Thinking about this, Su Yang didn’t care about other items, but took the lead in clicking the [Lucky Stone] grid, wanting to see what this momentum is for.

At a glance, Su Yang was a little surprised: because it was completely different from what he imagined.

His first reaction when he saw this [Lucky Stone] thought that it should increase luck, but found that it was not at all.

This [Lucky Stone] actually adds [add a little success rate].

[Lucky Stone]: For each lucky stone, all bonus points after item +3 can increase the success rate of bonus points by 10%.

10%? This probability is not low…

Su Yang looked at the price, 600 one, not cheap, it is 100 more expensive than random points. But in the face of Su Yang, this is not a problem, after all, Su Yang himself has saved almost 60,000 points these days.

But no matter how cheap it is, it does not mean that Su Yang will buy this thing because it is cheap. After all, no matter how much money he points, he has worked so hard to save.

So he will continue to study what is the function of this.

Does the probability of adding points in the future will be very low?

This is bad news…

Su Yang puts down the [Lucky Stone], and then every grid looks like there is no change in random points, it is still Sell it for money, it feels very casual.

However, the price has dropped a bit, from 500 to 480. Su Yang doesn’t like this number very much, and it feels unlucky.

Next is the Guardian God symbol. The price of the Guardian God symbol has also been slightly reduced, from 100 to 80. Su Yang likes this number.

The third one is formula items. Su Yang at first thought that there would be no changes to the formula items, but found a surprise: The formula items have changed a lot!

In the introduction of system, after the formula items are upgraded to high-level in the store, they can already randomize to +2, +3 formula items.

However, these formula items have higher requirements, so the production time will be longer.

One week for +1 items, two weeks for +2 items, and one month for +3 items.

After the production period expires, this grid will be refreshed no matter whether the item is produced or not.


There is another change in this grid: a temporary grid is added to store recipe items that can be made in the future.

In other words, suppose that Su Yang forgot to make this weeks formula item and it has been refreshed, but he does not have to worry because the refreshed formula item will be temporarily stored in the temporary grid.

When Su Yang wants to make, he can take out the missing item from this grid again.

But now there is only one temporary grid, I dont know if it will increase in the future.

After reading the grid of [Formula Item], Su Yang next looked down.

The random lottery has not changed much, just one more sentence: the chance of the random lottery will increase significantly.

Finally, Su Yang looked at the figure with bronze dots. After reading the introduction, it is an ordinary bronze point, which can be used to extract three bronze abilities, and then choose one of them.

In addition, Su Yang looked at the number of bronze points and the refresh time. The current number is 2, and the refresh period is one month.

After reading the entire high-level system store, Su Yang feels that it is worthwhile. The grids that existed before have been enhanced, and there are more bronze points and lucky stones. It’s more conscience.

Exiting the system store, Su Yang just wanted to experience other functions. As a result, he saw an additional [instruction system] on the main interface of the system.

This is something that did not exist in system +2. Su Yang clicked in and took a look. It turned out that this was a more practical thing than helping the system, because the above clearly listed many system instructions. For a moment.

For example, Su Yang knew it before,

“There is no way to add points and upgrades during the use of special items.”

“Regardless of little monsters or special items, they The special ability cannot be superimposed.”

and so on.

There are some Su Yangs who dont know, but want to know,

“All items have a high probability of failure when they are +3, and they need Guardian God symbol protection. When it comes to +4, there is almost no success probability. You must use [Lucky Stone] to increase the success probability.”

and so on.

Su Yang knows why this time system update will produce the item [Lucky Stone]. It seems that it is because he has reached the time to need [Lucky Stone] to increase the probability of success!

Because of seeing the description of [Lucky Stone], Su Yang feels [System description] is very important, so he will not look at the new functions of system first, but start to look at I read these instructions again.

Su Yang kept reading from the afternoon to the evening until Tang Xiaomi patted the door and wailed and said that he was hungry. He woke up like a dream: I have studied the system instructions for so long!

But in the few hours of watching [system description], Su Yang feels that he has a comprehensive understanding of the entire system, as well as the special item.

He always feels that there must be a few [experience+1] tips floating on his head now.

Many people should have the experience that when they read too much, their eyes become straight or distracted, and Su Yang is no exception. He read the instructions for several hours, always feeling a little dazed.

Tang Xiaomi saw Su Yang like this, lifts the head and looked at him cutely, and asked “Su Yang, are you broken in love?”

“Huh?” Su Yang didnt react for a while, he lowered his head and glanced at Tang Xiaomi, “What?”

Tang Xiaomi explained milkyly, “Because its all acting like this in TV dramas. You are like this.”

After finishing speaking, she still looked at Su Yang with her big smart eyes.

Su Yang watched her for almost five or six seconds before finally reacting.

Then he knocked Tang Xiaomi’s head and said, “You are not allowed to watch those soap operas in the future.”

Tang Xiaomi held his mouth, “Oh…”

Shaking his head, after drinking a few bottles of Sanque oral liquid, Su Yang slightly supplemented his overexhausted brain.

Then he drove Tang Xiaomi to the living room downstairs. He washed his hands and cooked Tang Xiaomi a meal with [grazing iron pot].

After making the meal, Su Yang asked the little demon beans to carry their things and follow him downstairs.

Downstairs, Brat was tossing the little Liujin Beast there again, but maybe because the little Liujin Beast is too cute, her movements are much softer.

The little Liujin Beast may have been with Brat since he was born, so he cooperates a lot with Brat.

Tang Xiaomi, “Become a stick!”

She tone barely fell, the little Liu Jin beast “bang~”, her body stretched out and turned into a A long… chopsticks: It is so bulky that it simply can’t make a stick.

Tang Xiaomi was not angry at all, and ordered again, “Become scissors!”

The small stream golden beast suddenly “bang~” and turned into two links. Together… chopsticks.

Well… it’s just learning after all, it’s not at all so easy to change so freely.

Moreover, Su Yang feels that Tang Xiaomi’s requirements for it are too high…

Leading a row of Little Demon Beans and bringing food to the table, Su Yang knocks He knocked on the table, “It’s time for dinner.”

“Wow!” Tang Xiaomi ran over excitedly.

During the meal, Su Yang was chatting with Tang Xiaomi while looking at her mobile phone, only to find that Xu Lu used WeChat to find herself in the afternoon and dialed herself a voice. But after she didn’t answer, she didn’t leave any text or voice at all

Su Yang strangely dialed her back.


For a moment, the voice was picked up.

Su Yang asked while eating, “What’s wrong? Senior Sister. Are you looking for me?”

Xu Lu’s voice was all charming, “Junior Brother. I am here to thank you specifically.”

Su Yang asked in confusion, “Thank me for what?”

Xu Lu said, “I followed what you said, the past few days have earned close Twenty thousand!”

“Oh oh.” Su Yang reacted, “It’s okay. No effort at all that’s all.”

Xu Lu asked a bit sorry,” By the way, I have one more thing.”

Su Yang asked indifferently, “What’s the matter?”

Xu Lu whispered. Said, “Can I tell my cousin that [Zhongxing Electronics] will still have a daily limit in the next day, but no longer on the 2nd day?” Su Yang froze for a while, and then asked, “Um, [Zhongxing Electronics] has been on the daily limit, even if I tell her, she can’t buy it.”

Xu Lu said, “Yes. I know she can’t buy it. But I am not I want to take her to the stock market. Its because she always questioned me.”

Next, Xu Lu explained, “After I posted to Moments today, she found me and said I was a coincidence, and said Im playing bigger and bigger, the stock market is changing rapidly, so many people are ruined, so she wants to tell my mother.”

“I really dont know how to refute her, so I just want to put you right [in] Star Electronics]s judgment tells her, let her believe that following you will really make money…”

Su Yang finished listening, nodded clearly.

After nodding his head, his eyes suddenly lit up and asked, “By the way, Senior Sister, is your cousin stocks?”

Xu Lu replied in confusion,” Yes, I have been speculating for more than ten years. The record is not bad.”

Su Yang has a plan in his mind, and he said, “Actually, I dont care. After all, [Core Electronics] has always been daily limit, even if Tell her, she can’t affect our plan.”

“However, since you want to bet, it is better to let her choose a few stocks that she is optimistic about. Let me tell her where the daily limit is only? “

Xu Lu was surprised, and then said, “Is this good?”

Su Yang took a mouthful of rice, “It’s nothing bad. It’s just no effort at all that’s all.”

After that, he seemed to think of something, “By the way, your cousin doesnt have a lot of money to buy stocks, right?”

Xu Lu thought for a while, “Should not More, its hundreds of thousands.”

Su Yang nodded, “Oh. Okay. That doesnt matter. By the way, you can also buy together this time. You are picking up money anyway.”


Xu Lu hurriedly said twice. For her, following Su Yang’s stock trading is really no different from picking up money…

Actually, Su Yang is not suddenly have a Thought, or well-intentioned, has its own purpose: he wants cousin Xu Lu to help him choose stocks.

Su Yang previously threw tens of millions in the stock market for the silver task, and used the stock pool given by Lu Fatty for stock selection, which is why Su Yang can make so much in this wave.

However, the stock market has no obvious hot spots. Technology stocks have risen sharply the past few days, but the follow-up trend has been average.

Little Has [Smell of Potential] was heard every day, and found that starting next Tuesday, all the stocks given by Lu Fatty have no potential.

At first, Su Yang discussed with Little Ha and Little Di, and decided to avoid buying the wrong stocks and losing money later, so after the daily limit on next Monday, all stocks will be bought in bank stocks and then hard-supported To the end of time.

But now Xu Lu’s sister has delivered it to the door.

Su Yang feels that as an old leek with more than ten years of experience in stock trading, Xu Lu’s sister will always have her own stock pool, in which there may be stocks with daily limit.

When the time comes, I can let Little Ha smell it and select the stocks with daily limit, then can I use the remaining time of the silver mission?

So, Su Yang asked her cousin Xu Lu to choose a few stocks for him, and then he would judge.

As for Xu Lu and her cousin making money with them, Su Yang has always been very open: no matter how much they earn, they dont earn as much.

After eating, Su Yang asked Xiao Yaodou to clean up the dishes, then returned to the room, and continued to study the new function after system +3: fusion decomposition function.

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