Thinking about this, Su Yang put down the glass screen phone, drew the curtains, and then flashed slightly into the virtual space.

At this time, the virtual space has greatly changed. Behind the castle is a large black-painted building. He looks like a huge PS4 game console, with a flat body and standing upright. It is all tightly wrapped in metal. There is no gap. There is a groove in the middle, which looks like it can be opened.

There is also a building resembling a plate on the cliff next to the castle. It is fixed on the cliff and is white in its entirety, with a pillar-like rocket in the middle, which is very beautiful.

Withdraw his gaze, Su Yang called Little Di out, and went to the mobile phone production base factory to check.

Passing around the castle and coming to the mobile phone manufacturing factory, Su Yang and Little Di walked around the mobile phone manufacturing factory several times, but they didn’t find a place to go in.

Su Yang looked towards Little Di, Little Di looked towards Su Yang, the two of them had big eyes.

Half a while, Little Di asked Su Yang tentatively, “Master, or else…you touch it?”

Su Yang froze for a while, and then reached out to Little Di Touched her face, “Then what?”

Little Di Face is red, she stomped her feet in shame, “Master. I mean you touched this factory!”< /p>

Su Yang then realized that he had misunderstood, but…Little Di’s face was really slippery and tender, almost comparable to a baby.

While sighing, Su Yang reached out to the outside of the factory and touched it.

Sure enough, as he pressed his hand on the base, a prompt popped up in front of him,

Whether to activate the mobile phone manufacturing factory.

An ominous premonition was born in Su Yang’s heart: This dog system is not learning domestic online games with multiple charges, right? Does activation cost money?

He said tentatively, “Yes.”

Fortunately, his premonition did not come true, and system sounded a reminder,

Excited and successful.

With this prompt, the entire mobile phone factory suddenly moved slowly like a huge mechanical monster. The metal around it began to shrink “hong long long”. With a futuristic atmosphere, an oval building appeared in front of Su Yang.

It’s like a huge egg, just standing on the ground, just like the metal on the outside, it’s all black. This dark color has a strange matte texture, very beautiful. A transparent door was also added to the groove part of the front of the metal building.

Su Yang walked over, shot a green laser from the top of the door, scanned Su Yang’s body for a while, and a mechanical voice rang in Su Yangs ear,

[Test passed. Please enter.

Su Yang walked in.

Little Di followed Su Yang and wanted to come in, but the door closed quickly, and then scanned her again.

Half a ring, Little Dis voice rang in Su Yangs ears, Master, I cant get in. This building says I am abnormal.

Su Yang touched it I clicked on the earphones behind my ears, looked towards behind me, and found that Little Di was shut outside, jumping around trying to attract my attention. It was obviously only a thin glass door, but it cut off all the sounds, preventing Little Di’s voice from coming in.

Even Little Di can only communicate with Su Yang through bone conduction headphones.

Su Yang communicated with the mechanical program of this factory, and gave Little Di an access permission with his identity, and then Little Di entered the factory smoothly.

After entering the base, Su Yang and Little Di visited the base together.

As a result, they found that everything they could see in the factory was a robotic arm, and there were many tool tables and tools, but they all stopped.

Su Yang and Little Di aimless walked around the factory twice and came to the center of the factory, where a huge screen was placed.

This screen looks like a replica of Little Di Avatar’s glass screen, but it’s much bigger. Su Yang inspected it visually, it was at least 100 inches.

Along with the two of them, the screen lights up, showing a series of parameters of the mobile phone factory, as well as the details of the mobile phone you want to customize.

There are many details, such as logo, size, size, packaging and other external parameters, as well as some system adjustments.

The smarter thing is that in addition to these options you can adjust by yourself, each option also has a default option, so that Su Yang does not have to choose step by step.

Because it is just an experiment, Su Yang directly chose the default option, and then clicked Next.

The next step is to select the production quantity. Su Yang tried to pull it to the maximum, and found that it could be pulled to 10,000,000. In other words, a batch can produce up to 10,000,000 mobile phones. Hmm…very good.

Su Yang tried to make one first.

Suddenly there is an additional prompt on the screen,

[Please submit the relevant raw materials, and you can choose to pay for the insufficient part.

Su Yang clicked on the raw materials and found that…the densely packed is simply a list of raw materials. It’s all iron, sand, wood and the like.

But Su Yang now has nothing, so he chooses to pay with some coins.

Lack of materials requires 10 coins in total. Are you sure?

Su Yang pondered for a moment, 10 coins are really not much for him now. Try it!

So thinking about it this way, Su Yang directly confirmed the choice.

In a moment, the entire mobile phone factory began to operate.

All the mechanical arms in the factory started to move in a coordinated manner, some printed icons, some made boxes, and some cut. But the weird thing is that even if that many robotic arms move together, there is no sound at all in the entire base, as if… everything is fake.

After a while, 1 minute, Su Yang had a beautifully packaged mobile phone in front of him.

Because Su Yang did not make any customization choices, there is no logo on the phone box, but it does not mean that it is simple, because it is even sealed in plastic.

Su Yang unpacked the plastic, opened the box, took out the phone, and found that the standard equipment inside was a glass screen, and there were two thicker bone conduction earphone stickers. No charger, no data cable. It looks like this is solar power just like Little Di.

Su Yang pressed the glass screen once, and the phone started up. In just one second, the phone turned on, and Su Yang’s familiar interface appeared on the screen.

Su Yang fiddled with it, and found that it was not much different from what he was using now.

Su Yang looked towards Little Di and asked, “How do you feel?”

As soon as he turned his head, Su Yang realized that Little Di didnt know when, but stayed in place , Binary codes flashed through his eyes.

Su Yang thought for a while, and then suddenly.

Yes, I haven’t launched a rocket yet, so it is estimated that all screen phones now need to be linked to Little Di.

Even if the screen phone is too far away from Little Di, it will not start.

After all, this is strictly a display glass, not a mobile phone. There is no integrated system, everything must be transmitted through signals.

Thinking about this, Su Yang simply waited patiently for Little Di’s reaction.

In a moment, Little Di returned to normal, the data in her eyes disappeared, and then said to Su Yang, “Master, when this phone is turned on, it is automatically linked to me.”

Su Yang nodded.

Little Di said, “Then I also learned about the various operations and usages of the mobile phone factory and the rocket launch base.”

Su Yang “oh?”

Little Di explained, “After all, these things are my derivatives. So I automatically obtained a lot of information after connecting with them.”

“This mobile phone production factory Now one mobile phone can be produced every minute, the packaging of the produced mobile phone, and the type of system can be customized. You have already seen the list of consumables, if you use coins to exchange for 10 points each.”

” Compared with the complicated raw materials, I suggest that we can only exchange coins in the early stage, and later collect the raw materials on a large scale, and then transport them to the island and fill them into the factory.”

Su Yang patiently listen.

Little Di continued, “Now the mobile phone production factory has a daily output of 1,440 units and a monthly output of 43,200 units. The output is seriously insufficient. But the mobile phone factory can be upgraded, and the upgrade can unlock the production speed.”


Su Yang:…

Cheating Krypton mobile game…Bah.

Little Di, “If you dont upgrade, you can also use credits to speed up production. The price is not expensive, and you only need to spend 100 credits per 24 hours to double the production speed.”

Su Yang:…

Krypton gold can become stronger!

Little Di, “Except for the mobile phone factory, the rocket base can cover half of the Earth and transmit data in outer space by launching the rocket into the sky.”

Su Yang asked, “Is it necessary to launch some coins?”

Little Di, “Yes. It costs 20,000 coins to launch a rocket to the sky.”

Su Yang: Fortunately, fortunately, Not expensive.

Little Di, “Recovering the rocket requires a fee of 50,000 points.”

Su Yang:…

There is also a recovery rocket? And more expensive than launch?

This is no longer a lie! It’s just pushing Krypton!

Seeing Su Yang mad, Little Di quickly explained, “Master, dont you feel that this price is unreasonable. The recovery of rockets is much more difficult than launching. Now many countries can only launch, but cannot. , So the transportation cost cannot be lowered.”

Su Yang asked, “How much is the rocket? How much is the satellite?”

Little Di just blinked, and then said, “A rocket is 200,000 coins, the satellite is cheaper, 20,000 coins. But these two things, the rocket base comes with one.”

Su Yang sighed in relief, no wonder the rocket base is so expensive . It turned out to be expensive here.

Su Yang feels that although his dog system is pitted, at least there is a bottom line.

Yeah. Unlike myself…

Thinking like this, Su Yang took this mobile phone and went out of the factory with Little Di. He planned to go to the mountain to see how the rocket base is. If it is suitable, he can launch the rocket to try test.

With this idea, Su Yang and Little Di went out of the mobile phone factory and started climbing.

When building the rocket launch base before, Su Yang didn’t feel that there was any problem with his plan: after all, the rocket launch base should be placed in a higher place, close to the sky.

And… also really good-looking.

But when he really wanted to go to the rocket base, Su Yang wanted to let Little Di teleport with him!

This broken mountain is too difficult to climb!

After climbing for a long time, Su Yang and Little Di finally arrived at the rocket base.

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