“Even if he can speak a play, will Han Yi play it?”

“tsk tsk, look at it. I think it will be ashamed to be thrown home.”


“I wonder if he has real ability? Otherwise, why does he stand up for it?”

“It is estimated that he is a fan and loves idols. Otherwise, he just wants to show off.”< /p>

“Han Yi is so miserable, she can’t act, and she has met such a boss. She has been forced to a dead end. If she doesn’t perform well, she will be ashamed.”

Don’t talk about the members of these crews, even Tan Mei and the others are drumming their hearts.

For the Boss Su Yang, Tan Mei has been in contact with them for half a year. But Ive never heard of Sus acting or speaking.

And Han Yi’s clip was NG again that many times. It was obviously not suitable for acting in a movie. How could it be adjusted so quickly.

It was originally that Han Yi did not perform well, Han Yi apologized, and this matter almost passed, but Su Yang came up to criticize the director for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

If you cant solve it with Perfection, lets not say whether this guest appearance will work or not. In the future, Han Yis reputation in the circle will be much worse.

So they were extremely worried and complained for a while: Why was it so troubled by President Su?

At this time, Su Yang didn’t know what the people at the scene thought. He pulled Han Yi into a room and began to talk about the play.

Su Yang, who has [primary acting ability], although his acting skills may not be as good as Han Yi, his ability is focused on film acting. So he really knows better than Han Yi in film performance.

So he began to guide Han Yis performance carefully, “Xiaoyi, your performance just now was too exaggerated. Movies and TV shows are not the same. Dont be exaggerated, be sincere, delicate, and pass The micro-expressions show the emotions and states of the characters.”

Then Su Yang will show Han Yi his experience coefficient of acting in a movie, highlighting the difference between film performance and TV drama performance.

After that, Su Yang took advantage of Han Yi’s chance to meditate, and quietly let Little Di open the [emotion memory card], took out an [anger] emotional coin, and then took it out of his pocket, lightly It patted Han Yi’s body lightly.

Successful use of emotion coin, emotion has been injected, time 10 points.

Han Yi was still thinking about it, but Su Yang took a picture, and suddenly came back to his senses. She blinked her eyes and asked, “What’s wrong?”

< p>Su Yang turned on the [Mouth Cannon Ability] and continued to adjust her mood, “I just want to remind you. Don’t think about that many now. You just thought too much before you can’t let go. You have to follow yourself Go with your inner feelings, let your emotions drive acting.”

“I tell you a good way. You are acting as an angry female employee, so you will be angry! But because of you I am still looking forward to a miracle, and the company may still keep you, so you must suppress your anger and negotiate with the company.”

“You may not be able to grasp the middle scale. Then Ill give you an example.”

Su Yang looked down at Han Yis eyes, “Think about me, I am your fan, but became your Boss. I wont tell you yet, let You are kept in the dark, are you very angry?”

Originally Han Yi wanted to say that he was not angry, just entangled, that’s all.

But I dont know why. Suddenly, there was a wave of anger in her heart, which made her really feel that Su Yang had done too much, and she seemed to be really angry.

Just when her eyes were gradually widening and she wanted to burst out, Su Yang suddenly reached out and held her shoulders and said, “Very well, you are in the right mood! But remember! I am Your Boss! Your contract for the next two years is in my hands. Unless you dont want to be in the circle, otherwise you cant get angry with me!”

Su Yangs words are like a pot of cold water, It poured on Han Yi’s head.

Han Yi gritted his teeth and stared at Su Yang, feeling that Su Yang was right, and he couldn’t be angry!

But…I’m so angry!

Now in Su Yang’s eyes, Han Yi’s eyes sprayed with anger, but he bit her lips tightly, suppressing the anger in her heart, daring not to speak.

Good! This is exactly in line with her current role in the play!

So Su Yang said directly, “Hold it! Just this state! Let’s go! Go and act!”

Speaking, Su Yang pulled Han Yi back to the shooting scene.

As soon as they came back, the scene that was originally noisy suddenly became much quieter.

After all, one of the two is a quasi-first-line star, and the other is a producer and Boss. The ordinary crew members cannot afford to offend. Discussions can only be discussed privately.

The position of the bearded director is much higher. He glanced at the two of them, “Is it finished?”

Su Yang didn’t speak, Han Yi stared at him with anger He, nodded, “Yes!”

Han Yi feels that he is angry at anyone now…

“Huh?” The bearded director was surprised, he was considered an old man. I have been the director, so I still have my own understanding of the play, and I can see the difference in Han Yi’s state at a glance.

Han Yi was numb before, even if it was acting, it was superficial, but now he clearly feels angry. And it’s true feelings.

How is this possible?

This change is too big?

The bearded director couldn’t help but glanced at Su Yang. This youngster actually caused Han Yi to brew emotions in just a few minutes?

The bearded director is a little bit disbelieved that this youngster has this kind of skills in acting.

Although he was surprised, he was not worried about his failure. After all, the emotional brewing off the court does not mean that it can be performed well. Han Yi’s previous acting skills have proved that her acting skills are too exaggerated, not suitable for acting in a movie in a short time, and need to learn. This is something Su Yang cannot change.

So the bearded director just took Han Yi’s eyes, waved his hand, and arranged, “One more time.”

As soon as the director said something, the crew immediately started running.

Although most people still doubt whether Han Yi can act, after all, the film crew has the largest live director, so they muttered in their hearts while continuing to shoot.

“Attention from all departments! The actors, please be in place, camera, light, radio!”

“57 mirrors of “Beautiful Office Workers” 21 times, action!”

< p>As he hit the board, Han Yi’s mind went blank, completely falling into the role of the play.

Different from what the bearded director thinks, in fact, Han Yis innate talent is actually very strong and he also has acting skills. It’s just that you don’t understand the difference between film and TV show performances, and you haven’t brewed emotions, that makes the performance superficial.

And when Su Yang injected emotions into her body and explained to her the difference between the two performance styles, Han Yi’s acting skills were immediately brought into play.

Her eyes were spitting fire, but her face was restrained, gritted her teeth and said, “I have been in the company for seven years! Are you going to fire me now?”

“Do you still have a conscience! Does this company still have a human touch?”

She put a female employee who had worked hard for the company for many years but was relentlessly dismissed, vividly and thoroughly with repressed anger.

The crew members present are all year-round filmmakers. I have seen countless actors, and you can tell at a glance whether they perform well.

So they just look at it and start to wonder: I’ll go! Do you want to be so evil? Is this Han Yi?

Everyone knows how Han Yi played just now. 20 consecutive NGs are the best proof.

As a result, Su Yang took it out for less than five minutes. After he came back, he completely changed his personality. The feelings, the movements, the expressions, and the true feelings were absolutely unbelievable!

It is an exaggeration to say that it is a post-level performance, but it is absolutely no problem to say that the acting is superb.

What is going on here?

Of course, when they were surprised, they couldn’t help but wonder: Could it be that this line just said too much before it broke out? The following might not be so good?

But then, Han Yi used her excellent acting skills to prove that she is not a flash in the pan, not divine light flashed, but really “learned” to act in movies!

“They would do this to me, wouldn’t they do this to you?”

“The present me is the future of you!”

“You I will get retribution!”

The emotions progressed a little bit, and the anger went from being suppressed to released. Han Yi’s performance almost brought the character in the movie to life!

After a scene, her line was right, full of emotion, rich in details but not exaggerated, and her true feelings were revealed, and suddenly there was no other voice on the scene.

The bearded director is so confused, he really didnt expect Han Yi to change so thoroughly, so well, so amazing, so even at the end of the scene, he Looking at the shooting location blankly, he forgot to say “click”.

In the end, the assistant director gently reminded him, and he suddenly came back to his senses, and then quickly said, “Ka, ka!”

After he finished saying “Ka!” “, the crew “hong” exploded!

Whether it is the front-line personnel who are playing with the equipment or the other people on the crew who are on the sidelines, they all discuss spiritedly,

“I am going! This is Han Yi? She has changed. This is completely different from just now!”

“Yes! It’s too fake. How could the acting explode in a few minutes?”

“That Boss is like this Niu? Isn’t he a fan? Actually he still talks about dramas?”

“People are producers, producers, and they are insiders. It’s normal to talk about dramas.”

The person who said this was stared by a bunch of people: It’s normal for the producer to talk about the play? Nonsense! What is the director doing? You go to the circle to find 50 producers, and 2 of them can tell the drama, even if we lose.

It was just a scene, and Han Yi and Su Yang suddenly changed the crew’s reviews.

The entertainment circle is very realistic. It depends on fame and level to speak.

Han Yis acting burst is just a scene, so everyone will be suspicious, but Su Yangs level of guidance is obvious to everyone.

It’s amazing to be able to guide such a piece of “rotten wood” into this way!

Han Yi, who came down from the shooting scene, gradually broke away from the “anger” of the emotional coin. She was a bit not knowing what to do for a while. She recalled the state of her acting just now. incredible!

Did she perform it?

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