The power of habit is huge. Su Yang is already used to seeing this World when his eyes are opened, so it was a shock to wake up suddenly and see nothing.

He shook his head to make his chaotic head brighter, and then he remembered that he had upgraded [Higher Lifes Eyes] last night, which caused his eyes to remain blind.

My own eyes are still not good…

So long.

Is it really going to be 10 years?

Su Yang opened the system and clicked on his ability.

Listed three silver abilities, Su Yang looked towards Eyes of Higher Life.

As a result, it was discovered that there was a progress bar beside [Higher Lifes Eyes].

The progress bar clearly says 13%…


Su Yang Forget about the time, it is exactly 13 hours since the upgrade last night to now!

So 13% is 1% for 1 hour!

The remaining 87% is 87 hours?

That means…I will be blind for 3 days? !

Su Yang is crazy!

Just when he was crazy, suddenly, Little Di’s voice rang in his ear, “Master, Miss Xia’s call.”

The call of early summer?

Why is this girl looking for herself?

Thinking about this, Su Yang said to Little Di, “Lets pick it up.”

“Okay. Master.”

With Little Di confirming The voice of Chu Xia also rang in Su Yangs ears, “My President is so busy these days.”

The voice of Chu Xia dispelled Su Yangs unhappiness. He said with a smile, “Its okay. Right.”

In the early summer, cracking a joke said, “You have all been on Dongfang News, and you have also been on Liu Ru interview. This is all’okay’? If it’s’very good’, wouldn’t you I want to be on the news network.”

Su Yang was amused by the early summer. “That’s not good, maybe I will be on the news network one day.”

Then he laughed a few words, and then said, “Okay, I won’t make trouble with you, I didn’t talk about this with you. I wanted to ask when you will come to class.”

Su Yang touched it Touching his eyes, thinking for a while, “this week…definitely go.”

Early summer:…

“Your old man promised me that week last week Ill come to class, and I said Ill come to class last week. Im still saying that…you can at least say something else.”

Su Yang coughed, concealing his embarrassment, and then smiled on his face Disappeared, put on a very serious expression, and said solemnly, “Actually, I am sick.”

In early summer, the mouth is very fast, Su Yang said so, he immediately took it, “Your legs are again Broken? What is the first one?”

This is Su Yang’s turn to be embarrassed.

He said with a smile, “No… just the eyes cant see it.”

In fact, if you replace Chu Xia with any party secretary, I heard Su Yang say so, Everyone thinks that Su Yang has found another reason for nonsense. After all, Su Yang was still on TV last night, that high-spirited and vigorous posture, that way of beating Fang Qiu, and that piercing eyes, just not like it Sick look.

But Chu Xia and Su Yang have known each other for more than a year, and have been familiar with it for more than half a year. It may not be enough to say that she is the closest person to Su Yang, but it is not a problem that two people know each other.

So she was sensitively aware of the imperceptible helplessness in Su Yang’s tone.

She didnt immediately question, but asked, “Are you okay?”

At that moment, Su Yang, who had been in the “nothingness”, seemed to be suddenly touched. a bit.

He originally just wanted to spend these three days quietly, so he also said it in a cracking a joke tone, just like he said that he broke his leg three times before.

But I didnt expect that I had broken my leg a few times before. In early summer, I was like “you must be lying to me”, but this time I believed it…

< p>At that moment, the fear, panic, and grievance of being in nothingness, seeing nothing all rise in the mind.

People who dont have this experience may not understand this mood.

Then I was in a completely dark room with you, I slept, I opened my eyes and I couldnt see anything, and you know you will be in this endless darkness in the next few days. Among them…

The most beautiful flowers may be in full bloom by your side, the cutest animal may be near you, and the most interesting books may be near you.

And you know all this is by your side, but…it has nothing to do with you.

If you cant see it from the very beginning, maybe its just a pity, but its cruel to see it before, but not to see it later…

Sentiment rise in the mind, But he was still suppressed by Su Yang. He said with a smile, “You actually believed it. Haha. I lied to you so many times, and finally I lied.”

“cough cough, I’m fine, I I just accepted an interview and I have been busy recently. So I really dont have time.”

The tone of early summer was full of suspicion, “Really?”

Su Yang said seriously, “Really Yes!”

In early summer, I seemed to believe it, “Okay…”

She paused and added, “Then you should be busy. In fact, I also know you are busy and dont want to Excuse me. But the head of the hospital seems to have something to do with you, let me contact you. I’ll talk to the class teacher later, and say you have asked for leave.”

Su Yang was not polite with Chuxia, not even thank you Say, “You help me deal with it more.”

In early summer, “Hmm.”

Hang up the phone, Su Yang looked up at the nothingness in front of him, sighed, “This day When is it big!”

Old Wu’s voice rang in his ear, “Three days later.”

Su Yang:…

Use You said! I just sigh and sigh!

Come on! Let’s talk about what you are talking to yourself in the middle of the night every day!

Because I can’t see it, Su Yang is also idle pain in the balls, so I lie on the bed and talk with Lao Wu with his eyes closed all morning. It wasn’t until Tang Xiaomi knocked on the door at noon that he stopped chatting with Old Tungsten.

“Su Yang, Su Yang. Why are you still getting up?”

Su Yang said to the side, “Janet, open the door.”

“Yes. Lord.” The “liquid” that had been surrounding Su Yang’s hand replied, and then fell to the ground, becoming Janet’s appearance.

Janet came to the door and opened the door, Tang Xiaomi bounced in.

She jumped into the bed, and “creaked” the bed, “Su Yang, why don’t you get up at noon, the sun is too old.”

Su Yang eyes opened, said a little dazedly, “Is it noon? Time flies quickly.”

Tang Xiaomi’s big eyes are full of doubts, she keenly noticed something wrong, she Stretching out his little hand shook in front of Su Yang’s eyes without focus: Su Yang did not respond.

Tang Xiaomi’s eyes slowly widened, her small hand covered her mouth, her face was no longer active, she whispered to Su Yang, “Su Yang…can’t you see it?”


Su Yang said, “It’s okay. Just the past few days, it will be fine in a few days.”

Tang Xiaomi felt that Su Yang was comforting herself, she said quickly, ” Su Yang, dont worry! If youre blind, I will support you!”

Su Yang felt warm in his heart, but was also amused. He said with a smile, “How do you raise me as a little child?”< /p>

Tang Xiaomi was angry, waving a small fist and said, “I, why can’t I! I will raise you now!”

Speaking, Su Yang felt the bed light After shaking slightly, he heard the sound of Tang Xiaomi landing again. Because he couldn’t see it, he could only guess that Tang Xiaomi jumped out of bed.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Xiaomi left a sentence, “Wait for me!” Then he ran away in small steps.

Su Yang shook his head with a smile on his face. He felt painful after being “blind” at first, but now, although he can’t see his eyes, he seems to be able to “see” more The heart of the people…

But Su Yang didnt want to take this opportunity to test anything: the heart is like a sea, the heart is like a prison, the heart is the kindest, but it is also the least able to stand the test …

Probably because he couldnt see it, Su Yang found himself a lot more emotional and sentimental. He couldnt help chanting a poem, “I dont see the ancients before, and I dont see the people in the future. Say Heaven and Earths lingering…”

Old Tungsten continued, “I am stunned and sullen.”

“It’s so wet, so wet.” Old Tungsten sighed with his hoarse voice. “I really look forward to those poets who can write such poems. The talent at the time and the heroic poems at that time are all shining brightly even in the long river.”

Su Yang curiously asked Lao Wu. “Old Tungsten, you said you don’t have eyes, how do you read poetry?”

Old Tungsten said, “Who said I don’t have eyes? I have them.”

Su Yang:…

Go ahead. You have everything.

You all have it, but I and Xiaotou Ji dont have one.

Just as the two were chatting, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, followed by the sound of the footsteps and the aroma of noodles.

For a moment, Tang Xiaomi’s voice rang in Su Yang’s ear, “Get up! Big slacker! I’ll raise you!”

Su Yang asked suspiciously, “You What to raise me?”

Tang Xiaomi put down things and patted the bed, “noodles! The noodles are delicious! Get up and eat!”

Su Yang was urged to sit up , And then he just wanted to ask a few more questions, but he felt a warm object touched his mouth. He was startled, and Tang Xiaomi’s voice rang in his ear, “Open your mouth. The noodles are about to fall on your body. “

Su Yang quickly opened his mouth, and then he felt Tang Xiaomi stuffing his mouth with noodles with chopsticks.

This little girl is actually feeding herself…

Su Yang felt that she didn’t hurt her for a while…

Tang Xiaomi was feeding Su Yang while feeding her. While eating, he said to Su Yang, “Su Yang, dont feel sad, even if youre blind, dont you still have me and mommy. Dont worry, you wont be able to marry a daughter-in-law, Ill go back tonight and Mommy, let her marry you.”

“cough cough.” This time Su Yang was not pretending to cough, but was really choked. He slapped his chest, He said, “You don’t come here. Don’t say it. I’ll really be fine in a few days.”

The big voice of Tang Xiaomi’s little ghost sounded in his ear, “Don’t be sorry. If you feel that my mommy is old, I can go to the street to help you kidnap a young one. I am so cute, and someone will definitely follow me!”

Su Yang:…

What does Brat have to do with everything!

Su Yang feels that all the touch just now has been washed away by Tang Xiaomis childrens words carry no harm, and he is not in the mood to eat, so he knocks Tang Xiaomis head directly, “You Put away all your weird and weird thoughts! You were thinking about weirdos when you were only six years old. You are going to heaven!”

Speaking, Su Yang said to Janet, “Janet, put She threw it out for me.”

“Yes, Lord.”

Then Su Yang’s ears rang Tang Xiaomi, “Hey? Hey? Don’t push me. The bowl is about to drop. There was a sound of “Peng” for a moment, the door closed and everything was quiet.

After closing the door, Su Yang thought about Tang Xiaomi’s unearthly words, and couldn’t help laughing, “The current child is really too precocious and knows everything…”

Then, Su Yang wiped his mouth and lay on the bed again, humming, slowly waiting for the time to pass.

He figured it out, the past few days he won’t go anywhere, just stay at home.

Just as he was thinking about it, his door was knocked again, “Su Yang? Su Yang?”

Hearing Tang Xiaomis voice, Su Yang didnt Angrily said, “What’s wrong?”

Tang Xiaomi whispered, “I told you, I really kidnapped a girl. Would you like to see me?”


Su Yang:? ? ?

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