When Haishe woke up, Su Yang was on the phone with his parents.

When Su Yang and Wang Jiang fought fiercely before, in order to avoid accidents for their parents, they simply bought air tickets and reported to a travel agency to make the old couple travel the world.

And Shark One has been following the old couple all the time, secretly protecting them as bodyguards.

These old couples don’t know how dangerous Su Yang’s domestic affairs are. They only feel that Su Yang has made a lot of money and honors the two old people.

Even…In their hearts, they don’t even know how much money Su Yang made.

Because the news in the village is relatively closed, Su Yang is most famous for being exposed on the still refuse to accept Ranking List. It’s just that he is listed in more than one hundred places, which is actually unremarkable.

At that time, a few media in Shanghai and some public accounts were popular and posted. In addition, there are few youngsters in the village and don’t pay much attention to these things, so the old couple did not know that Su Yang had become a tens of billions.

They, including the village, only know that Su Yang seems to have set up a company and is in full swing. He has a lot of involvement with some stars and made a movie.

But I dont know what the movie is called.

Yes, in this era, star matters have to be more eye-catching, and Su Yang is actually still in the light of Han Yi.

So the old couple enjoyed this trip to the 20 European countries. After they played, in order to delay time, Su Yang even let them fly to Eagle Sauce, so that they could simply play the whole world.

So, later the old couple played for almost 3-4 months before returning to their village.

Back to their village, the old couple seemed to be celebrating the Chinese New Year. Four big boxes were filled with specialty products and sent to the villagers from house to house.

One is tradition, and the other is to show off: Look, this is my son who asked us to travel abroad to bring it back. Do you have such a good son?

I have to say that I did get a lot of envy in the eyes.

On this call, the old couple was telling Su Yang about the interesting things they had encountered when they went to the neighbors in various neighborhoods, as well as sharing their experiences abroad.

Su Yang does not have many advantages, but the biggest thing is filial piety, so even if the old couple talked about for more than 40 minutes, he did not have the slightest impatience. They all smiled and listened. While writing the book, he promised two sentences from time to time.

After talking about her own affairs, Su Yang mother started to care about Su Yang’s affairs, “Son, I read the news and said you seem to be the big star of your company, what is your name…what… .”

Su Yang answered, “Han Yi?”

Su Yang mother, “Yes! Han Yi. I heard that you are in love?”


Hearing what his mother said, Su Yang stopped turning the page and said with a smile, “Mom. Those on the Internet are all fake. I have nothing to do with Han Yi. Just normal working relations. “

Su Yang mother heard these words and let out a pity sigh, “Aiya. Why is it just an ordinary relationship?”

Su Yang:…


Why do you still have great expectations for Han Yi?

But Su Yang didnt want to fight with his mother, so he left the pot to Han Yi without the slightest hesitation, “Mom. Han Yi female star, pay attention to scandals and develop career, then Busy, there is no time to fall in love.”

“Moreover, we are in a superior relationship, and the company clearly stipulates that office romances cannot occur.”

Su Yang mother:.. .

Su Yang mother doesn’t know what office romances a female celebrity who is flying outside has every day, but I heard my son say so, so I think it really doesn’t work. So she thought for a while, and then asked with her accent in her hometown, “Oh. Do you have any other girl you like?”

Su Yang stopped the action in his hand, and couldn’t help thinking of it. The silhouette of early summer emerged.

He could not help laughing, and said, “Yes.”

Su Yang mother on the other side of the phone lit up, “Then let me take a look at home someday!”


Su Yang felt a little headache, he said, “Mom. How old I am, just 20. Don’t worry. You at least wait for us to be stable and stable.”

Su Yang mother angrily said, “Don’t worry about it! The little tiger in the south of the village gave birth to a child last year. And the girl at the east end of the village has a second child this year. Can you compete!”

Su Yang:. ..

If I am struggling, maybe my mother can steam myself in early summer…

Those peers in my village are good everywhere, that is, getting married and having children Too early. This puts too much pressure on myself. After all, the biggest hope of being a parent is not to have a grandson and granddaughter to play with, bah, inheritance…

However, I am also impossible to give birth to a child at the age of 20.

Thinking of this, Su Yang’s eyes lit up, or else throw Tang Xiaomi to the old couple for fun? Maybe it’s like a granddaughter.

But…think about the “atmosphere” of the powerful “reconstruction” people in the village, Su Yang is really afraid that he will send Little Princess back, and it won’t take a month to become a second girl.

So Su Yang hurriedly used the excuse that he was still in school and the school ruled that he could not fall in love.

As for the person he says he likes, he just has a crush on that’s all.

When Su Yang said that, Su Yang’s mother had nothing to say, she could only mumble, Su Yang couldn’t hear clearly, she could only vaguely hear what “The university restricts dating? “It seems that high school is true? The university is also possible.” “This stinky boy is really disappointing.” “Don’t follow his father at all.”

Anyway, Su Yang can’t hear it anymore. But I dont know how happy I am.

Hang up the phone, Little Dis voice rang in Su Yangs ear, “Master. The sea snake just crawled out of the ground.”

Su Yang nodded, and then Continue to read the book, while saying, “Let him fix it first, and then come to see me.”

“Okay. Master.”

After a while, the sea snake is corrected. Came in front of Su Yang.

I havent seen each other for a few months. When I saw the sea snake again, Su Yang took a good look: From the outside, the sea snake did not seem to have changed. It was still a thin body, look pale, his eyes were a bit sunken, and his hair was messy. , Even after washing, it still looks a bit sloppy.

If you only see him for the first time, it is estimated that you will not associate him with danger, but you will suspect that he is indeed mentally abnormal, a bit like an addict.

After experiencing a “death”, the sea snake’s character still has no change. He smiled and looked at Su Yang, then knelt down on one knee and shouted, “Master.”

Su Yang said, “Get up.”

The sea snake stood up after hearing the sound.

Su Yang looked at him and said, “When you took a bath just now, Little Di should have told you all about Central Asia, right?”

I heard Su Yang say This, the sea snakes smiling face showed a hint of danger, and his eyes also flashed a little bit of cold glow, which seemed to have a murderous aura.

“Master. Sister Little Di has already told me. I actually had some awareness before and made some preparations. But I didn’t expect them to be so cruel and cruel.”

Su Yang couldn’t help laughing when he heard the sea snake’s words.

The sea snake actually said that others are cruel and cruel?

Is this the sea snake that killed a boat by one person?

It seems that the attack this time really taught the sea snake a lot of lessons.

This is a good thing.

At least let him know that this World is not something that a monster can solve. No matter how strong a monster is, humans can also wash the ground. No matter how strong a monster is, it may not be able to escape when encountering a real heavy firearm. .

So this time it can be regarded as a lesson from the little monsters in the family, especially the lord of the regardless of the law and of natural morality like the sea snake.

Sea Snake didn’t know that he just said a word, Su Yang thought so much, and he said with resentment, “As for who it is. I should know. It’s the organization of Mrs. Tanto. “

Su Yang heard this and was a little curious, “The organization of Mrs. Charcoal Poison?”

Hai Snake said, “Yes. They are very big in Central Asia.” A group of forces, I attacked their base before, and then snatched the researcher and Mrs. Charcoal. I guess they found the clues, so I found the clues along the way.”

“It was my carelessness, didn’t expect They dare to just and honorable bombard me, otherwise its not always certain who loses and who wins.”

Hearing this, Su Yang waved his hand, “Dont always speak blank words, since you are confident , Then you can return to Central Asia.”

The sea snake was nodded, and knelt on one knee again, “Yes. Master.”

After standing up, the sea snake issued a military order,” Master. This time, unless I secretly unify Central Asia, otherwise I won’t come back to you again.”

Su Yang looked down and read the book carelessly, then waved his hand again.

The sea snake was nodded, then turned and left the virtual space.

Su Yang was not surprised by the choice of sea snake. If he suffered such a big loss, and even almost died, then Su Yang would not let these enemies go.

But…Unification does not unify Central Asia, this is not so important to Su Yang anymore.

Just like what Zhao Licheng said, with the backing of the state now, Su Yang’s development actually does not use Central Asia at all.

Its just that Central Asia is, after all, a nail in the international situation. It is of great significance for Su Yang to go abroad in the future and “unify” the world.

Furthermore, after experiencing so many things, Su Yang also knows that eggs cannot be placed in the same basket, and there may be a dead loss, so it is still very important to leave a private plot in Central Asia.

New Year’s Day passes quickly. On this legal holiday, Su Yang is not at all idle, he is still reading books, accumulating servers, and speeding up the production of “Wandering Planet”.

The sea snake started to deal with the affairs of Central Asia, and Su Yang couldn’t forget to settle all the domestic affairs before going out.

Among these, the first and second is the release of “Wandering Planet”.

Be aware that “Wandering Planet” is also associated with Su Yang’s platinum mission.

To complete the platinum mission and earn platinum points, Su Yang also wants “Wandering Planet” to become the No. 1 box office in China.

So, under Su Yang’s overtime work, and finally after the New Year’s Day holiday, the entire film “Wandering Planet” was finally completed.

On the first day of the end of New Year’s Day, Su Yang, Guo Fan, and the special effects producers from Jiadian Pictures all watched this film together.

When I saw my carefully designed shots and special effects appear on the big screen one after another, both Guo Fan and the special effects producers from Jiadian Films all burst into tears.

Not only do they feel that they have achieved their ideals, but they also know what this movie means. This means: a huge science fiction blockbuster that has never been seen in China is finally born!

In the future, all Chinese people can dignified and tell other people: Our country also has science fiction films and special effects films.

And watching the whole movie, this kind of self-confidence from a 5,000-year history of the great power is fully displayed: other countries are Earth in crisis, run quickly, and only China is Earth in danger. Just walk with Earth, wandering together.

This is like a replica of Noah’s Ark and Dayu’s flood control. This kind of film full of Chinese spirit is a film that can truly belong to the Chinese themselves!

After the internal screening, Su Yang hurriedly contacted Guoying, and personally took the film with Guo Fan to the imperial capital to show the results. As one of the producers of “Wandering Planet”, Guoying attaches great importance to “Wandering Planet”.

So that day, the chairman, general manager, and several directors of the film department all came.

After watching the full movie, the most powerful guys in the entertainment industry couldnt hide their shock and smile on their faces.

Because they know that this time they may really have to witness a miracle.

This is simply the best domestic movie they have ever seen. This kind of special effects, this kind of plot, this kind of spirit, it is estimated that no one doubts Hollywood.

Especially the core of this movie, that is completely China’s unique collective heroism: we have no heroes, because in times of crisis, every Chinese son is a hero who saves his country! We have thousands of absolutely heroes!

One hero has fallen, thousands of absolutely heroes stand up!

This is the true sense of national honor that China has accumulated for 5000 years.

So after watching the movie, a few big guys didn’t hesitate to go all the way to the green light and sent the big scissors to review.

And with the guarantee of the national film, the big scissors passed very quickly, and they did not cut.

Of course…this may also be because there is also the shock of the enchanting Su Yang.

After all, when the Wang Family’s bones are not cold, no one wants to touch Su Yang’s brow.

So soon, “Wandering Planet” passed the review, and the rest is the finalization, promotion, filming and official release.

The schedule is hardly fixed. The reason why Su Yang worked overtime to complete “The Wandering Planet” is to keep up with the Spring Festival.

Be aware that there is still a box office giant named “Wolf Warrior 2” in the summer vacation. Judging from the potential that Little Ha smells, that movie is even better than “Wandering Planet”.

Su Yang didn’t want to meet force with force.

So “Wandering Planet” did not hesitate to be on the first day of the new year.

After the files are set, it is the promotion.

A movie’s box office is not high, in fact, it is directly proportional to the level of promotion.

Good movies do have “tap water”, but improper pre-publicity will definitely affect the total box office.

So rich and imposing, Su Yang, who wants to harvest the whole country, decided to invest a huge amount of money to promote “Wandering Planet” without any hesitation…

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