Because Janet, who was just a foreign woman in front of her, suddenly changed his appearance. Two of his cheeks were split and turned into three gills like sharks. crack.

If you say that there are some changes in your face, you may not be so frightened in early summer. But then Janet melted slowly like a wax figure in front of her:

Janet became a wax figure that was slowly melting from head to toe, and her facial features and limbs were slowly melting. His body melted and became shorter, slowly changing from 1.7 metres to 1.6 m, 1.5 m, and finally turned into a pool of water.

Chu Xia’s eyes widened, and there was panic inside. She covered her mouth as much as possible to prevent herself from screaming.

And Tang Xiaomi, Brat, had already jumped on Su Yang’s bed in shock, holding Su Yang, his face pale in shock.

There may only be Su Yang in the whole room. I can’t figure it out: I just asked Janet to show her ability, why are they so scared? One scared me in my arms, and the other scared me without saying anything?

What’s the matter?

Are sharks so scary?

Chu Xia looked at the pool of liquid on the ground, swallowed, then gently pulled Su Yang’s sleeve, and asked, “She…what is she?”

< p>Su Yang patted Chu Xias hand, eyes “looked at” Janet, and said, “He is a shark.”

Chu Xia:? ?

Tang Xiaomi:? ? ?


I didn’t see it!

Su Yang thought that Janet had already shown the prototype, so he pointed to the direction of Janet that he thought, and each minding their own business explained, “Actually, I am a person with superpowers. I You can turn objects and creatures into monsters. And Janet is a shark that I enchanted.”

“He should be a tiger shark. He was raised in the swimming pool by Little Ha. I feel like he and I have fate, so I enlightened him.”

“As for Little Ha, it is also a pillow I enlightened. The reason why it is called Little Ha is because the head of the pillow is a Husky.. .”

Su Yang was talking there, Tang Xiaomi and Chu Xia…not even listening.

They are still shocked by the relationship between the beach and the sharks.

But Janet heard Su Yang’s words and knew that she might have misunderstood Su Yang’s meaning, so he slowly revealed the prototype: the beach of water on the ground slowly floated, and then formed a shark Immediately afterwards, all the water became flesh and blood, and a beautiful shark appeared in front of everyone.

But…there is already a preconceived notion. Tang Xiaomi and Chuxia didn’t feel that Janet was a shark at all, but thought that he must be a pool of water…

Tang Xiaomi and Brat just say what they have. She couldn’t help but ask Janet, “Actually, you are not a shark monster at all, you are a water monster?”

Heard Tang Xiaomis question, Su Yang I asked a little strangely, “What happened?”

Once Chuxia explained the matter understandingly.

After listening to early summer, Su Yang looked speechless, this Janet turned into a puddle of water…

Yes, she didnt explain it.

But no matter what, Janet showed her superpowers.

Because of the first contact with surreal things, Chu Xia was very curious, she asked, “So you… also have super powers?”

Su Yang nodded,” Yes. I have.”

In early summer, I asked, “Then you can also become water?”

Su Yang:…

What’s wrong? Are you two having trouble with the water?

Su Yang explained, “No. But I can… teleport.”

In early summer, his mouth slowly opened, “Really? You can teleport? “

Su Yang nodded.

Early Xia looked at Su Yang, wondering if she should believe Su Yang…

Then, in the next second, she suddenly found herself already not in the room. : She doesn’t know when she has reached the lawn outside the house, and Su Yang is standing beside her, standing there with her hands behind her back, her face is profound mystery.

Early summer was shocked.

She looked at Su Yang in surprise, and said in her unique and pleasant voice, “Really? This is actually true!”

Su Yang looks like an expert nodded, “Of course.”

Early summer, I quickly touched myself and pinched myself: It hurts…not dreaming.

In the early summer, looking at Su Yang’s delicate and pretty face, countless emotions emerged in his heart for a while.

She couldn’t tell the emotions, nor could she tell.

I was surprised: Does this world actually have superpowers?

It is clear: No wonder Su Yang develops so fast!

There is panic: This person is Su Yang?

Happiness: Su Yang actually told himself such a big secret…

There is a trace of melancholy: I and Su Yang…how do you feel more and more apart It’s far away.

Just when her five flavors were mixed, Tang Xiaomi’s “Wow” yelled from the villa, “Su Yang! Su Yang! Where have you been? You won’t take me when you teleport. “

Hearing the cute words of the little girl, the melancholy in Chu Xia’s heart was immediately washed away. She looked at Su Yang angrily, and then said, “You also teleported without saying a word. She is going to worry about it.”

Speaking, Chu Xia helped Su Yang slowly into the villa, and the two of them walked and talked.

In early summer, “So your eyes are really okay?”

Su Yang shook his head, “Really okay, it’s just a side effect of super power. It will be fine in a few days.”< /p>

Chu Xia looked at him a little puzzled, “What superpower did you use to make your eyes invisible?”

“You won’t… peek at girls taking a shower Right?”

Su Yang:…

Seeing the embarrassment on Su Yang’s face, early summer “pu chi” laughed out, “Okay, it’s funny .”

I don’t know why, the moment Su Yang saw Su Yang’s embarrassment, Chu Xia suddenly felt that Su Yang was still by his side no matter what.

The next day, in early summer, I accompanied Su Yang in the villa. Because Tang Jing came back too late, the two did not run into each other, so the terrifying Asura field was not born, and it was lucky. lucky.

Because there is really no place for [absolute verbal contract], I dont want Tang Jing, Tang Xiaomi, and Chuxia to make a new promise together, so Su Yang finally made a “difficulty” The decision: hide.

Anyway, he doesn’t lack anything, he has food and drink and a place to stay, so he can just stay in the virtual space for the remaining three days.

Thinking about this, after taking Chuxia away, Su Yang called Tang Jing and said that he was going on a business trip for a few days, and then told Tang Xiaomi not to show her stuff, and then he went in After entering the virtual space, she asked Janet to take a taxi to find Koike, and temporarily placed the virtual space here.

Actually, there are three little monsters who have been living outside now, Koike, Sanque and Paobao. All three of them are of intermediate intelligence, and they have advanced life transitions and can live like human beings.

As for the reason why Su Yang chose Xiaochi…well, look at the other two people, is it obvious?

Because he couldnt see anything, Su Yang asked Azure Bamboo to make himself a bamboo chair and placed it next to the thatched hut of Azure Bamboo. He lied there every day, humming and listening. With… Guo Gang’s cross talk.

I have to say, very interesting. Su Yang is talking about this kind of leisurely life…

Since he got the system, Su Yang has actually fallen into a fast-paced life. Everyday all counts the time, for fear of missing the week. Special item, I am afraid that I will delay the use of some items.

In addition to constantly planning system-related things, Su Yang has always grasped every opportunity in the real world so that he can develop as quickly as possible.

It may be because he knows that he is different and that he is actually a different kind, so Su Yang has always had a sense of insecurity in his heart.

He is very afraid that he will be discovered his secret when he is still weak, and he is also afraid that he will be kidnapped by some ambitious, using himself, little monsters, or special items to do something.

After all, any of the items in Su Yang’s hands would fall into the hands of some ambitious, it may cause unimaginable consequences.

For example, the silver ability [hands to fiddle with destiny]. With this ability, whoever wants to die will die.

For example, the mobile monster Little Di, if ambitious owns Little Di, maybe the global Internet will be controlled by ambitious in the future.

For example, special item [Burning Circus]. With this item, people who have no moral bottom line can kill all the talents they want first, and then summon a little bit of summon in the circus. .

So Su Yang has always been cautious.

It is also until now that he now has two monster races, three silver abilities, seven bronze abilities, eleven little monsters, and 34 special items in his hands. It has reached a time when wings are abundant. He only slightly relieved his pressure.

The three days that I can’t see now are considered to be a vacation for him.

In the past few days when he was on vacation, under the control of Li Zijun, the topic of Jiadian Technology and artificial intelligence saving people has remained at a high point, and more and more people are affected. .

Even TV stations in other provinces and cities, as well as newspapers, have begun to report on Su Yang’s use of artificial intelligence to save people.

The most direct effect of this is that many people who want to help lost children or people who are interested in artificial intelligence have downloaded the Find Me app.

Shanghai is very big, and there are actually a lot of missing children. In the past four days, several children have also been lost, and they have sent out help messages through the Find Me app.

Fortunately, these children were all found with the help of users.

This kind of behavior that many users participate in looking for children is the easiest way to guide people to good.

So the direct impact is that the number of people and coins affected by Su Yang’s gold mission jump almost every few minutes.

In three days, the number of people affected by the Golden Mission has increased from 65,000 to 93,000. Although the momentum has slowed down, it can be completed in two days at most. Golden mission!

The more terrifying thing is Su Yang’s number of points! Unexpectedly, it came to 56000 points quietly!

More than fifty thousand coins! What is this concept! You can buy 100 at random points!

If Su Yang is willing, he can add points to 100 items now!

Su Yang can buy five or six tickets even if it is a silver ability level ticket!

This is simply a huge sum of money.

And at this time, time came to Thursday quietly: [Eyes of Higher Life] The end of the upgrade…

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