Boss heard what he said badly about him, and after that… he wanted to play cards with everyone.

This thing is so magical that people can’t even think of it.

So a few girls were finally dragged to the station by Su Yang to play cards together…

In fact, they were really hard to refuse.

First, Su Yang is the Boss. He pays everyone and controls everyone’s life and death.

The second is…After all, they just said bad things about Su Yang, and they didn’t dare to refuse.

So, soon, a weird game was born.

“haha. I am the emperor.” Su Yang caught the emperor card in the first game of luck. He looked at the four girls with excitement, and then asked, “Which one of you is henchman? Who is? I have a good card, and I can show my card.”

For a moment, I said that Su Yang is himself The younger brother’s little round-faced girl raised her hand weakly, “Su, President Su, it’s me…”

Su Yang happily nodded, “Play well. If you lose, your salary will be deducted. “

The little round face girls are almost crying.

It’s not that Su Yang’s threat is so scary, it’s that he really doesn’t know what it is doing.

She couldn’t figure out her head, and the other three girls didn’t get much better, so Su Yang easily won the first game.

In the second game, Su Yang was a farmer. He looked around excitedly, “Who is the henchman, who is the henchman?”

It is still the round-faced girl, she is again Weakly raised his hand, “I… President Su, it’s still me.”

Su Yang’s face was stern, “I’ll explode, how can you recognize it? I’m not the emperor. Dont concentrate on playing at all!”

Round-faced girl:…

The round-faced girl is really going to cry this time.

Is there anything like this?

You are the Boss, and you just caught our handle. If you ask, we dare not say anything.

Soon, the second game still ended with Su Yang’s victory.

In this way, five people played five games together before Su Yang let them go, and then let them continue to work. And he himself went to the Conference Hall…

Seeing Su Yang’s back to the Conference Hall, the four girls felt like a world away: Was it real just now?

How many games did you play with Big Boss just now?

This…what the hell is going on!

In fact, the matter is very simple. The conditions for the use of the [Advanced Cannon Ability] drawn by Su Yang is to play six games with people in the company, and everyone must have played at least once.

Now there are only two people in the company, one is the office lobby and the other is the Conference Hall.

In the Conference Hall, he was doing business. Su Yang was impossible to rush in and play a few games of poker, so he could only play five games with the four people outside, leaving only the last one for the Conference. In the Hall.

For a moment, Su Yang came to the Conference Hall, and he knocked on the door. Tang Jing turned his head through the glass door, saw that Su Yang was coming, got up quickly, came over and opened the door for Su Yang himself.

While letting Su Yang in, she introduced to Huang Zheng and the others, “This is Su Yang from our company. Our companys Big Boss.”

I heard Tang Jing introduced this, Huang Zheng immediately knew that the talent in front of him was the master. He stood up, walked over, and extended the hand confidently, “Su, hello. I am Huang Zheng.”

Su Yang Reached out and shook Huang Zheng’s hand, “Mr. Huang. I know. Come and sit.”

Speaking, Su Yang motioned to Huang Zheng to sit down, and he himself came to the Lord. Sit down.

Tang Jing sat next to Su Yang, then leaned to Su Yang’s ear and whispered, “The other party still bites and refuses to give in.”

Su Yang silently nodded, Then he said, “You guys continue.”

Next, Su Yang saw that Huang Zheng is difficult. This man is obviously as young as Su Yang, but there is always a mature and confident smile on his face.

He is like the best batsman. No matter how Tang Jing moves, he can beat all Tang Jing’s moves back.

And Tang Jing and the other people in the company are simply defeated in front of him, simply not opponents.

The talkative look seemed to make Su Yang see the “horse Teacher” he had seen in the video.

Su Yang judged that the star rating of this person in the system must not be low. Looking at his aura and deeds, he should be at least a 5-Star level talent with Zhao Licheng.

Maybe even the strong people in 5-Star level.

With this thought, Su Yang no longer looks at Tang Jing and the others. He coughed, attracted the attention of the people present, and then wanted to speak.

But Huang Zheng is firmly in control of the direction of the topic. He smiled and looked towards Su Yang and said, “Does Su always have something to say?”

Su Yang looked at him and said bluntly, “To be honest. Before meeting Mr. Huang, I heard many people in the circle say that Mr. Huang’s aura is strong and difficult. But I have never believed it. Until today I When I saw Mr. Huang, I realized that I underestimated the hero of the world.”

“But… Mr. Huang. You came to us for financing. We should be partners, not enemies. Isnt it?”

Huang Zheng replied without thinking, “Thats right. Its true. But just because Im a partner, I should show my truest side and make my partners believe I am someone who has the strength to lead our company to develop.”

Su Yang in the heart silently gave Huang Zheng a thumbs up. This Huang Zheng is very safe in this response, neither He was not humble, and he maintained his strength as always, and even faintly put pressure on Su Yang.

As expected, he can lead the company to the top 30 in the country.

Thinking about this, Su Yang didn’t go around anymore, he took out a set of cards from his pocket, and then gently put it on the table.

The people present were all attracted by his actions. I dont know what Su Yang is doing: Its obviously a normal occasion, why do you want to take poker?

Even Huang Zheng was slightly lost for a moment, obviously didn’t expect Su Yang to do such a move.

At this moment, Su Yang explained, “It’s like this. Actually, I am very optimistic about Mr. Huang’s company. And… I am not interested in bargaining at all.”

< p>“If you want me to say, starting a company is to do a business. To do a business is to be atmospheric and a pattern. You cant be there like a vegetable market because you dont stop.”

“So, Lets go. Mr. Huang. Everyone in your company draws a card. As long as the cards in all of your members are bigger than mine, then the price will follow yours. If there is no bigger than mine, then Follow me.”


Huang Zheng was shocked by Su Yang’s proposal.

Half aloud, he said, “General Su. You may not know, my condition is 2.1 million, 3% of the shares, that is, 700,000 1% of the shares!”

Su Yang nodded, “I know. Not only do I know this. I also know that your company doesn’t even have an app or a website, so I valued it at 70 million.”

Speaking, Su Yang opened the card, and then He gestured for a moment, “How about? Do you want to play a game?”

Huang Zheng looked at Su Yang, his eyes slowly changed, and he laughed heartily, “Okay! No problem! Then I Just play a game with President Su!”

Huang Zheng stretched out his hand to get the card.

But Su Yang stopped him.

Just when Huang Zheng thought Su Yang was going to regret it, Su Yang spread the cards, and then pushed it to Huang Zheng, “You shuffle your cards and draw by yourself. Don’t think I cheated.”

Huang Zheng smiled swiftly, took the card, buckled it directly on the table with his backhand, and said, “I can trust President Su’s character.”

As he said, he stretched out his hand and drew it. A card, showing up, is the Q of Hearts.

It’s no small in a deck of cards.

Next, the others in the office draw cards one by one.

He is magnificent, but the people around him have to be more cautious. They also shuffled the cards before drawing one.

In a moment, the cards of the three of Huang Zheng came out, the Q of Hearts, 3 of Hearts, and 8 of Clubs.

The biggest is Huang Zheng’s card.

They were playing, but the people at Tang Jing company, including Tang Jing, were shocked at this time. They totally didn’t expect Su Yang to come to the Conference Hall, and they would actually play such a hand, which is too…sloppy?

One point is hundreds of thousands up and down, just use the size of a card to decide so randomly?


Really domineering, very handsome.

Several girls from Tang Jing company feel their eyes are staring.

They felt that it was the first time that they raised their heads in front of the people of Huangzheng Company.

Before, they felt that they were more like a startup company that was investing everywhere, rather than the funder father…

And now! Who is father anyway!

Father is the one who determines millions of business with one card!

After the three of them have drawn the cards, Su Yang motioned to Tang Jing and the others, “Draw one together. Just be a lottery and play.”

Tang Jing is right Su Yang’s words were obedient, so she drew a card: 10 of spades.

With her taking the lead, the other girls also drew them. They are not big cards, 2 squares, 8 spades and jacks of hearts.

No one is bigger than Huang Zheng.

However, they just followed and played, and the gambling game was simply nothing to them.

After everyone drew to play, everyone in the office focused on Su Yang, waiting for him to draw.

Su Yang didnt touch the cards at all, and said directly to Tang Jing, Sister Jing, just draw one for me.

Tang Jing froze for a while, a little unbelievable. Said, “Just smoke like this?”

Su Yang nodded, “Yes.”

Tang Jing’s gentle face is rarely sweaty, obviously it makes She draws cards on her behalf, under great pressure.

For a moment, under Su Yang’s encouraging gaze, Tang Jing still reached out and drew a card from the deck.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on the card in her hand.

She turned the card with a trembling hand…slowly turned it over.

Ace of Spades…

Absolute silence in the office.

Half a while, everyone looked towards Su Yang in surprise, but Su Yang just sat so casually, as if he didn’t smoke it at all.

Or…He didn’t smoke it.

But now everyone feels that Su Yang seems to be emitting rays of light. like a king who controls everything.

How did he do it?

Even Huang Zheng looked at Su Yang in surprise.

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