Tang Jing holding a kitchen knife in hand, dragged Tang Xiaomi to Su Yang, then looked at Su Yang with her watery eyes, and whispered, “Su Yang, I didnt crack a joke. I still talk to ghosts.”

Su Yang:? ?

Talk to ghosts?

Ghosts have such a good temper?

Su Yang smiled and asked, “How did you talk?”

Tang Jing said, “I was lying on the bed with Xiaomi and told her stories to coax her to sleep. Tell me After a long time, Xiaomi fell asleep. At that time, the light was on and I wanted to turn off the light to sleep, but I was afraid of waking Xiaomi when I got up, so I cracked a joke and said, “Is there anyone? Can you help me? Turn off the lights?'”


Su Yang looked at her in surprise, “Then the lights turned off?”

Tang Jing shook his head, “Then there was no response.”

Su Yang:…

Big girl, you might be kidding me!

Tang Jing may have seen Su Yang’s speechlessness, she said quickly, “I haven’t finished speaking, you listen to me.”

Su Yang took Tang Xiaomi’s While walking to the living room, “Um…you say it.”

Tang Jing said, “Then I said,’Help shut it down. If it is closed, I will ask you to eat oranges.’ “

“Then I tone barely fell and the light turned off with a’pop’.”

“I was shocked. Then I asked,’Who are you? Where are you?'”

“Then the ghost said,’I’m right on top of your head. Besides…what is an orange?'”

Su Yang:…

Why is this tone so old tungsten?

When I went to Lingnan by myself, I did not bring old tungsten with him. But Old Tungsten is not in Tang Jing and Tang Xiaomi’s bedroom. Shouldn’t…

Su Yang asked, “Did you live in your own bedroom the past few days?”

Tang Jing nodded quickly.

Su Yang is a little puzzled.

In your own bedroom?

That shouldn’t be Old Tungsten…

Is there really a ghost?

Su Yang looked down at Tang Xiaomi. Tang Xiaomi was wearing a pink down jacket. The down jacket was very thick and wrapped her like a small cotton ball. Tang Jing also put a hat on her. Great Xia God, hot Little Brat sweats.

Maybe I saw Su Yang looking at himself, Tang Xiaomi showed a sweet smile to Su Yang in his hat, and said gruffly, “The ghost still talks a lot today.”< /p>


Xiaomi heard it too?

Su Yang suddenly asked curiously, “Then what did it say?”

Tang Xiaomi said cutely, “It said,’The moon is shining in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. Frost…what is it?'”

“Then it said,’See how the Yellow River’s water move out of heaven, Entering the ocean, never to return. …, what is the sea? What’s it like.'”

Is this ghost still a poet?

Su Yang a face of doubt.

But now Tang Xiaomi and Tang Jing both say that they have encountered a ghost, that many may be that something strange really happened.

But Su Yang doesn’t believe in ghosts, there are no ghosts in this world.

But if there are no ghosts, it can only be caused by a few little monsters in the house.

So Su Yang squatted down, stretched out his hand to untie the down jacket for Tang Xiaomi, and then said to Tang Jing, “Then you don’t have to wear so much for the child.”

Tang Jing’s hand She was still holding a kitchen knife. She blushed, not sure if it was shy or hot. After all, she was also wrapped in a thick down jacket, “I…Im not afraid. I want to wear more to protect Myself.”

Su Yang:…

The inexplicable feeling makes sense!

Su Yang took off Tang Xiaomis clothes, wiped the sweat from Little Brats forehead with his palm, then got up and took the knife in Tang Jings hand and said, Dont wear that much, too. I’ll go up and have a look.”

Tang Jing heard Su Yang’s words and said hesitatingly, “You…just go up like this?”

Su Yang glanced at her, “How about?”

Tang Jing, “How about…you also wear a down jacket?”

Su Yang:…

This Young women dont think that down jackets can guard against ghosts, right?

So superstitious?

Bah. Down jackets are not ghost-proof in superstition!

Su Yang shook his head, “It’s okay. There are definitely no ghosts in this world. Even if there are ghosts, I will wipe them out.”

Speaking, Su Yang just took it. Holding a kitchen knife, he went upstairs without looking back.

Looking at Su Yang’s back, Tang Jing’s domineering words reverberated in her mind, and her eyes kept fluctuating like water.

This kind of feeling of someone stepping forward and protecting yourself in a moment of danger… Its really warm.

When he came upstairs, Su Yang was walking cautiously in the corridor holding a kitchen knife.

Walking to the end of the corridor, suddenly a man chanted poems with a sentimental circumflex in his ears, “When is Chunhuaqiuyue, how much do you know about the past, Xiaolou again Dongfeng, the homeland is unbearable. Looking back, Mingzhong…beautiful, so beautiful.”

This ghost is really a literary ghost?

Are you really reading poetry?

Su Yang hesitated, pushing open Tang Jing’s door, and at the first glance, he saw the circular tungsten light bulb hanging above his head.

He couldn’t help but said, “Old Tungsten? Is that you?”

The light bulb flashed twice, and the sound of poem chanting sounded in Su Yang’s ear again, “It’s me .Teacher.”


How come you become a Teacher again?

Old Wu replied, “The so-called master is a teacher. You were born many years earlier than me, and you must know more than me, so I call you Teacher, there is nothing wrong.”

It speaks yin and yang frustrated, and has a feeling of ancient scholars.

This is also why Su Yang at first heard it chanting poems, but didn’t realize it was the reason.

Su Yang ignored his name Teacher, but asked, “Why did you get to this room?”

Old Tungsten, “Hey? Teacher, just say that. Wrong. I am just a poet, without legs or feet, how can I go to this room by myself.”

Poet…no legs or feet?

Its only you who dont, okay!

Su Yang learned its tone and asked, “Who is that~ who moved you here?”

Old Tungsten said, “Last night, gu lu Dao Ji and the little girl were playing in my room. The woman came back and found that the light in her bedroom was broken, so she removed me and installed it.”

Su Yang:…

No wonder.

But Tang Jing can actually change the light bulb with bare hands?

Sure enough, a woman is weak, and a mother is strong. It is estimated that she and Tang Xiaomi have lived alone for a long time, and their life skills have increased a lot.

He was still thinking, Old Wu spoke again, “That woman said to give me oranges. But what are oranges?”

Su Yang replied casually, “A kind of You can’t eat the fruits of plants.”

As he said, he unloaded the old tungsten, found other light bulbs from the virtual space, and replaced them.

After doing this, Su Yang went downstairs, Tang Jing holding Tang Xiaomi was waiting anxiously at the landing on the first floor, like a husband waiting for the war to return.

Seeing Su Yang coming down safe and sound, Tang Jing hurriedly greeted him and asked, “Have you caught it?”

Su Yang said with a smile, “What did you catch? No. Ghost.”

Tang Jing was surprised, “Not a ghost? How could it be possible. We really…”

When Tang Jing saw Tang Jing and wanted to explain, Su Yang interrupted her. “I understand what you mean, but that is really not a ghost. That is my artificial intelligence program.”

“Artificial?” Tang Jing’s face was full of surprise.

“Smart?” Tang Xiaomi’s eyes widened.

Su Yang nodded, “Yes. I have arranged artificial intelligence in a room at home to study the interaction between artificial intelligence and home smart devices. One of the devices is a light bulb.”

< p>“As a result, you changed the light bulb to your bedroom, and it broke down.”

“Oh…this way.” Hearing Su Yang’s explanation, Tang Jing suddenly realized: Su Yang Everyone knows that there is the most advanced artificial intelligence in the country, so it is reasonable to have artificial intelligence equipment at home!

Because Tang Xiaomi hadn’t read the news, but also met gu lu, Xiaodao Ji, so she didn’t quite understand, she looked at Su Yang with a puzzled face, a little disbelief.

As a result, when she was still wondering, she saw Su Yang winking at her, and she suddenly understood: It seems that the ghost should be another little monster.

Next, Su Yang took Tang Jing upstairs to take a look, and confirmed that the light bulb was replaced. Tang Jing was a little relieved, but she still felt a little bit frightened for a day ill at ease.

Su Yang, upon seeing this, suddenly remembered the [WeiShangs Bisheng Sofa] that I had just gotten. Would you like to use it for Tang Jing?

Thinking about this, Su Yang asked Tang Jing, “Sister Tang, do you want to…have a massage?”

Tang Jing looked towards Su Yang a little puzzled, “Massage?”

Su Yang nodded, his hands were empty and scratched, “Yes. Massage. I just learned a little massage technique recently, it should be very good. It can effectively relieve people’s spirit and body. I I feel like you are a little nervous.”

When Tang Jing heard it, her face was a little red. She glanced at Tang Xiaomi and whispered, “Not so good…”

Su Yang said, “It’s okay. It shouldn’t be too long.” With that, he said to Tang Xiaomi, “Xiaomi, you go to the meeting by yourself. I have something to talk with your mommy.”

< p>Tang Xiaomi pouted, snorted, “Okay. Then I’m going to watch TV. Don’t make your voice too loud, don’t make me watch TV.”

Su Yang:? ? ?

What do you mean?

Tang Jing blushed and shouted at Tang Xiaomi, “Xiaomi! What are you talking about!”

Tang Xiaomi made a grimace, “Mommy wont let it hurt. Say, for a bit. I went to watch TV.” She said, and she ran away.

Tang Jing blushed and said to Su Yang, “My body is more sensitive and…weak. It’s not too strenuous. Before, I took Xiaomi to the spa, massage and so on, it’s all called…it’s terrible.”

Su Yang:…

Can this work?

He looked at Tang Jing, Tang Jings already shy face was almost down to his chest.

Su Yang coughed, and said, “Then I will prepare first. Later…you come to my room.”

Tang Jing whispered from his nose, “Yeah “One sentence.

Back to the room, Su Yang thought for a while, first took out an eye mask from the virtual space, and then took out the [Wei Shangs Bisheng Sofa] and [Double-sided Salted Fish Mask].

To prepare things, always have to be comprehensive.

He believes that with two special items, Tang Jing’s mood will definitely be adjusted.

Five minutes later, “dong dong dong”, Su Yang’s door was knocked.

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