Wu Feng also just heard about this from a friend today. At that time, his friend and his video showed an inexplicable expression on his face, like teasing, and pitiful, with cracking a joke. It’s very complicated anyway.

Finally, his friend told him about Su Yang’s bet with Liu Da Huo. Of course it’s a cheering and vinegar version.

After Wu Feng listened, he was completely confused.

500 million at the box office?

How is it possible?

Although the total cost of the film calculated by him and Su Yang is 150 million, in fact, there is a lot of water in it, and they are all official quotations.

It’s like Su Yang’s 70 million special effects plus only more than 40 million in the final stage, and Wu Feng’s production cost is almost cut in half.

After all, tanks, weapons, venues, etc. are included here. But with the autonomy of the Lingnan Military Region, all this money was saved.

So the final production cost of this film is likely to be less than 100 million.

The production cost of 100 million yuan will pay back only about 250 million yuan, so this is also Wu Feng’s psychological expectation.

In his thoughts, it would be nice to get a box office of around two to three billion yuan. He returned to the book and proved himself, and he could accumulate fans for the sequel. When the time comes, I have turned the tide.

So in this way, Wu Feng suddenly understood what was going on with his friend’s complicated expression.

Five hundred million, too dare to say. It’s doubled!

If there are really 500 million, you and Su Yang will make a profit, there is nothing!

After hanging up the phone with his friend, Wu Feng’s mentality gradually calmed down. He thought about it carefully and guessed that Su Yang was probably in a hurry at the time. Up.

So I didn’t take it seriously, and I didn’t complain.

After all, Su Yang gave him full trust when he needed support most.

Because of this idea, Wu Feng called Su Yang and talked about it. Originally, he was thinking of telling Su Yang about some unwritten rules in the entertainment industry, and by the way, see if there is any chance to remedy it, and help make peace.

What I didn’t think about was…Su Yang actually said he was serious. And think that the final box office is not only 500 million, but 600 million!

Wu Feng was really stunned.

He didn’t speak for a while, but Su Yang was shocked!

Finally, he came back to his senses and said with a wry smile, “Brother Su, you are too optimistic.”

Su Yang said confidently. “Angkor, I’m not optimistic. I’m serious. Let’s talk about it now. It’s boring. Everything will be clear after the release.”

Wu Feng was silent again for a while: confident, too confident. My Brother Su is too confident.

Su Yang seemed to be able to see through his thoughts, and asked, “Angel, dont you lose confidence in yourself?”

Wu Feng is a very real person, to Su Yang is also very frank, “Brother Su, seriously, I am not without confidence, I really think that it will not reach 500 million, 600 million. If there is two or three billion, it will burn high incense.” Too miserable, so that Wu Feng himself has no confidence.

Su Yang is much more confident than Wu Feng, he resolute and decisively said, “Okay. Or let’s take a gamble?”

Wu Feng didn’t Expect Su Yang actually planned to bet with himself, he couldnt help asking, “What to bet on?”

Su Yang, “If our box office reaches 600 million. Then I will account for 10 points of investment in the sequel. Amount.”

When Wu Feng heard it, he said indifferently, “Okay. No problem.”

He really didn’t care.

One, he doesn’t think Su Yang will win.

Second, even if you win, whats at the worst? Su Yang’s willingness to invest more is a good thing!

As a director, are you willing to pay for a movie? No one wants it.

Film is a hugely profitable industry, but if it is also rushed, it will lose money, and the risk is too great.

If you are a well-known director, you can simply not vote for a penny, and directly take the box office share: if you lose it, its the investor, and if you make it, you will have to share a large part of it.

This is the directors highest realm.

And those who invest their own money are all street directors, or directors who are extremely confident.

But Wu Feng obviously does not have such confidence now.

So he agreed without the slightest hesitation, and felt that he was not at a loss.

So, a small bet about “Wolf Warrior 2” was settled…

Hang up the phone, Su Yang looked at the date and time. There are still 10 days left before the release of the wolf. Wu Feng plans to start the screening next week, so he can also promote it.

Thinking about this, he sent a few more singing videos he recorded last time to Douyin and Find Me app.

The Xunwo app has now been officially taken over by the Hangzhou team. The operation is in full swing, and the number of users has further increased. Not to mention Douyin, Su Yang has always been the top one. V.

So a video was sent out, and soon Su Yang’s fans started to comment, repost and like.

The implantation of “Wolf Warriors” has also successfully attracted everyone’s attention.

“Wolf fighting? What?”

“What wolf?”


“I don’t know Ah…”

Now Wu Feng has almost no influence or appeal as a director or an actor, so it is normal that no one knows. But Su Yang now has tens of millions of fans. With such a push, the publicity effect is still good, and many people immediately noticed Wu Feng and Wolf Warrior.

Especially, Su Yang is not a live push, but “War Wolf” is interspersed in the lyrics, and sometimes a sentence ends, forcibly with two words: war wolf.

“The war hymn enters the throat, the rust enters the wine, and a bowl of blood is sprinkled on the general. Hey Wolf!”

“Previous life is well-known, this life is turned back, sleeping on the yellow sky can laugh at the sky Ah, the wolf!”

The internal implantation of this unfathomable mystery simply blinded the fans. In the same way, it perfectly evaded the detection of the platform: even the platform does not know what “Wolf Warrior” is.

So naked eye is visible, the search index of “Wolf Warrior” began to soar.

After doing all this, Su Yang returned home, went to the circus, and checked the results of the Samsara Circus competition this time.

In the competition this time, Zhao Licheng finally succeeded in breaking through. He won the first name and can become a resident actor.

Sitting on the “throne” of the circus, Su Yang opened the notes and clicked on the actor option.

The second page of the page opened silently. On it is an illustration of a full-length portrait of Zhao Licheng. He looked a bit miserable, his clothes were more tattered, and there were blood stains on his face. It seemed that he had been beaten again.

But anyway, the result was good, and he finally won.

So Su Yang without the slightest hesitation clicked [Select it as a resident actor].

With his confirmation, a prompt popped out in front of him.

[It takes 200 jin of raw meat to make a renamed actor become a resident actor, do you agree to pay?].


As Su Yang chose to agree, an emotionless voice rang in his mind, “Reverse samsara.”

For a moment, The second page of the note spontaneously burned without wind, and then turned to ashes. The note also automatically turned to the page of the actor list. Zhao Licheng’s ranking came to first, and his avatar also successfully added a red seal: Chang Resident actor.

Su Yang was not in a hurry to resurrect Zhao Licheng, he first looked at Zhao Licheng’s loyal evaluation: expecting.

A very strange evaluation.

But at least it is positive.

As for what Zhao Licheng is looking forward to, Su Yang knows that it is nothing more than resurrection and seeing his family…

Thinking about this, Su Yang clicked on his avatar again,

Whether to revive this resident actor.


Followingly, Zhao Lichengs resurrection conditions bounced in front of Su Yang:

The price of this actors resurrection: 100 catties of raw meat, 10 catties of bones, animal leather*1, 15000 coins.

15000 points? !

Su Yang was crazy when he saw this amount of coins. This is too much!

One star 3000 chant?

system, you cant cheat your father like this!

But this business is a monopoly business, even if it is expensive, Su Yang can only recognize it.

So he went out of the circus of reincarnation, called Janet, gave him the list of items, let him go shopping.

Three hours later, Janet returned to the virtual space with a large bag of things.

Su Yang counted things, a lot of pork, a dozen big bones, and finally a piece of calfskin. Well, all together.

After confirming that there is no omission, Su Yang stood in front of the circus and said silently, [Pay].

With his payment, the contents of the bag disappeared out of thin air, leaving only an empty bag.

At the same time, Su Yang suddenly appeared in front of a yellow Transmission Array. The Transmission Array is a combination of several patterns. The outside is a circle and the inside is a hexagram. Some strange-looking symbols are depicted on the points where the circle and the six-pointed star meet.

The six-pointed star flickered, and the Transmission Array worked slowly. For a moment, a silhouette appeared on the Transmission Array: it was about one meter high, but it looked very…long.


Su Yang was stunned!

I quickly rubbed my eyes and looked carefully, and found that an Old Huang cow appeared in Transmission Array!

It was covered with yellow fur, huge bull eyes, and the bull tail flicked. It’s exactly the same as the scalpers in the village can be seen everywhere!

Su Yang is dumbfounded.

What the hell is that?

His summon is obviously Zhao Licheng! Why make yourself an awesome!

My 5-Star level talent?

Are you a cow?

Su Yang was surprised, and the scalper in front of him was also surprised. He looked up at Su Yang, then looked down at his…hoof. The bull’s eyes widened suddenly, and he blurted out a sentence in Mandarin, “I’ll go!”

Su Yang’s eyes lit up and quickly called, “Zhao Licheng, is that you?”

The scalper looked towards Su Yang, nodded, “It’s me. President Su. No. I’m not sure if this is me. What’s wrong with me?”

Su Yang was also a little broken and surprised when he saw him , Quickly held its bull’s head and said, “Don’t worry. Don’t worry. Let me think about it, think about it.”

Su Yang stroked his thoughts. He had never “exchanged” humans before, but he had resurrected Little Demon Bean.

He still remembers that the Samsara Circus gave him resurrection instructions at that time. There is a rule that the actor will no longer be the original race after the resurrection, and will automatically become a monster, but retain 80% of their own appearance Match the item with 20%, the appearance of the creature.

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