On the day of the screening, Su Yang bought two tickets and then called Chu Xia.

The call was picked up quickly, and a slightly unhappy voice rang from the receiver in early summer, “President, didnt expect you to remember your lovely little secretary.”

Su Yang looked embarrassed, he was a bit busy recently, so he ignored Early Summer.

Su Yang said quickly, “Aiya. How could I forget my little secretary. Didn’t I make a phone call.”

Chu Xia Qing snorted, “many thanks President The grown-ups are pitying, and everything is still remembered by others.”

Su Yang laughed, “Who’s that many catties of meat are not around, they will remember them, after all, the price of meat is so expensive now.”

Early summer: …

Without giving Chuxia time to respond, Su Yang quickly changed the subject, “Little secretary, do you have time today?”

Early summer on the other side of the phone Holding his head, looking at the textbook in front of him, pen scribbling on it, lazily said, “There is no time. I am reviewing recently. The exam is about to be taken soon.”

Su Yang said,” I have time. Would you like to come out to watch the movie?”

In early summer, “Okay.”

The dialogue between the two seemed completely illogical, but they were talking very well. And the result is pretty good.

Su Yang hung up with satisfaction, and then sent Chuxia the opening time of the movie.

In the afternoon, Su Yang drove to school to pick up early summer, and then took her to the cinema.

Su Yang’s movie theater is not far away, only three or four kilometers away from the school. Soon, the two went to the cinema.

Su Yang was parking underground in the mall, and reading a book on the co-pilot in early summer: This girl is really serious about her studies.

Stop the car, Su Yang knocked her head, “Okay. Don’t look at it. When you come out to play, you have to be out to play, dont always study.”

Chu Xia spit out her tongue, “The way you say this is exactly the same as my mother. It’s just the opposite of what she said, that’s all.”

Speaking, Chu Xia’s face is solemn, and she learns what her mother said. , “Early summer, you have to look like you study. Don’t always play with your mobile phone twice.”

After learning, the two laughed heartily. It seems that all parents in the world are like this.

Especially Su Yang has seen the mother in early summer and feels like a very easy-going woman. As a result, didn’t expect in the early summer performance, there is actually a serious side.

The two got out of the car and got on the elevator while talking.

The elevator goes straight to the cinema on the sixth floor.

When I came to the cinema, I finally asked about the topic of movies in early summer, “By the way, what movie are we watching today?”

Su Yang lined up in front of the ticket machine to pick up the tickets. He said, “War Wolf.”

“War Wolf?” Chu Xia’s big eyes blinked, “What is this? Is it a beast movie?”

Su Yang shook his head,” No. A romantic movie with a box office of 600 million.”

When I heard it in early summer, my eyes flashed with little stars, “I like romantic movies the most.”

Su Yang smiled Touched Chuxia’s head.

In early summer, I looked at Su Yang for unknown reasons, not knowing what he was laughing at.

Fighting with Chuxia, Su Yang did not forget to observe the situation of other audiences.

It may be approaching New Year’s Day. Many people are rushing to work or review. The number of people in the theater is obviously less than usual.

But most of these people seem to be viewers of “Wolf Warrior”.

This is not to say that the movie “Wolf Warriors” is good, or that there is a lot of publicity. It’s because there is only one new movie released recently, and the other movies are all released on New Year’s Day, and they are not shown.

So the only “Wolf Warrior” that was screened in advance became the only one new movie. Why not watch this?

Sure enough, Su Yang did not expect it. Soon, with the movie ticket check, most of the people standing or sitting got up and went to the ticket gate to line up.

Su Yang and Chu Xia were at the end. They bought water and popcorn first, then watched the crowd enter, and then followed the ticket check into the cinema.

In the early summer, I looked around, but no one noticed the two of them, and quietly took Su Yang’s arm.

Su Yang turned his head and looked towards her, Chu Xia bravely met Su Yang’s gaze.

Su Yang laughed, and then said nothing.

The two entered the screening hall, Su Yang scanned the entire hall, and the attendance rate was over half, which was very good.

The two found their seats and sat down. From start to finish in early summer, Su Yang’s arm was not released.

After the two sat down, Su Yang helped Chuxia twist the mineral water, and then put the popcorn in Chuxias arms, “eat.”

Chuxia shook his head slightly, “Fat.”

Su Yang touched Chu Xia’s arm, “You are too thin.”

Chu Xia’s mouth raised an intoxicating smile.

No woman doesn’t like others to praise her for being thin, especially the one she likes.

Su Yang added another sentence, “It’s so thin, it’s worthless if you sell it.”

Early summer:…

She stared at Su Yang At a glance: This person is really annoying!

Su Yang laughed, feeling that the expression of staring at him in early summer is really good.

He looked around the audience in the cinema, then lowered his head and said to Chu Xia in a low voice, “I made this movie.”

Chu Xia showed a daze on his face. “No wonder you asked me to watch a movie.”

Su Yang clicked on the tip of her nose, “Don’t think too much. My main purpose is to watch a movie with you.”

Early summer Slightly pouted, said while playfully pouting, “Huh~ this is just like human words.”

Su Yang coughed twice…what’s up? What I said before was not human words?

But think about it…it seems really irritating.

At the beginning of the movie, the two gradually became involved in the movie.

This is not the first time Su Yang has watched his own movies, especially in the later stages, he took the lead in doing almost all of them, so he is very familiar with every detail and every sound effect.

But putting it inside the company is not the same as putting it on a big screen. His own movie on the big screen still had a novel feeling, so he soon watched it seriously.

And early summer is different from him…

In early summer at first, I also watched the movie with the idea of watching the movie seriously, but… the beginning of the movie is Wu Feng. The plot of the hostage being rescued by gun.

In the early summer, eyebrows slightly frowned: What about the good romance films?

This…how does it feel like a military or action movie?

But because of the trust in Su Yang, Chu Xia silently pressed this question to the bottom of my heart, feeling that the love element might be seen soon.

Later, Wu Feng was censored, and Long Xiaoyun appeared. Chu Xia’s eyes lit up, and I felt that this beautiful female soldier might be the heroine! Su Yang really didn’t lie to himself, this is really a romance!

But then the plot took a turn for the worse. Soon, Wu Feng arrived at the Wolf Squadron and started the mission, but Long Xiaoyun never appeared.

Early summer is anxious: Did you guess the heroine wrong? Is Captain the reckless man of the wolf warrior the heroine? Is this a Danmei movie? No way…

The more you get to the back, the more dazed the early summer, she is so stunned that even the villain girl thinks she is the heroine, and it didn’t take long for her to play…get the lunch.

When I dont know how many “female heroes” have died, Chu Xia finally reacted: Su Yang, this villain is lying to himself!

Losing yourself for trusting him so much! Always watch it as a romance! Ahhhh! It’s an early summer!

Thinking so, Chu Xia fiercely glared at Su Yang, and saw that Su Yang was watching the movie screen intently, with a smile on his mouth.

Looking at Su Yang’s profile, Chu Xia was stunned for a while: Wow… Su Yang is so handsome in the dark.

At this moment, with an explosion of “bang!”, a bomb was dropped in the movie. Early summer was startled and awakened.

She looked towards Su Yang again, Su Yang did not respond, she was still watching the movie intently.

In early summer, I felt a little angry: hmph! Actually, I really came to watch a movie! You deserve to be single!

Thinking about this, in early summer, regardless of whether the popcorn will gain weight or not, I reached out and grabbed two of them and stuffed them into my mouth.

Her actions may have shocked Su Yang a bit, Su Yang turned his head and glanced at her, “Dont you not eat it?”

In early summer, I was inexplicably stunned and even more angry. , She said angrily, “Huh, I am willing.”

Su Yang returned to the big screen and said casually, “Fat.”

Early summer:…


In early summer, I suddenly felt that the popcorn in my mouth was not fragrant.

The movie ended soon. When the lights in the cinema were on, Su Yang silently observed the reactions of the surrounding audience. Except for one or two people who ran away in a hurry, perhaps to go to the bathroom, the other audiences remained in their seats: nowadays movies generally have easter eggs, and everyone is waiting for them.

Su Yang slightly nodded: This is a good phenomenon. This shows that the audience approves of this film.

If its not good-looking, who is waiting for an Easter egg?

The conversations of other audiences really made Su Yang confirm his thoughts,

“The movie is good.”

“Yes. It’s not bad. It feels good. Its exciting and exciting. More importantly, its actually very positive.”

“This movie is very interesting. You can watch it twice.”

“I’ll go back Talk to a friend. There are too few masterpieces made in China. This is not bad. Very cool!”

Most of the audience’s comments were positive. Su Yang was secretly proud and sighed in relief …

He is really sighed in relief. He knew that the box office of the movie must now exceed 600 million. However, good box office and good reputation are not necessarily proportional.

Like his first movie “Victorious Battle Buddha”, it is typical of good box office, but bad reputation.

Su Yang is now a person who has pursuits. Of course, he doesn’t want to make bad movies or make bad money.

Thats why he will take a look at the audiences reaction today.

Now it seems that word of mouth is bursting with good results!

In this case, clicking on the screen for seven days, I believe it will ferment word of mouth, when the time comes on New Year’s Day, the box office will definitely explode, and everything is going according to plan.

Thinking about this, Su Yang couldn’t help but feel a little happy.

At this moment, he turned his head and glanced at Chuxia. Chuxia was looking at him with a grimace. The popcorn in his hand seemed…none of them moved.

Su Yang:?

“Why, what’s wrong?”

Early Xia murmured, “It’s nothing…”

Su Yang:? ? ?

unfathomable mystery …

In the evening, Su Yang had a meal with Chuxia, and then sent Chuxia back to school and went home by himself.

As soon as he got home, he received a call from Wu Feng.

The call was answered, Wu Fengs excited voice rang in Su Yangs ear, “Brother Su! We made it! The word of mouth is bursting!”

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