The reason why I chose Little Di is not because Su Yang favors girls over boys, but because the little monsters voted.

Su Yang is now also managing the company, so he has learned a lot of “advanced management experience”: Since there is no way to be impartial in any decision he makes, he simply does not make the decision by himself and just lets The little monsters can vote.

The ones you chose yourself have nothing to do with me.

Then… Little Di didn’t know what special ability was used on each little monster, she was elected as the first +4 little monster with unanimous votes.

Thats why Su Yang decided that the first +4 little monster was her.

After buying everything, Su Yang began to move. He let all the little monsters come out of the virtual space, and then took out all the furniture and objects added later one after another out of the virtual space.

The little monsters who live outside may be a major event because of Little Di +4, so they also rushed back to the villa, planning to witness the birth of the first +4 little monster with their own eyes.

Su Yangs villa has never come out with so many little monsters at once, so when Tang Xiaomi saw so many little monsters, he was excited and met them one by one.

Su Yang at first thought she would like Bubbles very much. After all, the two people are the same age. As a result…not at all.

When the two little girls met, it was as if they had met an enemy. After looking at each other, they ignored each other.

Su Yang thought she might hate Sanque, but Tang Xiaomi was actually very interested in Sanque. Hehe laughed and played with all kinds of beards hehe had just grown out of Sanque.

What’s even more amazing is that Sanque, the stuffy oil bottle, didn’t even resist, and just looked at her indifferently. This is that’s all, Su Yang’s [eyes in space shuttle] has been jumping promptly: joy, joy, joy…

Happy woolen thread!

This guy’s stinky stone that has remained unchanged for years was actually softened by a little girl?

Su Yang feels… Tang Xiaomi might really be the silly white and sweet heroine in the Marisu TV series in the future. Such stinky and hard stones are softened. Su Yang feels she has this Kind of potential.

Su Yang shook in front of Sanque, and Sanque was really attracted by him. Sanque’s eyes slowly fell on him, and a reminder floated in front of him: calm, calm, a little annoying…

Annoying ghost!

Just stand here and walk three times, you are a bit annoying! Why are you not happy!

Su Yang, who felt that he was guilty with San Que, and couldn’t afford to offend San Que had to leave in despair.

Set up the objects and the little monsters, Su Yang took Little Di back to the room, and the little monsters followed to the door and looked inside.

Put Little Di on the ground, Su Yang turned on the system, and suddenly a translucent “+” sign appeared on Little Di.

Su Yang gently clicked on this [+] sign, and a prompt popped up in front of him,

[Do you want to add points to this monster for the fourth time? The probability of success for adding points for the fourth time is extremely low, and the little monster will die completely if it fails. This little monster has a 12% chance of adding points for the fourth time.

Su Yang didn’t surprise him, there was this prompt.

However, the probability of Little Di’s success is as high as 12%, which Su Yang did not expect. He thought it was in single digits!

Thinking like this, Su Yang clicked [No] without the slightest hesitation, and then took out the [Lucky Stone], one by one on Little Di.

One, two, three… Su Yang kept putting nine of them, and the probability was over 100% before he was relieved.

He clicked on the translucent [+] sign on Little Di again,

[Do you want to add points to this monster for the fourth time? The probability of success for adding points for the fourth time is extremely low, and the little monster will die completely if it fails. The probability of success for this little monster to add points for the fourth time is 100%.

Su Yang is relieved.

He did not directly click to confirm, but first confessed to Little Di, “Little Di, its not the Master. The main reason is that Im scared. Im going out first. Come on! Go! !” After speaking, Su Yang ignored Little Di’s reply and ran out of the room, then closed the door and clicked the [Yes] option.

As Su Yang clicked [Yes], the sound of “weng weng weng…” came from the room, and then, only a loud “bang!” sound was heard in the bedroom Su Yang and the little monsters outside the door were all blown up.

The whole villa was like being dropped by a bomb, and dazzling rays of light erupted from the inside, and all the windows upstairs and downstairs were swept up and down in an instant “ka-cha” The brush was shattered, and the sky was full of smoke and dust, covering the entire lawn…

When the smoke passed, Su Yang came back to his senses on the wall, opened his eyes, and coughed twice. He looked around the corridor and found that all the little monsters had been shocked to the wall, and they were all injured. Su Yang hurriedly came to Sanque and shook him, “Sanque, Sanque, are you okay? ?”

The reason why he looked at Sanque first is not to say that Sanque is the most important in his heart, but because…the team fights to protect the nanny first! If the nanny is okay, other people will be saved easily!

Fortunately, Sanque didnt even scream, so he opened his eyes slowly and glanced at Su Yang, calmly spit out a word, “No.”

Su Yang Don’t worry, the nanny is still alive, so other people can talk about it.

He quickly started shaking other little monsters.

I dont know if the physiques of the little monsters are stronger. Su Yang checked and found… that he was the most injured one!

His nose was smashed by the shattered door and blood was knocked out, but the other little monsters didn’t even have a superficial wound.

After checking the little monster’s injuries, Su Yang quickly glanced at his bedroom.

Oh my god, that was so terrible…

Su Yang guessed that there might be a problem before, so he moved away the furniture and decorations in his bedroom. As a result, what didn’t expect was… the explosion actually broke the wall, even exploded the reinforced concrete inside.

Not to mention the windows. Not only did the glass shatter, but the entire window frame was blown up.

Su Yang:…

This will cost a lot of money to repair, right?

The landlord of the villa won’t kill himself, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly he saw through the window that some neighbors were looking curiously through the window, and the community security also ran over from the door.

Su Yang was shocked, awful, it must have been too much noise, and attracted the attention of others.

While he was thinking this way, sure enough, the entrance guard system of the villa rang, Su Yang quickly picked up a wooden board to cover Little Di, and then went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, Tang Xiaomi had already turned on the video intercom and chatted with the security guard.

Tang Xiaomi is milky, “Hello? Hello, who are you looking for?”

Security, “Um…you, uh, kid, your parent Are you at home?”

Tang Xiaomi, “Dont ask if they are at home or not, just ask me for something. I can call the shots at home.”


Seeing that the security has a tendency to break in, Su Yang hurried over and said, “Hello, I’m at home. What’s the matter?”

The security said, “Sir, your house It seems that something has exploded, do I need help?”

Su Yang said, “Well, sorry. The first time I was cooking, I didnt know how to use it. I accidentally exploded the electrical appliances.”



Guardian, “Sir, you dont feel like an electrical appliance exploded.”

Su Yang, “Chain, All the electrical appliances in the house exploded accidentally.”


In the video intercom, Su Yang saw the security guard look up at the villa, and then walked away a little , Picked up the intercom microphone, and chatted.

After chatting for a while, the security returned to the door, and then said, “Sir, would it be convenient for us to go in and check? A household near you complained that an explosion occurred in your home two days ago. Today is The second time.”

Su Yang is of course inconvenient, so he said righteously, “They are residents, am I not a tenant? You are a property, to serve the residents. You guys. Not at all the right to enter the households home for inspection.”

“If you suspect me and want to investigate me, you can call the police. As long as the investigator carries a search warrant, I will never stop it.”

Su Yang was shocked for a while, and the security guard flushed immediately and did not dare to refute.

Su Yang is a big stick, and of course he also has to give sweet dates, so he said, “Relax, I promise that this kind of explosion will never happen again, and I will not cook anymore.”

“In addition, it is really sorry. You guys have worked so hard, help me explain.”

Su Yang has said all good things, and he has the ability to speak loudly. Only nodded agreed.

After the security left, Su Yang hurriedly returned to the bedroom, and then changed a large piece of cloth with [Unknown Ability Post-it], temporarily as a curtain to cover the window: Although the villas are far away, And most of you can’t see the bedroom here, but you still have to pay attention.

After doing all this, Su Yang looked towards Little Di who was still in the air and turned into a green cocoon.

The appearance of the light cocoon is not much different from the previous +3 time. Maybe the only difference is “formidable power”. One is like a pressure cooker exploding, and the other is like three gas tanks exploding together.

There is also a countdown on the light cocoon: 53:46.

It seems that the +4 time only takes 1 hour. Su Yang thought it would add a lot of time to upgrade.

Of course, if there is no difference between +4 and +3, Su Yang does not believe it.

He feels that +4 can be upgraded so fast, it should be related to the system to increase the “running speed”.

Because its still early, Su Yang asked Janet to go out to buy some building materials, while instructing the little monsters to clean up the house, and then after Janet finished shopping, repair house.

After all, this house is rented, not bought.

As for Su Yang himself, he stayed in Little Di’s room and waited patiently for Little Di to add points.

A blink of an eye, one hour later, the green cocoon quietly suspended in the air fell to the ground, and then shattered with a “ka-cha” sound.

The light cocoon shattered, turned into a spot of light, and then disappeared, leaving Little Di quietly lying on the ground.

Su Yang looked at this scene: This is…Is this done?

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