He asked, “Really?”

Little Ha said, “Really! This thing has a fragrance, and the fragrance is not very shallow. Seed. You can try something more!”

Su Yang looked at the liquid metal in his hand: This thing should be equivalent to the hen’s unfertilized egg, right?

So add something to it, isnt it killing?

Su Yang is not just talking about it. He was a child who grew up in a rural area and knew that there were actually two types of eggs laid by hens.

The first type is ordinary eggs, which are only born by hens ovulating. This kind of eggs is used for eating. No matter how you hatch, you can’t hatch chicks.

And second is an egg that can hatch a chick, that is, the egg that is born after something indescribable happened to the rooster and the hen is the real fertilized egg, life.

The liquid metal of Liujin Beast should be the same principle. Looking at it this way, then the lump of liquid metal in his hand should be just inanimate matter.

Then after adding some points, there will be no psychological pressure to be an Avatar for Little Di.

Thinking about this, Su Yang said to Little Di and Little Ha, “Okay. Then I will add something to this thing.”

After making this decision, Su Yang looked It’s 8 o’clock in the evening, depending on the time, Tang Jing will be back at any time. For the sake of safety, he dare not add some outside.

So he confessed a few words to Tang Xiaomi, saying that if Tang Jing came back to ask him, he would say that he was busy with something and went back to the room to call.

Tang Xiaomi’s well-behaved nodded should come down.

Gu lu and Xiaodao Ji have ample experience in disguising, Su Yang can safely put them outside, and Liu Jinbe…Because it is still eating, Su Yang is afraid that it will be addicted to eating, Xiaodao Ji I couldn’t command it, so I just threw them all into the virtual space and let them eat in the virtual space.

Entering the virtual space, Little Di was already anxiously waiting in the living room.

Seeing Su Yang coming in, she greeted him quickly, and then took Su Yang’s arm, said with a smile, “Master, you are finally here.”

Su Yang scratched She lowered her nose, “Aren’t you waiting for me, are you waiting for your Avatar?”

Speaking, Su Yang squeezed the liquid metal ball in his hand.

Little Di looked at the liquid metal ball a little eagerly, then retracted his gaze and looked towards Su Yang, and said a little, “Master, you misunderstood me. Avatar is not important to you.”


When Su Yang heard it, she felt beautiful in her heart: Don’t say it is true or false, it feels comfortable to say that.

As a result, who knows that Little Dis clever and whispered supplementary sentence, Its useless if you dont add any liquid metal.

Su Yang:.. .

Okay! The co-author is still thinking about Avatar!

Yes, the women’s college is not in the middle. In order to breathe the fresh air outside, even the owner of myself can really abandon it.

Su Yang sighed, while patted Little Di’s head, “Okay, stop talking, I will add some to your Avatar.”

“Thank You Master !” Little Di pounced directly on Su Yang, kissed Su Yang, and then hehehe silly.

Su Yang:…

This Little Brat is really getting slippery.

Bringing Little Di, Little Ha, and liquid metal to the restaurant, Su Yang put the liquid metal on the table and confirmed to Little Ha again, “There really is a Little Di Avatar on it. Scent?”

Little Has dogs head kept lightening, “Really real!”

Its nodded action is actually quite cute, but by It always feels very weird to make it only [Bugou], and I dont know how Janet took it so far this day.

A foreign woman holding a dog made of cloth, this combination is as weird as it is…

Su Yang looked at Little Dis eagerness Gazed, coughed and turned on the system.

Along with the opening of system, all the items in the restaurant showed a translucent [+] sign, except for Little Di and Little Ha, both of which are already +3. Before system +3, they can’t add more points.

Looking at the translucent [+] sign on the silver white liquid on the table, Su Yang let go of the last worry.

He had always been afraid that this group of liquid was +3 like the Flowing Golden Beast, and there was no way to add more. Now it seems that he is thinking too much. This is really not the larva of the Golden Beast, but the liquid metal that has nothing to do with it.

After thinking about it, Su Yang tapped the [+] sign on the lump of liquid metal.

Micro light flashed, add some points to complete.

It is still so no cards.

But Su Yang feels a bit…nostalgic.

It seems that I haven’t +1ed the item for a long time.

Recently, whether I give the little monsters +3, or the items +2, even if I get some +1 items, they are all unknown items given by the system every week.

Now I give a +1 to another item, I feel a bit nostalgic for some reason.

Su Yang was thinking blindly here, while Little Di and Little Ha also watched eagerly.

The three people just waited for about ten minutes, only then came out of a translucent interface on the liquid metal, [Liquid metal +1: acquired ability, is it appraised? ]

Sure enough, I got the ability

Su Yang serene clicked [Yes].

Suddenly, the comment next to the liquid metal has changed:

[Avatar that becomes whatever you want]

Ability: After docking with this Avatar, You will be able to control this incarnation, and the whole and parts of this incarnation can be changed into any shape at will.

Limit 1: The volume of deformation is consistent with the volume of liquid metal.

Limit 2: Use this ability will cause loss, loss of 100g liquid metal per day.

Limit 3: This Avatar can increase volume and weight by fusing liquid metal.

Use cost: For every hour of using this Avatar, you will have to live with metal objects for 30 minutes.

Note 1: With it, the dreams of men and women are no longer far away.

Note 2: Please do not call me T2000.

After reading this introduction, Su Yang was really surprised: Isnt this the legendary terminator! The kind often seen in movies!

But…this ability does not become a Terminator, but a Terminator Avatar?

But…it looks even better!

There is even a feeling of playing a simulated online game.

In addition, it seems that not at all restricts only one person to use this Avatar. If I want to, can I use this Avatar when Little Di is not in use?

Although this side effect is a little silly, it does not at all damage the body. Su Yang feels that he can fully experience the experience.

He has all thoughts about it. After he has experienced it, he can go to Zhihu and answer a question: What is the experience of becoming a liquid robot?

Um… the experience is good. Various parts can be adjusted by yourself, and women like it.

Su Yang enjoyed himself for a long time, but when he looked up, he saw Little Di and Little Ha two monsters looking at him strangely.

Knowing that they might be thinking too much, they were waiting anxiously, so Su Yang coughed and told Little Di and Little Ha of the ability of this liquid metal.

After listening to Su Yang’s introduction, Little Di’s eyes lit up!

She hugged Su Yang’s arm and acted coquettishly, “Master! Give it to me! Give it to me!”

Su Yang was originally prepared for Little Di, so He touched her head, picked up the liquid metal from the table and put it into her hand.

Little Di happily threw himself into Su Yang’s arms again, then rubbed it, picked up the liquid metal and started using it.

Because Su Yang is not a user, I don’t know how Little Di is linked. He can only watch from the sidelines and wait quietly.

After a while, the liquid metal in Little Di’s hands started to fluctuate like it was boiling.

After the wave was over, the liquid metal began to slowly deform, a little bit condensing the face, body, and limbs.

Seeing Little Di’s deformed appearance, Su Yang’s heart burst, and then he picked up Little Ha without the slightest hesitation and threw it out.

Little Ha shouted in the sky with an innocent look, “What are you doing! I didn’t do anything!”

It did nothing, but… .Little Dis current appearance is a bit invisible to outsiders…

Sure enough, it did not exceed Su Yangs expectation. After the liquid persons body shape became clear, it began to change parts, at first The facial features, followed by the hands and feet, and finally… the chest and lower body.

Maybe Little Di does not control this liquid metal, so this process is slow and continuous, so Su Yang equivalent to see the whole process of Little Di development…

Soon, a little Little Di whose body was transformed from silver white liquid metal, only the size of a thumb, appeared in front of Su Yang.

She opened her eyes slowly, and the silver white pupils looked at Su Yang, “Master?”

Su Yang touched her head, soft… Unlike humans, “Little Di?”

Little Little Di nodded, then looked down at her body, and for a while, she said… “Why am I so small!”

< p>Su Yang:…

You ask me, how do I know.

It is estimated that the volume is not enough.

Telled my guess to Little Di, Little Di thought about it for a while, and then felt reasonable.

Su Yang gave her a rag for her to put on, and then let Little Di adapt to her current body.

After putting on the rag, Little Di looked down at her hand. For a while, her hand slowly stretched out, and then suddenly became sharp, becoming a sharp knife.

After a while, her hands returned to their original shape, and she stretched her neck again, allowing her head to see further.

After that, she completely released herself, turning herself into a little bunny, turning herself into a bird, and turning herself into a pool of silver white liquid metal. After a while she turned herself into a long silver stick.

Once she even “ejected” herself out, and then she turned into a sharp blade with a sound of “~” and plunged directly into the wall.

Anyway, its just fun to play.

“Little Di, remember to pay for the wall.” After Su Yang gave this sentence, he left the virtual space.

Because after discussing with Little Di, he felt that Little Di’s current state could not maintain the artificial intelligence laboratory, so he decided to continue to add liquid metal to Little Di.

Out of the virtual space, Su Yang drove to the scrap collection point, bought almost 300kg of scrap metal, and brought it back to the villa.

This time, the uncle of the scrap purchase site doesn’t hold his ears, but Su Yang, who has always been concerned about it, let go of his heart.

Back home, Su Yang scanned all these metals into the virtual space. Just when he wanted to enter the virtual space to feed the Golden Beast, a fiery-red Ferrari drove into the garage.

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