Su Yang’s first reaction is that this girl didn’t come to Xingshi to inquire, right?

After all… I have been skipping class for a week… She is not under pressure.

Thinking about this, Su Yang left the Conference Hall and asked Little Di to connect.

The call was connected, and a lively voice came from the phone in early summer, “Su Yang, are you back to Shanghai?”

Su Yang said, “Yes. Just last night Come back.”

Early summer said, “That’s just right. Do me a favor. Wang Bei and her friend want to ask us out for a four-person date. She begged me for a long time, so I couldnt refuse. I can only come and ask you. Can you accompany me?”

Su Yang asked curiously, “Which friend of Wang Bei’s?”

Early Xia said, “That’s the one that day A little fat, the one from surnamed Lu.”

Lu fatty…

What did he find himself for?

Su Yang is not a fool, Wang Bei and himself have never met, the only time they met was not long ago. Even if she finds something to herself, but the two are classmates, there are too many opportunities to talk alone. There is no need to make an appointment.

So this time she begged Chuxia to make an appointment with herself. It was obviously entrusted.

Who entrusted it? Of course it is her nagE friend over there: Lu fatty.

However, Lu Fatty can be regarded as a real snake hitting seven inches. If he had an appointment with himself alone, he would probably not go. But when Chu Xia spoke, Su Yang really couldn’t refuse.

So he said with a smile, “Okay. What day?”

In early summer, “the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow afternoon.”

Su Yang forget it Counting time, It shouldn’t be an impact on my plan, so I agreed.

Of course, if you agree to agree, you still have to bargain, “Um… I’m a bit busy these two weeks, so I won’t go to school.”


She was a little crazy, “You have been skipping class for a week! You still want to not go to school half a month! Don’t come this semester!”

Su Yang coughed twice, “Really busy.”

Chu Xia said angrily, “It doesn’t matter, you show up at least once a week!”

Seeing Chou Xia is serious Yes, Su Yang can only agree…

Hang up the phone, Su Yang went back to the office to continue the discussion.

Soon one day passed, Su Yang asked the film and television company to get off work two hours earlier, and then invited everyone to have a meal together to exchange feelings. Bought people’s hearts.

A meal for both the host and the guest will give the new employees a more sense of belonging to the company.

After drinking and eating, Su Yang did not go home at all, but asked Pan Zhaodi to take him to the artificial intelligence laboratory.

Since the silver mission is to be completed, all five investment projects have been implemented: the first one is the artificial intelligence laboratory.

The artificial intelligence laboratory is located in the Hi-Tech Park.

Said it is an artificial intelligence laboratory, but now it can only be regarded as a server room: there are only various hardware that Little Di requires to purchase.

According to Little Di’s plan: In addition to computing artificial intelligence, these hardware can also build their own servers, so that there is no need to put various follow-up products such as the Find Me app on Alibaba Cloud.

Because the server has higher requirements for rooms and optical cables, the Hi-Tech Park has given various preferential policies, not only cost reductions, but also a bunch of subsidies. So in the end, Pan Zhaodi decided to choose the location of the artificial intelligence laboratory here.

Because the expenses are all exempted, Pan Zhaodi simply covered a whole floor of the office area like Qidian Business. In addition to the various equipment purchased in the two large rooms, there are many The new workstations and offices are convenient for Su Yang’s later expansion.

After all, Su Yang has a very ambitious goal in building this laboratory. He intends to build this laboratory into a large-scale laboratory with artificial intelligence as the core and robots, big data, Internet of things, and smart devices as supplements.

Now that I dont have my own land, and I dont have the money to build my own buildings, the conditions provided by Hi-Tech Park are not in vain.

Let Pan Zhaodi wait for herself downstairs, Su Yang walked into the server room of the laboratory. The laboratory was a bit deserted and didn’t even turn on the power.

Su Yang turned on the power, looked at the empty artificial intelligence laboratory, and talked with Little Di.

“Little Di, how do you plan to operate it.”

Little Di said, “Master, you need to help me assemble the hardware, then set up the intranet and connect me Through the intranet…”

Then Little Di said a bunch of steps in great detail. Su Yang listened with straight eyes, and asked her a question that hit the soul, “Little Di…do you think I understand?

Little Di:…

She was a little crazy, “This is very simple, Master! “

Su Yang feels…not simple at all, okay!

Not only involves the installation of hardware, but also involves various operations. I can’t figure it out at all.

Compared with such complicated steps, Su Yang prefers to be more direct.

So he directly scanned all the hardware devices into the virtual space, and let Little Di install and debug inside.< /p>

Out of the computer room, Su Yang casually found a desk in the lobby to sit down, and then chatted with Little Di, “Little Di, I don’t think we can do this. “

“You have never had an entity. Even if I scan all the hardware into the virtual space this time, you can do it yourself. Usually, if the server fails, you still can’t operate it. “

Little Di, which has a real eight-core processor, is very chic. While directing his other seven Avatars to install the hardware, he can also distract and chat with Su Yang, “It is very troublesome. But I have not been able to get out of the virtual space after adding points three times, and I cant…”

Out of the virtual space?


Su Yang pondered , Did you and Little Di complicate the problem?

If you want Little Di to move in reality, you dont have to let Little Di out of the virtual space. Let her be like controlling Avatar. Wouldnt it be okay to control a virtual Avatar in reality?

Thinking of this, Su Yangs eyes lit up: Its absolutely okay!

He quickly said his thoughts to Little Di

Little Di had never thought about this possibility before. Hearing Su Yang’s reminder, it immediately felt reasonable!

She couldn’t help but said to Su Yang, “the host! It really can! “

Then the two made an analysis of what Little Di can control: one with hands, one with legs, preferably human.

All goals are very Obviously: robots, ragdolls, monkeys, deformed Vajra, and…octopus.

Of course, these things can only be used after adding some points. Before adding points, Little Di is even more awesome. There is no way to control it.

I havent taken the initiative to add points to the item for a long time, and it is rare that I once again had the idea of actively adding points to the item, so Su Yang directly locked the door and planned to take Little Ha to find after adding points. , You can make Avatar for Little Di.

Going downstairs, Pan Zhaodi stood cheerfully in front of the car, with his hands folded on his abdomen, his legs were straight, and her face was reserved. Her professional attire reflected that she was actually more Its deserted.

When she saw Su Yang, she bowed slightly, “Mr. Su. “

Su Yang patted her shoulder, “Sister Zhaodi, you don’t need to be so restrained if you are not an outsider.” “

Pan Zhaodi, “Yes. “

Okay. I didn’t listen at all.

Su Yang no longer insisted, but said, “When we have time, we will fight. “

Pan Zhaodi’s eyes lightened when she heard it this time. She tried her best to restrain the excitement in her heart, and then said, “Su, why don’t you let your foreign bodyguard fight me.” “

Su Yang:…

Is this being disgusted?

What? Fighting with me, it’s not addictive!?

However, Pan Zhaodi has always spoken so directly, Su Yang is also used to it. If one day she learns to cater to herself, or learns to be euphemistic, Su Yang will find it strange.

Get in the car, Su Yang Let Pan Zhaodi send himself to the nearby mall.

When he came to the mall, Su Yang held Little Di in his hand, and Little Ha was on standby in the virtual space, stopping all the way.

Su Yang spends most of his time in toy stores and smart goods stores. If there were no robots in the mall, I guess he would have gone to the robot store.

And Little Di also conveyed to Little Ha in the virtual space Su Yangs request: sniff out something that can be used as an Avatar for yourself. Because this is not an investment, there is no limit to the number of times for Little Has [Smell of Potential].

Anything that reacts. Su Yang went downstairs, returned to the car, and asked Pan Zhaodi to drive him to the next shopping mall.

Fortunately, today, in order to catch the wind for the newcomers, I will leave early for work and eat early, or else The shopping malls are closed.

In this way, Su Yang searched for five or six large shopping malls, but still found nothing.

Looking at the sky too late, Su Yang Asked Pan Zhaodi to send herself home, and then gave Janet a sum of money according to the previous practice, and asked Janet and Little Ha to take a taxi to continue searching.

Janet stays in the virtual space every day, then Without saying a few words, I only know that I can go out and relax, obviously very happy. There is a smile on his face.

Not to mention Little Ha, let him stay with Janet Together, I guess they are willing to go down the mountain.

With Janet and Little Ha, Su Yang is very relieved, after all, Janet is the kind of person who can resist an abandoned phone booth from the suburbs. ..

So after sending out Janet and Little Ha, Su Yang went to sleep with peace of mind.

In the morning of 2nd day, Su Yang got up and called Janet. I made a phone call and asked about the situation.

Janet dragged Little Ha, took a taxi, looked for a night…nothing.

According to Little Ha, This kind of item seems to be too detailed, and the probability of encountering is too low. You must cast the net to get it.

Su Yang expressed his understanding, then packed up, and ran to the company. .

And Tang Jing also went to work after a few days of rest. Because Su Yang’s Ferrari is idle and idle, so let her drive first.

Although Tang Jing has been pushing for a concession, Su Yang still persuaded him by saying “You don’t even have change, how do you do the bus and subway”.

As for taxi? Su Yang collected Tang Jing’s car rental money based on the taxi fare.

Tang Jing was a little moved to accept Su Yang’s kindness…

Coming to the company, Su Yang continued to study the special effects of Wolf Warrior with the special effects team.

Time flies, one morning has passed, Su Yang received a call from Janet, but still could not find…

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