Stopped the car, Su Yang put Chuxia and Wang Bei down, then started the car again and went to the side to park.

The business here doesn’t seem to be particularly hot, and there is still space in the parking space, so Su Yang just went around twice and found a parking space, parked, turned off, and got off the car.

After driving by himself, Su Yang realized that driving in a big city is not very convenient. Sometimes the time just for parking is enough for him to take a few round trips.

Walking to the door of the teahouse with the car key, Su Yang found that none of the three had entered, but waited outside.

He said with a smile, “Why don’t you go in and sit in there?”

Lu Fatty said politely, “You have not arrived yet, how could we go in? “

As soon as this sentence was said, Su Yang understood: He really is today’s protagonist.

Under the guidance of Lu Fatty, a few people came to a private room and took their seats separately. Su Yang and Chu Xia sat together, Wang Bei and Lu Fatty sat together.

Lu Fatty is a treat, so he naturally ordered a pot of West Lake Longjing, and then ordered some snacks, so the waiter went down first.

While waiting for tea, Lu fatty said to Su Yang, I met Su brother last time. I hit it off right away. I feel that we are very close together. I also feel that Wang Bei and I are old classmates. Friend, so I made an appointment with you and Chu Xia to get together.”

Su Yang said with a smile, “I met Lv brother at first sight.”

After that, Su Yang said with a smile. Yang asked politely, “Brother Lu is doing and so on?”

Fatty Lu waved his hand, “It’s not worth mentioning. My dad is a financial company. Mainly doing securities trading.”< /p>

Although Lu Fatty didn’t elaborate on his situation, from his slightly proud tone, Su Yang could still feel that his father’s financial company was not small.

Sure enough, Wang Bei whispered beside him, “His financial company is very big. Last year there was a well-known trader Niu Fei, do you know?”

Niu Fei…This name has gone viral.

But Wang Bei has said so. Su Yang certainly cant say that he doesnt know him. He nodded quickly, “I heard of it.”

Wang Bei said, “Thats his companys Vice President.”

Su Yang and Chu Xia showed a look of admiration suddenly, and said in unison, “Oh~ like this. Amazing!”

The two of them have a little expression. They are consistent, maybe they all understand that the other party doesn’t actually know each other, so after hearing the other party and oneself said the same sentence, he couldn’t help but glanced at each other and then laughed.

Seeing that Su Yang and Chu Xia are in such a tacit understanding and the relationship is so good, Lu Fatty’s eyes lit up, as if he had found a breakthrough. He said with a smile, “I really envy the feelings of the two of you. In society Shangcai realized that people’s hearts are too complicated, and only this kind of pure love in college is the best.”

When he said that, Chu Xia’s face suddenly turned red, and Su Yang was also a little embarrassed.

After all, although the two have a good impression of each other, they did not make clear that they belonged to AUO or above, and their lovers were not full. It’s a bit embarrassing to be teased so suddenly.

But Lu Fatty said these things not to offend Su Yang, he obviously has a back move, so immediately he pretended to be surprised and said, “Oh, sorry. You are not together, are you? “

As he said, he gently patted his own mouth, and said with an annoyed look, “Look at me, it’s all my fault. Talking nonsense. I just feel that your feelings are really… .Aiya, Im talking too much again. Sorry sorry.”

He said something by himself, and then he answered it, which immediately eased the atmosphere a lot, and because of his mention, Su Yang and Chu Xia suddenly There was an ambiguous atmosphere in between.

Chu Xia glanced at Su Yang a little shyly, and quickly avoided. And Su Yang also took a look at Chu Xia, with an expression of appreciation on his face.

A subtle atmosphere was born between the two.

Both people feel that their relationship seems to be closer again.

Sometimes when the relationship between men and women is the last step, it is actually difficult to deal with. Especially when the two are friends but feel emotional.

Furthermore, I am afraid of losing friends, and I am afraid of missing love again.

Sometimes there are too many concerns.

So someone needs to fight the fire.

Lu Fatty clearly caught this point.

After all, judging by his identity as a bystander, the liking in the eyes of Chu Xia looked towards Su Yang cannot be faked. And Su Yang obviously has a good impression of early summer…

As this topic passed, the four people chatted casually while drinking tea.

Su Yang at first thought that Lu Fatty was looking for something to do with him. Gradually, as the chat became more and more divergent, Su Yang realized that Lu Fatty was probably just simply wanting to befriend him. Want to make a friend.

Then he relaxed a lot.

And he also saw what a young talent with a certain family background is like. Lu Fatty is obviously only a few years older than himself, but he loves tea very much, and he has a good tea time.

According to what he said, in the south, especially in Zhejiang and Hangzhou, drinking tea is an art. It is necessary to use mountain spring water to soak up the Longjing. And pouring tea has three ups and downs, Phoenix three nodded.

Even tea sets are diverse, including tea cups, tea seas, teapots, tea drip sets, etc. Anyway, they are very particular.

Lv Fatty doesn’t look at people who are white and fat, but the action of making tea is elegant and skillful. It is different from the rough person like Su Yang. At first glance, he has learned it specially.

Su Yang used to drink tea occasionally at home and school, but the tea is always made in a big bottle, and then drank it.

To tell you the truth, Su Yang doesn’t even feel that it is enough to rinse his teeth with a tea bowl the size of a bottle cap.

As for tea…Su Yang doesn’t even understand it. He can only taste the tea is very good. But I cant taste the specific taste.

And even if it tastes good, it is actually tea. For him, it doesn’t make much difference.

Of course, even if Su Yang doesn’t understand, he doesn’t care, he won’t show it, his behavior is still polite and generous.

Lu Fatty noticed that Su Yang was not interested and uncomfortable, so she changed the topic very cleverly and switched to his own company.

He asked while making tea, “Does Su Brother stocks?”

Su Yang looked at the tea he was making, feeling thirsty as he drank, “Fried. “

Lu Fatty’s white and plump face squeezed a smile, very happy, it made people look at it very comfortable, “have you fried a lot?”

Su Yang looked at Lv Fatty’s hand that poured the tea, replied, “Not much, so I just fry it once. Last month, I saw that the stock was in good shape, and I wanted to try it. I threw in more than 4 million. Then I made nearly 10,000,000 and left. I haven’t fried it again afterwards.”

When Su Yang said, the atmosphere in the house suddenly became quiet, Lu Fatty’s hands stopped pouring tea, and Chu Xia looked at Su Yang with surprise. , And Wang Bei, who was drinking tea, spouted “pu!” and coughed constantly.

Seeing this, Lu Fatty was not surprised, and quickly put down the gap, stretched out his fat hand to pat her back, “Are you okay?”

Wang Bei kept tapping his chest while coughing, “cough, cough. It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s just choking.” In early summer, he gave Su Yang a bit annoyed, and then Go up and help Wang Bei stroke her chest.

Su Yang is a little embarrassed, looking at what he is doing… he didn’t lie. I’m telling the truth!

After a while, Wang Bei finally got it right. She glared at Su Yang and asked, “You are really scared to death when you make a joke. You earned more than 10 million from 4 million. I really dare to say it. Almost choked me to death.”

Su Yang glanced at her, “You misunderstood. It is not more than ten million. It is close to 10,000,000. I looked at the account at that time and it was only over 9.7 million. .”

Wang Bei:…

Is there a difference? Still doubled!

When I saw Wang Bei, I still wanted to question. Lu Fatty pulled her and came out to be a peacemaker, “Brother Su is not a lie. And the stock market. There are many such things.”< /p>

“After all, when the situation is good, its okay to choose stocks and hold them for a long time. Of course, this also depends on vision and technology. Brother Su can make such a profit. Many, the technology is definitely good.”

Su Yang said, “I didnt double in a year, I just used half a month.”

Su Yang said this. , The room became quiet again.

Early summer:…

Lu Fatty, Wang Bei:…

This time Lu Fatty is dumbfounded, and I cant believe Su Yang at all. of.

Half a month doubled?

How is this possible!

Even if it is a stock in the whole position, the daily limit is 10%, and it takes 8 days to double it! This is still the effect of compound interest!

half a month 15 days, only 11 trading days, 11 trading days, 8 days daily limit! And there can be no retracement! What level of operation is this?

Choose the best stocks, buy at the lowest point, and sell at the highest point! And there are people taking it? !

How is this possible!

Don’t look at the stocks that have a daily limit of seven or eight days in the stock market every year, but most of them are not operated by an institution. Many are relays.

That is to say, after the stock price of this institution has risen, it feels that the price is almost the same, and it is about to withdraw. Another institution has opened a position before, and feels that the market is still hot, and it continues to rise.

This kind of daily limit of the long and short game is also known as the handover board, which is a signal for the second consecutive daily limit of stocks. But it’s hard to come across.

After all, although people are greedy, they are also timid. Who dares to open the daily limit after three or four daily limit and continue to hold it? Are you not afraid of institutional destruction, from the daily limit to the lower limit?

Senior Sister Xu Lu encountered this situation?

And Su Yang is not a professional, but an amateur stock trader, how can he have such an accurate grasp and sufficient confidence?

So just after thinking about it, Lu fatty felt that Su Yang was boasting, but he was so deep in his mind that he could bear it. He just drank a cup of tea, thinking in his heart whether he should have a deep friendship with Su Yang… .

Is such a person really suitable to be friends?

But he is deep in his mind, which does not mean that Wang Bei is deep in his mind. After hearing Su Yang’s words, Wang Bei directly lost her voice, “How is it possible?”

Su Yang looked at it in confusion She glanced, “How impossible?”

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