With this endless sentence, Su Yang, who listened to it, thought for two seconds before realizing that Zhao Licheng was talking about the 500 million shares of the newly established Sect Education.

He couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong?”

Next, Zhao Licheng explained the whole story to Su Yang on the phone.

It turns out that he knows Old Cao very well. So after being aware of Old Cao’s purpose, he called another partner, Old Zhang.

His idea is very simple. I want to know what Old Cao’s plan is. If feasible, then continue to consider purchasing shares.

If it is not feasible…Lets see if we can save the company. If it cannot be saved, change the plan.

The rest is very simple.

Old Zhang at first said it was a company secret and he was unwilling to tell Old Caos plan.

But Zhao Licheng knows Old Zhang after all, so he took 12% of the shares in his wifes hands and said that they are the major shareholders of the company and have the right to know the companys plans. Then he knew it with affection. After moving with reason, he finally opened Old Zhang’s mouth.

As a result, he found that the plan Old Cao wanted to implement was actually a plan he rejected while alive. That was a plan that could drag the entire company into the quagmire…

So after learning about this plan, Zhao Licheng wanted to stop it immediately. But with his current status and status, there is no way to stop it!

So he hopes Old Yu Zhang, he hopes Old Zhang can preside over the situation, and he is willing to sell most of the shares in his hands to Old Zhang at a fair price, and only asks to leave a part to Su Yang.

But…Old Zhang refused.

Because Old Zhang does not want to compete with Old Cao for the management of the company, and he has no cash to acquire these shares. He just wants to wait for the company’s ipo to take out part of the cash pension.

And the reason why he has this idea, besides his own character, the most important thing is the death of Zhao Licheng.

The death of Zhao Licheng made Old Zhang understand that starting a company is never headless, and will only continue to work hard as the company gets bigger and bigger. And this often makes people ignore more important things around them.

For example, family, such as health…

So he just wants to take the money and spend time with his family. He felt that he had neglected his son for many years, and his son was in elementary school in a blink of an eye. He didn’t want to miss the remaining days of his son’s growth.

Zhao Licheng was confused.

He completely didn’t expect that when he died, the company changed a lot, and it became what it is now.

This…what should I do?

Zhao Licheng is also a 5-Star level talent. Even if his personality does not have this characteristic, he does not lack decisive power!

So after he synthesized all the information, he quickly judged that the situation was irreversible, so everything should be considered for maximum benefit.

So after five minutes of thinking, he resolutely made a major decision!

He wants to sell all the stock to Old Cao! Let Old Cao gain control of the company! Promote Old Cao’s plan and continue to be listed!

After the listing, use the money to short the new established Sect Yu when the new established Sect Yu stock reaches a high point!

As the founder of the newly established Sect Education and a friend of Old Cao and Old Zhang, he knows the feasibility of Old Caos plan. He also knows that without himself and Old Zhang, the company will encounter What a trouble!

Therefore, the newly established Sect Yu will surely collapse!

When the time comes, the stock price of the newly established Sect Yu will plummet, and he and Su Yang will also make great profits!

Su Yang was dumbfounded after listening.

Are business elites so ruthless? When the plan was found to be unfeasible, it was completely reversed, from buying stocks to shorting the company…

However, Zhao Lichengs plan is indeed feasible. After all, Hong Kong stocks do not restrict short selling. Nor does it limit the ups and downs.

If Old Caos plan really collapses, then the newly established Sect Education stock price may fall by as much as one percent a day, thirty-forty.

After all, Hong Kong Citys stock once had a miracle of a 98% plunge one day.

So after the two chatted for an hour, their new goal was to attack the newly established Sect.

Thinking about sniping a company founded by his own hands, Su Yang was a little excited about it.

He couldn’t help asking Zhao Licheng, “Licheng, wouldn’t it feel weird or distressed if you attacked the company you founded?”

Zhao Licheng said, “Manager Su. To be honest, yes. But as an adult, rationality is essential. I am no longer the original Zhao Licheng, and the new established Sect education is not the original new established Sect education.”

” My current status has been decided, and there is no way to return to that company. Then I will only consider the gains and losses in terms of profit.”

Su Yang thoughtfully nodded.

Without feelings, should we only consider benefits? It seems normal.

Thinking about this, Su Yang said, “Okay. That’s it. Then you can do this about you. I am waiting for your news.”

Zhao Licheng said,” Okay. President Su.”

Hang up the phone, Su Yang was thinking.

Although shorting the new established Sect can get a lot of profit, it is not in line with my goal after all. What my silver mission requires is to invest in a company, and it must exceed 500 million. So I still have to think of ways to invest in a new company.

But where is there such a good opportunity…

Su Yang is worried…

In the evening, Su Yang sends Sanque back to the little monsters Rental house, and then went home by himself.

When she got home, Tang Jing had already returned. She was wearing a professional attire inside, and she was wearing an apron outside, serving food to the dining table.

Tang Xiaomi is a little cute on the dining table with his toes, staring at the food on the table, it seems that as long as Tang Jing is not paying attention, he will reach out and grab something to eat.

Su Yang walked over and knocked Tang Xiaomi’s head, said with a smile, “How did you study today?”

Tang Xiaomi wrinkled his nose and held his head , Looked at Su Yang, and said in a huff, “Don’t knock on my head. It will be dumb!”

After that, she said, “studying? Is there any kindergarten study? It’s all so easy. Me. Im not a kindergarten kid anymore, I can go to junior high school.”

Su Yang smiled, “You just blow it up. Come, have the ability to solve a quadratic equation of one element for me.”


Tang Xiaomi suddenly wilted.

Like early summer, mathematics is her eternal pain.

While the two were talking, Tang Jing walked over and wiped his hand on the apron, and said to Su Yang, “Xiao Yang. My venture capital company has been in operation for a while. I screened the projects that I feel Interesting, and I show them to you?”

Su Yang said, “No problem. Let me see.”

Tang Jing nodded, then went back to the sofa, took out a dozen materials, handed them to Su Yang, and said, “There are some potential projects in Shanghai and Hangzhou. I started a venture capital company before, so there are many companies. Networking. Some Boss will introduce friends to me. I chose the one, and you have a look.”

Su Yang nodded, take the information and sit down.

When Tang Xiaomi saw this kind of thing, he was immediately hilarious, jumping and saying, “I watch it, I watch it too!”

Su Yang smiled and clicked on her The tip of the nose, “What’s the use of you? You don’t understand.”

Tang Xiaomi raised his head and “hum”, “I already know how to read. How could I not understand!”


Su Yang smiled and picked her up, put her in her arms, and sat down, “Okay, come. Let’s watch together.”

Tang Jing looked at one big and one small two This kind of personal interaction is gentle.

Su Yang picked up the information and looked at it one by one.

The first one was a chain hot pot restaurant project. Su Yang looked at it and found it meaningless. With the rapid growth of the Internet, opening a physical store is simply courting death.

So he didn’t even smell it to Little Ha, so he was ready to let go.

At this time, Tang Xiaomi actually shouted loudly, “pass! This is not good!”

Su Yang looked towards her in surprise, “Huh? What are you doing? Do you know it?”

Tang Xiaomi said cutely, “Its name is not good. What is it called Hongtai Yang Fire pot shop. This name is so earthy~”

“hahahaha!” Su Yang was amused by Tang Xiaomi. It really is a little child.

That being said, Su Yang deliberately said, “Okay~ Then listen to you, let’s pass it!”

Speaking, Su Yang put this project To the side.

Tang Xiaomi lifted his chin proudly, but Tang Jing held back a smile, glanced at the two of them dozingly, and went on to cook: her meal hasnt been finished yet, she just finished it. Come over two dishes that’s all.

After Tang Jing left, Su Yang and Tang Xiaomi continued to watch.

The second one is a mobile phone project. Su Yang knows how to make a mobile phone, so he also passed.

The third and fourth copies, the number of copies of the project decreased, Su Yang did not find any interesting companies.

But this is also normal. After all, his and Tang Jing’s company is just a newly opened Little Feng investment company. It is normal to have no good projects. After all, even a large venture capital company cannot invest one or two good projects in a year.

Soon, Su Yang saw the last one. It was an e-commerce project, which focused on low prices and large quantities.

Su Yang looked at this project and felt like he had seen Taobao.

But it is precisely because Taobao already has Taobao, so Su Yang feels that this project is unrealistic.

The market for e-commerce is large, but it is already overwhelmingly strong. Taobao is the only one to dominate, and powerhouses such as JD.com and Vipshop have gathered. How can a small company stand out?

So thinking about it this way, Su Yang wanted to put this project aside.

At this moment, Tang Xiaomi also spoke, “This project is so ugly! Pass, pass!”

Su Yang laughed, then glanced at the project Name: Juduo.

haha, this name is really not good.

Pass it.

Speaking, Su Yang said, “Okay! Then listen to you. Let’s…”

Su Yang was only half talking, and suddenly his bone conduction headset Little Has excited voice sounded, “Su Yang! Su Yang! Fragrance! This item has a fragrance!”

Su Yang said to Tang Xiaomi halfway through, and said, “Then listen to you. Let’s Just… leave it!”

A question mark slowly appeared on Tang Xiaomi’s face, who was just saying “pass”…

, Do you have a lot of question marks…

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