With the thought of being close to the thigh, Carey no longer delays. I took Su Yang and Janet directly to my company.

Although Su Yang has [eyes that travel through the space] to distinguish between true and false, because this matter is too weird, he has always remained vigilant, for fear that this person is planning to come to a urn… , Bah, close the door and fight… Bah, it’s just to get yourself a trap anyway.

As a result, he didnt expect to come to the company for more than half an hour. After Carrey recovered his injuries, he searched for information and made phone calls. They were all serious about handling things for him. There was no danger from beginning to end.

This is also that’s all. While Kerry searches for information, she doesn’t forget to ask her own identity.

How can Su Yang have any identity…

The master of the little monsters?

I cant talk about this!

But having no identity does not mean that you can’t blow it.

So Su Yang opened his mouth and gun ability, and directly and implicitly shaped himself into a powerful and mysterious child of the hidden Aristocratic Family.

This move is really useful for Carrey. He doesnt know if he has watched too much American TV series. He is convinced of Su Yangs words, and it seems like he knows a great secret, let Su Yang looked very speechless.

However, the IQ at the bottom of the Yankees seems to be not too high, so Su Yang is not too surprised.

Next, after checking all the information, Kerry found out who was responsible for the project and called that person directly.

Maybe due to the background of the gang, Kerry does not have the everyone is free after get off work rule of other Western companies.

So Kerry made a call and the local agent who took Su Yang to sea last time ran back.

It was a thin middle-aged man about 1.7 metres long. When I saw him last time, Su Yang didn’t pay much attention. This time Su Yang took a closer look and found that this man is over 20 Years old, shaved his head, but he didn’t feel fierce, on the contrary, he looked a bit wretched because of his wicked eyebrows.

He entered the company and looked around and found that no one was there, only the general manager’s office was lit, so he cautiously walked over and knocked on the door.

Kerrys employees are actually divided into two types. One is normal employees. Although you can see that Kerrys background is a bit problematic, they only regard Kerry as the boss. They are ordinary employees. .

The other is that it also has a gang background, just because it is valued by Carey, it is put in the company. They understand Kerry’s character better and are more afraid of Kerry. This is exactly the case with this intermediary…

Because he has been with Carrey for a long time, he knows Carrey very well. When Kerry called him just now, he was in a bad mood, so this intermediary didnt worry about whether he did something wrong…

“Boom…Boom…Boom. ..”

Along with the knock on the door, Kerry’s voice rang from inside, “Get in!”

When Kerry’s voice was heard, the intermediary knew he was certain Caused trouble. And the trouble is not small…

He couldn’t help but began to wonder: The 300 dollars he overreported was discovered? It shouldn’t be? Or was it reported that I went to the venue to play without paying? I have clearly agreed with my buddy that I will pay my salary back.

What the hell is it?

While thinking about it, he opened the door, only to open the door, he saw a foot moved towards him kicking.

He immediately wanted to hide, but when he saw the pattern on the sole, he immediately recognized that it was his bosss shoe. He dared not hide immediately, so he obediently protected his head and protected himself .

Sure enough, his actions like this saved him. Carey just kicked him fiercely, kicked him to the ground, and let him go, “You fucking know how to suffer, If you dare to hide, see if I wont kill you!”

After finishing talking, Carrey shook his clothes with anger, and said, “Get up.”

The intermediary hastily Said, “Yes.” Then stood up.

As soon as he stood up, he found that there were two other people in the house, two people who seemed familiar: an Asian and a Western woman.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered the identity of these two people: he came to Honolulu to buy the big head of Shark Island. The broken island was useless, and even the seller did not report hope, and signed a reserve price agreement with the company: no matter how much the island was sold, as long as it exceeded $600,000, the excess was paid to the intermediary company as a commission.

This is a rare contract in the island trading market. Generally, the seller is willing to sign an agreement because the seller himself has no hope of selling, and is only willing to sign for the purpose of intermediary ability.

So in order to push this shark island, he deliberately concealed the sharks near the island. Sure enough, this bully was coaxed.

And this fool is worthy of rich and imposing, and the price of 3 million US dollars is actually willing to talk. Even if one third is cut off in the final transaction, that is 2 million. The company can make a net profit of 1.4 million US dollars, and it is possible for him to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses.

So he is very familiar with this Asian.

But as soon as his idea came out, he suddenly “ge-deng” in his heart: No, why are these two people with their boss? They don’t… know each other?

Have you fallen into the boss?

Seeing that he reacted, Kerry patted his face and said, “Reacted? Little Doug?”

Little Dougs face is more than crying Ugly smile.

Kerry said, “These are my two friends. They said that you may have some problems selling their islands.”

I heard my boss say that, where is the old Doug? Still don’t understand that he kicked the iron plate, he cried and apologized again and again.

Next, he told the whole story without any concealment. Of course, what he said were all good points: For example, the original intention of doing this was to generate revenue for the company, and he did it for the first time. I dont know who Su Yang and the boss knew each other, etc…

< p>Looking at him pitifully talking about how he bothered to make money for the company, Carey touched his head, not knowing whether he should continue to clean up this guy for a while.

It was Su Yang who saw Carreys embarrassment and said directly, “I dont care who he is for. I just want a reasonable solution.”

Yang said that, Kerry patted his forehead suddenly, and then grinned, “It’s easy.”

Speaking, he asked Doug, “How much is the seller’s reserve price?”

Doug stretched out six fingers, “600,000.”

Kerry patted his head and said, “Tomorrow, you go talk. Talking about 400,000. Say customers only pay 500,000 , We have to eliminate the commission, the handling fee is 100,000.”

Doug was crying, “This is not good.”

Kerry Pu patted “Pa” with his big hand. Doug’s bald head clicked, “What’s so good about this? He just wants plants and no plants, fresh water and no fresh water, and sharks nearby. If someone buys it, it burns the fragrance. It’s absolutely nothing to suppress the price. Question.”

Doug, squatting on the ground, looked at Su Yang and Janet, and whispered to Carey, “The seller belongs to the Coppola family.”

Kay Rui looked puzzled, “Coppola? Who? Which gang?”

Doug shook his head repeatedly, with an embarrassment on his face, “It’s the Coppola in Hollywood. That famous family of directors. They shot There are many great movies. The one entrusted to me is Sophia Coppolas assistant.”

Kerry looked confused, and finally slapped Dougs bald head again, “I Whoever he is! You have to lower the price to 400,000 US dollars for me. If it is not enough, you will pay for it yourself!”

Doug could only agree with him crying.

I have to say that the boss is in front of him. Doug is very efficient. On the morning of the 2nd day, he sent a wechat voice to Su Yang, saying that everything is done.

Su Yang didn’t tell Xiao Fang, he directly called Xiao Fang over and signed the contract of intent together.

At that time, Xiaofang was ready to pack his luggage and run away. After receiving Su Yangs call, he was stunned. He couldnt understand why a local intermediary with a gang background would concession.

And when I saw the amount on the contract, I was even more shocked: The price is too low! 400,000 USD! Eight times lower than the original price!

How did this price work! ?

Look at that local agent Doug’s respectful manner to Su Yang, Xiao Fang is even more surprised. He is real, but not a fool.

In one night, the attitude of the other party has undergone such a huge change, it must be Su Yang who did something.

When signing the contract, something unexpected happened to him. The Boss of that local company actually showed up. And that Boss is also very polite to Su Yang.

Xiaofang feels that his brain is not enough…

Because of Su Yangs request, the three parties signed two contracts, Xiaofangs company and Kerrys company After signing the contract of intent, Su Yang and Xiaofangs company signed an island purchase agreement.

The small party company wants to handle Su Yang’s foreign exchange, and act as an agent for overseas companies.

Because of the relationship between Su Yang and both parties, the handling fee and intermediary fee for the island purchase this time are free. Excluding taxes and fees, he bought this small island in the Sea Territory near the capital of Hawiyi for only US$400,000, which was so cheap that it couldn’t be cheaper.

All the contracts were signed, Xiao Fang also called the company Boss to promote loans and overseas companies.

Everything is ready, everything is only waiting for Su Yang’s process to be done, the island can be transferred.

After the transfer of the island, Su Yangs silver mission can be completed, and the virtual space can also come to the real world!

After signing the agreement, Su Yang called Kerry aside again and asked him if he had a channel for legal status.

Hearing Su Yangs request, Kerry was a little reluctant, “Su, the U.S. has strict household registration requirements, and I dont have a corresponding channel here. But I can ask a friend in my gang. Click.”

After finishing talking, he asked, “Are you going to do it for yourself?”

Su Yang shook his head and pointed to Janet, “Here. He. Kerrys identity cannot be exposed, so we need a fake identity to cover up.”

Kerry’s eyes lit up, “Oh. She…”

Kerry became more enthusiastic at once,” Then Ill help in the past few days to ask about it.”

Two things are done. Su Yang found a secluded corner and left his own [Positioning Eye], and then called Sanque WeChat voice.

Su Yang thinks WeChat voice is really convenient. In the past, if you want to contact domestic and foreign countries, you had to make an international call, but now you can just dial the WeChat voice directly. And no matter how long the call is, all you need is a bit of data.

Especially now that wifi is everywhere, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is free.

The voice dialed for about ten seconds before it was connected. There was no sound on the phone.

Su Yang asked suspiciously, “San Que?”

San Que, “en.”

Su Yang, “Call my name.”

Three missing, “OK.”

“Boom.” The phone hangs up.

Su Yang:…

Forget it, I have never had a position in front of Sanque.

After all, who wants to go back to China through him?

Su Yang’s idea is very simple, anyway, whether it is buying an island or getting an identity, it takes time, so I might as well go back to Shanghai and wait.

I just want to add something to Little Ha.

Add some Su Yang in your own country and feel…a lucky bonus.

Happy New Year everyone! Happy New Year~!

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