Red rose, white rose, ice beauty, fire beauty.

tsk tsk, this routine is so familiar.

Su Yang feels that if this kind of one body and two souls have different personalities but are in the same bridge section of the body, and the age is 70 years younger, it should be very good.

But now…

Hey. Forget it.

It’s also fresh and refined, not out of the ordinary!

system you are awesome!

After voicing, Su Yang no longer entangled, and now they have all added points. They are also a family, so they should invite two old ladies to meet with everyone.

So under the gaze of the little monsters, he patted the old lady’s shoulder gently, “Hey, auntie, auntie. Wake up, wake up.”

Neither Knowing whether Su Yang was shooting too hard, or the old lady was too weak to help the wind, Su Yang was only gently clapped, the old lady’s stick was actually tilted, and then he sat on the ground.

Su Yang was surprised: Fuck! Touch porcelain!

This has also met my master! That’s too much!

What are you going to ruin? Is it wrong?

But Su Yang obviously thinks too much. Although the old lady is sitting on the ground, she just opened her eyelids slightly and glanced at Su Yang, her deflated mouth moved. Speak out.

Then she silently got up from the ground, picked up the walking stick, rubbed Pigu with her old hand, and looked towards Su Yang, “Is it right to find me?”

Su Yang looked at her slow movement, suddenly felt a little familiar inexplicably. He glanced at Sanque standing behind the demon group, oh…Isn’t this the slow energy of Sanque before.

But Sanque is slow, people are…old.

San Que seemed to understand Su Yang’s gaze, it glared at Su Yang, and then closed its eyes, not wanting to pay attention to this non-formal person.

Su Yang retracted his gaze, and began to introduce the little monster in the family to the old lady, “Mother, since I added some points, then everyone will be a family in the future. This is Little Di , Its Chief Steward at home. If you have anything at home, just find her.”

Little Di “Pa” appeared next to Su Yang, and then tilted his head and pointed at him. The old lady said hello, “Hello. I am Little Di, a cell phone monster.”

The old lady raised her wrinkled eyelids and glanced at Little Di, slowly nodded, old and old The voice said, “Okay, okay.”

Immediately afterwards, Su Yang introduced the little monsters in the family one after another to the old lady.

The old lady doesn’t seem to care much about everyone, she doesn’t have any expression on her face, and she always feels like she is half asleep and half awake.

The only person who has aroused some interest in her may be Janet.

Only when she saw Janet, a trace of bright light flashed in her eyes, she was silent for a while, and finally she was nodded.

Su Yang noticed her eyes, but didn’t understand her meaning.

Why are you so caring about Janet?

Is it because Janet is good-looking?

That Little Di is also pretty.

So Little Ha has a rival in love?

Should not be enough. I’m so old and still wicked… Bah, still want to eat tender grass?

After a round of introduction, Su Yang said to the old lady, “Auntie, you don’t have a name yet? I’ll get one for you?”

The old lady shook her head and said in an old voice. , “I have a name. My name is Lou Ling.”

Lou Ling? Lou Ling?

Another monster with its own name.

The last time it brought its own name was Azure Bamboo. Su Yang felt that these little monsters added with the [Higher Life Jump Ticket] seemed different. He felt that he needed to study when he had time.

With this thought in mind, Su Yang said again, “Yes, Aunt Lou. We already know you, can you also let your sister come out and meet us?”


Lou Ling old monster glanced at Su Yang, and asked puzzledly, “What sister?”

Su Yang hesitated, “Are you brother?”

< p> Lou Ling is even more puzzled.

Su Yang said, “In your introduction, you have a twin soul.”

“Oh~” Lou Ling’s wrinkled face showed a clear The expression, the old voice slowly said, “That is my great-granddaughter.”


Is this still three generations away?

But shouldnt twins be born when two souls of similar age share the same body? How come there are so many generations separated, and there is blood relationship?

Su Yang is a little confused.

He just wanted to ask, but Lou Ling old monster held his mouth and said, “It just so happens that I am also sleepy. Let my great granddaughter explain to you.”

She raised the wooden stick in her hand and knocked it on the ground. Suddenly, her body gradually became blurred, and then turned into a black mist, which slowly became taller and bigger, and finally even exceeded Su Yang’s height. .

For a moment, the black mist suddenly condensed. A girl with a height of 1.8 metres and five looks very beautiful, but a childish and upright girl appeared in front of everyone.

She has a slender figure but bulges forward, her legs are slender and tight, her black hair is scattered behind her back, and her eyes are blue, like bright jade.

After appearing in front of everyone, she looked around the living room, and then fixed her gaze on Su Yang.

For a moment, the black armor thrown in by Su Yang before, the black long spear flew up suddenly and combined on her body. She was like a saint warrior, wearing armor and holding a long spear in an instant, she became a majestic Dame!

After the transformation is completed, she one-knee kneels on the ground, long spear on the ground, “Your Majesty, Lou Yao reports here!”

Su Yang froze for a while, Then the eyes slowly glowed and brightened: Lou Niang! Really Lou Niang! Lou Niang 70 years younger than Lou Niang!

Su Yang’s eyes are red, and he feels that he is really guarded to see the moonlight! Really add some Lou Niang! And…this Lou Niang is actually a dark Knight, she looks so majestic, so beautiful!

So Su Yang, who to have no shame, hurriedly stepped forward to help the girl up, “Get up, you are welcome. It’s all a family.”

Next, it was just now. Su Yang once again introduced Lou Yao to the little monsters, and Lou Yao also introduced himself and the “companion Great Grandmother”.

According to her statement, she and her Great Grandmother were indeed born in the same item and belonged to one twin, but her Great Grandmother was born 70 years earlier, and she was born only after that.

According to the normal understanding, the two people are actually sisters, but because her Great Grandmother was already old when she was born, she simply recognized a relative and became a great-granddaughter.

After Su Yang finished listening, his mouth opened wide. Is this… all right? That’s too much!

Bring your own grandma with you! Isn’t this the standard protagonist that was popular in previous years?

And it only took a second to use the [Higher Life Jump Voucher] by yourself? How come 80 years have passed?

Is this their false memory? Or is it really stretched out at that moment?

Or did the old monster in Louling coax this little girl?

Su Yang is a little confused.

So he called Azure Bamboo and asked.

As a result, Azure Bamboo said that she appeared in front of Su Yang at the moment of spiritual wisdom, so she didn’t know the changes here.

Because there is no second twin monster in his hand, Su Yang doesnt know if 80 years can pass by the moment he adds something, so he can only keep this question in his heart and wait for it later. Research…

And then, Su Yang also took a look at the special item attached to Lou Yao and Lou Ling.

The result is very useful!

[Dimensional Black Mist]

Ability: This black mist is born with the Dark Gemini, can form a dark giant horse, or spread in the air. The range covered by the black mist can affect the outside observation, making this range look the same as before the black mist.

Limit 1: This ability can affect any technological items or naked eye, but it cannot change reality.

Limit 2: This ability has no effect on creatures with super attributes.

Limit 3: After using this ability, the Dark Twins cannot move.

Limit 4: The area covered by the black mist is affected by the spirit strength of the Dark Gemini.

Remarks: Is seeing really believing?

Su Yang looked at this ability, studied it carefully, and found that it was actually a blinding technique: as long as he covered a place with black mist, no matter what he was doing inside, he would feel this place when he looked inside. Nothing has changed.

In this way, the black fog spread to the entire open space tonight, so even if someone happens to be observing or monitoring, they will not see any abnormalities.

Well, it’s a great ability to use in some cases.

If you have this ability, you don’t need such troublesome steps to kill Feng Yonghui.

Thinking about this, Su Yang wondered if he wanted to try this ability.

He drove the other little monsters away, and then changed a few pin-eye cameras and laptops with sticky notes, planning to take a shot of himself.

He took Lou Niang out of the virtual space and strolled around the villa for two laps. He decided to let Lou Niang cover half of the restaurant with black mist, and he put the cameras in the other half of the restaurant. , Shooting the dark fog scene from different angles.

After doing all this, Su Yang activated the camera and walked into the black fog.

Coming into the black fog, Su Yang opened the notebook and turned back to watch the video on the surveillance system. Once the video was opened, the restaurant was no different from usual. There is no black mist, no Lou Yao, only Su Yang alone.

After Su Yang walked into the black fog, a miracle happened, Su Yang disappeared into the picture out of thin air, and the picture was still the usual scene.

It really can!

It seems that the black fog is at the moment of covering, constant the scene of this area.

After Su Yang’s verification, he felt that…it was just murder and kidnapping, a must-have Divine Item for home travel!

Just when he was happily preparing to leave, suddenly footsteps sounded from the side of the building, and Tang Jing called, “Su Yang? Is that you? Su Yang?”

Su Yang blurted out, “It’s me, Sister Jing.”

But the moment the words were spoken, Su Yang was shocked, and then looked back at Dame who was standing behind him.

Should I go? Forget her…

In the middle of the night, a woman in armor stood by her side and said she was playing cosplay, would Tang Jing believe it…

Thanks to the “green grassland and green land” for the great reward! Congratulations on becoming the Branch Lord of our book! Thank you guys! Domineering!

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