Zhao Licheng reported mainly about Jiadian Industrial Park.

More than half a month ago, the cooperation of more than a dozen raw material supply companies has been negotiated, and all materials are in full swing. Now the only restriction on Su Yangs further development and production of Jiadian mobile phones Factors are places where these materials are reasonably and legally stored and transferred.

So after Su Yang discussed with Zhao Licheng not long ago. The construction of Jiadian Industrial Park is also on the agenda.

The Jiadian Industrial Park is the most important resource that Zhao Licheng has previously obtained from several big bosses in Shanghai.

An area of 600 acres of commercial and residential land in the center of Baoshan District, Shanghai, plus 200 acres of residential land, can make the eyes of large and small companies in the country enviable.

Su Yang planned to use this land for development. But the major event keeps running, so he hasn’t spared his hand.

Now “Wu Lei Legendary” has been broadcast to 23, the ratings are stable, and the ladder copyright fee has reached the highest level, there will be no more twists and turns.

Wang Family’s affairs have basically been settled. The above has already given instructions on this case, and it must be dealt with severely. Therefore, even if it is Wang Old Master who can keep Wang Jiang, he cannot keep Wang Jiang’s status.

There was another sudden attack on the Central Asian base, and there was no way to continue development.

So Su Yang was idle for a while, so he could only focus on this industrial park.

After all, it is like what Zhao Licheng analyzed: Central Asia is smaller, even if the sea snake can unify the entire Central Asia. However, resources are still scarce compared to domestic resources. In that case, it is better to develop the domestic market.

So, in Su Yang’s plan, this industrial park became the most important thing next.

He intends to develop this industrial park into the most important base of Jiadian Group in China. The planning of the entire park will also be based on the existing branches of the Jiadian Group and the industries that are ready to enter in the future, one after another will be divided into corresponding regions. Among them, the most important and core is the Jiadian mobile phone production plant.

In order to facilitate the production of Jiadian mobile phones, and to facilitate future inspections and spying, in Su Yang’s previous planning, he decided to bring the entire Jiadian mobile phone factory to the real world.

The 1st step that came to the real world is to first build a foundation for the entire industrial park, and in the process of construction, fish in troubled waters brought the factory down.

In this way, even if others investigate in the future, they will only think that this factory was built together during the initial base construction.

So with this idea, after Su Yang got the Wang Family, he asked Little Di and Zhao Licheng to design a planning plan for the park and began to implement it.

After more than ten days of construction, this industrial park has a certain prototype. A three-meter-high wall encloses the entire Jiadian Industrial Park. The road is paved and the area is gradually developed. Divide, everything is on track.

The entire Jiadian Industrial Park project is expected to cost about 500 million yuan. Su Yang did not pay the money by himself, but used the interest-free loan line that Baoshan District was fighting for his own losses.

In addition to the 500 million interest-free loan, Baoshan District also promised to give Su Yang a low-interest loan of more than 2 billion.

So, after the company grew bigger, Su Yang discovered that it was so easy for a large company to develop. As long as you enter the eyes of the country, or become a high-quality company recognized by everyone, many people really come to give you money…

And as the wall is built, and the area is divided , Su Yang can finally start the [half arrival] of the mobile phone factory.

After the 2nd day night [Half-fallen] was set, Su Yang contacted Janet, the “tool man” who can change the weather in advance, and asked about his current progress.

Janet is still in the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is too big, even for a shark monster like Janet, it is too difficult to travel across the Pacific Ocean, even more how he has to gather his own race along the way.

So the development of the shark family is obviously a long-term job.

After receiving Su Yangs inquiry, Janet did not hesitate to say that she would find a suitable place to stay in one day, and then return to the virtual space through the Jiadian mobile phone.

After receiving Janets reply, Su Yang calmed down: tomorrows mobile phone factory should be half coming.

After letting go, Su Yang rubbed his temples, feeling a little tired. Then he rested for a while, picked up the book on his hand, and prepared to continue fighting for the special effects server of “Wandering Planet”…

Just watched this for two 3 minutes, Su Yangs ears There was a crisp sound of “Pa”, and he knew that Little Di had come to him without turning his head.

Sure enough, for a moment, a pair of warm little hands stretched out beside Su Yang’s temple, and then gently pressed Su Yang.

Su Yang closed his eyes comfortably, leaned his head back towards the indescribable part of Little Di, and then said softly, “Thank you, Little Di.”

Little Di is nice Su Yangs voice rang in Su Yangs ear, “Master. You are under too much pressure in the past few days, too hard. Pay attention to rest.”

Su Yang closed his eyes, shook his head, “Not yet It’s time to rest.”

As the Chief Steward of the family, Little Di knows everything about Su Yang very well. She knew that the reason why Su Yang worked so hard during this period was all because of the sea snake’s injury.

The sea snake was suddenly injured, which put a lot of pressure on Su Yang. Since that day, Little Di has never seen Su Yang’s face smile again: Su Yang now has a gloomy face all day, as if someone owes him tens of billions.

Even Little Ha, who has always been funny, don’t dare provoke Su Yang for fear of catching fire.

Little Di gently hugged Su Yang from behind, then folded his hands in front of Su Yang’s bear, and put his head on Su Yang’s head.

Feeling Little Dis heartbeat and her soft body, Su Yang knew that Little Di wanted to reassure herself through hugs. He gently patted Little Dis hand and said, “I Its really okay. Dont worry.

After finishing speaking, maybe he didnt believe it, Su Yang closed his eyes and turned the topic away, By the way, how are you experiencing human life recently? “

Before, because the little monsters did not have a good impression of humans and had no empathy with him, they asked the little monsters to dress up as humans with [half-monster body milk] and go out to experience life in batches. That’s why Su Yang asked.

Hearing Su Yangs question, Little Di said softly, You are in a bad mood these days, and everyone dare not provoke you. So go out very actively. The little monsters are all caught outside The world of Huahua is fascinated by her eyes and reluctant to think about it.”

“Little Ha asked me to borrow money and went to a painting class, ready to learn painting, and strive to paint a nice portrait for Janet. “

Su Yang thought of the strange paintings Little Ha had painted before, and could not help laughing.

Little Di, “Feifei went to work as a short-term warehouse clerk and looked at the warehouse every day.”


< p>“That warehouse is a vegetable warehouse. After I heard that, there is always a feeling that the boss is inviting a thief into the urn.”

Su Yang:…

Feifei is That huge, disobedient pink rabbit who always bullies Su Yang.

Let a rabbit as tall as a bear look at the vegetables. How do you think its like letting the weasel look at the chicken…

Little Di, “Satans I became a volunteer for the Scarlet Letter Society. I pull people on the street to donate blood every day.”

Su Yang:…

This is my business.

Little Di, “Azure Bamboo is special. She stays in the botanical garden every day. She secretly helps take care of the plants.”

“If she does something good, she must secretly Rarely.”

Finally, Little Di couldn’t help laughing. Obviously, Azure Bamboo is very cute.

Su Yang listened and smiled.

Among this, Azure Bamboo really understands life best.

We talked about all the little monsters who went out to experience life. Su Yang turned to look at Little Di, who was close at hand, and asked, “What about you?”

Leaning too close, the breath of the two people seemed to be connected together, making Little Di’s face a little red.

She turned her face slightly, and then said, “Me? I…opened an Internet cafe. Occasionally, she was present at the front desk, collecting money, and usually online on the second floor of the Internet cafe.”

Su Yang:…

Oh. Co-authoring has changed from “virtual surfing” to “physical surfing”?

A mobile phone that can connect to the Internet on its own, actually started using a computer to surf the Internet…

Why does this kind of screen feel stranger than the previous little monsters!

Maybe I could see Su Yang’s spit in his heart. Little Di did not continue to talk about this topic, but changed to a separate topic, “Right, Master. Do you know the results of our scientific research institute? “

“A result?” Su Yang really didn’t know about this.

He asked, “What is the result?”

Little Di said, “It seems that two plants have done a series of experiments and figured out their functions, abilities, and habits. Mrs. Charcoal Poisons wife Martha sent a notice yesterday, saying that I hope you can go and read it yourself when you have time.”

Because I was chatting with Little Di, Su Yangs book couldnt go in, so I heard When Little Di said so, he nodded directly, “What are you waiting for? Let’s go and have a look.”

Speaking, Su Yang called Shanglou zero, Sanque, gu lu, also Little Di went to the research institute in the virtual space together.

The scientific research institute in the virtual space is not a building that comes with the virtual space, but Su Yang came over the two floors above Jiadian headquarters in reality.

This causes many of its settings to be different from ordinary ones. Even…the way you get in is different.

So when I came to this weird-looking 2-Layer building with modern technological beauty, Su Yang not at all walked directly in.

He took a few monsters to a door placed in the clearing and opened the door.

As he opened the door, what appeared in the door was not the sight of the open space opposite, but a silver floor, a modern roof.

Gu lu looked inside the door curiously, then walked around the door, and looked at it from behind.

As a result, it found that looking at this door from behind, this door is also open. Through the door, you can see Su Yang, Little Di, Sanque and Lou zero, which means it looks like a door frame Put it on the open space.

Gu lu returned to the front again and looked towards the door. It turned out that it was still the roof full of modern technology.

Su Yang saw its curious look, smiled and touched its head, and explained, “This is a Transmission Gate. I used a half-fall to connect it to the top of the research institute. The doors are combined together.”

“The two spaces are connected so that they can shuttle with each other.”

“But because it is a single-sided door, you can open it from the front. To the scientific research institute.”

“After opening, it looks normal from the back.”

gu lu is nodded, and then “gu lu” twice sound.

Entering the door, there are a few monsters that Su Yang resurrected with the circus on the left and right of the door, guarding there. Seeing Su Yang coming, they slightly gave a salute, “Boss.”

Su Yang nodded, and then took a few little monsters into the research institute.

As Su Yang came to the research institute, soon after, Mrs. Charcoal, Martha, came out.

As the monster resurrected by Su Yang, and as the strongest and most experienced person in this scientific research base, Martha became the head of the scientific research institute.

So, after knowing that Su Yang was coming, she stopped the work she was studying and hurriedly greeted her.

According to human age, Martha is now more than 60 years old. In addition, she suffered from esophageal cancer in her later years. When the sea snake found her, she was already skinny, lying on the bed, venting more and less breathing.

Now after the resurrection of the circus, she has regained her body in her 20s. Moreover, it is a monster body far surpassing the ordinary person, which makes her heart full of gratitude and surprise, who has devoted herself to theological and biological research since she was a child.

After all, recover one’s youthful vigor and immortality have always been the eternal dreams of mankind.

Now by Su Yang’s hand, she was rescued by Su Yang when her life was about to reach the end, so she was extremely enthusiastic about Su Yang.

Coming to Su Yang, Martha watched Su Yang enthusiastically, took the initiative to step forward, knelt down and kissed Su Yangs toes, prostrated on the ground, and said, “My great Lord, you Believer Martha, see you here.”

Su Yang was startled by Marthas noble etiquette, but when he thought of the fanatical Zongjue belief in Central Asia, he thought of the excellent sea snake The brainwashing ability, thinking about Martha being given a new life by herself when her life is dead, seems… understandable.

After all, if the person who can save her when she is about to die and bring her back to youth is not the “Lord”, who else is the “Lord”?

However, although Masha is extremely fanatical and respectful to herself, Su Yang also has a certain respect for Madame Charcoal, a scientist who is well-known in the world, so he took the initiative to help Masha up And then patted her shoulder.

Masha was surprised by Su Yang’s intimate action. She lifts the head and looked at Su Yang eagerly with her eyes. It seems that besides lofty beliefs, there is also an impulse to dedicate one’s life to it.

Su Yang saw Masha’s thoughts, and felt a little speechless.

He now has a certain understanding of the brainwashing ability of certain religions.

This is still a world-famous scientist. If it is an ordinary believer, then I dont know how enthusiastic it is…

Next, under the leadership of Martha Su Yang walked into this research center from the top floor.

Before the sea snake accident, through the sea snake’s power in Central Asia, Martha searched all the experimental equipment and experimental materials, and even got some illegal things.

In addition, Su Yang supports the research center’s Notes with unknown ability, so that these researchers can directly change the equipment when they are in urgent need of a certain equipment. Therefore, the hard power of the entire scientific research center is still very good.

This is also the reason why Martha and the others have progressed so quickly on the mutant plants in the virtual space.

Coming to Lab 1, Martha showed Su Yang the first of their recent achievements.

Laboratory No. 1 is a large natural laboratory with an area of more than 200 square meters and a height of 50-60 meters, completely isolated by glass.

In the laboratory, the main research object is a silver white coconut tree with a length of 8 meters…

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