Can they withdraw files if they want to withdraw?

Dont look at the contract or the opinions of the relevant departments?

Even if they really dont watch it, their movies are so expensive one by one, are they really going to pay back?

But I have to say that although this matter is seen as a bluff, I have to take it seriously.

Because this represents the protest of several films during the Spring Festival. Represents the opinions of the company behind them.

Be aware that although “Wandering Planet” is very popular, these three movies are not bad. After a few days, “Wandering Planet” and these three movies almost evenly split the market.

It’s been a long time since the cinema has made such a profit. In five days, the four movies contributed a total of 3,000,000,000 box office! This has far surpasses the data from the Spring Festival file in previous years for one month, and even doubled it.

So in this case, they do not want to lose the opportunity to make money.

Just… reduce the row of “Wandering Planet”?


“Wandering Planet” is also a hen laying golden eggs. And it’s still a top three golden rooster!

What about this…

The Chief-In-Charge of the major theaters is a bit distressed.

And just when they were distressed, the navy plan of the three movies also started.

Actually, the film and television industry has never been mild and drizzle, but full of blade light and sword shadows. Every time the battle for a hot schedule is a battle without gunpowder.

As Old Senior in the film and television industry, Wang Jing and several people are already very familiar with this set.

So the money went down, and soon, the topic of “the special effects of “Wandering Planet” was made by Hollywood” began to ferment on the Internet.

Internet public opinion can be guided, especially when there are a lot of big Vs, marketing accounts, and navy solemnly vowed posts. Many netizens and viewers are guided by this kind of public opinion and begin to doubt “The Wandering Planet” Is it really domestic?

As the vice president of publicity of Jiadian Group, Xiao Baos general manager Li Zijun discovered this matter very quickly and attached great importance.

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