He didn’t totally have a thought, but had a plan.

Point currency is generated by the number of influencers, and the system defines the number of influencers as: guiding people to make good changes.

The one who wants to contact him is a big anchor who has many fans. The live broadcast field of that anchor is gaming, so there must be some viewers of that anchor who overplay the game, and there are all kinds of audiences who are obviously not allowed to pay for the game.

Su Yang, as long as they use the [mouth cannon ability] to properly guide them not to be overly addicted to the game, and rational consumption, in fact, it is very likely that they will make good changes, and it is very possible. Get coins.

Su Yang carefully pondered this idea for a while, and found it very reasonable and very possible to realize it.

Thinking about this, he passed the friend application of this anchor.

As a dedicated entertainment anchor, Liu Dabai is more attentive to daily live broadcasts. As for the “guests” to be invited today, of course he is more attentive.

He asked the assistant to hang the game for him all the time, and when he saw his friend passed, he would contact this “guest” to talk about the situation and chat.

So after Su Yang passed his friend, his assistant immediately saw it. After the assistant and Liu Dabai reported, they chatted with Su Yang privately, talked about the situation, and asked WeChat to talk in detail.

Su Yang’s plan also needs this anchor, so he agreed very cooperatively.

Then the two joined WeChat and started chatting.

The assistant talked about the whole thing, and talked about the cost and what Su Yang needs to do. Originally in this assistant’s mind, this was a very simple matter. He has done many negotiations with similar passers-by guests.

Most of the problems are nothing more than price and duration. Of course, there will be people who don’t want to broadcast live, so everything is done step by step.

As a result, he was surprised this time. Because after he finished talking, Su Yang didn’t say yes or no, but made a request: he doesn’t want money, but wants to make a public service advertisement in the live broadcast room.

Because this kind of request has never been seen, the assistant dare not decide, so he has to find Liu Dabai and let Liu Dabai talk to Su Yang in person.

Liu Dabai took the phone and chatted with Su Yang for a few words. In order to save time, he dialed the voice and communicated directly.

After the voice was connected, Su Yang began to explain his thoughts.

At first, when I heard Su Yang said that he made a public service advertisement, Liu Dabai didnt care, but when I heard Su Yang said that his public service advertisement was for players not to indulge in games and spend more time with their families, And when he wants to consume rationally in the game, he slowly frowned.

He is an entertainment anchor and a game anchor who plays King Pesticide. His own interests are sitting on the side of the game. Only when the game is hot will his audience be large.

In the live broadcast industry, making money is mainly rewarding. This is actually very dependent on the audience’s “irrational” consumption. If you give the audience rational consumption of science, your rewards may also be affected.

Thinking of this, he wanted to reject Su Yang’s proposal.

But just then, his assistant quietly handed him a note.

Liu Dabai looked down and said on the note: Can this also become a live broadcast effect?

Liu Dabai chewed this sentence carefully, pondered for a while, and then his eyes lit up, and he felt that he was really good.

So he chatted with Su Yang about this form of public service advertisement in the voice and put forward some opinions.

For example, he wants Su Yang to determine a persona, such as a dull game fan, and then speak in a cold tone. Don’t talk about these issues with reason, but use paragraphs or reverses.

And Liu Dabai can be amused by hehe haha.

The two are enthusiastic, and the other is cold, which can form a contrast, the effect of the program will be achieved, and it will be easier to get into the hearts of the people.

Su Yang doesn’t care about this, but since this is someone’s territory, Su Yang is also willing to accept it.

But he also made a request: this kind of thing can’t become pure funny, Liu Dabai must sublime the theme, as the anchor, reiterate the view of [moderate game, rational consumption].

Liu Dabai agreed.

After the two people made a plan, Liu Dabai urgently contacted the live broadcast platform, hoping to give him a recommendation tonight, and talked about his plan.

After learning about this novel way of live broadcast and the positive publicity, Tiger Tooth also gave some support and agreed to the two hours in Su Yang and Liu Dabai in the double row Will give a big recommendation on the homepage.

All preparations are over. All is ready except for the opportunity.

Su Yang was thinking about this in his heart, so he was not in the mood to accompany Chuxia to continue writing novels there. After a few words, he returned to the villa by himself.

After returning to the villa, Su Yang asked Little Di to collect this contrasting video, and at the same time… specifically called Li Runze to learn more.

In his mind, Li Runze is the kind of person he will imitate tonight: a serious, expressionless person who tells a story.

Li Runze said after answering the phone… that he was born. And I haven’t talked about it.

Listening to his plain tone and funny words, Su Yang is laughed heartily. I feel that I must learn from him.

After chatting with Li Runze for a while, after taking the scriptures, Su Yang looked for this language skills book and read it.

He can’t forget his server when he does anything.

Soon, one day passed. At eight o’clock in the evening, Liu Dabai’s assistant found Su Yang and said that it was his turn to broadcast live.

Su Yang entered the game as agreed.

Sure enough, within two minutes, Liu Dabais game invitation was sent. Su Yang opened the [Mouth Cannon Ability], agreed to the invitation, and then entered the team interface. He turned on the voice, and Liu Dabais live broadcast voice came from the headset, “Hello, brother. Im Liu Dabai. How do you call it?” Su Yang followed Li Runze and said coldly. “Just call me id.”

Liu Dabai looked at Su Yangs nickname and said, “Your id is not easy to call. Its called Fujisun, Im afraid of being blocked, called Wuwukai. cough cough. I am also afraid of being blocked.”

Su Yang said coldly, “Then call me a vine. Anyway, its a code name.”

Liu Dabais “pu” It sprayed out, and then haha said with a smile, “haha. Brother, you are really humorous.”

Then the two teamed up to match each other and started playing games.

In the game, Su Yang used the old man jungler as always, and Liu Dabai also chatted with each other, “brother, your jungler is actually It’s very high-end, your big size must be very high, right?”

Su Yang said dullly, “Really? I don’t know. I don’t have a big size, this is my only number.”< /p>

Su Yang’s words made Liu Dabai stunned, and then Yuanchang said, “That may be an extraordinary natural talent.”

As the two of them broadcast live, Liu Dabais live broadcast room has also grown. It’s getting more and more lively. In fact, the water friends in the live broadcast room are quite accustomed to such passers-by guests, but generally speaking, passers-by guests will either not speak and only play games, or else they will be witty words and greet the anchor.

As a result, I suddenly encountered such a serious and boring bottle gourd, and I felt that…it was pretty cute.

While playing games, Liu Dabai also talked about himself according to the plan of the two, saying that he is a big anchor and has many fans. Ask Su Yang if he has anything to say. Would you like to say hello to the water friends.

Su Yang was silent for a while, and then said silently, “Are there many water friends? Then I want to tell them, playing games must be moderate, dont always be addicted. Like I have a friend, he is old Play the game lightly. Then…”

Liu Dabai asked with concern, “Then what happened?”

Su Yang’s voice has almost no tone, like a straight line The same, there is a dull, wooden feeling, “…cannot find a girlfriend.”

Liu Dabai, “pu.”

Actually, what Su Yang said The paragraph is not very interesting, but when he speaks these words in a serious tone, he is inexplicably very happy.

And suddenly a wave of “666” appeared on the barrage. “Yes, you can.” “It’s reasonable and well-founded.”

Su Yang continued to say in his plain tone. “Don’t believe it. I also have a friend who has been playing games.”

Liu Dabai asked curiously, “He couldn’t find a girlfriend?”

Su Yang lightly saying, “No, he found it.”

Liu Dabai, “That…”

Su Yang said, “But he feels his girlfriend is not interesting in games, I broke up.”

Liu Dabai:…


Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Su Yang actually returned Summarizing in Na Mumu’s tone, “So… the game is a girlfriend’s natural enemy.”

Fans once again started to screen the barrage, “reasonable.” “Convinced.” “This The friend is not yourself, right?”

Next, Su Yang composed a dozen stories around his girlfriend and games, combined with his own [mouth cannon ability] and Liu With great cooperation, these stories are told vividly.

Cooperating with his slow, plain tone that almost deserves a beating, as well as the reversal of the plot, the live broadcast room climaxed and called “666”.

In fact, if this is the case, fans may at best just feel that the live broadcast is interesting, but will not learn anything from it. But Su Yang still has tricks in the follow-up.

So, next, in accordance with the agreement with Su Yang, after Su Yang finished telling the story of “girlfriends”, Liu Dabai used a serious tone, a serious expression, and a earnest persuasion. Fans in the live broadcast room.

The general meaning is: Although Su Yang is funny, but when you think about it carefully, it also contains a lot of truth. So he also hopes that everyone’s games should be moderate, not to ignore the people around him for the game, and not to affect their lives.

Su Yang and Liu Dabai have used a clever way to instill the concept of “moderate game” to all the audience who watched him. The most direct feedback of this effect is that on the system opened by Su Yang, the number of coins has begun to usher in a big surge.

Su Yang opened the system before the broadcast, fixed the system interface in front of his eyes, and glanced at him from time to time. As a result, he found that in just one hour, the number of coins increased by 25 thousand. This obviously shows that more than 20,000 fans have listened to and reflected on the matter of moderate gaming.

Su Yang also sees from the explosion of his own currency that this form of live broadcasting is indeed affecting people’s lives more and more.

At this time, he couldn’t help but think of the rocket he hadn’t launched yet, and suddenly divine light flashed: He felt it would not be long before, maybe these anchors could sell rockets in the live broadcast room.

To get rid of these idle thoughts, Su Yang continued his efforts and began to talk about the topic of rational consumption, “Dabai, I actually have a friend.”

Liu Dabai said, “You have a lot of friends. There should be more than 20 now.”

Su Yang’s tone has no ups and downs, like a machine without emotion, “en. Way.”

Liu Dabai:…

Fans, “There is reason and evidence, and there is reason and evidence.”

Liu Dabai, “Then you How about your friends?”

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