Because the first resume looks good, it is the youngster’s.

Zhang Xiao, male, 17 years old.

Character evaluation: The employee is patient, enterprising, and strong in learning ability.

Competence evaluation: Have general socializing ability, have weak organizational ability, no job recommendation.

Potential evaluation: There is a strong potential in entertainment, and a good potential in management, and a training plan in this direction can be properly arranged.

Overall evaluation: A potential employee is more than enough to train as a middle-level manager.

Although there is no star rating, Su Yang feels that this person is already pretty good. Only 17 years old, there is still a lot of potential and there is value in training.

didn’t expect the first resume is good. Su Yang couldn’t help but became interested in the resumes of the remaining seven people.

Then I didn’t disappoint him, and the next three resumes were not bad.

Especially the third one, the old mans resume, so scary!

He is actually a 2-star talent. This is the reason why his abilities have deteriorated as he grows older.

Su Yang turned back to look at his resume and found that this old man had carried a gun and played a devil in the first half of his life. He worked in a state-owned enterprise in his middle age, and made great contributions to the countrys reform and opening up. The highest position It has achieved the level of deputy general manager of a large state-owned enterprise.

Looking at this old mans resume, Su Yang feels that this is the backbone of the countrys development. It was the dedication and burning of their people of this generation that brought the prosperity of the motherland.

Su Yang took out the old mans resume and put it aside, feeling that no matter how much ability he has left, all these things he did were enough to respect and give him a second life.

Su Yang continues to scroll down, and other resumes are also good, at least they are from Wang Dong’s Level 1, which is useful. He just flipped through and flipped through until the last resume.

at first Seeing this last resume, Su Yang didn’t care yet, but when he saw the evaluation and star rating, he just “Peng!” stood up!

And what accompanied him to stand up was his exclamation, “How is it possible!”

With Su Yang’s current concentration, obviously nothing could surprise him so much. Too much, just because if the resume clearly says: Five-star talent!

5-Star level!

Su Yang was stunned. He felt that if the resume could be shining, it must be golden light!

Zhao Licheng, male, 43 years old

Character evaluation: this person treats others with sincerity, gentle personality, integrity, infectious, patient, enterprising, decisive, Perseverance, confidence, tenacious.

Competence evaluation: have strong management skills, strong organizational skills, strong interpersonal skills, strong socializing skills, strong personnel identification skills, strong It is recommended to be a group-level professional manager.

Potential evaluation: The potential is almost fully developed.

Overall evaluation: A python with a dragon character, but unfortunately I didn’t meet the occasion. If given him the right opportunity, he will hopefully become a Helmsman of a large group in the top 30 level in China. It’s a pity that the time is bad, and I can only struggle in the quagmire. It can be said that the golden scales are things in the pool, without wind and rain or Dragon Transformation.

Comprehensive evaluation: five stars!

For the first time Su Yang saw a resume whose overall evaluation was more than other evaluations, but this is enough to show how critical Zhao Licheng is!

Dragon Python? Hope to become a Helmsman of the top 30 large groups in China? Jinlin?

No matter which evaluation comes out, it is very scary!

This is the strongest person Su Yang has seen so far in the system evaluation!

Don’t talk about the team that in company quit, even the little bun Li Zijun is completely incomparable!

This man is so awesome!

Su Yang was a little surprised.

But after the surprise, all Su Yang left in his heart was joy.

His eyes were almost gone with a smile, and he felt that he had dug a treasure, and he really dug a treasure.

After all, he has everything now, he wants money and money, wants things and things, but he lacks Helmsman of this large group and management talents of this level.

As a result, didn’t expect that this kind of talent is suddenly delivered to the hands, then… my commercial aircraft carrier can finally set sail!

However, system commented that he was struggling in the quagmire? Did something happen to him?

Su Yang thought so, and looked back at his work experience, and found out that he established an online education company eight years ago, and it hasnt changed since then.

Is this a quagmire?

To turn his company into a quagmire, then this Zhao Licheng is not as good as system evaluation, right?

Thinking so, Su Yang asked Little Di to check the status of this online education company.

Well…with a valuation of 10 billion yuan, it has already conducted nearly 6 rounds of financing. The leading investors are domestic first-line venture capital institutions and…Tengxun. According to Little Di’s judgment, this company should be IPO soon, when the time comes, the market value has more than doubled by five or six times.

Well, now the 50-60 billion valuation companies are all in a quagmire?

It’s not a big problem for companies with this kind of valuation to rank in the top 300 in China!

Is this all quagmire?

system, you are floating!

This kind of evaluation of yours is simply worse than the “small target”!

Mr. Wang: First set a small goal to earn 100 million yuan.

system: Dont enter the quagmire of 50 billion companies.

tsk tsk.

Su Yang sighed that the system was floating, while smiling violently, his mouth couldn’t close. Because the stronger Zhao Licheng is, the better he will develop. Of course he is happy.

Little Di was standing behind Su Yang, lowering her head to play around, and after a while, she also showed the same mean smile as Su Yang.

Janet, the bored bottle gourd, looked at the two masters and servants on the sidelines, her eyelids moved, and she felt that they really looked like…

After being happy, Su Yang accepted it. Xin, just about to go to the circus to take another look, but suddenly stopped.

He took out the [Emotional Storage Card] from his pocket, and wanted to see if he was so happy, would an emotional coin be born?

Thinking about this, he opened the [Emotional Storage Card], looked at it, and found that there were a few more coins inside.

There are two [Ping], three [Hi], and one [Anger]. It seems that I was born out of emotional changes in the past two days. Sure enough, [Emotion Coin] will be born when I am happy.

That [angry], Su Yang guessed that it was the emotions of the youngster who had just been distrusted.

Now the coin is born, but Su Yang has no idea how to use it.

He will think about it these two days when he is free, but he can’t think of much use.

Is it just waiting for others to be unhappy and give her the word “hi”?

Su Yang doesn’t feel so simple.

So while thinking, he put the emotion storage tank up, and then left the castle, ready to “recruit” Zhao Licheng.

When he came to the circus to join in, Su Yang pressed his hand on the circus, and said silently in his heart, [Switch mode to master mode].

The golden light flashes for a while in the circus, and a reminder pops up,

[Mode switching completed].

After switching the mode, Su Yang walked into the circus, came to his throne, picked up the manual, and summon Zhao Licheng out.

After Zhao Licheng appeared, Su Yang realized that this person was the very steady middle-aged man he had just noticed.

He is not tall, about 1.7 metres long, with short hair, a suit, and a very capable look, with a smile on his face all the time, and he looks easy to get along with.

Finding himself out of Summon, Zhao Licheng moved towards Su Yang and bowed slightly, and said hello first, “Manager Su.”

Obviously, he already knew his own Positioning, but also quickly adjusted the mentality. It’s just the self-esteem of being a human being, there is still no way for him to call out the title of “master”.

Su Yang doesn’t care about this. The reason why he used the master and servant before was to make them understand his position simply and neatly. He himself is not a pervert and does not need the other party to be his servant. As long as you can do things for yourself, the name doesn’t matter.

So Su Yang nodded, said, “You will call me this in the future.”

He paused, and then said, “I read your resume, it’s pretty good. Yes. There is a set of business management. If I give you a company, can you run it quickly and develop well?”

Zhao Licheng is very honest, he explained, “I need to see what The company, what industry. I am sure that it can develop better, but the specific scale depends on many factors.”

Su Yang nodded, I am more satisfied with Zhao Licheng.

He said, “By the way, besides company management, what are you good at?”

Zhao Licheng said frankly, “I have spent all these years in the company. Others are really not good at it. If you have to say there are, maybe chess is a bit of a treat.”


Su Yang thought about it and opened it. Reincarnation, the game is filled with chess.

Please pay 100kg of raw meat to change the competition. ]

Sure enough.

Su Yang looked up towards Zhao Licheng, “Then I give you a chance, as long as you can win the chess match, then I will revive you.”

Hearing the resurrection, Zhao Licheng’s eyes There was a flash of excited rays of light in the middle, “Really?”

Su Yang saw his eyes, nodded, “Really.”

End Su Yang added, “However, after your resurrection, you may be different from before. You must have a certain degree of psychological preparation. In addition, after your resurrection, you have to give up completely from before. Wholeheartedly only serve me.”

Zhao Licheng showed hesitation on his face, he asked, “Then I can go to see my family?”

Su Yang didn’t say anything, but asked instead. “You are dead to them, and you may not be human even after you are resurrected. You are destined to be people of two worlds, and there will not be many opportunities for communication in the future, so disturb them and prevent them from starting a new life. , Is it appropriate?”

Zhao Licheng’s face was deathly pale, his mind shaken, but he bit his lips tightly and did not let go.

Su Yang looked at him for more than 1 minute, and saw that although he was hesitant on his face, he was unwilling to compromise. He knew that his obsession was here, so he wouldnt let him meet. Resurrect him, maybe he will not work hard for himself.

So after thinking about it, Su Yang decided to give him a chance, “If you insist on seeing them after your resurrection, I can give you a chance. Only afterwards, maybe I need to confirm them with my method. Will not expose us.”

Zhao Licheng asked, “What method.”

Su Yang stretched out a finger, “A contract. But it will not harm them, just avoid They exposed your affairs.”

This is Su Yang’s biggest concession, and it still depends on Zhao Licheng’s five-star talent.

After all, Su Yang will have more and more talents in the future. If everyone wants to recognize and meet their family like Zhao Licheng, wouldnt the world be in chaos?

It is estimated that it will not be long before the news of the resurrection will be spread to the whole world.

So Su Yang is unwilling to let these resurrected people communicate with the past.

However, rules are set by people. For some people, rules can always be broken.

For example, Zhao Licheng, he is a five-star talent. In order to give full play to his strength, Su Yang is willing to follow him in some things. Even this may use a valuable [absolute verbal contract] position.

It seems that this silver ability has to be upgraded, otherwise the contract position is not enough!

Zhao Licheng did not disappoint Su Yang. After Su Yang agreed to see his family, he quickly moved towards Su Yang and bowed deeply, saying, “Thank you! Su Yang! I will definitely play in the future. Use all my talents to develop the company for you.”

Su Yang is satisfied…

Next, Su Yang told Zhao Licheng about the reincarnation competition, which is roughly In these games, there are likely to be killings or violations of the rules of the game, requiring extra attention.

After the explanation, Su Yang chose the fastest way to select actors: 1 game a day, 1 reincarnation in 2 days, and planned to resurrect Licheng quickly and let him work for himself.

After setting up, Su Yang left the circus and asked Janet to buy meat, while he himself continued to study with Little Ha on projects suitable for Meiyue: Although the 101 creation camp is very suitable for Meiyue, But if there is a better project, Su Yang doesn’t mind changing to another one.

Then…a day has passed, not at all better projects.

In the morning of 2nd day, Su Yang got up after a busy day, got out of the castle, and entered the circus, intending to see how the results of yesterday’s competition were.

At first glance, I was dumbfounded…

Because in his opinion, something almost 100% successful, unexpectedly happened.

Zhao Licheng lost.

The winner is the No. 13 Sea Snake.

Su Yang brows slightly wrinkle, and then summon Zhao Licheng out.

After Zhao Licheng came out, the originally decent suit was in tatters with blood stains on it.

Su Yang asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Zhao Licheng said with a smile, “I lost.”

Su Yang:.. .

“Is it a sea snake?”

Zhao Licheng raised his head, his lean face was a little puzzled, “What sea snake?”

Su Yang guessed that the system might be He didnt tell his opponents name, so he said, Its just a person wearing a clown mask.

Zhao Licheng nodded, calmly said, Yes, its him. I met him in the fourth game. He is very skillful in chess, but he is not my opponent yet. It’s just that he… cheating.”

Su Yang, “cheating?”

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