After looking around in Lab No. 2, Su Yang not at all found Experiment No. 2, and he looked towards Martha, Mrs. Charcoal, curiously.

Martha led him to the middle of the laboratory, in front of an experiment box that looked the size of a wardrobe, and then stretched out her hand to indicate, “This is experiment No. 2.”

Su Yang followed Martha’s hand and looked over. The experiment box was made of glass and contained a snake-like vine that could move freely.

It is green all over, and the leaves are a bit like maple leaves. Under each leaf, there are two tender plant claws.

This plant was also collected by Su Yang a few days ago. It was unremarkable at the time, but didn’t expect Martha to study it thoroughly.

While Su Yang was looking at it, Martha also introduced the plant softly in his ear, “We named this plant [Blood Cotton].”

< p>“It is the one with the strongest offensive and life force among all the mutant creatures we have collected.”

“Even if you dont use special equipment, an ordinary adult may not It must be his opponent.”

Speaking, I might be afraid that Su Yang would not believe it. The researcher next to Martha moved towards motioned for a moment. The researcher made an OK gesture. Obviously they wanted to show Su Yang the ability of this plant.

After making the gesture, the researcher opened the fresh-keeping cabinet next to it, took a piece of pork from it, and put it on the conveyor belt of the experiment box.

Then he pressed a button, the conveyor belt started, a small glass opening on the experiment box opened, and pork was transported in through the small opening.

Just as soon as that piece of pork entered the experiment box, the plant named [Blood Cotton] seemed to have a sense of smell moved towards the pork “climbing”, and the one at the bottom of its leaf The paws of the tender little plant stretched out, moved towards the pork entangled away.

Only a moment, that plant completely entangled the pork, and the tender claws of the plants also directly caught the pork.

Naked eye can be seen, the surface of the pork has been corroded by those little claws with tiny holes.

As the holes got bigger and bigger, the pork was corroded and shrunk rapidly. In the end, only a pool of blood-colored liquid remained, which stained the originally green vine into the color of blood.

Looking at this scene before him, Su Yang’s mouth opened wide in surprise for a while. And Martha explained in Su Yang’s ear, “That’s why we named it blood cotton.”

“His offensive is very strong, that kind of claw secretes corrosive The dissolving liquid can easily corrode the flesh and fur of animals.”

“So after every predation, it will leave a pool of bloody liquid, but because it will follow the prey when hunting. Bundled together, so he became a bright red color.”

Su Yang slightly nodded.

Seeing Su Yang’s interest, Martha pointed to the plant claws of blood cotton, and then continued to explain, “According to our research, this creature is similar to plants such as pitcher plants and trapping vines. , All belong to the parasitic plant.”

“However, unlike pitcher plants and other plants, its hunting organ is his roots, that is, those small claws. After contact with prey, it The roots will firmly grasp the lifeform, release the dissolved liquid, and grow within the body. Finally, it kills the prey and completes its nutrients.”

“This predation method and The legendary medium-sized parasitic plants are similar, but the difference is that the predatory organ of Nepenthes is the sac leaves, while its predatory organ is the roots.”

“In fact, the legendary piranha that can eat people It does not exist. The largest known carnivorous plant in the world is a pitcher plant that grows in India. Its leaf capacity can reach eight liters and it is said to be able to prey on mice.”

“So, after we discovered [Blood Cotton], it is now the most powerful plant in the world.”

Speaking of piranha, Su Yang glanced at Martha.

Be aware that Marthas monster prototype is the Piranha, or the prototype of the Piranha: Rafflesia.

Su Yang still remembers that when she resurrected Martha, she saw a blooming flower tattooed between her thighs. When she was excited, that flower would also sway.

In addition to the “real flower” in the crotch, Martha also has a tattoo symbolizing a piranha on her thigh, arm, and cheek.

Thats why Su Yang said before that Mashas monster characteristics make her look more charming…

Masha didnt seem to notice Su Yangs gaze, she looked Looking at the blood cotton in the glass cabinet, then explained, “In fact, if this plant is only offensive and dangerous for predation, then maybe we would not be so careful about it. Another feature of it is that its life force is extremely powerful.”

Speaking of this, Martha once again motioned to the researcher who was doing the experiment.

The researcher, nodded, put on protective clothing and protective gloves. After completing the full set of protection, he opened the cabinet and reached in with his hands.

Same as the previous scene, as soon as his hand reached in, [Blood Cotton] quickly wrapped around his hand.

The scientific researcher obviously did many such experiments. He didnt panic, but grabbed the blood cotton, reached out and took the hammer that another researcher handed over, and moved towards the blood cotton crazy. .

Just listen to the sound of “peng~ peng~ peng~”, the blood cotton seems to be irritated, not only without any injuries, but also fiercely resisting, the little paw moved towards that scientific research frantically The personnel gloves drilled.

The scientific researcher was not at all frightened by the tenacious appearance of the blood cotton. He continued to beat the blood cotton with a hammer, just like this dozens of times. Xuemian trembled all over, then let go of his small paws, lying dying in the experiment box and stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang was taken aback. He thought it was the scientific researcher who killed the blood cotton plant, but after closer inspection, he discovered that the blood cotton body actually Still trembling slightly, those tender little paws shrank under the leaves, one by one, as if waiting for an opportunity: it was obviously only scared of being beaten, and not at all suffered multiple injuries…< /p>

After beating the blood cotton, the researchers again picked up a piece of pork, threw it into the experiment box, and then closed the experiment box.

The blood cotton plant was actually pretending to be dead just now. As soon as the scientific researchers closed the experiment box, it began to stir and stretched out its small paws, moved towards the pork entangled in it.

In a short while, this piece of pork was corroded clean again, leaving only a pool of blood…

Looking at the complete process, Su Yangs offensive, dangerous and life-like aspects of blood cotton force, with an intuitive understanding.

He thinks that if this kind of plant is used to guard the home, it should be a weapon: it is only on the premise that you must find a way to restrain it. Otherwise, let alone guarding your own home, maybe even this home will be taken up…

Masha seems to have guessed Su Yangs thoughts, and it seems that she has just explained it here. She said, “When studying blood cotton, we also used various substances to experiment with it. In the experiment, it was found that blood cotton has almost no natural enemies, but it is not uncontrollable.”

“First of all, its hunting methods are only for animals and have no effect on plants. In other words, plants are not in the category of its prey. Secondly, in experiments, we found that he has nothing to do with the heated aluminum. Resistance.”

“So, if we want to use it reasonably, then we can plant a circle of weeds on the boundary of its growth. With weeds as a barrier, then he will not It will slip out of the delineated range.”

“And if we feel that it has reproduced too much, we can also harvest it with heated aluminum, or pour liquid aluminum on it. As long as he touches aluminum, he will curl up and even lose his life.”

Hearing this, Su Yang asked curiously, “Why is it afraid of aluminum?”

Martha corrected, “I am not afraid of aluminum. I am afraid of aluminum after heating.”

She explained, “This should be because it is within the body’s solution and it is rich in itself. A variety of high valence metal compounds. Once hot aluminum comes into contact with its body, a displacement reaction will occur, causing its cells within the body to collapse, directly threatening its life.”

About heating Martha just explained the damage caused by the aluminum to the blood cotton, not at all to Su Yang. Su Yang guessed that this might be because there is not much blood cotton in stock, so he still cherishes it.

After all, Xuemian is not like a golden coconut tree. As long as you bury gold at its roots, you can continuously produce golden coconuts, which can then be further propagated and experimented.

After learning about the No. 2 experiment, Su Yang highly praised the work of the charcoal poison wife Martha: less than a month after the institute opened, Martha could do it Such a result is actually beyond Su Yang’s expectations.

This also made him miss the sea snake even more.

After all, like Sea Snake, if you know what you need, you will do everything possible to get it. There are really too few people.

You take a look at Sanwei: As long as you talk to Su Yang, there is no whole sentence. One word every day, one word jumped out.

You take another look at Little Ha: Although it has a great effect, its personality is also annoying! This caused Su Yang to often feel that if Little Ha was not so effective, he might just sew Little Ha’s mouth in a hurry.

You look at Fei Fei again: it has never regarded Su Yang as its master. Every day I know that I’m bullying Su Yang, if it wasn’t for Su Yang who now has Thunder Palm, he might not be able to instruct it.

So when you think about it, Haishe is really a loyal subordinate!

But it’s useless to miss the sea snake. According to Sanque’s estimation, it will take at least half a year for a sea snake to recover and then crawl out of the soil.

So Su Yang can only wait silently…

And when Su Yang was visiting the research center, this At that time, in the city center of Shanghai, Qu Xuan’s house, Qu Xuan finally waited for his precious girlfriend: Xue Ya.

Xue Ya obviously came to Qu Xuans house for the first time, so even though Qu Xuan said that there is no one at home, she still looked like a frightened bird when she changed shoes. Looked up.

Looking at her is especially like in a hidden corner of Qu Xuans house, there is a woman hidden, and she is a woman who suddenly pops out when the blood crow is not paying attention…


So, seeing Xue Yan’s cute look, Qu Xuan smiled and walked to the kitchen, and said, “This is your first time to come to a boy’s house? So cautiously.”

Xue Ya and Qu Xuan have stayed for a long time, and their temperament is obviously much more lively. While looking at it secretly, she retorted, “Why? I’ve been to other boys’ houses.”

Qu Xuan explored from the kitchen He started out and asked curiously, “Whose house have you been to?”

Xue Ya was proud of a bear, “Guo Xiaoying’s house.”

Qu Xuan froze, and then laughed heartily. He retracted his head, but the laughter came through the kitchen, “If you say that, I actually feel acceptable.”

Xue Ya shuddered cleverly and was so happy. After changing her shoes, she walked around in the living room, and after confirming that there were no Tibetans, she politely stopped watching, and went to the kitchen to find Qu Xuan.

In the kitchen, Qu Xuan is frying vegetables in an apron.

Seeing Xue Ya coming in, Qu Xuan lifts the head and asked, “How about eating pine nut corn and braised eel tonight?”

Xue Yas clever nodded,” Okay. I like these two dishes the most.”

Qu Xuan glanced at her, laughed, and a trace of crafty flashed in his eyes, he said, “Since you like tonight’s dishes so much. Or else, let’s’fire the cannon’ to celebrate?”

Xue Ya was taken aback, but then she understood what Qu Xuan meant. Her face turned red, and then stomped her feet, “You hate it!”

Qu Xuan smirked, “What do you hate? How can we not celebrate on such a happy day.”< /p>

Xue Ya anxiously said, “You have too many days of great joy! You scored a goal while playing football is great joy, you must fire a cannon to celebrate; meet me in school is a great joy, you must fire a cannon to celebrate; Even eating a sorbet is considered a big joy, and I have to fire a cannon to celebrate!”

“Others are’only the cattle that are ploughed, and the fields are not ploughed.’ I feel like this continues, my piece Tian is really going to be pierced by the plow!”

Seeing Xue Ya’s shy look, Qu Xuan laughed heartily. His smile is always so brilliant, his seven teeth gleaming like seven suns.

After laughing, Qu Xuan leaned to Xue Ya’s ear and whispered, “Look at you, what’s the use of being angry. Since I’m not angry, please work hard and exhaust me. !”

“After all…” He stretched his voice, then moved towards Xue Ya and blinked, “I hope to die on you.”

Xue Ya: …

“Qu Xuan!” Xue Ya was embarrassed and her voice was octave higher.

But then, Qu Xuan gagged her words in her mouth, and then…she was picked up by Princess directly and carried all the way to the bedroom…

< p>For a time, the guns and guns are equally famous, the “pink” full of houses makes people feel young and so good…


The dishes that have not been turned off Its still burning there…

So, Su Yang received a call from Qu Xuan in the middle of the night…

When Su Yang received the call from Qu Xuan, Su Yang was still asleep , Is reading there.

After answering the phone, Qu Xuan’s voice was a little low, “President, are you asleep?”

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