After Liu Dabei finished cursing, he turned his head and looked towards his colleague, then awkwardly smiled, pointed to the phone, and said, “Su Yang. Just the producer. Call me and ask I donated money.”

“Its like a cerebral palsy. I just hung up after asking. Its really unfathomable mystery.”

Several people sitting there listened to each other. After a glance, they were puzzled by the opponent’s eyes.

Although they didn’t hear what Su Yang said, they could roughly guess the conversation between the two from Liu Daqiu’s reply.

So they were puzzled for a while: this investor just made a phone call and asked, why?

It’s strange.

And Big Beard Liu put the phone in his pocket, walked over, sat down, and said, “Lets continue to talk about us. Then things are set? Is the money for the crew?”< /p>

The producer actually saw Su Yang specifically calling to ask questions, and felt a little regretful. But he couldn’t take it back after he had said everything, so he nodded, “Well, the crew is out.”

Liu Da Huo beamed his eyebrows, and said, “That’s OK. Then I will post on Weibo. !”

Speaking, he picked up the phone, typed a few lines of “pa pa pa”, and then sent it out,

if you agree to bet you must accept to lose. Since Mr. Su said that he didn’t want the 1 million yuan and would donate it to the charity fund, then I donated it. Take a screenshot in a few days.

After the Weibo post, one of Liu’s concerns was resolved. He said happily, “Thanks to everyone’s help, the matter can be solved so perfectly. I invite everyone to have a meal.”

Several people glanced at each other, and finally the producer said, “I’m still filming in the morning. Forget it. Evening. Get together in the evening.”

nodded, just ready to agree. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind. He pondered it for a moment, and then moved towards the people present with a mysterious smile, “Okay, then eat at night.”

When a few people are sent out of the room, Liu The bearded man took out his cell phone and made a few calls, after making arrangements. He opened Weibo with a smile, and wanted to see how netizens reacted after he posted it.

What made him angry is that most of the netizens actually scolded him,

if you agree to bet you must accept to lose? 1 million is if you agree to bet you must accept to lose? Mr. Su is betting ten million! ]

[Did you miss a zero? ]

[Dont talk about gambling, just talk about your professional ability, its really bad.

[“Wolf Warrior” is 500 million, but you can’t tell it, it’s worth 1 million for tuition.

Liu Da Huo read these “what he thinks” deliberately picking things up on Weibo, and he was so angry that his face was grimaceous, “Everyone just talk about it! I can come up with 1,000,000.” That’s not bad! Force a hammer!”

“You have 1,000,000! Can you talk to me if you have 1,000,000!”

“It’s not your money! 10 million! Dreaming! I promised! Brain damage!”

Of course, he only dared to talk about these things in private, out of breath, and didn’t dare to put them online.

After cursing in the room for a while, Liu Daqiu threw the phone aside, not wanting to look at it: upset.

But after a while, he picked up the phone curiously and reopened Weibo. This time he didn’t continue to read the comments that scolded him and found it uncomfortable, but opened Su Yang’s Weibo to see if Su Yang had any reaction.

As a result, what is strange is that Su Yang not at all reacted.

Weibo hasn’t been updated, and I didn’t even post a bubble.

Dont you see it?

Liu Da Huo feels that it should not be enough.

Now the bet in “Wolf Warrior” is a hot spot. Every move of him and Su Yang will be pushed, and Su Yang impossible can’t see it.

So… is that so?

Liu Da Huo feels It shouldn’t be so simple.

At this time, he remembered the strange call Su Yang had just called himself, and he was even more puzzled: What on earth is Su Yang doing?

He thought for a long time, but no matter how he thought, he couldn’t guess Su Yang’s thoughts.

In the end, Big Beard Liu decided to throw the matter behind his head: leave it alone! Anyway, I dont give money, I have the ability to bite me!

Su Yang really cannot bite Liu Dabeard, but he is not afraid that Liu Dabeard will not give money.

After all, he has a system and a [Absolute Verbal Contract] that has just been upgraded.

Not long after Su Yang finished posting his Weibo just now, he went downstairs to wash up, and he was just about to eat, but a picture suddenly appeared in front of him.

Already used to [the eyes of shuttle space] being triggered, he immediately knew that this was someone who was talking about himself.

at first he thought it was another boring fan or netizen who was talking about himself. He just wanted to turn it off. Suddenly, he recognized the person in the middle of the screen: Liu Da Huo.

So Su Yang stopped his actions and listened to the discussion of the crew of “Beautiful Office Workers”.

Su Yang was suddenly unhappy when he heard that Da Huo Liu wanted to break the appointment and even wanted the crew to pay.

So he directly approached Tan Mei to ask for Liu Daqiu’s phone number, called him, and got Liu Daqiu’s promise to donate 10 million.

After receiving this promise, Su Yang ate slowly, then returned to the virtual space, and recorded this verbal promise in the contract.

Coincidentally, not long after he signed the contract, Liu Da Huo posted a Weibo, saying that he was going to donate 1,000,000.

Su Yang, who knows the effect of [Absolute Verbal Contract] well, smiled, “This is what you can decide? If you can donate 1 million, I will lose.”

After leaving a harsh word, Su Yang tidied up and prepared to go to the company: Paobao told him last night that the short video had been taken, so Su Yang would take a look.

Driving to the Hi-Tech Park, Su Yang went upstairs.

Because the entire floor is now owned by Su Yang, the young lady at the front desk has moved from the door of Jiadian Business to the elevator door.

Seeing Su Yang coming in, the young lady at the front desk moved towards Su Yang slightly smiled, “Mr. Su. You are here~”

The young lady at the front desk smiled very sweetly. People look very comfortable. Su Yang smiled back, and then asked, “By the way, did Bubble come to work?”

The Young Lady at the front desk shook her head, “No. Bubble Young Lady usually comes to work at noon. “

When Su Yang heard it, he knew that he was early again. He couldn’t help asking, “Is that sincere always coming?”

Sister Young Lady at the front desk nodded, “Cheng always came early.”

Su Yang waved his hand, “Then you Be busy. I’ll go to talk to Mr. Cheng.”

Sister Young Lady at the front desk smiled slightly again, and said one more sentence, “Mr. Su, your movie is very good.”

While Su Yang walked in, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily, “Thank you.”

When he came to the office of the general manager of Jiadian Commercial, Su Yang knocked on the door, and Zhao Licheng’s calm voice came from the door. “Please come in.”

Su Yang opened the door and walked in.

Zhao Licheng was originally writing at his desk. After people came in, he habitually looked up and found that it was Su Yang. He immediately put down his pen, stood up, and shouted, “General Su , Are you here?”

Su Yang nodded, and then pressed his hand down, motioning him to sit down, “Yes. I just came to have a look.”

Just knocked on the door and entered the office It’s polite. Now after coming in, Su Yang is much more casual. He drags the chair over, sits down, and then asks, “What are you up to?”

Zhao Licheng sat back in his boss chair , And then said, “I am doing the company’s new year planning.”

After finishing, he added, “I found that the management of this company seems a bit messy, and there is no detailed annual Plan.”

Su Yang nodded, this must be admitted. Several of his companies seem not small, but they are actually grass-roots teams, and the organizational structure has never been perfect.

So Su Yang said, “Yes, it is true. That’s why I need you to help me sort out the company.”

Speaking, Su Yang asked again,” How is the sorting out now?”

Zhao Licheng, “Its almost done. The plan is almost finished. I plan to hire a market research company on the market to determine a few cities suitable for setting up a new company, and then We began to gradually establish branches and expand our business.”

Su Yang, “You can make up your mind.”

“By the way, I will transfer the total The companys information, business, and resources are also handed over to you. You can handle them together to see if they can be integrated together or what is suitable for development next.”

“I dont know anything about business. This piece still has to rely on you.”

Zhao Licheng laughed, “There is nothing to rely on or not to rely on. You gave me a second life. I will definitely try my best to run the company well.”


[Eyes traveling through space]: Sincere, sincere…

Su Yang is very satisfied with Zhao Licheng’s attitude.

Then, the two chatted for a while, before leaving the house, Su Yang casually mentioned the 500 million purchase of shares, because it was just casual, so Su Yang did not notice that he walked out the door Zhao Licheng had a slightly awkward expression…

When he came to the film and television company, Su Yang called all the special effects staff in front of him, and then talked about “Wandering Planet”. The second is to let them introduce a good special effects artist to the company.

After roughly arranging the work, the bubble finally came.

Today, she is wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt with the cuffs on her arm and a blue prison uniform outside. The hair is green, and there is something shiny around the neck.

Anyway, how weird it looks.

As soon as she saw her strange appearance, Su Yang became angry, so he directly pinched her ears and dragged her back to the office.

“Ouch, oops. Su Yang, let go!” Paobo cried, while struggling.

Su Yang closed the office door, let go, and said, “You don’t learn well every day. What are you wearing?”

Bubble rubbed his ears, While looking at Su Yang aggrievedly, “I learned quite well. I am cosplaying Polaris Young Lady.”

Su Yang:? ?

Polaris? Sister Young Lady?

The youngster is so happy now that even the North Star has become a mother?

Su Yang looked at the bubbles up and down for a while, and there was nowhere to see the appearance of the North Star, only the neck was shining like a North Star, so he fiddled with it and asked, “This is the North Star?”< /p>

Baobao rolled the eyes towards Su Yang, “Polaris is a nickname, not an object. The one on my neck is a bomb collar.”

Su Yang looked confused. bomb?

Maybe seeing Su Yangs concern, Bubble added, “Fake, fake. I’m cosplay, not doing death.”

Su Yang stared. She glanced at her and looked like a father who hate iron for not becoming steel, “I feel like you are just dying.”

“Others cos have a positive role, but what about you? Or cos pervert, want Otherwise, cos killer, now cos a prisoner. You cant be normal?”

“That many good-looking characters, costumes, you dont choose them, dont you choose them?”

Bubble pouted, “Huh, they are cool. I like them.”

Su Yang:…

Su Yang feels that there is no point in continuing to discuss this topic. Its an unnoticeable influence, lets educate slowly…

Thinking about this, he didnt discuss it at all, and directly said his own decision, “Its not cool. You will wear it normally in the future!”


After finishing speaking, he didnt care about Bubbles reaction, but cunnings switched the subject, “Stop talking about this. Come, let me see how the video is doing.”

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