[It is recommended to read Chapter 29 and 30 before reading this chapter]

I heard that it is the boss of Juduoduo, Wang Dong heart startled, and quickly extend the hand And Huang Zheng shook his hand, “Hello, hello Huang. I am a user of your APP. I dont know what you can do with me?”

Huang Zheng looked at Wang Dong and said with a smile, “Don’t you ask me to go in and sit for a while?”

Wang Dong patted his forehead and said quickly, “Yes, it’s my mistake, Mr. Huang, please.” , Wang Dong quickly invited Huang Zheng into the rental house.

Seeing Wang Dong leading the man walk in, Wang Dong’s girlfriend gave Huang Zheng a curious look. Wang Dong quietly walked up to her and introduced, “This is the general manager of Juduo, Huang Zheng.”

Next, he whispered to his girlfriend, “Go check , See if its true.”

The tacit understanding of the two made Wang Dongs girlfriend immediately understand what Wang Dong meant. She was nodded, first got up and said hello to Huang Zheng, then got up and left. I left the room and went to the kitchen.

After a while, she brought out a plate of fruit from the kitchen, and put the fruit on the table while facing Wang Dong who was already sitting on the sofa slightly nodded.

Wang Dong settled down and knew that the person in front of him was not a liar.

Wang Dong knows very well about Juduo. As an upstart in the domestic capital market, Juduo has become a familiar emerging e-commerce platform in just a few months since it went online.

Later, with the support of Fujisuns holdings and resources, it was even more out of control. Relying on its unique viral marketing and order-matching model, coupled with the traffic support of Fujixun, Juduoduo has grown so rapidly that it has become the Ranked 3rd e-commerce platform nationwide today. second only to two cats and dogs.

And its low price is also very suitable for Wang Dong, a youngster working hard at the bottom of Shanghai. So after learning about this platform and placing a few orders, Wang Dong and his girlfriend were all on Juduo to place orders no matter what they bought during this period.

Although it may be because of the uneven goods on this platform, there are occasional after-sales disputes. But most of the time this low price is still too fragrant…

In general, Wang Dong has a good impression of Juduo. So seeing the boss of Ju Duoduo suddenly came to his home, Wang Dong was a little frightened.

He at first thought that the other party was a liar, but now that his girlfriend confirmed the other party’s identity, Wang Dong began to think about the other party’s purpose of finding himself.

Did you win a big prize when you buy something on Juduo?

Wang Dong thought about it for a while, but felt unrealistic. Because he remembers that Juduo does not seem to have such lottery activities.

Is it because I am interested in my abilities and plan to visit the thatched cottage and let myself go to work?

Wang Dong thought about it again, but still felt unrealistic.

If Wang Dong was still very inflated when he was in the Jiadian Group, then after he resigned from the Jiadian Group. After a series of severe social beatings, Wang Dong already knew how many catties and how many taels he was.

People like myself simply dont deserve to be invited by Big Boss of this level.

So after thinking about it for a long time, and really couldnt think of Huang Zhengs purpose, Wang Dong still took the initiative to ask, Mr. Huang. We dont seem to know each other. You came to me this time. Is there anything wrong?”

After entering Wang Dong’s house, Huang Zheng took a look at the rental house. From this small space, there is still messy layout. Huang Zheng knows. Since Wang Dong resigned from Jiadian Group, life should be bad.

But this is also normal. According to his own information, Wang Dong is not at all, what ability, even his personality can only be said to be very ordinary, otherwise he would not miss becoming a Jiadian Group The opportunities for management have fallen into this field.

But fortunately, he stood on the wrong team last time, but this time he followed the right person. And… he met a good boss.

Thinking of this, Huang Zheng couldn’t help but sigh. My own President Su is really a single thought person. Even if the person in front of him had betrayed him. But after the other party knew his mistake and could correct it, after knowing that the other party was having a hard time, he forgave the other party.

He looked at Wang Dong and felt the person in front of him. Actually very lucky.

He was very lucky to be able to meet Su Yang. At the last time, he really regretted it and made Su Yang remember his old love. He was also very lucky.

Although he is impossible to return to the management of Jiadian Group. However, the choice this time will also change his personality.

Thinking of this, Huang Zheng looked at Wang Dong and said, “Yes. We don’t know him, but you should know Mr. Su, right?”

Mr. Su?

I heard what Huang Zheng said. Wang Dong was stunned. Then he remembered the youngster who took him to fight with him in those years.

He suddenly nodded, “Did President Su let you come?”

Huang Zheng nodded, and didn’t say anything more. He took out a contract and put it in front of Wang Dong. Said, “Ms. Su gave you this.”

Wang Dong took the contract, took a curious look, and then was stunned. Because there are four big characters written on the contract: the purchase contract.

This is?

Wang Dong feels that the heartbeat is speeding up a bit, he looked towards Huang Zheng in disbelief.

Huang Zheng stretched out his hand and motioned, “Let’s take a look.”

Wang Dong looked at Huang Zheng’s expression and his heartbeat jumped faster. He looked at the contract in front of him page by page, carefully looking at it, and then discovered that it was a house in downtown Shanghai.

The house is not big, with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room, only 60 square meters, but it is already in the category where normal families with children can live comfortably. In other cities, the price may not be very expensive, but because it is in Shanghai, the value is almost 3 million.

Wang Dong lifts the head, looked at Huang Zheng, and then asked again, “This is?”

Huang Zheng said, “You are Mr. Su who started the Early-Stage most Important support. Although President Su has not said anything, he actually appreciates your support back then.”

“Even if you later betrayed him, he is actually paying attention to your life. He knows You are having a hard time now, and you know your regrets, but there are some things, and some people cant go back.”

“Although he cant forgive you, he doesnt want you to live the rest of your life. It’s miserable. So he prepared this house for you.”

“When you left Jiadian Group, you cashed out shares and took a sum of money. Now there should be some deposits. With this set The house, plus your savings, should make life easier for you and your wife in Shanghai.”

“He remembers that you once said that you wanted to be a designer. Get to know each other, Going together again, he hopes that you can fulfill your dream without any worries, and also hopes you and your wife will have a happy time, so he prepared this gift for you.”

” Said that he can only do so much.”

“From then on, there will be no grievances. I wish you a good future.”

After hearing what Huang Zheng said, Wang Dong said dumbfounded.

He tremblingly held the contract in front of him, his eyes slowly turned red, slowly filled with tears, and then slowly shed two lines of clear tears…

Here In an instant, he regretted so much for the first time when he left Su Yang. It was the first time that he regretted that he hadn’t done more for Su Yang. For the first time so regretful that he himself failed Su Yang’s expectations.

At first, I was sorry for Su Yang, but now, Su Yang still remembers himself, remembering his original dream.

He felt that he had never regretted so much.

Hearing what Huang Zheng said and seeing Wang Dong now weeping bitter tears, Wang Dong’s girlfriend hurriedly came over and hugged Wang Dong gently, and then softly comforted.

Seeing the warm scene before him, Huang Zheng sighed in his heart and didn’t say much.

He put down the contract and left a business card of his secretary. Then he turned around and left this small rental room, leaving only the two people in the room weeping bitter tears.

He has done everything he can do for Su Yang. Regardless of the remaining transfer or handover, his secretary can handle it. After Wang Dong made that decision that year, he was destined to no longer belong to their circle.

Their goal is to become a domestic carrier-class enterprise, and to hit the entire world with the hope of the Chinese nation. And Wang Dong is destined to be just a passerby in their colorful lives.

Huang Zheng was not surprised by Su Yang’s choice to help Wang Dong.

If you have grievances, you must retaliate, and if you have grace, you must return. This is what a person in disposition should do. And it is worthwhile to spend some money to understand the cause and effect of both parties and let yourself have a clear conscience.

even more how Mr. Su is not only a sweetheart, but also a nostalgic person. So after my old subordinates regret and remedy it, there is no way to watch his old subordinates have a rough life.

Thinking of this, Huang Zheng looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and felt that it was indeed a good choice for him to continue working with President Su. At least from Wang Dong’s results, as long as he doesn’t disappoint Mr. Su, he will surely be able to fly…

At this time, in the room, Wang Dong and his girlfriend are already in tears. Only they understand what a house means to them.

Only Wang Dong himself knows why Su Yang gave himself a house.

Because that is the hope of staying in Shanghai. That is the result of two youngsters working hard for a lifetime, and may not be able to fight. It is also the dream that Wang Dong had been chanting when he first met Su Yang.

Before he met Su Yang, Wang Dong worked hard in Shanghai for 6 years. He had nothing. When his girlfriend wanted to break up with him, he could only take Su Yang, a youngster who looked so much like him, to drink with him.

Even now, Wang Dong remembers what he said when he was drunk,

“Su Yang. I have graduated for six years, six years! I am also exhausted. Years!”

“I really like the interior design I studied. I really want to be a designer, but I cant make any money in this business!”

“After five years of graduation, one without a house, two without a car, a so-called design from an outsider, rented in a small house of more than ten square meters, nine to five, no more than a month to save dozens of dollars.”

“Every Chinese New Year, I want to buy something for my family, but I can’t afford it! I rely on instant noodles for one dollar at the end of every month! Where can I get the money to buy things! “

“After five years of doing this, I can only choose to compromise…but what happens after compromise? I still can’t make money!”

“I’m so old Im still working hard for a few thousand dollars in wages, my fucking…its just a waste!”

“Do you know how much money you need to make a home in Shanghai? “

“At least 3,000,000.”

“I work hard, I work hard. But I can’t make money! I can’t make that many money! I can’t afford that house ! Can’t give her a home!”

And now…Su Yang gave him the 3,000,000 house…

It’s like Huang Zheng said.

With a house and savings, Wang Dong and his girlfriend, as long as they work diligently, can gain a foothold in Shanghai. There is no need to have a sense of precarious urgency and no need to worry about being driven away at any time. In the dilemma of renting a house, they can even form a small family and give birth to a child.

Wang Dong can finally become an interior designer and support his family with his own interests…

So Su Yangs last gift really made their destiny complete Their dream of working hard in Shanghai for eight years.

For Wang Dong, he feels really regretful and moved.

He stood up, slapped his mouth three times fiercely, then moved towards Baoshan District, bowed deeply, choked and said, “Sorry, President Su.”


“Thank you, President Su.”

When he spoke, his tears couldn’t stop streaming down again.

“ding dong ding dong.”

WeChat sounded, and the group of the leaving squad was still frigid irony and scorching satire against Wang Dong, mocking him even if he regrets Whistleblowing to Su Yang, but Su Yang does not forgive him, and he is not doing any good. To mock him, it is better to trade conscience for some money. Is conscience valuable?

If Wang Dong saw this sentence at this time, he would wipe his tears and say, “Conscience is indeed worth more than money.”

After finishing his mood, he picked it up After the mobile phone, Wang Dong opened the group and did not watch the group chat anymore, but directly quit the group chat.

In any case, starting today. He is a brand new Wang Dong. Dont associate with those who to forget favors and violate justice. Start a new life.

Although Su Yang and himself will never have any more contact, Wang Dong secretly swears. I will be an employee of Su Yang all my life. Even if he can’t do anything, he will silently guard Su Yang, guard the Jiadian Group…When Su Yang needs him, fight for him…

When Wang Dong started his new life, Su Yang also received a call from Huang Zheng. After learning that Huang Zheng went to settle the grievance with Wang Dong on his behalf. Although I was a little surprised when I first heard it. But Su Yang was relieved soon.

He also understood that Huang Zheng always asked about Wang Dong the past few days and asked him why he thought about Wang Dong.

However, there are some things that have to be done, and avoidance is not a good way to deal with them.

Su Yang wanted to settle the grievance between himself and Wang Dong before. But he did not want to face it.

On the one hand, he felt that he could not forgive Wang Dong and betrayed this thing. There were two.

But on the one hand, Wang Dong not only helped him this time, but also helped him too much by starting a business in Su Yang, Early-Stage, and that love cannot be erased.

Until today, Su Yang also remembers that on the night when he first met Wang Dong, Wang Dong said drunkly that the two people are very similar: similar family situation, similar experience, similar passion for life, but Wang Dong is eight years earlier…

Wang Dong thinks Su Yang is like his past self, so why doesn’t Su Yang think Wang Dong is like him without cheat…

< p>This is also the reason why Su Yang has been “thinking” about him even though he cannot forgive Wang Dong.

Now Huang Zheng has helped him deal with this difficult problem, and both the attitude and the rewards are in line with Su Yang’s wishes. Su Yang felt that he had an explanation to Wang Dong and his lush years.

For a while, Su Yang doubted whether he really hinted that Huang Zheng would do these things. Otherwise, why could Huang Zheng be able to guess what he was thinking and how could he handle his requirements so perfectly?

And when Su Yang doubted his own memory, suddenly, Little Di’s panicked voice rang in his ears, “Master! The sea snake, the Central Asia base has an accident!”

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