Sea snake?


Su Yang feels that he really cannot connect these two words together.

When thinking of sea snakes, all Su Yang can think of is fright.

After all, the most difficult things in the family are the sea snake and Little Ha. Little Ha is better, just likes to play around, it’s not a big problem, but the sea snake is… really long (often) sand (killing) people.

Thinking so, Su Yang asked Little Di, “Did he say any surprises?”

Little Di shook his head, “I didnt say, Master. But he did. Applying to open the channel is like wanting to transport things into the virtual space.”

Ship things?

Su Yang pondered for a while, and couldn’t imagine what surprise the sea snake wanted. Is it a gift?

I cant guess it myself, Su Yang can only say, “Okay. Then pick me up the sea snake.”


With Little Di’s promise, Su Yang’s ears sounded the sea snake’s voice, “Master. I have a surprise for you.” Su Yang asked, “What surprise? “

The sea snake said flatly, “Scientific researcher.”

“Scientific researcher?” Su Yang was surprised, turned around and walked out of the building zero room, and then asked, ” Where did you get the scientific researchers?”

The sea snake chuckled, “I just smashed the nest of a secret Central Asian organization in Jordan. I caught a group of scientific researchers from it.”

Su Yang was surprised again. “Now even the secret organization has scientific researchers?”

Hai Snake explained, “They are a well-known secret organization in Central Asia, and they have been studying nuclear weapons. And virus-type weapons. I took advantage of them and hit them completely unprepared.”

After listening to Sea Snakes explanation, Su Yang no longer doubted, he said quickly, “Okay. I will do it right now. Arrived. Wait for me.”

Speaking, Su Yang took out his phone, clicked on the sea snake’s location, and then sent it.

When he came to Sea Snake, Su Yang realized that there was a very spacious and dark room in front of him.

The room is covered with a fine and noble red pure wool carpet, and there are expensive oil paintings hanging on the wall, but the style of the oil paintings is strange and black.

The overall tone of the room is red and black, which makes people feel like have one’s hair stand on end once they enter it.

But this seems to be what the sea snake likes, so Su Yang can’t say anything.

Seeing Su Yang coming, the sea snake moved towards Su Yang Weiwei gave a salute.

Su Yang took a look at him, and found that he was covered with a lot of bandages, and there were blood stains on the bandages. Obviously, he was not easy to get this secret organization.

From this, Su Yang also has a certain understanding of the battle strength of this extreme organization.

Su Yang patted his shoulders, soothing, “You have worked hard.”

The sea snake and Pei Lao have stayed for a long time, and also learned the mantra of Pei Lao. He laughed, “For The people serve.”

Su Yang:…

Well, I am the people. No cat cake.

Next, Sea Snake let Su Yang onto the chair, he turned around and took a pile of materials from the table, and handed them to Su Yang, “Master, this is the materials of this group of researchers.”

“I have checked it roughly. Most of the people here are scientists in the fields of biology and chemistry, which is exactly what we need.”

“In addition, there are 56 of them Most of the scientific researchers are at the associate research level, and there are many researchers and research directors. Even the director of the entire institute is a scientist who has long been known throughout the world.”

Su Yang was surprised. After a while, “Scientists who have long heard of famous names in the whole world? Who?”

The sea snake pointed to the top resume, “Mrs. Charcoal, Martha.”

< p>“Who?” Su Yang was confused, obviously he had never heard the name.

Sea Snake explained patiently, “Martha is the daughter of the elders of the Renaissance Society of Ella. She first studied at Texas Womans University in Eagle Sauce Denton and obtained a masters degree in biology. The University of Missouri continued her studies and obtained the Court Academecian degree in microbiology. She is one of the few senior female scientists in Central Asian countries.”

“After graduation, she refused the invitation to teach at many universities in Yingjiang, resolutely After returning to China, he served as the head of the Department of Biology at Baghdad University in Iraq and became the only female member of the highest decision-making body in the country, mainly responsible for the weaponization of viruses such as charcoal and smallpox.”

“Later, in May 2003, the Iraqi nation was defeated. Martha was arrested by Eagle Sauce and held secretly. She was not released until December 2013. After being free, she returned to the Middle East and settled in Jordan.” /p>

Su Yang listened to Sea Snakes explanation, and read this resume in a glance, and then was a little surprised, “Why did she join this secret organization with such a great resume?”

Sea Snake laughed “Maybe because of belief?”

Then, Hai Snake explained the unique religious customs in Central Asia to Su Yang. Only then did Su Yang understand how fanatical and unacceptable the people here are. Li Yu…

While listening to Sea Snakes explanation, Su Yang flipped through the data in his hand. The more you turn, the more excited Su Yang feels.

Just like what Sea Snake said, these talents still have abilities in their fields, which are exactly what Su Yang needs. With these talents, the creatures on Socot Island can be studied. Now, those screens and batteries can also be studied, and then gradually improved.

This is simply the best gift!

Thinking of this, Su Yang couldn’t help concealing the joy in his heart, he patted the sea snake’s shoulder again, and praised, “You have done a good job. You have worked hard!”

The sea snake’s face raised Smile, “It is my duty to share worries for the master, especially since I am just doing it easily.”

The Eye of the Rule: Humility…

His words, Su Yang Not believe it at all. Before Su Yang didn’t know where this secret research institute was, but after Sea Snake’s explanation, Su Yang knew the specific location of this research institute, which was far away from Yemen. How easy is the sea snake to take care of it?

So this is the legendary: as long as you have the heart, will the world go in the same direction?

I understood the loyalty of the sea snake, but Su Yang didn’t say it, just remembered it in his heart.

Next, under the leadership of Sea Snake, Su Yang went to meet the scientific researchers. Although the scientific researchers were undecided, they all showed great enthusiasm and rushed to shake hands with Su Yang. And promised to complete the task assigned by Su Yang.

This surprised Su Yang a bit.

He thought that these people were tied up. They must be very excited and have great opinions about himself.

After all, in his opinion, scientists at this level should be very proud, and the sea snake also said that this region of Central Asia is special, and people are very enthusiastic and fearless of life and death. Then shouldn’t you show such enthusiasm for fear of death?

Thinking of this, after “comforting” these researchers, Su Yang asked Sea Snake quietly, “Why are they so enthusiastic?”

The sea snake smiled evilly , And then said, “Master. It’s all my education.”

“In fact, a few days after you said that you need scientific researchers, I attacked the nest of that extreme organization.”

“But the reason why I have not told you is because they are not well educated, so I suppressed it.”

Su Yang asked curiously, “How did you educate?”


The sea snake coughed, “You don’t want to know.”

Su Yang:…

He roughly guessed it.

Although there is no explanation, Sea Snake added, “Master, now these people are all trustworthy henchmen. I plan to let Sister Little Di build a research institute in the virtual space and let them settle in. , Start researching.”

Su Yang nodded, “Yes. Little Di and I will arrange it in advance.”

After that, Su Yang seemed to think of something. He looked towards Sea Snake and said in confusion, “That’s right. Why didn’t I see the charcoal poisonous lady among those scientific researchers?”

Speaking of this, he pondered a little, and added “And it seems that I didnt even see a middle age person. They are all youngsters?”

Sea snakes were nodded, and then coughed, “Because they are all dead.”

Su Yang was surprised, “Dead?”

The sea snake’s eyes flickered, “Yes. They voluntarily go to death, in order to be a monster that never betrays.”

The Eye of Law :lie.

Su Yang:…

From the concealed look of the sea snake, and Su Yang’s understanding of the sea snake, Su Yang roughly guessed what happened: the sea snake estimates I think these people are more important and belong to the core personnel, so in order to prevent them from being alienated, I simply killed them and turned them into monsters.

In this way, they are already monsters themselves, the entire world only has monsters under Su Yang, they equivalent to automatically choose the lineup, and there is no way to change it.

In addition, they were resurrected through the circus, equivalent to being controlled by Su Yang, so even if they didn’t want to, they could only work for Su Yang.

I have to say…the sea snake’s way of thinking is really in line with the formidable person.

As long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn’t care about the means.

Su Yang took a deep look at Sea Snake without breaking it through.

Next, Su Yang asked all these researchers to “swear an oath” to themselves: they are willing to work in Su Yang company. Then he returned to the virtual space with the resumes of these people.

Coming to the virtual space, Su Yang asked Little Di to grant the sea snake the transmission permission, and let the sea snake transport all kinds of instruments and appliances in first.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yang opened the interface of the virtual space and checked the Black Technology R&D Center. When Su Yang saw this building, it was a very complete research institute building.

So if possible, Su Yang wants to redeem it directly. This is done in one step, and there is no need to build it later.

Unfortunately, Su Yang was shocked when he saw the price of this building: 399999 points?

The value of up to 400,000 points directly dispelled Su Yang’s idea: yes, let Little Di build a few houses obediently and honestly.

Or…part of the virtual space? Let them live in a room built in the real world?

Thinking of this, Su Yang’s eyes lit up, and he felt that he could give it a try.

At night.

Su Yang came to the president’s office of Jiadian Group through the room on the third floor.

He was followed by a Little Di holding a notebook.

The two left the presidents office and walked while chatting, “Little Di, which layer do you think should be transferred?”

Little Di looked at the notebook in his hand, Said, “Master. I feel it’s best to bring the top floor to the virtual space. Let’s open a door on the top of the building, and the door will connect with the outside of the virtual space.”

“So they can always be inside Life, research, if you want to come out and do research in the virtual space, you can also come out from the top floor.”

Su Yang imagined the whole scene for a while and thought he could try it.

Next, Su Yang called out the system and chose the virtual space to come.

Suddenly, an option popped up in front of him:

[Please choose the way the virtual space comes. ]


Of course, Su Yang chose the part without the slightest hesitation.

Suddenly, in front of him, three-dimensional images of two worlds appeared.

Su Yang slowly adjusted the two pictures, overlapping the top floor of the headquarters with a space on the virtual space mountain, and then clicked [OK].

Suddenly, a prompt appeared in front of him,

[Does this part come to reality? The price is 26000 coins.

This time, the space to come is relatively large, so it consumes more coins. But it is still acceptable to Su Yang.

So even though he felt a little distressed, he still paid the coins without the slightest hesitation.


As Su Yang confirms, the overlapping part of the two three-dimensional images suddenly becomes red, and the system prompt sounded in his ear , [Coming successfully.

Although the virtual space has come to an end, because Su Yang is within the Jiadian Group, he didnt notice any changes.

He and Little Di returned to the virtual space and then left the castle.

Suddenly I saw a domed building not far away on the ground.

Little Di took Su Yang in, and found that it was the top floor of the Jiadian Group headquarters.

Next, Su Yang began to make fine-tuning using the built-in functions of Jiadian Group. He first set the highest authority for the 10th and 11th floor options of all elevators, and only Su Yang and the people authorized by Su Yang can reach the 10th floor.

After that, he cancelled the stairs on the 9th and 10th floors and turned them into a wall.

In this way, in the operation of Su Yang, the headquarters of Jiadian Group has become a building in both reality and virtual: the bottom 10th floor is in the real space, and the top two floors are In virtual space. The two are clearly in the same building, but they are completely in two different spaces.

After Su Yang added the headquarters of Jiadian Group, it has the ability to freely change various rooms and layouts, so I believe that those scientific researchers can quickly build this into their test site and dormitory .

After getting everything done, Su Yang sent a message to Sea Snake and asked him to transport people and equipment to the virtual space.

Soon, all the scientific research personnel and equipment all settled in this laboratory.

With the help of the monsters under the sea snake, I believe they will soon adapt to life in the virtual space.

Time is fleeting, and another week has passed.

This week, the guest mode of the circus was full again. Su Yang summoned it back and began to revive the scientific research experts who were killed by the sea snake.

And as the broadcast time of “Wu Lei Legendary” is approaching, the publicity is also in full swing.

Mango Satellite TV and Sky Blue Satellite TV have used all their milk-feeding energies, so they are ready to do a big job…

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