Seeing Su Yang coming, the little monsters greeted Su Yang one after another, and Little Di also stepped forward and explained, “Master, we are looking at the building Aunt Zeros ability.”

A question mark appeared on Su Yang’s face: Is this old lady Lou Ling also capable? What is her ability?

Isn’t she one with Lou Yao? The abilities of two people are still counted separately?

That’s not right.

Even if it is counted separately, system should be displayed.

Thinking about this, Su Yang followed the eyes of the little monsters and looked towards the clearing not far away.

As a result, in his sight, Lou Yao, Dame jumped off her black mist giant horse. When she landed, the giant horse made up of black mist suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and drifted away with the wind.

The tall black armor on Lou Yao’s body also slowly shrunk and fitted her body, delineating her exquisite figure, and…showing her head.

As Su Yang thought, she actually had a head when she was riding a horse, but because of the expansion of the armor, her head retracted into the armor, looking like a headless Knight.

After the armor was fitted, Lou Yao shook his hand into a fist and slapped his windy left chest. Suddenly, the armor on her body rang out, and then suddenly untied and fell to the ground. On the ground. Lou Yao also both hands crossed near chest and slowly closed his eyes.

As she closed her eyes, her body began to diverge, turning into black particles gradually spreading in the air. In a short while, she became a thin black mist.

The black mist shrank suddenly and turned into an old woman in Lou Ling.

Lou Ling’s old woman is still holding her wooden stick, her hair is pale, her waist is crouched, her hands on her back, her face is full of wrinkles, as if she is about to die.

When she came to the real world, she coughed twice, then opened her drooping eyelids slightly, scanned the open space in front of her, and then asked in her weak, old voice, “Just, This piece of land, is it?”

Little Di quickly replied, “Yes. My lady. Just this piece of land. We want to plant trees.”

“Okay… “Lou Ling replied weakly complied again. Then… just stood there, motionless.

One second, two seconds, three seconds… Ten seconds have passed. Just when Su Yang thought she was asleep again, suddenly, a gust of wind blew around her, and the tattered linen clothes on her began to flutter with the wind.

At the same time, Janets expression congeals, took a big step forward, blocking Su Yang, looking at the old lady in the open with a vigilant face.

Su Yang looked at Janet, then at Lou Ling old woman, could not help asking, “She is very strong?”

Janet’s beautiful face is rarely exposed With a solemn expression, “Very strong.”


Very strong.

Better than Janet?

Su Yang looked at Lou Ling’s old woman, who looked like a thin chick.

Thats also strong…?

Is Janet not mistaken?

Just when Su Yang was spitting out like this, the wind was blowing louder and louder, and a layer of yellow fluorescence appeared on Lou Ling’s old woman, covering her like a light film. And her feet slowly left the ground along with the strong wind, and flew all the way into the air.

In the air, she closed her wrinkled eyes and opened her arms violently. Suddenly, a very oppressive imposing manner erupted from her body.

At the moment when the imposing manner reached the climax, she folded her hands together, slowly opened her eyes, loudly shouted, “Spirit!”

With her shouted, the light on her body The membrane suddenly closed, only condensed on her closed hands, and her whole naked eye also changed visible:

Her rickety body stretched out slowly, the longer and taller.

Her pale hair slowly turned black, grew longer, and turned into shawl long hair.

The wrinkles on her face gradually faded, disappeared, and she regained her youth…

In just a moment, she changed from an old lady who seemed to be in her eighties to A beautiful teenage girl…

She vaguely looks like a floor zero, but she is a few dozen years younger. Her body has grown from one meter three to a full 1.7 metres.

The tattered linen clothes she was wearing originally looked like a umbilical dress on her body, revealing her slender waist and slender legs.

After she became a beautiful girl, her eyes were as bright as stars, staring at the vast earth!

Su Yang was stunned. Has this old monster recover one’s youthful vigor? !

Just when he was surprised, Lou Lingheshi’s hands suddenly opened, loudly shouted again, “Open!”

Her voice was light, without a trace of oldness, It sounds like a teenage girl.

Along with her “open”, pale-yellow light balls appeared between her hands, and then moved towards the open space in front of them, “bang bang bang!” Go!

The mud was flying, the smoke was smoky, and just for a moment, the clearing was ploughed by the pale-yellow light ball, and there were more soil pits nearly half a meter in diameter, which could be used to plant trees. .

The densely packed quantity, Su Yang visually inspected it, there must be at least hundreds.

This… also too terrifying!

It feels like being ransacked by fragment bombs!

Su Yang was dumbfounded.

But Lou Ling’s “performance” is not over yet. She opened and closed her hands as if she was hanging, and the second round and third round “cannonballs” appeared one after another.

She has been doing a full twelve rounds, before putting her hands together, the golden light on her body fades, her face is covered with wrinkles again, her hair becomes pale, her body slowly becomes rickety, and she returns She looks like an old woman.

She seemed to consume all of her strength, and slowly fell from the air to the ground.

After landing, she coughed, picked up the wooden stick, carried her waist, turned around tremblingly, and moved towards everyone walking slowly.

No one can connect her with the beautiful girl who bombed the audience just now.

And Su Yang finally understood why Janet was just like an enemy to Lou Ling!

This guy is a personal self-propelled gun!

On the Syrian-Asian battlefield, that is the most powerful individual weapon!

This lethality is simply incredible!

But… what is her ability? Why is it not displayed in system?

Is the system wrong?

Su Yang was surprised while wondering.

So after the old woman walked slowly in front of Su Yang, Su Yang still couldn’t hide his curiosity, and asked, “My lady, what is your ability?”

lou Aunt Zero raised her eyelids, but didn’t.

She said weakly, “360 degrees around the Super Destructive Shotgun.”

Su Yang:? ? ?


Such a long capability name? Made it up?

While Su Yang was thinking this way, [the eyes of the space shuttle] did not live up to his bullying and gave an evaluation: pretend to be…

Su Yang:.. .

Well, I didn’t expect it to be.

However, this old woman is really young at heart though advanced in age, she actually pretended to be forced…

No… Is she really old?

Su Yang recalled the look of Lou Ling’s old woman in the air just now, that beautiful girl, that full of collagen, that beautiful face, and long legs, could that be an old man?

Why don’t Su Yang believe it!

And restore youth as soon as you use your ability?

Aging is so easy to reverse?

When you are a fantasy sea!

So Su Yang asked tentatively, “Auntie, how old are you?”

Lou Ling said weakly, “86.”

Shuttle eyes]: Lying…

Su Yang smiled, “Are you the same size as your great-granddaughter, Lou Yao?”

Lou Ling is like watching A fool looked at Su Yang, “How is it possible.”

[The eyes of the space shuttle]: Lie…

Su Yang has a count, he asked confidently,” You are not who you are now, are you?”

Lou Ling, the old woman, hammered her waist and said weakly, “I am who I am.”

Shuttle Eyes of Space]: Real.

Su Yang:? ?

Is it true?

Isnt it what you think?

Su Yang previously guessed that Lou Ling’s old woman was a beautiful girl, but she disguised herself as an old woman. It seems wrong now.

He asked involuntarily, “Mother, what is the relationship between the 16-17 years old girl just now and you?”

Lou Ling’s old voice, “That Its what I looked like when I was young…”

[Eyes traveling through space]: To be honest.

Lou Ling’s drooping eyelids slowly opened. She looked into the distance, as if she was reminiscing about her life. She said in a distant voice, “In fact, when I was born, I had an ability, that Ability can make me rejuvenate when I use it, but it will consume my whole body strength. So I dont use it frequently.”

“This is what you need, I only used it once. Didn’t expect Only shot so little, it wont work.”

She sighed, her wrinkled face shook the head, “Old~”

Shuttle the eyes of the space: half true half false.

Su Yang pondered.

Although Lou Ling’s words are true and false, through the “tips” given by [Space Shuttle Eyes], Su Yang roughly guessed the whole story.

He guessed that Lou Lings true age should be the same as Lou Yao, both 17-18 years old.

After all, the two are in a twin relationship, and theoretically they should be the same age. As they said before, there are two souls in one body, but the age of the souls is tens of years different, which is totally unrealistic.

The reason why Lou Ling’s old woman has become like this is probably because she has an ability that is not shown in the system, and that ability gives her a strong strength at the same time, It also deprived her of her youth and made her look like an old woman.

And when she uses this ability, she can briefly return to her real age appearance.

Then the problem is coming.

Why is this ability not displayed in the system? And why can you give her such a powerful strength?

If this ability is not granted by system, can I learn this ability?

Of course, Su Yang does not want to become a Great Grandpa, he is just interested in everything that can improve his strength!

After all, although he has many special abilities and some very powerful special abilities, he still has no ability to change his physical body and mortal flesh.

If he can also have this ability that does not exist in the system like Lou Ling, can he truly break away from the physical body and mortal flesh and become a “super human”?

Thank you for the 50,000 reward of “Liu Wei’s Number”! Thank you Big Alliance Leader! Alliance Leader is so atmospheric! Make a fortune!

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