At this time, Big Beard Liu actually had question marks on his face, and he almost suspected that he was finely divided.

What the hell is going on? Who did it?

Why keep sending messages to yourself on Weibo?

I will not be hacked by any nosy netizens, right?

After came back to his senses, he finally remembered that the best thing to do now is to change the password.

So he hurriedly changed his login password, deleted this Weibo again, and then posted a “Rumor-defying” Weibo…

Make sure that Liu Dabeard is finely divided. So one by one left a message to “comfort” Liu Da Huo, so that he should not get this disease because of betting, it is too serious. A broken leg is enough.

At this time, Big Beard Liu was totally in no mood to pay attention to the frigid irony and scorching satire of netizens, because… his wife called him.

After answering the phone, Liu Da Huo asked before his wife could speak, “Daughter-in-law. How did I lock my card? Also, are you looking for Little Liu to borrow money?”


Liu Da Hus wife said coldly, “en. Yes.”

Liu Da Hus feeling is a bit wrong, his wifes attitude towards him is not like this… why is it so suddenly? Icy.

So he asked, “Are you… okay?”

His wife replied, “Of course there is something. Why did you change your Weibo password?”

Liu Da Huo was dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, his brow furrowed, and the furrowed deeper. He is not a fool, on the contrary, to be a good director, his IQ is not low.

I just didn’t think about that before, now his wife gave him this reminder, and immediately asked him to string all the lines together.

I report the card loss, borrow money everywhere, the speech on Weibo, and the screenshot…

Liu Daqius heart beats “pu pu pu tong”, blood Running into his brain, he felt like he was going crazy. He shouted, “You the fuck did you donate my money? 10,000,000?!”

Liu Da Huos wife did not deny it, “Yes I donated it. Just this afternoon. All donated. 10,000,000, no less.”

Liu Da Huo’s face was full of disbelief, and he roared, “Why?! Why are you? Do it!”

Liu Da Huo’s wife was not scared by his outburst, she just yelled back, “Why? You asked me why?! What did you do last night, don’t you know? “

Liu Big Beard heart startled, a basin of cold water poured on his head, the imposing manner weakened a bit, he said, “Did you hear any rumors?”

The wife of Big Beard Liu laughed, “Gossip? You entered the wrong number when making an appointment, you know! They sent me the confirmation message, you know! Haha. Five to six people, ten to ten Twelve girls. You are really good! What else do you want to do!”

Liu Da Huo swallowed, and then quickly explained, “No, wife, you misunderstood me. I gave it to me. My friend booked it.”

His wife laughed, “Really? Did you know that I called my friend in the capital city and asked her to go to see the scene?”

He The daughter-in-law said coldly, “I gave you the chance yesterday. I was afraid that you booked a reservation with a friend, so I didn’t call to cancel it. Instead, I found the number of your card, and then called one by one to report the loss. Its just because you dont have money to go out to play, and to remind you.”

“What about you? Its correct. My friend has been recording videos in the car all the time, clearly recording you entering the clubhouse. , And then another person came out with his arms around the two girls.”

“I have photos, videos, and call logs here. What else can you quibble?”

Liu Da Huo Speechless…

This is indeed his fault.

But…that can’t be a reason to donate!

Thinking about this, Liu Da Huo said, “Then you can’t donate either!”

His wife said, “Why can’t you donate? What’s the use of keeping the money? Continue to cheat? Why dont you make a contribution to the kidnapped children! That was what you should donate!”

His wife became more and more angry, and finally broke out, “Liu Yu! Be moral! Wait till you get back, let’s get divorced!”

After finishing speaking, his wife hung up the phone with a “Pa”.

Listening to the “beep…beep…beep…” on the phone, Big Beard Liu stared at the hotel room blankly.

Half a while, he yelled “Ah!” and then slammed the phone in his hand to the ground!

Just listen to “pa!”, his mobile phone all split up and in pieces!

Because this happened suddenly, Liu Da Huo was not in the mood to film a movie. He and the crew asked for a leave, and then flew home overnight.

After returning home, the couple had a big quarrel about the donation, but because the money had already been donated, there was no way to refund it. So Liu Da Huo could only accept this fact.

But what makes him even more troublesome is that in order to make up the money, his wife even mortgaged the house to usury, just to make up 10,000,000. It really makes him feel unreasonable.

But his wife also said that a woman has a strong vengeance, and it is not strange to do anything after being betrayed. If it weren’t for him not to be around, she could take a knife and cut his ding-ding! Now it’s cheaper to just donate money!

Listening to his wife’s words, Liu Dahuo decided not to provoke this woman while feeling the chill below.

After leaving home, moving things to the hotel, Liu Da Huo began to consider the aftermath of the matter.

In addition to repaying the loan shark money as soon as possible, Liu Da Huo felt that he should also explain on Weibo, saying that he had really donated money and took out the donation record.

After all, he is a member of the entertainment industry, and he really needs audience popularity and popularity. Before, he felt that these audience popularity and popularity were not worth 10,000,000. But now that all the money is donated, I have to make a name!

Thinking about this, he posted another Weibo, saying that he really donated. The Weibo that said “no donation” were posted by the hacking person, and he posted a screenshot of the donation. The person who was hacked was deleted.

After posting Weibo, Big Beard Liu feels witty! What a genius!

But there is a story called “The Wolf Is Coming”. He said that the first time someone believed, and the second time someone believed, no one believed it the third time.

Especially when he said several times about donating money and he refuted the rumors. No one knows which one is true and which one is false. Maybe it didn’t take long to refute the rumors.

So netizens have no desire to reply to him. Even if there is a reply, it is frigid irony and scorching satire,

[I bet on a spicy stick, this Weibo will be deleted in 5 minutes. ]

[I bet on a bouncy ball and delete it in 3 minutes.

The people upstairs are too much. We, Director Liu, have donated 10,000,000 three times, which adds up to 30,000,000. You actually bet him. Excessive!

[Agree. If you want to bet, you can bet 10,000,000. Don’t say you only recognize one of the 10 points after you lose. That would make people look down upon.

These frigid irony and scorching satire make Liu Dabeard’s face red and white. He also remembered that the Weibo comment area of the first donation sent by his wife was full of praise, and almost vomited blood!

There is only one thought in his mind: I knew this was the result, so I might as well not delete it. No… If I knew this result, why would I bet with Su Yang! !

This farce Su Yang was onlookers all the way, mainly because Little Di, a small speaker, kept talking about the progress in his ear, he didnt want to listen Will not work.

Although I dont know what Liu Dahu has experienced, no matter what, at least the result is good.

This 10,000,000 can be donated to welfare agencies, which is also a good thing for children who are trafficked.

Su Yang feels that this can be considered and changed his direction to be a charity. I just don’t know whether this kind of charity can earn some coins and affect the number of people.

Can charity be earned? Su Yang still doesn’t know, but now he knows that movies can definitely be earned.

the past few days With the fiery release of “Wolf Warrior”, Su Yang’s coin and gold quests also ushered in an explosive growth.

In just 10 days, Su Yang’s point currency reached 410,000 points, reaching the Peak of Su Yang’s point currency stock so far.

And the golden mission is more than half completed.

[Golden Mission: The Road to Peak (4)]

Mission objective: Lead your business to influence 1,000,000 people and make them make good changes.

The completion of the mission: 5,468,861,000.

A war wolf made the gold mission soar by 380,000 people, and it was blinding people’s eyes.

However, Su Yang is still not satisfied with the soaring influence.

Mainly because he had too high expectations for the “Wolf Warrior” newspaper. Originally, he thought that with the popularity of “Wolf Warrior”, he could get millions of coins and complete the task in one fell swoop. ‘t expect not at all so easy.

Just think about the data seen in the background. So far, “Wolf Warrior” has been released for ten days, with a box office of 580 million and 23 million viewers.

It is unexpected that 380,000 people out of the 23 million movie viewers have been well affected.

If it weren’t for a positive-energy movie like “Wolf Warrior”, Su Yang felt that there would never be a 1% conversion rate as high.

It seems that we still have to make such positive movies in the future. For example, “Wolf Warrior 2” and “Wandering Planet” are good…

However, Su Yang feels like he can do something that he has always wanted to do before…


For example, rocket bases and mobile phone factories that can be built in virtual space…

Rocket bases are extra buildings after the virtual space arrives. These buildings range from rocket bases to mobile phone factories to large docks.

And Su Yang feels that the most important thing is the rocket base and the mobile phone factory.

Because these two are used in conjunction with Little Di.

With a rocket base, you can build your own independent small rocket launch base, launch independent satellites, and let Little Di’s signal spread all over the world.

With the mobile phone factory, Little Dis 10 Avatars can be fully used as servers to operate. The [glass screen mobile phone] produced in the mobile phone factory will replace her Avatar into a mobile phone, which can interact with the virtual space.

More importantly…you can mass produce [glass screen mobile phones], and then come to a mobile phone revolution, and let this kind of mobile phones that Little Di can control at will truly spread all over the world.

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