Wang Jiang was very angry the past few days.

Because he felt that he really lost the face of Wang Family. He was clapped by a youngster who was less than 20 years old!

Before he asked his own people to buy Su Yangs employees, and wanted to get Su Yangs negative information, but Su Yang to catch everything in one net.

After negotiating with Su Yang to no avail, he has given up this line, thinking that this line has failed.

But didn’t expect a week later, before the release of “Wu Lei Legendary”, someone on the Internet suddenly exposed all the information he investigated.

At that time, Wang Jiang was filled with joy and doubt.

I am glad that this is likely to cause a blow to Su Yang, although this blow may not be a big blow, but at least it can disgust Su Yang.

The suspicion is that he is very sure that his party not at all exposed this information, so it is likely that Su Yang is self-destructed.

But why is Su Yang Self-destruction?

What good is it for him to expose these things?

Is there anything you haven’t considered?

With these doubts, Wang Jiang paid close attention to the development of things.

As a result, the development of the matter was very strange: Su Yang used his intelligence to cause everyone to misjudge the “Wu Lei Legendary”, and then took the opportunity to annex the shares of other film and television companies, and modify it with the five major platforms The contract was modified to charge copyright fees based on ratings.

At that time, Wang Jiang noticed that something was wrong.

Because of several confrontations with Su Yang, let him know that Su Yang is not a person who will suffer, so this is probably a “trap” for everyone.

The result did not surprise him. Su Yang clarified the rumors, and the original negative news called publicity. “Wu Lei Legendary” exploded, Han Yi soared into the sky, Jiadian Film, The two companies of Jiadian Brokerage have directly become upstarts in the entertainment industry. The Jiadian Group also directly robbed nearly one billion in profits from this incident (Wang Jiang estimates).

Even taking this opportunity, Su Yang just and honorable cleaned those who betrayed him.

This is so angry that Wang Jiang’s scalp is tingling!

He absolutely didn’t expect to do something on his own, and he actually made Su Yang a wedding dress directly! Is there anything more angry than your own conspiracy to help the enemy grow?

So Wang Jiang is angry, very angry!

The emperor was angry, and corpses a million. As the king of Zhejiang Province, although Wang Jiang is not at the level of the emperor, but in Zhejiang Province, his stomp can really shake three shocks!

So he directly found a reason: there is illegal content, let the case-handling personnel shut down [Juduodu] and [Find My Company], and not only temporarily shut down the company, but also directly shut down the server , Request a thorough investigation.

This stone stirred up waves.

Everyone is confused.

Everyone knows the power of the big brothers in this country, but few have really experienced it. As a result, this method of directly shutting down the server and shutting down the company came down, and [Juduo] collapsed immediately.

Even if Huang Zheng trusts Su Yang again, Juduo is now at the critical moment of development. This time it was shut down and the loss was too heavy, so he called Su after a few phone calls. Yang.

Su Yang frowned deeply after listening.

However, his plan with Lao Yang has already started, and now it is only being raided by Wang Jiang, so he can only appease Huang Zheng and tell Huang Zheng to deal with it as soon as possible and let him wait.

Although Huang Zheng knows this is a Divine Immortal fight, to bring disaster to innocent people, he cant handle it himself, so he can only wait…

With the frown when he hung up the video and an anxious expression, Su Yang could still see his worry and anxiety.

So after the call was hung up, Su Yang directly sent a message to Mr. Yang and asked, [Lao Yang, are there any results?

Old Yang’s reply is very slow, which makes people feel as if he has been dealing with this matter urgently.

It was not until the evening that Mr. Yang’s message came back, [tomorrow].

The simple two words made a big rock in Su Yang’s heart fall, and he talked about Ju Duoduo and looking for my company. Old Yang still replied with two words, [OK].

If Su Yang and Mr. Yang hadn’t met and knew that he was a kind and kind old man, I would have thought this was a cold male god. However, when I recalled the scene when I saw Lao Yang using a mobile phone that day, Su Yang suddenly understood: Lao Yang doesnt use a mobile phone so thats all. Even if you type, you need to use one-finger Zen, so its very cold. normal.

After getting Yang Lao’s reply, Su Yang also sent a message to Huang Zheng, [tomorrow].

Su Yang feels that the two-character message is really compelling…

After sending it, Su Yang looked at the word “tomorrow” and felt something What a coincidence. I agreed to the deal with Yang Lao a few days ago, and didn’t expect it happened after Wang Jiang took the shot, and there was a result.

Isn’t Mr. Yang waiting for this time on purpose?

Su Yang really misunderstood Mr. Yang at this point.

Actually, after Su Yang came back from the bar and sent a message to Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang started to act.

But the struggle in the big circle is not simply a matter of going straight up. It requires preparation.

So in the next few days, Mr. Yang did not idle at all.

As the top three bosses in Zhejiang Province, his energy and connections are terrifying. Even if it is not better than Wang Family, you can communicate directly with those Peak forces.

So he reported the incident with his own supervisor. After receiving support from the above, he contacted several forces that had grievances with the Wang Family, and made some promises to ask the other party to Make some effort in this matter.

The powers themselves are top or second top powers, and their grievances with Wang Family can be traced back to several generations. I saw the opportunity to suppress Wang Family, especially Yang Lao charged. Before, they would not be fought too much, and all agreed without accident.

And during this period, Mr. Yang was in the midst of joining forces with various forces. Because he knew that it would be difficult to directly defeat Wang Jiang on his own. Only by uniting the forces that can be united and working together can it be possible to do all this.

When Su Yang sent a message to Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang was ready for everything but the east wind…

In the morning on the 2nd day, Mr. Yang got up early. He didn’t go to work, but slowly listed all the personal evidence at home, and after confirming that everything was okay, he formally submitted his report directly to it.

In the report, he directly used his current identity and real name to report a series of illegal and criminal facts about Wang Jiang.

Generally speaking, at this provincial level, even if there are grievances, it will not be so big. Anything will be negotiated and resolved in private. After all, everyone is a face-saving person.

Like this kind of report submitted directly by real name, it is simply taking your own future as a bet, and stake all on one throw.

This also makes it impossible for everyone to use any other means, no way to circumvent it by compromise or other political means. Everything must be handled by the most just and honorable means.

At this time, the circle of domestic bigwigs was shaken. Involving the two most important forces in a province, especially the Wang Family of Zhejiang Province, which immediately attracted the attention of the nation’s bigwigs.

How many years did it happen once and for all, it happened now?

Moreover…the subject is Wang Jiang who is extremely sensitive.

Lao Yang and Wang Jiang have worked together for many years. They didnt report early or late. How could they report this time?

If it is said that it has nothing to do with Su Yang, no one will believe it…

But no matter what, this is indeed a normal method, so on the same day, China sent a special The investigation team came to investigate this matter.

At the same time, Lao Yang and Wang Jiang were suspended on the spot and ordered to wait at home for investigation.

For a time, the rising winds, scudding clouds, and the wind and rain of Zhejiang Province fluctuated throughout Hangzhou.

Wang Jiang was stunned when he was suspended.

At this time, all his thoughts are still in Su Yang. Completely didn’t expect that suddenly someone next to him gave him a backstab.

He got the news that Mr. Yang reported him very early. He got the news almost as soon as this information spread in the Peak boss circle.

But at that time, everything was too late.

Especially after knowing that the Golden Ox Group and Zhongan Auto were involved, Wang Jiang knew the matter was even more serious.

He knows that he has done a lot of things over the years. If he were just an ordinary boss, he might have been arrested long ago, but he is a Wang Family and has privileges, so he is relatively impudent.

Even though many of the above have heard and knew about these things, Wang Family’s face and his abilities have all opened one eye.

But now that everything is broken, things are going bad.

This investigation is likely to find the problem. Especially from the information received, the evidence prepared by Mr. Yang this time is very sufficient, so he thinks that maybe…we can only try to operate…

< p>Hangcheng, Jinxiu Garden Community.

In a room on the third floor, Huang Zheng was sighing at home.

Even though he has always been strong and confident, he is also very weak in the face of this kind of political intervention and dimensionality reduction attacks.

at first he thought that as long as the company develops, there will naturally be many things to worry about. After all, if the company is big, the impact is also big.

But he didn’t know until now that the original pure Internet industry, a company without any technology or patents, is so powerless in the face of this power.

A decree is almost the same as a lip service. If you say it is blocked, you will block it. All demons and ghosts can be destroyed in one word.

But now he has no other way. He can only turn to his two big bosses: Jiadian and Fujisun.

He had called the president of the investment department of Fujixun earlier, and there was nothing to do in the face of this situation. Most of Fujixun’s energy is in the Shenzhen market and has little influence on Zhejiang Province.

Moreover, Gathering is not important to the extent that they need them to compete with such an important boss. So he declined Huang Zheng’s request. Just say that you will help me and ask about it, try to resolve it.

And Jiadian boss Su Yang called him last night, Su Yang gave him an ambiguous answer: tomorrow.

He doesn’t know what these two words mean, it will be solved tomorrow? Or is there a turnaround tomorrow? Or will there be a bigger problem tomorrow?

He has asked the other party, but the other party never answers.

He stopped asking. Knowing that I can only wait patiently.

And now, the 2nd day is in the afternoon, and there is still no news. So he also became restless.

After all, Juduo is his most important career, and it is also his hope to become a Peak entrepreneur. Now that he encountered this kind of black swan, he really couldn’t calm down his mood.

So he walked round and round in the room, then sat down several times and stood up.

Just when he himself was tired, suddenly…his cell phone rang.

Now that the phone rang, it was like hope for Huang Zheng. He quickly picked up the phone and looked at it. It turned out that it was a call from the president of Fujisuns strategic investment department.

There was a lot of hope in his heart for a while: Did Fujixun help to coordinate?

Thinking about this, he answered the phone excitedly, and then said in a tone that he could calm down as much as possible, “Hey. Mr. Yuan. Do you have any news?”

President Yuan on the side was silent for a while, and then said in a slightly strange tone, “You don’t know yet?”

Huang Zheng a face of doubt, and asked, “What do you know?”< /p>

Mr. Yuan was silent again for a while, and then said, “You are all right. Someone should call you soon and say that all the bans on you have been lifted.”

Huang Zheng heard this, his heart beating with “peng peng”, he felt like he was eating candy. He tried to make himself less excited, but replied, “Thank you, Mr. Yuan for helping us, I… .”

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Yuan interrupted him, and said, “We didnt do it.”

Huang Zhengs words fell into his throat. “Um… didn’t you do it?”

Mr. Yuan said, “Yes. The company’s relationship in Zhejiang Province is not strong. I have just found someone, so I can try to ease it. But I got this news…”

Huang Zheng hesitantly said, “If it weren’t for you, it would be…Uh.”

Half of talking, Huang Zheng Su Yang suddenly remembered.

He thought of Su Yang’s “identity” he had heard from Shanghai, thought of the two words Su Yang said to himself yesterday, and thought of Su Yang’s power throughout the country.

He lightly patted his forehead.

It’s not Su Yang, who else can it be?

He didnt actually know that he didnt expect Su Yang. Its just that this call was made by Fujixun after all. Normally, his first thought was solved by Fujixun, so he called Call notification.

And now Mr. Yuan said it was not his own effort. He also understood everything.

When I heard Huang Zheng’s words, I stopped talking. Mr. Yuan said, “You guessed it.”

Huang Zheng nodded, “en. It should be Jiadian Group Mr. Su.”

Mr. Yuan was silent for a while again, and said, “It should be him.”

“But…Do you know that, in fact, not only are you relieved After the ban, there are other things happening.”

Huang Zheng, who just started his career, obviously didnt have that many channels to learn about this information so quickly, so he couldnt help asking, “What else? Whats the matter? Huh?”

Mr. Yuan thought it over and said, “Wang Jiang…has been suspended.”

“Ka-cha!” There was a muffled sound, like lightning strikes. Huang Zheng’s mind crossed.

Huang Zheng felt that he was in a trance, and then he could no longer control his facial expressions…

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