I checked my watch, and it happened to be 7:30 in the morning. Li Runze took out his notes and book and read it. When reading a book, he is expressionless, like a learning machine without emotion.

He read and took notes until 9:40 in the morning.

As the second hand reached the number 12, Li Runze closed the book in his hand, got up, and went out.

When I came downstairs, Li Runze had already waited there for the online car-hailing booked last night. He got in the car and drove for 12 minutes before arriving in front of a shopping mall.

Li Runze went upstairs as planned, picked up the tickets, and walked into the theater in the last minute of the movie.

Walking to the theater, Li Runze found that there were a lot of people present. Even the first five rows and the farthest seats on either side of the auditorium were filled.

When he came to his seat, Li Runze sat down seriously.

The screen gradually darkened, and the dragon mark, the logo of the film and television company and the list of important cast and crew began to appear.

The one who appeared first is the producer: Su Yang, Lu Jian, and Wu Feng.

And then, after a bunch of lists of leading actors, leading actors, and screenwriters, the second-to-last producer appeared: Lu Jian Su Yang.

In the entertainment industry, the ranking of the credits represents the person’s position in the movie.

Being the first producer and the second producer is enough to prove the importance of this movie Su Yang.

The past few days, Li Runze, who had made up for these rules and information, certainly knew these things, so slightly nodded.

Soon, the film officially opened.

For one and a half hours in the movie, Li Runze was in a state of cold face throughout the whole process, without talking, calling, and without any expressions, until the end of the film, the egg was released, and the scene ended. Li Runze has always maintained this inexplicable state.

Until he got in the car agreed with last night again, got home and went upstairs. Li Runze took out his mobile phone and posted a poster of “Wolf Warrior” and two words in his circle of friends…: It looks good.

This is already his highest evaluation of the movie.

It is also his spontaneous support for Su Yang.

Li Runze is like the epitome of thousands of absolutely audiences who go out to watch movies during New Year’s Day.

On this day, four movies are new, and the most popular one is “Wolf Warrior”. And the most popular recently is the wolf of war!

So on the statutory holiday of New Year’s Day, “Wolf Warrior” became popular, and it was so popular that it was hard to find a ticket!

On the professional box office statistics platform, the box office and box office proportion of “Wolf Warrior” has been rising all the way!

10,000,000, 20,000,000, 30,000,000!

40%, 45%, 50%!

The two most important data curves of Wolf Warriors are just like straightened rubber bands, soaring!

Other films were firmly suppressed by “Wolf Warrior”! Whether it’s romance films, family films, or cartoons, they all failed miserably at the box office!

And the entertainment circle is also dumb at this time.

Everyone didn’t expect “Wolf Warrior” to be so popular! I also couldn’t imagine how the box office momentum could be so strong!

Isnt this just a popcorn movie?

Can popcorn movies be made in China?

Isn’t that something that only Hollywood can do?

Countless questions began to be born in the hearts of these practitioners.

And then, the topic on the Internet also began to support “Wolf Warrior” one-sidedly. The word-of-mouth of “Wolf Warrior” is fermented. Although it is not as scary as it was when it was shown, it is definitely not a bad movie! It’s a good movie! And it is a rare mature popcorn movie in China!

This has boosted the box office of “Wolf Warrior”! Countless people are curious about the recent movie that has detonated the entire network and went to watch it.

As a result, these people went to book tickets online and found that there was no good place, only the corners and corners! This is simply unacceptable for people who want to enjoy watching movies! This is no different from no ticket!

This kind of unintentional hunger marketing makes “Wolf Warrior” even more popular!

This led to the fact that when the first day of New Year’s Day ended, the box office for the 24-hour premiere of “Wolf Warriors” was actually fixed at 103,000,000!

The box office on the first day exceeded 100 million!

The platoon accounted for 29.8%, but the box office accounted for 57%!

Even though there are reasons for the recent hype on the Internet, this also shows the excellence of “Wolf Warrior”! It means that “Wolf Warrior” is absolutely impossible and a niche movie!

The theater also immediately adjusted the schedule of “Wolf Warrior” from 29.8% to 33.9%!

2nd day, Liu Da Huo’s face was completely gloomy, and the people on the “Beautiful Office Workers” crew also kept quiet out of fear one by one, and did not dare to talk.

Everyone knows that Big Beard Lius bet is likely to be lost…

Sure enough, on January 2nd, the box office of Wolf Warriors broke 100 million again! 115.36 million! The box office accounted for 62%!

200 million in two days.

3rd day, January 3, the last day of the legal holiday. The box office of Wolf Warriors has lived up to expectations and still maintains a steady trend: 8,000 3,000,000!

Only three days after New Year’s Day, “Wolf Warriors” collected 300 million!

Simply shocking eyeballs!

This also means that “Wolf Warrior” has almost recovered all the costs within three days of its release, and the rest is a net profit!

Everyone knows that a street director who has messed up big investments before and a producer who has been unknown is going to really rise!

300 million box office! What concept?

The top 20 at the box office last year!

And this, “Wolf Warriors” only took 3 days to reach!

No one doubts whether Su Yang will win the bet anymore, but is just looking forward to the height that “Wolf Warrior” can reach!

Seeing this situation, some celebrities who originally just joined in the fun and reposted Weibo quietly deleted their previous Weibo: Enemy against a street director and against a popular director, completely It is two concepts.

At this moment, Su Yang received a call from someone…

“Hello? Xiaoying? Why are you suddenly looking for me?” Su Yang was a little confused. Guo Xiaoying on the phone asked.

Guo Xiaoying said, “Congratulations, Senior. The movie I invested in has exploded!”

Su Yang:? ?

Why don’t these words feel like good words? What is unexpectedly? Its weird…

Guo Xiaoying said, In fact, its like this. I have an Uncle. He likes painting since he was a kid. He made a movie last year and it hasnt been released yet. Then yesterday, he watched it. The movie you invested in found that the wolf pack scene above is really lifelike! He has always been interested in special effects, so he wants to talk to you.”

Su Yang has a look at what Guo Xiaoying said. stupid. Like drawing since childhood, became a director, and then interested in special effects?

Is this the stalk of the new era “soldier who doesn’t want to be a cook is not a good driver”?

However, although in the heart spit, Su Yang has always been obsessed with the 1.3 billion big project of Guo Xiaoying, so it is not easy to refuse.

But he still asked tentatively, “He…is looking for me for special effects?”

Guo Xiaoying said lazily, “It seems so. He inquired The special effects of “Wolf Warrior” are all made by your company, and he is going crazy if he is excited. He has been wanting to make a movie for the past two years, and he wants to make a movie in his dreams. And this movie needs very high special effects. This kind of special effects is domestic Now I cant do the level at all. I went to Europe and the United States, and the cost was too high.”

Su Yang said, “Oh”, and then asked, “What kind of movie does he make? Hollywood-level special effects?”

Guo Xiaoying thought for a while and said, “It seems to be a science fiction movie? A story that takes Earth with you? It seems to be a science fiction short story. It is called… “Wandering planet”?”

Su Yang blinked.

“Wandering Planet”?

What the hell name? Can planet wander?

How do you feel that this name is the same as “Wolf Warriors 2”, it will hit the street at a glance…

But, after all, Guo Xiaoying proposed it, and Su Yang thought it was okay anyway I didn’t suffer at all when I saw it, so I agreed. The two made an appointment. Appointed to meet in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

Hang up the phone with Guo Xiaoying, Su Yang didn’t put this matter in the heart. His focus now is the release of “Wolf Warrior”.

Today is the first day after the New Year’s Day holiday. Whether “Wolf Warrior” can continue the previous miracle is very important today. So Su Yang has been paying attention to the box office of “Wolf Warrior”.

Fortunately, theaters across the country now sell tickets online, and the data is presented almost in real time. So Su Yang can see the data of “Wolf Warrior” all the time.

As of 8pm, “Wolf Warriors” had a breakthrough of 40 million at the box office today. It seems that 50 million today is not a big problem.

Although Big Beard Liu had a wrong box office estimate for the level of “Wolf Warrior”. But what he is right is that it is really difficult for popcorn movies like “Wolf Warriors” to be viewed twice.

So the box office two weeks before the release can almost account for more than 80% of the box office during the entire movie release period, which is a big explosion, and then it goes out.

However, with the current box office drop of “Wolf Warrior”, 600 million is not a big problem, and it can even sprint to 700 million. Su Yang is also quite satisfied.

Wu Feng may be due to good box office results and the pressure is gone, so he takes the actors to the road show every day, and has no time to find Su Yang to “complain”, Su Yang did not bother him.

Soon, two days passed, it was time for Su Yang to meet Guo Xiaoyings Uncle Guo Fan.

In the past two days, the box office of Wolf Warriors has been solid, with a final box office of 51.32 million on Monday and 32.86 million on Tuesday. The momentum is pretty good. This week, the box office exceeded 500 million, close to 600 million is not a big problem, and Su Yang’s goal has been achieved.

So Su Yang came to a cafe near the school with a relaxed and happy mood, preparing to meet Guo Xiaoying’s Uncle.

When he came to the coffee shop, Su Yang ordered a cup of coffee, then found a window seat, he looked around the coffee shop.

Maybe because the exam is approaching, there is no who in the coffee shop, only a man wearing a plaid shirt and black box eyes is sitting in the corner.

The man has a square face with a little stubble. Judging from the distribution of the stubble, it should be beard. There are coffee and a few sheets of white paper on his desk, and he is pressing one hand on the white paper, and holding a pencil in the other, writing and drawing on them. Like a teacher or student of an Art Academy.

Su Yang retracted his gaze from him, looked at his watch, and there was still more than half an hour before meeting, it was early. He looked out the window and waited patiently…

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