With this thought, Su Yang hurriedly moved towards that side and rushed away, and behind him, he also heard the loud noise and saw Su Yang running forward. I also quickly followed along Little Di.

And the other little monsters are not at all with that kind of consciousness, just after a glance at the back of Su Yang and Little Di going away, they continue to play each minding their own business.

Only Azure Bamboo, a little monster with intermediate spiritual wisdom, hesitated for a while, and finally stepped on the bamboo leaves and followed.

Azure Bamboo stepped on the bamboo leaves, the speed was not slow, but Little Di was teleporting, just a few “pa, slap, slap” flashes, and came to Su Yang’s side.

Su Yang was still running, and suddenly found that there were more people around him, he was taken aback, he turned his head while running, “Huh? Why are you here?”

Little Di’s voice was soft as glutinous rice, “Master, I am also worried about the sword junior sister Ji.”

Su Yang laughed, feeling that Little Di may be more worried about himself.

After all, the added movement of Xiaodao Ji is too big, and no one knows if it is dangerous. Like before +3 and +4, the explosive formidable power can be comparable to the explosion of a gas tank, and the threat to a small body like Su Yang is still very high.

Soon, the three of them came to the place where Little Dao Ji added some points.

The place where Little Swordsman added the dots was in the small pit that Little Ha exploded at the time. As a result, now… that small pit has become a big pit, and the land with a radius of 20 meters seems to be given by a bomb It was ploughed again and exploded in a radial direction, and in the middle of the big hole was lying a girl who looked 15-16 years old.

She wears a black leather jacket, which outlines her attractive body, silver white hair, and white face that is as beautiful as an angel.

Is that Little Sword Princess?

Su Yang is a little stunned, he grew so big in the blink of an eye?

pei pei pei, should I add a point to grow so big?

Looking at the clothes that vaguely looked like when I was a child, and the style was the same, Su Yang couldn’t recognize it.

This situation may be like a scene where an old father recognizes his long-lost daughter. It is both exciting, suspicious, and a little unbelievable.

Fortunately, at this moment, a prompt popped up in front of Su Yang,

[Fruit Knife+4: The life form transitions, all the bodies are unlocked, and the innate talent is unlocked. Capabilities merge into new capabilities. ]

So many changes?

This +4 plus value!

Not only did the child grow bigger, he unlocked his body, gained new innate talent, and even integrated his abilities?

Su Yang thinks that Xiaodao Ji will add 8 hours to this, it should be! She should all add 18 hours!

Especially Xiaodao Ji couldn’t open her eyes before, and now her body is completely unlocked, then her eyes obviously also unlocked together.

So in the future, can she see blue sky and white clouds, see flowers and trees, and see all the beautiful things in this world?

Su Yang didn’t understand what kind of state blindness was before, but since he experienced the loss of three days of light a while ago, Su Yang understood the pain of Xiaodao Ji.

So he is really happy for Kouhime.

But…with the lesson of gu lu, no matter how happy Su Yang is, he doesn’t dare to go up and experience the abilities of Xiaodaoji, so he decided to look at Xiaodaoji’s ability before approaching her. The ghost knows if it will be a range debuff again!

Thinking about this, Su Yang was ready to click on the list of Xiaodaoji’s abilities.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a nice, crisp female voice like a oriole, “Where am I? Huh? My eyes seem to be open. Now.”

Su Yang looked up and saw Little Sword Fairy, no…it should be Sword Fairy sitting up from the pit now.

Then she touched her face and surprised eyes opened.

Her eyes are dazzling, like the brightest pearl in this world. It was so energetic and so beautiful, Su Yang was a little bit dazzled for a while.

Dao Ji looked at all around in a dazed manner, and then her gaze fell on Su Yang and Little Di. The expression on her face slowly became surprised, “Su Yang big brother! Little Di sister! You are Su Yang big brother and Little Di sister!”

Sure enough, Xiaodao Ji can see it!

Su Yang couldn’t help being surprised and excited.

As a result, at this moment, suddenly, “ka-cha!” There was a loud noise.

A burst of white light bursts out of Xiaodaojis eyes. The rays of light are like the galaxy in the sky, sweeping through the space of millions and millions li, wherever there is non-life All the matter was cut apart at that moment and turned into fragments in the sky…

Waiting for Su Yang came back to his senses, suddenly felt cold.

He looked down and saw his younger brother…

I… go? !

Su Yang hurriedly covered it, and then looked down, only to find that all his clothes and belongings were all cracked and fell on the ground.

Su Yang just glanced at it and saw that his little wallet, travel card, keys, and all his belongings were all in pieces.

He quickly touched his neck. There is a pair of small chopsticks on his neck. This is a special item [named Kebeis chopsticks]. The function is to detect objects that can harm him and show himself Called the police, so Su Yang took it with him.

Thank goodness, but fortunately it was not broken. This special item is still very useful.

After checking his body, Su Yang turned his head and looked at Little Di.

Little Di’s clothes are all ripped apart, revealing her milky skin and exquisite body. She was white like a white jade statue, and her face was full of surprise.

For a moment, I may be aware of Su Yang’s gaze, Little Di turned his head and looked towards Su Yang, the two looked at each other, and the air suddenly filled with an awkward atmosphere…

Little Di screamed, then “pa!” and disappeared in place…

It appeared to be teleported away.

Su Yang:…

It’s embarrassing~

And it is not this scene that is more embarrassing.

Just when Su Yang was still embarrassed to see Little Di’s body, suddenly a person who looked like a fairy stepped on bamboo leaves without clothes and flew slowly.

She just stood there long, as if detached, um…if she was wearing clothes.

Su Yang is a little confused.

Azure Bamboo?

Why did Azure Bamboo come?

Azure Bamboo doesn’t seem to be ashamed. She glanced at Su Yang, and then did not make any covert actions, but slightly nodded and said hello, “Officials, my clothes are all exploded.”

Su Yang:…

Su Yang was a little mad, he looked at Azure Bamboo…, feeling that the blood on his body was running around, he shouted, “You know it exploded! Why did you come out!”

Azure Bamboo looked at Su Yang, waved his hand, and suddenly a piece of bamboo leaf floated in the sky, and the bamboo leaf was woven in the air Together, it finally became a small skirt and small underwear, worn on Azure Bamboo.

Su Yang: This… all right?

But…why are you looking like nothing? Hey!

Azure Bamboo put on the underwear made of bamboo leaves, and glanced at Su Yang, “Official man, do you want it?”

Su Yang:…

“Of course! I’m not an exhibitionist!” Su Yang is even more crazy!

Azure Bamboo waved his hand again, and the bamboo leaves in the air were re-woven into a new little skirt, which was wrapped around Su Yang’s waist, covering his younger brother and Pigu standing in the wind.. .

Su Yang looked at the “skirt” on her body, looked towards Azure Bamboo, “Why is it a skirt? Are there other styles?”

Azure Bamboo is gentle With a smile, “The concubine body can only make skirts. The official can make do with it first.”

Su Yang:…

Is this inexplicable women’s clothing?

No…Scottish men seem to wear skirts during celebrations. This is considered to be for Xiaodao Ji to be able to eyes opened, deliberately put on celebration costumes to celebrate.

Thinking of Little Dao Ji, Su Yang looked towards Little Dao Ji, Little Dao Ji also looked at Su Yang with joy, and then said in surprise, “Su Yang big brother! I saw it!”

Su Yang:…

What do you see?

Little Dao Ji turned her eyes to Azure Bamboo, with a look of confusion on her face, “This is…Azure Bamboo sister?”

Su Yang is naked, but Still helped her introduced, “Yes, this is your Azure Bamboo sister.”

Azure Bamboo also moved towards Xiaodao Ji and said hello, “Knife junior sister Ji.”

Xiaodao Ji happily said, “Wow! Didn’t expect sister so beautiful.” After speaking, she looked at Su Yang again, with a tangled expression on her face, “Su Yang big brother is not as handsome as expected. …”

Su Yang:…

Excessive… Excessive!

How come I am not handsome!

Yeah…it must be Xiaodao Ji never opened her eyes, she can’t appreciate her being really handsome. It is estimated that she would not feel handsome if she showed her pictures of Zhang Hu, Wu Yanzu, and Andy Lau.

Yes, it must be so!

Su Yang hasn’t finished comforting himself, suddenly another white light is like a milky way, sweeping across the world, Su Yang feels that the light shines on himself, and he is cold again.

Su Yang looked down in surprise, and he could see his younger brother again! He quickly looked towards Azure Bamboo beside him, and he could also see the cute bear and younger sister of Azure Bamboo…

What the hell is going on!

What the hell is this non-stop white light of Xiaodao Ji!

Why keep launching!

Su Yang really can’t stand this kind of ravages. He doesn’t care about covering himself up, but directly calls out the system, intending to see what is going on with Xiaodaoji’s new ability!

Turn on the system and click on the new innate talent in the Little Swordsman’s ability panel. Su Yang suddenly jumped out of the small Swordsman’s new innate talent interface:

Special innate talent: extinguish Innate talent (unlocking)]

innate talent: Innate talent is usually closed, but once opened, it will emit an innate talent once per minute. Wherever the death light goes, all matter is annihilated.

Limit 1: Range is 20 meters.

Limit 2: You can only use it three times a day at most. After three times, the Swordsman will change back to sealed state.

Note: Destroy this sinful world.

World Destroyer Sword Girl?

Seeing this name Su Yang feels domineering!

But can this be connected with the cute little sword girl?

Su Yang squatted down to protect himself, and then looked at the Little Sword Fairy, um…the current Little Sword Fairy looks a bit extinct.

But…it’s not right.

If all the substances disappear, shouldn’t you disappear?

And these clothes and so on haven’t been wiped out, they just split?


What the hell is going on?

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