Of all the preparations he made, the most was actually…waiting patiently.

Because the most important thing tonight is to promote the new features of your app as much as possible. Promotion requires advertisements, and advertisements are time-sensitive, so this feature must be launched before the advertisement tonight.

So what Su Yang has been waiting for today is Little Di to do this function well. He waited for a whole day, and finally, after having dinner with Tang Xiaomi, he waited for the news of Little Di.

As a cell phone monster, Little Di has been exposed to the sun for 3 minutes, talked for seven days, and has a large battery. Little Di has always been full of vitality. As a result, after 8 cores have been working for two days, she is actually tired.

She said to Su Yang slightly tired, “Master. I have done the function. Would you like to see it?”

Su Yang said, “Are you okay?”< /p>

Little Di said, “That’s…maybe the first time such eight cores are processed together, which is a bit overloaded. But it’s okay, just rest and rest.”

Su Yang I comforted her a few words, then opened the Find Me app and took a look.

The Find Me app on his mobile phone is obviously the version Little Di just finished. Su Yang experienced it and added a little angel icon in the middle area of the bottom bar of the Find Me app, which reads below angel.

Su Yang clicked in. It was a small pop-up window. It introduced the [Finding Angels] program above, and explained that the Finding Angels program is enabled by default, but you can also choose to close it.

After opening, if there is a missing child nearby, a notification will pop up on the homepage to find an angel. If you have a clue, you can fill in it and help forward it.

Next, Su Yang clicked on the detailed plan of this project. Little Di, with eight core processors, thinks things are very comprehensive. She counted the attributes of the entire app user group and divided each Users in the region, and also statistics of app usage heat maps, each page, each location has an intuitive pattern as a reference.

In the end, she chose a plan with the greatest effect but the least impact on existing users.

Su Yang now somewhat understands why Little Di is so tired. The amount of this project is really huge.

After finishing this most important thing, Su Yang was relieved a lot.

The very quiet time came to 6 oclock. Before the news broadcast, it was Shanghai TVs Dongfang News. This program is Shanghai TVs national news program and has a strong local influence. There are also certain ratings across the country. But Su Yang never watched it before…

He still hasn’t developed the habit of watching news.

At 6 o’clock, the Shanghai news starts. The program first broadcasts important news of the country, followed by some key work of the national ministries.

And then there are major events at home and abroad. After the introduction of major events at home and abroad, the next part is the local news.

In the local news, the first one is Su Yang’s saving lives.

In the show, the hostess wore a light yellow formal dress with a rounded accent and introduced, “Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of netizens witnessed with their own eyes that they participated in a rescue activity initiated by artificial intelligence.”< /p>

The picture turns, and it becomes the only surveillance video clip in which Salsa is lost.

The voice-over explained, Last evening, a girl named Yaoyao (pseudonym) was accidentally lost while visiting the night market with her mother. After investigating hundreds of cameras around, I found a video of Yaoyao who was taken away by others. The girl was suspected of being abducted by human traffickers.”

“But at this time, it was too long since Yaoyao was abducted, so the case was increased. There are so many difficulties.”

“Su Yang, the general manager of Jiadian Technology, who learned of this news, obtained the consent of the investigator and Yaoyaos parents on the search me app under his company. Seek the help of hundreds of thousands of Shanghai online users.”

Then the screen turns, it becomes the interface of the Find Me app, and a pop-up window appears on it. [Thank you, please help, there is a child lost It is very likely to be abducted by human traffickers. Please provide clues as much as possible.

Click to open the pop-up window, which is filled with messages from many netizens and various help and analysis.

The picture sounded again, “After collecting tens of thousands of pieces of information, Jiadian Technology used its world-class artificial intelligence technology to analyze and process all the data, and finally locate the girls position. .”

“Under the rescue of the investigators, Yaoyao was successfully resolved, and the three suspects also fell into the French net.”

Interview with Su Yang.

Su Yang in the picture is wearing a decent suit, standing in front of the camera, and righteously said, A company should have a sense of social responsibility. The development of a company cannot do without peoples support, and we also We should give back to the users.”

“This Yaoyao incident is the first time we use artificial intelligence big data analysis to find lost children.”

“After our various researches, we have Decided to start the [Looking for Angels] project and use artificial intelligence big data analysis to help the lost children reunite with their parents as much as possible.”

Next is the introduction of Jiadian Technology and the Find Me app.

Shanghai Satellite TVs Dongfang News has a very high rating, especially since a lot of Shanghai locals watch this program, so they talk about it.

“Oh, this software is good. You can really find the child.”

“It is okay to read news reports.”

“That Not bad. I’m next.”

“I’ll be next. If you can help, please help. How cute those babies are.”

“Yes, I was abducted by traffickers. My parents are more anxious.”

So, the number of downloads of the Find Me app in a short period of time has skyrocketed in all major app stores and app stores.

At this time, Su Yang also let Little Di softly update the [Looking for Angels] function quietly.

Because this feature is an additional plug-in, it does not need to update the software, but can be used directly after opening it. It can be regarded as seamless connection with most users.

The news is not only watched by middle-aged and elderly people. Some students and adults can actually watch it.

Employee of Su Yang Company:

“Huh? Isn’t this President Su of our company? It’s on TV. It’s still very photogenic.”

“No wonder I found a pop-up window in my app last night. It turns out that there is a child missing.”

“Su Yang’s great apprentice.”

Some of Su Yangs classmates saw it in Moments. Some are shared by others, and some are news that you saw in a small shop on the street,

“Fuck, is that Su Yang? Is he on the news?”

“Saved A child? And also developed artificial intelligence? Specially save the child?”

“Save the child from the trafficker?”

“Su Yang is very handsome in the camera! “

In fact, Su Yang’s real appearance is just above the middle, with at most delicate and pretty. But everyone is a student, and no one has ever been on such a national news program, so the added value has raised Su Yang’s appearance to a handsome level.

Early summer dormitory, “Early summer, early summer! Look, your Su Yang is on the news!”

Qu Xiaomeng’s house, “Sister! Look, brother-in-law is on the news!”

Qu Xiaomeng’s black question mark on his face:? ? ?

Old Zhou of the Compendium of Modern Chinese History at home drinking a small wine and watching the news, his eyes almost disappeared from laughter, “Good job. Good job.”

Su Yang In fact, many people know about artificial intelligence. But the way to know is Weibo.

Although it is the information age, everyone is getting information from the Internet, but subconsciously, most people still feel that the information on the Internet is true or false, and it is not realistic. But the news of the TV station is different, it is completely official certification, and it is full!

So Su Yang’s WeChat broke again, and a bunch of familiar and unfamiliar people sent “congratulatory messages”.

Whenever this happens, Su Yang feels helpless and has to ask Little Di to temporarily block the WeChat prompts, and wait to deal with it tomorrow.

When the news is finished, Su Yang has also come to the virtual space. The event has begun to ferment, and he is about to start patting his face!

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Shanghai TV station, Su Yang’s talk show began to be officially broadcast.

Su Yang sat on the sofa in the living room of the virtual space and watched the talk show on TV. In the show, he turned on his ability to talk and talk all the time, and the bluff host was shocked. .

Of course, he is not without dry goods. He also took out the dialogue recording between Little Di and himself, and the process of screening data with artificial intelligence and locating the location is full of dry goods.

When the show slowly reached its climax, Su Yang checked the time. It was 8:30, and it was time to use the tiles!

Thinking like this, he walked out of the door of the villa and came to the front yard, and then asked Xiao Yaodou to drag out Jin Jin who was tied up with five flowers. Jin Jin since “the last time I turned and wanted to bully Su Yang , But failed.” After that, he avoided Su Yang in various ways, for fear of Su Yang’s revenge.

But she is really unreasonably worried, Su Yang has always been very big, not the kind of person seeking revenge for the slightest grievance at all.

Waiting for Xiao Yaodou to drag Jin Jin out, Su Yang without the slightest hesitation began to tickle her: I made you want to turn back! Let you slap my ass because you are a leopard! Let you get up that morning and scare me! I itchy you!

As a cat, Jin Jin is actually…itchy, hovered between life and death by Su Yang, calling “Don’t dare anymore”.

Finally, after punishing Jinjin for one minute, Su Yang let her go.

Put Jinjin on the ground, Su Yang coughed, tidyed up his clothes, picked up the slabs that had been prepared earlier, and patted his face without the slightest hesitation!

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