The question asked by Lin Jiali is ambiguous, especially when it is associated with the task, which is even more strange. But Su Yang didn’t want to be crooked at all, because this was the first time he saw Lin Jiali so serious and serious.

The Lin Jiali he usually knows is the kind of a little bit of a penny, a little funny. But since the ambiguity with herself just now, she seems to have completely changed herself.

Before, she had never asked how she would develop in the future, nor had she talked with herself seriously.

As a result, didn’t expect this time for Han Yi, it was really rare to be serious.

Or maybe…I brainwashed her and broke her?

Should not be…

Can I still return the file?

I still prefer Lin Jiali who was originally funny!

Just as Su Yang was thinking about it, Lin Jiali waved her hand in front of Su Yang’s eyes, “Hey, hello, how do you stray? What do you want? Do you want the pigeons in front of Prague Square?”< /p>

Su Yang:? ?

What pigeons in front of Prague Square?

What is this all about?

But this sentence makes Su Yang feel that the original Lin Jiali is back: always saying things that others can’t understand, but… it always makes people understand what it means.

This is also an innate talent.

Su Yang came back to his senses, coughed, and then said, “Actually, I have already thought about the plan for you and Han Yi.”

Lin Jiali’s eyes There was a hint of interest, “Oh? Why didn’t I know before?”

Su Yang shrugged, “Because only I know it.”

Lin Jiali, “Then just talk about it. “

Su Yang is a little curious, “Why don’t you elaborate?”

Lin Jiali:…

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

Su Yang:…

Yeah. It makes sense. This is Lin Jiali.

Su Yang took her to sit down, and then said in as concise language as possible, “It’s actually very simple. Just spend money on resources.”

Lin Jiali’s face was full of puzzles. Question mark.

Su Yang stretched out a finger, “Using the simplest way of playing in the entertainment industry, bringing money into the group, I will give you all kinds of opportunities.”

Lin Jiali’s mouth opened slowly.

She thought about countless kinds of future plans that Su Yang might give herself, but she really didn’t expect such a kind of plan.

Because Su Yang is right, bringing money into the group and spending money is indeed the easiest way to play in the entertainment industry. Ordinary stars in the entertainment industry are mixed in the hard mode, but this method is the Easy mode.

When this mode is turned on, it is simply an ultimate weapon, which can be called the easiest start in the entertainment industry.

It is easier than father being a big director.

After all, when a big director puts his son in the crew, he has to sell favors, sell faces, or replace resources.

But what face, who love, what resources can be compared to real money? No!

This method is the simplest mode recognized by the entertainment industry.

But why no one uses it?

Because…too expensive.

Except for the big local tyrants who are not bad for money, who are holding their own sons and daughters, who would use this model?

After all, what will you do? Fame! Why did you become famous? Make money…

Then the question is, you have the money to make someone popular, so why do you still rely on the entertainment industry to make money?

Although the entertainment industry is a place where the return rate after success is super high, the success rate is very low.

If you invest 100 million, you may not be able to get back 20%. After all, film and television projects are all with high returns and low success rate. If you have to praise yourself, the success rate will be lower…

So the way to use money to smash resources is rich. The background is played by people who dont care about money. They enter the entertainment circle purely for fun, they just want to be famous, or they want to act, they simply don’t plan to rely on this to make money back.

For example…Da Tiantian.

And Lin Jiali and Han Yi?

They dont have a family who can spend money and resources for themselves, nor a godfather who can spend money on themselves…

And now, Su Yang wants to give Did they spend money on a road to fame?

They want to enjoy the status of a junior, bah, daughter?

Lin Carrie felt a little magical for a while.

So this tease was stunned for a long time than the female star, and he couldn’t help but screamed, “father…”

Su Yang:? ?

“What? What?”

Su Yang really didn’t hear it clearly.

But his words made Lin Jiali come back to his senses.

Feeling her lost self-control, Lin Jiali coughed, and then changed the subject, “Iron fan, if you plan to invest too much in this way. Don’t think about it again.”


Su Yang shook her head, “I have made a decision. And I don’t feel that it is too expensive.”

Lin Jiali thinks that Su Yang may not understand the current situation of the domestic entertainment industry, so she He explained, “Su Yang, I know you are good to me, and you want me to fulfill my wish to become popular. But really dont have to.”

“You may have less contact with the entertainment industry, not so much It is clear that there are tens of thousands of movies made every year in the country, but only one or two hundred can make it to theaters. Of these two hundred films, only dozens of them can be earned without loss, and a dozen of them have made a lot of money. Its all blood loss. Not to mention those movies that cant even be shown on theaters.”

“The same goes for TV series. There are that many TV series in a year, how many of them can be starred? Be loved by Uten How many are bought out? A project is tens of millions, hundreds of millions, once lost, it will hurt your muscles and bones.”

“So…really unnecessary.”

Su Yang looked at Lin Jiali, said with a smile, “Don’t worry about this. You have to trust my vision of the options.”

“My idea is very simple. Han Yi helped us build a reputation, Tan Mei can discuss projects with many companies in the circle. As long as there is a project that feels good, then take it and let me see it first.”

“As long as I think it is appropriate, then it doesnt matter if you and Han Yi Whether its the other partys first choice or second choice, I will spend money to let you bring capital into the crew.”

“I am the investor of the crew, you and Han Yi will not suffer any grievances, just All you need to do is to act well.”

“And the project was successfully completed, released, and made money. My funds will be returned quickly, and even a lot of money. This will not only pave the way for you, but also for me The film and television company is profitable and can also accumulate copyright.”

“If there is a good project, I can also form a crew by myself, and you two will be the protagonists.”

“I thought about this plan. For a long time, it is foolproof and sustainable. So you can rest assured.”

Lin Jiali looked at Su Yang’s high-spirited and vigorous look, and she was a little silly for a while.

Although she especially wants to say that Su Yang is whimsical, but she has to say…The pie described by Su Yang is very attractive.

The only problem is…too idealistic.

No matter how good Su Yang’s vision is, it is impossible to tell all the projects from good to bad at a glance, right?

Once a project is broken, he will lose money…

But Su Yang, who has been very calm, is now completely in a period of excitement, so I can persuade you no matter how you persuade him Nope…


Lin Carrie feels so difficult.

To bear the pressure that your IQ should not be…

How to dispel the dangerous plan of your own iron fan?

She feels like Su Yang, she and Han Yi will soon be sold to repay the debt by Su Yang…

Lin Jiali chews her finger and is in a hurry. Okay. Worried, so scared…

Su Yang does not have Lin Jialis that many worries or doubts, he is very confident, because he has Little Ha…

Has Little Uncle Ha is here, he doesn’t believe that he can still pay for investing in a project?

Little Ha is in hand, the world is mine!

Su Yang feels that after becoming both a technology tycoon and a social tycoon, Su Yang is likely to become an entertainment tycoon!

100% cheat?

The selected film and television project must make money!

Who else! ?

As for funding…Su Yang is not worried either.

When I sell the stock, I have everything.

After talking with Lin Jiali, Su Yang left the imperial capital, found a secluded corner, directly let Tang Xiaomi call out his name and returned to Shanghai.

After returning to Shanghai, Su Yang told Tan Mei the details of the negotiation, and then asked Tan Mei to meet with Han Yi according to Han Yi’s terms and sign the agreement.

Seeing Su Yang’s conditions, Tan Mei was stunned. She also didn’t expect to sign a quasi-first-line star so “cheap”.

So even on weekends, she still called all the legal affairs back to the meeting and began to draw up the contract. And Han Yi quickly sent a lawyer to negotiate the contract.

As a quasi-first-line star, although the basic conditions are set, various details still have to be finalized little by little.

So the two parties have been discussing the contract for almost three days before finally finalizing the contract.

In these three days, Han Yi also took the initiative to terminate the agreement with the current company.

In the original plan of Tan Mei and Su Yang, Han Yi’s current company actually used some means during the digging of Han Yi, which constituted unfair competition, and could directly file a lawsuit to request the termination of the agreement.

But Han Yi has developed very well in the current company in recent years. Although there are some conceptual discrepancies, he does not want to tear his face, so he simply gives money to leave.

It wasn’t until Lin Jiali secretly told Su Yang that Su Yang knew that Han Yi had lost 15,000,000 in order to escape the contract. Even if she lost everything she had earned over the years, she owed a lot of money.

Su Yang also has a new understanding of Han Yi for the first time: this is an affectionate and true girl.

After learning the news, Xiao Baozi Li Zijun keenly realized that this was an opportunity, and then applied for media public relations and a press conference.

After seeking Han Yi’s consent, Xinyi Culture held a media conference and officially announced the signing of the domestic super-popular star Han Yi.

As a well-known figure of New Generation, Han Yi is one of the most popular celebrities in recent years. After she bought out the contract at a high price and joined a new artist agency, it caused an uproar.

After all, she is not a small star, but a quasi-first-line star in China.

The status of the domestic entertainment industry is much higher than her, but there are not many more popular than her.

Her job-hopping has caused a lot of discussion in the circle.

Some believe that the treaty of Yang Mis company is too strict, some believe that Han Yi has become popular and wants to fly solo, and some believe that Han Yi has found a gold master and has better The way out…and so on anyway.

And the online speech exploded directly.

Han Yi itself is the hottest flower in recent years. And unlike the previous years, the big flowers of the previous few years actually had a few flowers at the same time, but in recent years, I don’t know why, only a small flower of Han Yi rose.

Han Yi is not without outstanding female stars in the same period.

There are and indeed there are, but compared with Han Yi, it is too far behind.

Han Yi is now at the first line, and the closest flower to her is only at the second line, which is a big difference.

This has also led to her increasing attention in recent years. This is also the reason why her status has improved so quickly.

So when she quit, countless people were curious about her new company.

What kind of economic company is it that will make Han Yi decide to jump out of the original company and join in.

It must be a large economic company with strong strength and can bring more development to Han Yi?

Or is it an established economic company with a deep background and various resources?

With this kind of curiosity, netizens began to pick up new companies.

If I dont know the result, I was shocked: Han Yi actually signed a very small brokerage company? !

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